Friday 17th July 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
I can’t believe that it is the last day of Class 2 - Well done to each and every one of you! You’ve made it! I know it wasn’t the year we had planned, and at times it has been difficult, but I am so proud of you all and you should be proud of yourself for all you have achieved this year!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: Valiant
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Morning Activities
As it is the last day, I have provided a selection of activities that you may like to choose from!
A-Z of Class 2
Use the attached worksheet to create an A-Z of Class 2. Think about all the things you have learnt and the memories you have that remind you of your time in Class 3. Can you think of something for every letter of the alphabet?
Class Portrait
Because we didn’t get to have a class photograph this year, why not try and make one. Draw or paint a picture of all of your friends together! Don’t forget to send me a picture on Showbie!
End of Year Quiz
Have a go at completing ‘The End of Year Picture Quiz’! Take a look at the close up of the objects… can you guess what they are?
Class Party
If we were at school together, we would usually have an end of year party in our classroom! Create your own party at home by putting on some music and dancing to celebrate all of your achievements! You could even send me a picture of yourself dancing!
Thank You Card
Create a thank you card for someone at home to thank them for helping you with all of your home learning throughout this tricky time!
Miss Self’s Kite
If you didn’t start it yesterday, have a go at filling in and decorating your kite that Miss Self gave you yesterday, ready for your move-up Zoom on Monday!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
For your Maths challenge today, you make like to choose your own Number of the Day! It will be your last one in Year 2… Try to make it a good one!
Remember to use –
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Computing Mini Missions
These quick, easy to do activities provide fun ideas to get children practising their computational thinking skills without the need for screen time!
Spotting and using similarities
Choose from the activities below and remember to send me pictures/videos of your work on Showbie or via email.
Resource attached below
Interactive Learning Game
Follow this link to learn all about patterns, logic and debugging through a series of sporting themed activities!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Thursday 16th July 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
It was so amazing to see you all yesterday! I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did! I was blown away by your generosity and I can’t thank you enough all of your kind wishes.
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: fondness
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Write a recount about your morning at school yesterday seeing all of your friends.
Remember to:
Have a go at filling in and decorating your kite that Miss Self gave you yesterday, ready for your move-up Zoom on Monday!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Click on the link to head to today’s Maths lesson from White Rose. Today’s focus is all comparing durations of time.
Watch the video and then complete the sheet attached sheet. I have also uploaded it to Showbie!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Computing Mini Missions
These quick, easy to do activities provide fun ideas to get children practising their computational thinking skills without the need for screen time!
Breaking down into parts
Choose from the activities below and remember to send me pictures/videos of your work on Showbie or via email.
Resource attached below
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Wednesday 15th July 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
Today’s the day that we all get to see each other again @9am! I can’t wait and I know Miss Self is also looking forward to meeting you all and spending some time with you too! All you need to bring with you today is a plastic bag to take all of your books home and a snack, if you feel like you will need one! Remember to wear your school uniform and some comfortable shoes!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: exuberance
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Have a go at completing the spelling and grammar sheet that I have uploaded to Showbie!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Click on the link to head to today’s Maths lesson from White Rose. Today’s focus is all about finding durations of time.
Watch the video and then complete the sheet attached sheet. I have also uploaded it to Showbie!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Computing Mini Missions
These quick, easy to do activities provide fun ideas to get children practising their computational thinking skills without the need for screen time!
Making judgements
Choose from the activities below and remember to send me pictures/videos of your work on Showbie or via email.
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
Your favourite memories really made me smile yesterday! Thank you for sending me them!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: spritzing
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Today have a go at filling in the All About Me bubble sheet that I have uploaded to Showbie. You could write some short sentences and draw some pictures too.
Write Miss Self a letter to tell her all about yourself. You could tell her your likes and dislikes, your favourite subjects or even what your favourite animal is!
I will pass on all work to Miss Self, who is also looking forward to spending some time with you on Wednesday!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Click on the link to head to today’s Maths lesson from White Rose. Today’s focus is all about hours and days.
Watch the video and then complete the sheet attached sheet. I have also uploaded it to Showbie!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Computing Mini Missions
These quick, easy to do activities provide fun ideas to get children practising their computational thinking skills without the need for screen time!
Removing unnecessary detail
Choose from the activities below and remember to send me pictures/videos of your work on Showbie or via email.
Resource attached below
Interactive Learning Game
Follow this link to help Ranger Jack use the powers of abstraction to save his struggling zoo!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Monday 13th July 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
Can you believe that this is the last week of Class 2? Even though it is sad, I know you are excited to start your new adventure in Class 3!
I hope you all have a great last week, don’t forget to keep sending me your fantastic work via Showbie. I am looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: opulent
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Let’s create a book of memories today! Have a think of what your favourite memory is of year 2 and write some sentences to tell your friends about it!
You could even write about what your favourite thing to do is at school and what you have missed since being at home.
You could even draw a lovely picture to go with it. Then send it to me on Showbie!
Here are some ideas to start you off –
I have uploaded a template that you might like to use.
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Click on the link to head to today’s Maths lesson from White Rose. Today’s focus is on telling the time to 5 minutes. Watch the video and then complete the sheet attached sheet. I have also uploaded it to Showbie!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Computing Mini Missions
These quick, easy to do activities provide fun ideas to get children practising their computational thinking skills without the need for screen time!
Making steps and rules
Choose from the activities below and remember to send me pictures/videos of your work on Showbie or via email.
Interactive Learning Game
There’s a goat in the pigpen! Follow this link to help Barefoot Farm sort out the mess!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Friday 10th July 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
I can’t believe that it is Fabulous Friday already and we are approaching our last week of Year 2! I am looking forward to seeing you all next Wednesday!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 260
Online Activities / Live Lessons
It’s Fabulous Friday, so that means it’s time for this week’s BBC Bite Size Book Club! This week’s book is ‘Pippi Longstocking’ by Astrid Lundgren. Read or watch both extracts carefully and then have a go at activity 3.
Imagine that you are either Annika or Tommy and write a diary entry for one of them.
What would you write about? You can use the extracts to help you or use your imagination.
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Click on the link to go to BBC Bite Size. Have a go at their Fabulous Friday challenges – I have also uploaded them to Showbie!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Wild Art 2020
The RSPB are once again teaming up with the Cameron Bespolka Trust to bring you Wild Art 2020, and this year it’s even bigger! They are on the lookout for talented young artists to enter their exciting competition.
Your task is to create a piece of art inspired by nature – let your imagination run wild! There are two categories to choose from this year:
You can follow the link to the website to see some of last year’s winning entries:
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Thursday 9th July 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
It was great to catch up with some of you on Zoom yesterday and to hear that so many of you enjoyed yesterday’s music activities! Well done!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 210
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Click on the link to go to today’s BBC Bite Size English lesson all about alliteration!
Read the information to refresh your memory and then watch the video to find out more!
Then choose from activity 1, 2 or 3! I have attached these and uploaded them to Showbie for you to choose from!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today’s home learning focus is on telling the time to quarter to and quarter past! Click on the link to head to the BBC Bite Size page; remember to read the information before trying the independent activity that I have uploaded to Showbie.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Sun Safety
The attached Sun Ready presentation will help you to learn more about keeping safe in the sun. Choose from the following activities:
At the end of the presentation, you will find a short quiz. Have fun testing your knowledge of sun safety!
Sun Safety Poster (KS1 & KS2)
Create a poster encouraging people to stay safe in the sun.
Use the attached planning sheet and think about including the following:
Remember to send me your completed posters on Showbie or via email.
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Wednesday 8th July 2020
Zoom Day @10am!
Good morning, Class 2!
Today is Zoom day! Due to events in school, we have changed this week’s Zoom to 10am! I hope you can all still make it!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 175
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Click on the link to go to today’s BBC Bite Size English lesson and head straight down to activity 3. Today we are going to create a guide about how to be a good friend. Have a think about what you would include.
I have attached some leaflet templates to support you, if you would like to use them!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today’s home learning focus is on telling the time to o’clock and half past! Click on the link to head to the BBC Bite Size page; remember to read the information and look at the clocks before trying the independent activities that I have uploaded to Showbie.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Mrs West has sent us some great music activities for this afternoon! Have fun listen, singing and creating your own beat!
Body Percussion: Get your brain and body working together with this routine to the song ‘This Old Man’:
Singing: Set sail on the ‘Salty Breeze’ with these wild and noisy Pirates. Some of you will know this song and if you do, it’s probably one of your favourites!
Listening: Listen to The Medallion Calls, the brilliant descriptive music from the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ film:
Listen again. Can you write these sounds in the order they happen in the music:
Bells Snare drum rhythm Trumpet solo
Low sounds and dynamics fading away
Main melody played by brass and strings Spiky string melody
Slow string melody with long notes Double bass rhythm
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Tuesday 7th July 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
What a lovely start to a new week! Thank you for all of your super posters for the #Loveyourforest competition.
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 150
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Click on the link to go to today’s BBC Bite Size English lesson. Today’s focus is on describing words. Recap you knowledge on adjectives and then have a go at completing the activities.
Activity 1: Let’s name everything!
Activity 2: Writing sentences of what we found
Here is an example: My favourite picture book is on the dusty, old shelf.
Activity 3: Describing a cat walk
Watch the video and then have a go at the activity.
Did you notice all of the places where this cool, sleek cat went?
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today’s home learning focus is on how to read temperatures from a thermometer.
Read the information give and watch the online videos to learn how to read a thermometer and to make comparisons. When you have done this, have a go at the attached sheets or head to Showbie to edit the uploaded sheets.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
We know that lots of our families would like to say thank you to others who have helped over the last few months. From the postman who delivered cards that cheered us up, to a neighbour who has done some shopping, to a doctor or nurse, a friend who called for a chat etc.
PinYourThanks are inviting you to enter a competition to design a pin badge to say thank you to someone who has helped you (or your wider family) over the last few months.
The winning entry will be turned into a real pin badge and sold, alongside other badges designed by national treasures including Ringo Starr and Joe Lycett. Every pin badge sold raises money for NHS Charities Together and Volunteering Matters.
Use the attached template to design your badge.
Send me your completed designs on Showbie or via email by Friday, 10th July 2020 so that I can enter them for you!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Monday 6th July 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and you are ready for a new week of home learning.
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 117
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Click on the link to go to today’s BBC Bite Size English lesson. Today’s focus is on verbs.
Read through the examples and have a go at the activities about using verbs in the past and present tense.
Activity 1: Writing homophone action words
Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings. To practise them, have a go at playing Small Town Superheroes. Go to the ‘Steve’ section and play the ‘Homophones’ mini game.
Once you have played the game, try the following:
Here are some words to get you started: Write, buy, sun, be, to.
Activity 2: Writing some action words.
See if you can write an alphabet of action words.
Here are some to start you off:
A - acted - acting - will act
B - bounced - bouncing - will bounce
C - crawled - crawling - will crawl
Once you've finished, you could draw some illustrations next to some of your words.
Activity 3: Let’s describe dancing.
Watch the short video called ‘The Grasshopper Song’.
Did you notice how all the grasshoppers, bees, spiders, centipedes and other minibeasts were all dancing?
Think about some of the words that were used to describe how they danced.
Here are two examples to start you off:
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today we are going to continue our learning on measuring and estimating. Click on the link to head to the BBC Bite Size page where you can learn about measuring in litres. Watch the video and read through the examples, then have a go at the uploaded activity sheet!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Forest of Dean Forestry England Competition
Your task is to design a poster encouraging people to keep our forest clean. You should explain why littering is bad for the forest and why you #LoveYourForest
When designing your poster, remember the following:
The winning design will be used around Forestry England sites to help spread the message.
I look forward to seeing your completed posters. Please send them to me on Showbie or via email by Thursday, 9th July 2020 so that I can enter them for you!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Friday 3rd July 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
I can’t believe it is Fabulous Friday already! What a great week of sport we have had! I hope you have enjoyed it!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: inferno
Use a dictionary to find out what this word means.
Online Activities / Live Lessons
It’s Friday which means it’s the BBC Bite Size book club! Today’s book is George’s Marvellous Medicine. Click on the link to listen to and read extracts from the book, then have a go at Activity 3.
Soon the marvellous mixture began to froth and foam.
The author, Roald Dahl, uses a lot of descriptive language to describe the mixture.
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Have a go at this week’s BBC Bite Size challenges by clicking on the link below, or heading to Showbie!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Play this game of Connect 4, I wonder how many you will complete!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Thursday 2nd July 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
What a fantastic day of learning we had yesterday! I was blown away by your estimating in Maths, your writing and fact files in English and your super sporty afternoon tasks! It looked like you all had lots of fun!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: ignite
Use a dictionary to find out what this word means.
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Today’s English lesson’s focus is all about placing letters into alphabetical order! Watch the short video to refresh your knowledge on alphabetical order and then have a go at helping Marty to order the boxes.
Then as a warm up, have a go at ordering the words in either activity 2 or activity 3!
When you have finished, you might like to challenge yourself to create your own A-Z of sports! I have attached a sheet to help you with this.
Amazing Fact
The sport of Jai-Alai is commonly believed to be the fastest sport in the world – the ball can travel at speeds of up to 190mph.
Try to think of a sport or sports person for each letter of the alphabet. You could use The Internet or Non-Fiction books to research lesser-known sports.
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Yesterday everyone carried out some amazing investigations. I really enjoyed seeing the photos of you estimating and carefully pouring the water into different sized containers.
Today we are going to look at measuring in millilitres (ml). Click on the link below to head to the BBC Bite Size website.
Activity 1: Can you be a measurement detective?
With the help of someone at home, look around your home for objects which hold up to 1liter e.g. a drinks bottle. I wonder how many you can find?
Can you find a container that holds 500ml?
Can you find a container that holds exactly 1l?
Which container holds the most/least?
I have then uploaded activity 2 and 3 onto Showbie for you to complete!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
First, have a go at today’s Stride Active daily challenge. The theme today is … cricket!
Let me know how you get on by sending me a picture or a video! You might even like to have a go at adding up your score!
As you try new sports and physical activities, think about the equipment you use. How does it help you to play? How does it help you to improve?
Today’s challenge is to design a new piece of sporting equipment so you can think about what small changes help you to achieve your personal best.
Choose a sport that uses some equipment. You may choose one you play already, or you can find out about a new sport.
Think about the equipment:
How is it used? What size is it? What shape is it? Is the colour important? What materials is it made from?
Now think of how you could make small changes to improve the equipment so that it:
Make your new equipment and try it out!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Zoom Day!
Good morning, Class 2!
It's Wednesday, which means it's our Zoom Day at 2pm! I will send you the code to access our meeting via the Zoom folder on Showbie later on today! Maybe you could have a think of a quick exercise or a stretch that we could all do to celebrate our sports week!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: promptly
Use a dictionary to find out what this word means.
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Head to BBC Bite Size for todays, English lesson. Today’s lesson is handwriting and exclamation marks.
Activity 2:
Here is an example: I went upstairs and I couldn't believe it. Somebody was sleeping in my bed!
Choose your favourite Olympian and find our as much as you can about them. Create a fact file / poster / presentation all about them.
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today we are going to thinking about volume and capacity. You will be thinking about how to measure the capacity of different objects and compare their volume. We will also be estimating volume too!
Click on the link below, and head to the BBC Bite Size websit, where you can watch todays video.
For today’s activities, you are going to need a selection of different sized cups from your kitchen and a big container e.g. a bottle, a jug or a bowl!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Home Sports Day
We are very sad that we cannot spend the day celebrating Sports Day with you all, so instead, spend the afternoon enjoying some traditional Sports Day Fun (most can be adapted for outdoors or indoors):
· Hit the Spot
· Dodge Buster
· Stepping Stones
· On Track
· Shape Shifter
Set up some mini races in the garden with your family.
Can you design a new race?
Read the Home Sports Day activity guide for more information!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Tuesday 30th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
What a great start to our new week of home learning! Your enthusiasm towards this week’s new topic is great to see!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: sophisticated
Use a dictionary to find out what this word means.
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Click on the link to go to today’s BBC Bite Size English lesson. Today we will be creating our own counting poem. Read the information to find all about the features of poetry, then have a look at the counting poem from Oxford Owl. I have attached this and uploaded it to Showbie to help inspire you!
Activity 1: Imagine you are a teacher and you are teaching someone how to write an exciting sentence. Start by thinking about three things that you should always do when writing a sentence, you could write these down, or just tell someone at home. Then think of two more tips explaining what you think makes a sentence sound exciting, e.g. using adjectives to add description.
Activity 2: Take a look at the incomplete poem and see if you can add in words to complete it! I have also attached this and uploaded it to Showbie.
Activity 3: Now have a go at writing your own poem that counts up to, or backwards from ten! It could be about absolutely anything and can be as silly as you like.
Remember –
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today we are going to be learning how to measure the mass of different objects in kilograms. Click onto the link below to head to BBC Bite Size where you can find out about what kilograms. Read the information carefully and then have a go at the independent tasks!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Begin your afternoon by getting active and having a go at today’s Stride Active Challenge. The theme is… Athletics.
Let me know how you get on! You might like to even send me a picture or a video of you completing the challenge!
The 2020 Olympics were due to take place in Tokyo in Japan, but they have been postponed until 2021.
Enjoy taking part in some traditional Japanese sport activities this afternoon.
Warm-up by taking part in Radio Taiso workout from the Japan Society. Radio Taiso is an exercise routine first broadcast in 1928 and is still very popular today.
Can you create your own Radio Taiso routine and film your routines for the rest of to have a go at?
Complete the Tokyo Ten: Random Routines.
Can you use the video to learn how to say how to say the numbers 1 – 5 in Japanese? Show us what you have learnt by creating a poster or even a film to teacher others.
Try a traditional Japanese playground game – Kendama. Use the activity guide attached to find out how to use and make your own Kendama set.
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Monday 29th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and you are ready for a new week of home learning.
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: solitude
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Click on the link to go to today’s BBC Bite Size English lesson. Today’s focus is on spellings and questions. Start the lesson by playing Small Town Superheroes and heading to the ‘Ena’ section and play the ‘Parts of words’ mini game. The watch the short video on questions.
Activity 1: Take a piece of paper and create eight sections. Think of eight words that featured in the Small Town Superheroes game and write one word in each of the eight sections. Using your word selection, can you write a question that contains each of the words? Don’t forget to use correct punctuation.
Activity 2: Writing silly questions
Start off by creating a list of different words that can be used to start a question. Try to think of at least ten different words e.g. who, can, could, where…
Once you’ve listed your words, try creating a sentence with each of them. Your sentences can be as silly as you like e.g. Can you close the chair? Could you sit on the door?
Activity 3: Writing questions to a particular person
If you could ask eight people a special question, who would you pick and what would you ask them? Create a gird like the one below and write a list of names, followed by the question that you would like to ask them.
You could pick people you know, or choose some people who you admire, like a famous author, sports star or even your favourite superhero. Don’t forget your question marks!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today we are going to be recapping our learning on measuring mass in grams. Click on the link to go to the BBC Bite Size website, where you can read about measuring. Once you have had a go at reading the information, have a go at completing activity 1 and 2. You can find these on the Class page or uploaded on Showbie!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
This week is a sports themed week. Begin your afternoon with today’s Stride Active daily challenge. The theme is… Tennis.
Count your hit-ups and let me know how many you achieved! You could even send me a short video or a photo.
Watch the video to find out about the Olympic Torch Relay:
After you have completed your Stride Active, you might like to have a go at one of these activities:
1. Make your own Olympic Torch – how creative can you be?
2. Make your own Olympic medals – use clay, play dough, salt dough, bake a cake, biscuit or cookie – we can’t wait to see your creation! Alternatively, use the template attached.
3. Design your own Olympic Mascot (attached).
4. Create your own quiz all about the Olympic Torch Relay to share with the rest of us.
5. Use the information (attached) to find out about the Olympic Rings. Design your own set of Olympic Rings – what would each one stand for?
Do not forget to send some pictures of any of the activities that you complete this afternoon. I am looking forward to seeing what you get up to for Day 1 of our sporting week!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Friday 26th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
Wow, it’s Fabulous Friday again and what a week we have had of beautiful weather!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 220
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Because it’s Friday, it’s time for the weekly book club with BBC Bitesize.
Today’s book is Ella Bella Ballerina and A Midsummer Night’s Dream by James Mayhew.
Watch the two videos of Alex Jones reading extracts from the book.
Activity 1 - See if you can reorder the sequence.
Activity 2 - Listen to the extracts and read the text carefully. Can you answer the questions?
Activity 3 – Imagine you had 3 chances to use magic. How would you use them? Write some sentences to explain what you would do and why!
Why not head to Oxford Owl to find an ebook to read, or read a book of your own at home! You could send a picture of you reading it in your favourite place!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today’s Fabulous Friday challenge is to have a go at completing the challenges about reading measurements! You can find them attached to email, on our Covid-19 Class page or uploaded onto Showbie!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
‘Arrival of the Bridegroom’ 1933
What do you notice about this picture? Why do you think those colours are used? What do you think about it and why?
Your challenge today is to take your pencil for a walk to create your own interpretation of this picture. Below is a link, which shows you how Klee created this picture. Remember, it’s your interpreation, so you can use different colour patterns.
‘The Goldfish’ 1925
Look at the picture. What effect does the dark background have? There are lots of fish, how do you think the other fish feel about the goldfish? What makes the goldfish stand-out? What techniques you think Klee might have used to create the goldfish painting?
Read the following link with information about this picture
If you have them you could use wax crayons or oil pastels to cover the whole page in a mix of bright colours, then cover the page with black oil pastel so there’s no colour seen. Using a paperclip that has been unravelled, scratch at the page to make a shape and the colour will be revealed. Remember to be safe when using this!
Or you could create a drawing with bright coloured wax crayon or oil pastels, where there are some white bits left. Using a black water colour, brush over the page to create the background – the oil should resist the paint and show up.
If you don’t have any of these, no problem, simply using colouring pencils, felt tips, paints, sharpies, whatever you have that can be used to create colour and away you go.
We have been creating different types of art using Klee’s styles. Pick your favourite piece and tell me why your prefer it? Which was the easiest to create and why? Which had the nicest effect and what made it so good?
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Thursday 25th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
It was so great to see so many of you on Zoom yesterday and to hear all about your water fights, barbeques and fun adventures in your paddling pool!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 146
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Head to BBC Bite Size for today’s lesson by clicking on the link below.
You might like to have a go at activity 3! Watch Cressida Cowell draw a character called Johnny Tomlinson. Then write a description of what he looks like.
Use Cowell’s sketch as a starting point but then use your own imagination to add other features to the character!
You could draw a finished sketch of what you Imagine Johnny to look like!
Have a go at creating your own character, it could be a character from your short story that you wrote yesterday, or it could be a completely new character.
Think about what they might look like, if they have any distinguishing features, such as a scar, pink hair or a glass eye!
If you need some inspiration, you might like to have a look at an extract I have attached from The Twits!
Mr Twit
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today’s BBC Bite Size lesson is about comparing the mass of different objects.
Watch the videos and then have a go at completing the tasks using the greater than and less than symbols.
> <
If you are up for a challenge, today’s maths learning on The National Oak Academy, is all about comparing millilitres and litres using fractions!
Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:
Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some short questions that you can have a go at.
You could record your answers using a pen and paper and then send me a picture on Showbie!
You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
‘Castle and Sun’ 1928
Look at the picture. Can you tell what the painting is? What might it look like to you?
What shapes can you see in the painting? How might Klee create art like this?
Klee used shapes to create the image of the castle and the sun.
Create your own picture using the 2D shapes that you know. You could draw them and colour them or cut them out from card. Think carefully about adding the sun into your picture somewhere.
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Wednesday 24th June 2020
Zoom Day @2pm
Good morning, Class 2!
Wow, the weather is due to be really hot today, so take care if you are going outside!
If you would like to join me on Zoom this afternoon, I would love to see you! We are going to be meeting at 2pm and I will send you the meeting code in the Zoom folder on Showbie!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 160
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Today is National Writing Day!
So why not have a go at the 24/7 writing challenge! Click on the link below to head to the BBC Bite size page where you can find out more about the challenge and begin to plan your ideas for your story!
Remember when you start writing:
You might like to share you work with me by uploading it to Showbie, or you can post it on twitter and tag us in using @walfordschool. You could even use the hashtags #247challenge and #NationalWritingDay!
Good luck!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today’s BBC Bite Size lesson is about solving problems using height and length. Click on the link below to head to today’s lesson, then watch the videos and have a go at completing the attached sheets!
Today’s maths learning on The National Oak Academy, is all about problem solving using litres. Remember that there are one thousand millilitres (1,000ml) in one litre (1l)!
Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:
Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some short questions that you can have a go at.
You could record your answers using a pen and paper and then send me a picture on Showbie!
You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
‘Cat and Bird’ 1928
Click on the link below to watch the Cat and Bird book that has been written based on the drawings of Paul Klee. What do you notice about the illustrations in particular? What shapes are used? What colours are used? Is there are moral to the story?
Have a go at creating your own now cat and bird image! You could draw and then colour or paint it, or you could create one similar to the cut-out image below. Make sure the bird’s image is engraved in the cat’s memory, completely, forever.
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Tuesday 23rd June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
It looks like it is going to be another beautiful day again today! Remember to take some time to relax and enjoy the sunshine, maybe you could play a game, go for a walk or read a book outside in the shade!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 200
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Follow the link to today’s BBC Bite Size lesson about reading comprehension. Click on the link to complete today’s activities. I have uploaded activity 2 to Showbie for you to have a go at!
Yesterday, lots of you enjoyed finding out about our artist for the week, Paul Klee. Use the template attached to create a fact file about his life!
I have uploaded the fact file information sheet from yesterday for you to read, or you could visit some of these links:
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
This week we are going to continue our recap on measurement. Click on the link to head to the BBC Bite Size website to watch the videos for today’s lesson. We have covered measurement before, but the aim of today is to help you build confidence when comparing lengths.
Lots of people really enjoyed the online learning with The National Academy yesterday, if you didn’t try it yesterday, you might like to give it a go today! Today is on measuring scales and thinking about capacity.
Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:
Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some short questions that you can have a go at.
You could record your answers using a pen and paper, or you could record the capacity of your containers by taking a photo or creating a book in book creator.
Are your containers greater than or less than a litre? How do you know? Can you work out how many ml less or more?
You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Take the pencil for a walk! The ‘Senecio’ (1922) challenge!
Today we are going to learn how to create continuous line drawings. Click on the link to find out how!
If you want to learn how to do, click on the link to learn how!
Fancy a challenge? Time yourself to do a continuous line drawing of a face for 30 seconds only. Remember the one rule, you cannot take your pencil off the paper! You can go back over lines you have drawn or create new lines, but no lifting that pencil up!
How far did you get? Then have a go for 45 seconds, then a minute, and so on. Remember it is not about finishing it quickly but have all the detail. Then colour the picture using a similar ‘warm’ colours to the ones you can see in the picture.
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Monday 22nd June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and you are ready for another fantastic week of home learning!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
On Mondays and Wednesday, you can visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for an energising PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling ready for the day ahead…
Or you might like to try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 105
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Follow the link to today’s BBC Bite Size lesson about understanding what a verb is, spotting a verb in a sentence and using a range of verbs in your sentences. Remember to watch the videos and then have a go at the activities!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
This week we are going to recap and extend our knowledge on measurement. Today’s focus is on using cm and m as units of measurement.
Follow the link to BBC Bite Size, watch the videos and then try to complete the attached activities!
You might like to try something new this week with The National Oak Academy…
In today’s Maths lesson, you will be solving addition equations using different strategies.
Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:
Today, you will only need a pencil and a piece of paper to complete your working out.
Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some short questions that you can have a go at.
You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
This week we are going to be focusing on the artist Paul Klee. Read through the PowerPoint with someone at home. Find out all about his art, including his colour choices and the styles that he used.
Have a look at the Paul Klee photo pack. When looking at the artwork, try to answer some of these questions:
Here are some links to more information about Paul Klee.
When you have finished, you might like to write a short paragraph about Paul Klee’s life and tell me which is your favourite piece of work he has created and why!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Friday 19th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
It's Fabulous Friday and what a great week we have had learning about shapes and people who help us! A huge well done to you all for another fantastic week of home learning!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: extraordinary
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Click on this link to take you to the BBC Bite Size page. Today’s home learning focus is on using the book ‘Spike: The Hedgehog Who Lost His Prickles’. You will listen to the extract and learn how to summarise a character and how to write a prediction.
Why not spend some time reading a book at home? You could find a cosy place to do some quiet reading, write a prediction about what you think will happen next in your book or create a short book review to share with you friends!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today is Fabulous Friday, which means it’s time for BBC Bite Size and White Rose’s Friday challenges!
I have attached the tasks and I have also uploaded them to Showbie, or follow this link to view them on the website.
Don’t forget to prove how you know by showing your working out!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Let’s say a big thank you to everyone who has helped our community!
You could make a thank you video to post on our Twitter page, create a thank you card or even paint a picture.
You could make your thank you message someone you know personally and send it to them, or you might like to make it for the NHS and send it by post or make it for your postman, parcel delivers or bin collectors and leave it outside for them to find when they come! I’m sure it will cheer them up and make them feel appreciated!
You might also like to have a look at the people who help us songs and rhymes! You could have a go at making up your own song or rhyme about people who help us.
Remember to send photos of your cards to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Thursday 18th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
I loved seeing you all on Zoom yesterday. You are all so talented! We had musical instruments, fantastic art and craft, magic, dancing and even baking! A huge well done to you all!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: splendid
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Click on this link to take you to the BBC Bite Size page where you can learn about using adjectives to describe nouns and to create an advert! You could even record it as if it was on television!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Everyone was so brilliant at sorting the shapes yesterday! Today is all about shape patterns. Remember that you can chose to follow the BBC Bite Size or White Rose Lesson!
Click on the link below to watch today’s White Rose lesson! Watch the video and then complete the attached sheet on shape patterns.
Follow the link to the BBC Bite Size website. Watch the videos and then have a go at completing their activities that I have attached and uploaded to Showbie.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Read the ‘Zoo Vet’ together with someone at home. Talk about the job of a vet. What do they do? How do they help the animals?
Choose a pet and create a guide on how to look after them. You could make your own leaflet, eBook in Book Creator, a presentation or you could complete the how to care for a pet sheet.
Remember to send photos of your book to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Wednesday 17th June 2020
Zoom Day @ 2pm
Good morning, Class 2!
Thank you for all of your amazing posters and videos on fire safety yesterday! They were amazing.
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: courageous
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Click on this link to take you to the BBC Bite Size page where you can learn about using long ladder letters and then write a postcard to your favourites sports person!
have a go at creating an acrostic poem about someone in your community that you think is a hero.
Why not try to create your own poem about a person who helps you in the community! I have uploaded some ideas to Showbie to help you. Why not challenge yourself to think of some rhyming words too!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Now that we are fantastic at the names and properties of both 2D and 3D shapes, today we will be thinking about different ways in which we can sort them. Choose to complete either the White Rose or BBC Bite Size lessons.
If you would like to continue your learning with White Rose, click on the link to watch the video and then complete the attached sheet.
Follow the link to the BBC Bite Size website. Watch the videos and then have a go at completing their activities that I have attached and uploaded to Showbie.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
Have a look at the ‘What does a paramedic do?’ presentation. Talk with someone at home about the job of a paramedic, nurse or doctor. What do they do? How do they help us? What equipment do they have?
Have a go at creating your own ambulance at home using recycled materials or by using the 3D ambulance template that I have attached!
You could write a diary entry of a day in the life of a paramedic. Think about what it might be like to drive the huge ambulance, who you might help and the people that you might meet along the way! I have attached a writing border with lines if you would like to use it, or just use a pen and paper at home!
Remember to send me a photo of your ambulance via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Tuesday 16th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
Wow, yesterday was another amazing day of home learning! I was so impressed with your shape work!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: persevere
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Click on this link to take you to the BBC Bite Size page where you can learn about using proper nouns and continue to practice using punctuation and conjunctions.
Continue our work on police officers by having a go at completing the attached reading comprehension!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Click on the link below to learn about the sides and vertices on a 3D shape. Watch the video and then complete the attached sheet from White Rose.
Follow the link to the BBC Bite Size website, to take part in today’s lesson on the properties of 3D shapes. Watch the videos and then have a go at completing their activities.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
This afternoon, we are going to be learning about firefighters! First, have a look at the firefighter presentation. Talk with someone at home about the role of a fire safety officer. What do they do? How do they help us? What equipment do they have?
Click on the link to find out about fire safety in the home.
Think carefully about the fire safety rules and what to do in an emergency. Have a go at making a fire safety poster, leaflet or video on how to stay safe. Be creative! How can we teach other people the fire safety messages?
Remember to send the photos and videos of your work to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Monday 15th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
I hope you all had an amazing weekend and you are looking forward to another week of home learning.
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: desirable
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Today we will be looking at how to spot errors in writing and Purple Polish them. Click on the link to the BBC Bite Size website, where you can recap your knowledge on capital letters, punctuation and spotting marvellous mistakes!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Click on the link below to learn about the sides and vertices on a 2D shape. Watch the video and then complete the attached sheet from White Rose.
Follow the link to the BBC Bite Size website, to take part in today’s lesson on the properties of 2D shapes. Watch the videos and then have a go at completing their activities.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit.
Creative Afternoon
This week for our creative afternoon tasks, we are going to learning about the people who help us in our community. Every day, we are going to be looking at a different job role and thinking carefully about what they do for us and the equipment that they have.
Today we are going to be thinking about police officers! Have a look at the police presentation. Talk with someone at home about the role of a police officer. What do they do? How do they help us? What equipment do they have?
If you were lost a police officer would be able to help you find your adult or home. Can you tell someone at home your address? Practice saying your home address and phone number. You might like to use the passport template to practice writing your details or you could have a go at making your own!
There is also a police car craft and police car weaving activity you might like to try!
Remember to upload your photos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Friday 12th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
It’s fabulous Friday! I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone for another amazing week of home learning. I have really enjoyed seeing your pictures, videos and animations!
If you haven’t already, take a look at all of the fantastic examples of work that I have uploaded to Twitter (@WalfordSchool). Remember to ask an adult to help you.
Remember to 'like' anything that makes you smile by pressing the button.
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 110
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Click on the link below to go to today’s BBC Bite Size activity. Today is all about the book ‘The Night Box’ by Louise Greig. You can listen to extracts of the stories being read and you can complete the online activities. You will need a pen and paper!
Have a go at completing the SPaG mat that I have uploaded to Showbie!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Follow this link to BBC Bite Size where you can learn about position and direction. Watch the video and then have a go at the quiz! I have attached both activities and I also uploaded the activities to Showbie for you to work through, however, these activities to not need to printed, you can just download them and discuss the answer with an adult at home!
Have a go at completing the Twinkl Position and direction challenges from Twinkl.
If you have the Beebot app (free to download here: Have a go at entering directions on it.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit. Choose your own Super Movers!
Creative Afternoon
Choose a music activity…
You could listen to the ‘Under the Sea’ song:
Create your own dance to the song – think carefully about how the creatures under the sea might move!
Or… You could also make up your own under the sea or ocean themed song. Here is the example from earlier in the week:
Or… Sing along to this action song! There are even some fun facts in this song.
Have a fun afternoon! Create a short clip of your dancing or singing and send it to us on Showbie!
Remember to send some videos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #WorldOceanDay. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Thursday 11th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
It was so great to see so may
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 74
Online Activities / Live Lessons
If you didn’t choose to create a recycling poster yesterday, follow the link to today’s BBC Bite Size lesson, which is all about using different sentence types and creating an information poster.
Write a short story about a small fish who has been caught in litter. You might like to think about:
I have attached a writing sheet for you to use or just use some paper that you have at home!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Follow this link to BBC Bite Size where you can watch 2 videos about finding a quarter of a shape or an amount. Then have a go at their practical activities. I have attached these to help you!
Have a go at the Twinkl mastery challenges, which are also about finding quarters of an amount or shape!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit. Choose your own Super Movers!
Creative Afternoon
Watch this story about the water cycle ‘H2O a little drop’:
Create your own version of the water cycle. You could make a mini book, create a presentation, make each step of the water cycle out of something you can find at home, record a video clip or make a simple animation.
I can animate! Lite is free and available here on the Apple store:
It is also available on the Google Play store here:
Be creative, we can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Remember to send some videos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #WorldOceanDay. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Wednesday 10th June 2020
Zoom Day
Good morning, Class 2!
Yesterday was another great day at home learning! Thank you for all of your videos about sea creatures, they were fantastic!
Don’t forget that today is Zoom Day! I am looking forward to seeing you all at 2pm!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 32
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Choose an activity to complete from the list below!
To carry on our theme of recycling, I have uploaded a reading comprehension for you to complete.
You might like to create a poster about recycling, thinking about the things that we learnt yesterday.
You can follow the link to today’s BBC Bite Size lesson on using commas and handwriting. If you have a printer at home, I have attached the handwriting sheet, but if you don’t, have a look at the words and write them out using your neatest joins onto a piece of paper at home!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Follow this link to BBC Bite Size where you can watch 2 videos about finding half of a shape or an amount. Then have a go at the practical activities – I have also attached these to help you. You will need someone at home to play with!
Play on Hit the Button. Click on the link and then select ‘halves’. Here you can practise finding half of a number.
After watching the BBC Bite Size videos, have a go at the attached work sheets, to identify half of the shape. To help you, think carefully about how many blocks there are in each shape!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit. Today is question and exclamation marks.
Creative Afternoon
Today, choose an under the sea craft. There are lots of ideas here: but I’m sure you will have lots of ideas of your own. Be creative and make your craft out of junk modeling, Lego or anything you can find at home.
If you haven’t already you might like to have a go at the University of Bristol Art Competition. You can send me your entry in Showbie and I will submit it for you!
Remember to send some videos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #WorldOceanDay. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Tuesday 9th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
Wow, we had a such a great day celebrating World Ocean Day yesterday! Everyone really impressed me with their ocean crafts and poems. A huge well done to you all!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 74
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Yesterday on BBC Bite Size, we started to think about rubbish and how harmful it can be for the environment. If you didn’t watch the video from yesterday, follow this link and scroll down the video called ‘Finding out about Rubbish’.
Click on today’s link to recap your knowledge on contractions and to find out how to become a recycling expert!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words.
Today we are going to continue our work on fractions. Click on the link to go to BBC Bite Size website where you can watch today’s videos, work through their challenges and then have a go at completing today’s task.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit. Today is about division.
Creative Afternoon
There are lots of creatures that live in the Ocean. Choose your favourite sea creature and find out some facts about it.
Pretend that you are presenting a documentary on ocean wildlife. Create a short clip or video about a creature that lives in the ocean. You could use some plastic animals, something you have created or photographs that you can find on the internet. Remember to think about how the creature moves, what it eats, where it likes to live and what might be its predator. Here is an example:
We can’t wait to see what you come up with… think David Attenborough!
Remember to send some videos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #WorldOceanDay. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
We can’t wait to see what you come up with… think David Attenborough!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a great day!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Monday 8th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
Today is World Ocean Day!
Go to: where you will find lots of activities to enjoy throughout the day!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 100
Online Activities / Live Lessons
There are 2 activities that you might like to choose from today.
You may like to test your grammar and punctuation knowledge by completing the attached grammar and punctuation quiz!
Head to the BBC Bite Size website to do some more work on word endings! There are some short tasks, videos and games that you can play to help you recap and build on your knowledge.
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today we are going to revisit our learning on fractions. Click on the link to go to BBC Bite Size website, where you can watch their videos and work through the challenges attached.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit. Today is all about the seven calculation signs.
Creative Afternoon
Listen to the Five Oceans Song, it can be found here:
You can also find some ocean facts here:
Have a go at writing your own Ocean acrostic poem. You could use the ocean acrostic sheet or make your own. Remember, each sentence should start with the given letters that spell out the word ocean.
You might also like to have a go at setting up this science investigation called ‘why is the sea salty?’, this activity will allow you to observe how salt concentration increases in water. Also, how the salt remains after the water evaporates.
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Finally, I am now teaching in school full time, this means that my contact times are likely to differ slightly, however, I will respond to all of your emails and Showbie work as soon as I can!
Have a fantastic day!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Friday 5th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
It’s Fabulous Friday and I hope you are ready for another day of fabulous home learning!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: dilapidated
Online Activities / Live Lessons
This week, we have been learning all about pirates! Today, I would like you to imagine that you have been captured by a crew of ferocious pirates!
To be rescued, you need to write a secret message for help, put it in a bottle and throw it in the sea! Hopefully it will wash up on the shore and someone will find it! You could create your own message and put it in a bottle at home, or use the template that I have uploaded.
You might like to think about some of these questions to help you…
Remember to try and include all of the things that we have been learning about this week e.g. adjectives, exclamations, commands and questions! For an extra challenge, see if you can any of our Words of the Day from this week!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
It’s Fabulous Friday so that means Friday challenges! These challenges have been put together for us by BBC Bite Size and White Rose. Remember to show your working out either by using tens and ones or by writing a number sentence!
I have attached the sheets and I have uploaded them to Showbie.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit. Today is all about punctuation!
Creative Afternoon
Your challenge today is to find a natural object and do a detailed sketch of it. Your object could be anything as long as it is natural, e.g. a flower, tree or leaf… However, whatever you choose must be fairly still!
Take some time to observe the detail, texture and colour. Then, try and include as much of this as you can in your sketch! Below are some examples…
Remember to send some photos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Thursday 4th June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
It was so great to see so many of you on Zoom yesterday and to hear about all of your adventures! We even had a little disco dance! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: shriek
Online Activities / Live Lessons
This week we have been thinking about pirates! Today, I have uploaded a reading comprehension which is full of great information about pirates from the past and pirates today!
If you are enjoying the BBC Bite Size lessons, follow the link to today’s lesson. The focus today is on pirate exclamation sentences!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Follow this link to White Rose to watch today’s video on odd and even numbers. The complete the attached sheets!
Click on the link below to go to the BBC Bite Size website. You will be able to watch their online videos about odd and even numbers, play their odds and evens game and then you can try to complete the attached sheet!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit. Today is number patterns!
Creative Afternoon
This afternoon, visit this page and have a look through the different species of animals and plants that we have in the United Kingdom.
When you click on the images, it will take you to the page…
Choose a species that you find interesting and create a fact file about it…
You may like to consider…
You can present your facts in any way of your choice… a video, poster, booklet- anything!
Remember to send some photos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Wednesday 3rd June 2020
Class 2 Zoom @ 2pm!
Good morning, Class 2!
Yesterday we another fantastic day of home learning. I am really enjoying all of the pictures you are sending me for our 30 Days Wild Challenge! A huge well done to you all!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: joyous
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Today, we are going to work on our grammar and spelling. Follow the link to BBC Bitesize to learn more about suffixes.
A Suffix, is letter or a group of letters that go onto the end of the word. The letter/s change the words meaning.
Watch the video and then see if you can complete the attached sheet on suffixes. Once you have finished, why don’t you try to use some of the words in a sentence!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Today we are going to continue our learning on division and equal grouping. Choose either to complete the White Rose tasks or the BBC Bite Size tasks!
Follow this link to White Rose to watch today’s video on sharing. Once you have finished, have a go at completing the attached worksheet!
Click on this link to go to BBC Bitesize! Watch their online videos and then complete the Times Table Rock Star sheet attached.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit. Today is prefixes and suffixes!
Creative Afternoon
Your task today is to map your local wildlife. You could do this anywhere- on a walk, in your garden or even looking out of your window.
On paper, draw a rough sketch map of the area you are going to explore, and map where you see the wildlife. Think about the key features of the area e.g. river, grass, bird feeder, bushes, trees, flowers, ponds and draw these on to your map first…
Below is an idea of what a sketch map might look like… you do not need to include street names in your map as it is likely to be a smaller area!
As you explore, note down the wildlife that you see and label it! For example, if I saw a dragonfly by the pond, I would mark the pond with an X and draw or write ‘dragonfly’.
Remember to send some photos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Tuesday 2nd June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
What a fantastic first day back of home learning we had yesterday! I am so proud of you all, a huge well done!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: aspire
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Today we are going to be doing some more work on commands. Work your way through the learn screens and have a go at some of the activities.
Imagine you are the captain of a pirate ship. Arrghhh. You'll need to be very bossy and give lots of commands to make sure the other pirates are doing what they are meant to be doing.
Write four command sentences that a pirate would use.
Here are a couple of examples to help you:
Drop the anchor and load the cannons.
Collect my treasure and bring it to me.
Think about people who need to use commands in their job.
Mums and Dads give commands all the time, so do teachers, police officers, chefs, doctors, hair dressers and even football managers.
1. Pick a job and imagine you are training somebody new to do that job.
2. Write the title 'How to be the perfect _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'
3. Under the title, write five command sentences explaining what they need to do.
Write a description about the captain of the pirate ship. See attached sheet.
Remember to try and include:
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Follow this link to White Rose to watch today’s video on sharing. Once you have finished, have a go at completing the attached worksheet!
If you would like a challenge, head to BBC Bitesize. Watch their online videos by clicking on the link below and then complete the Times Table Rock Star sheet attached.
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit. Today is the times table mash-up!
Creative Afternoon
This afternoon, your challenge is to create a habitat for some local wildlife… you may want to create a minibeast hotel, a bird nest or even a hedgehog hide! I have included some pictures below, but there are lots of ideas that I am sure you will come up with yourselves!
Try and use as many loose natural materials as possible. You may want to collect materials on a walk or using things around your garden! When you are finished, you could put your habitat out in your garden or somewhere on a walk for the wildlife to enjoy.
Remember to send some photos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Monday 1st June 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
A huge welcome back! I hope you had a fantastic week off and you were able to enjoy the sunshine! I am looking forward to catching up with you all today.
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Word of the Day: haven
Online Activities / Live Lessons
For our English task today, I would like you to write a recount. I can’t wait to hear what you have been up to over the half term.
You could choose to tell me about your favourite day, your favourite activity or even whole week! But remember to…
You might even like to draw me a picture of something you did and then explain it or use real photos and write about them using your tablet device!
Click on the link to BBC Bitesize and have a go at their activities! Today is all about pirates! Complete the activities about different sentence types and then watch the video about ‘Sam Silver: Undercover Pirate’. Then have a go at writing down some pirate words e.g. eye-patch, ahoy and treasure.
Once you have made your list, try writing two command sentences and two exclamation sentences using the words from your list!
RWI speed sound lessons will now be available at 9:30am. If you have been following along since the start set 3 sounds have now all been covered so will start repeating. For summer term 2, there are new daily films on reading longer words and blending the set 3 sounds as well as reading red words. Here is the link to the video channel:
Follow this link to BBC Bitesize to work through their online challenges and games. Today is about the ten times table.
You could spend some time playing Hit the Button! Click on the link to take you to the website, choose ‘Times Tables’ and then select 10! Let me know your high score!
If you would like a challenge… why not try to counting in hundreds, asking someone to ask you some division facts for 10 or create your own ten times table game!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit. Today is silent letters.
Creative Afternoon
During our Creative Afternoon’s, we are going to be taking part and doing lots of activities inspired by the 30 Days Wild Challenge… Share photos of your finished product, or of the process with me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!
1. Think of your top 3 favourite birds and what you love about them. If you’re not sure, you could look at some different UK birds using the following website or create some binoculars and use the bird checklist that I have attached to spot birds from your garden!
2. Create a new species of bird with the features from the favourite birds that you chose, for example, a bird with a robin’s red breast, a kingfisher’s long beak and a mallard’s big webbed toes! You could present it any way you choose- a model, a painting, a picture or even using technology!
3. Give the bird a name. You might like to include some information about it also e.g. what it eats or where it is found.
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Monday, 25th May 2020 – Friday, 29th May 2020
Hello, Class 2!
It is May Half-Term, but if you’d still like some activities, there is plenty to choose from! Remember, you can do as much, or as little as you’d like. Don’t forget to post on Showbie to keep making me smile.
Remember, you can also use your usernames and password for the following:
Enjoy choosing some of the activities below. All documents are attached at the end. Remember to share as many photos as you can on Showbie – I can’t wait to see them!
Go to the Homepage of the website (, look at the Twitter feed and read 'all tweets'. Alternatively, ask your parents to help you by getting them to access school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool).
Browse all the AMAZING work being created and shared on Twitter by all the wonderful Walford children, can you spot yours?
Remember to 'like' anything that makes you smile by pressing the button.
Post some of your activities throughout the week!
Remember our E-Safety rules ... you do not need an account of your own!
Fiver from Home
The Fiver from Home project is a fun way for pupils (5-11) to imagine what business they could create with just a £5 note.
Fiver from Home helps children to develop key skills, including:
Once they complete the workbook and activities, they even get a participation certificate to celebrate their achievement!
Work through the 4 parts of the Fiver from Home Workbook, completing the activities and using guiding documents.
The Wordguide offers explanations with relevant examples all of the terms in the workbook in case this is the first time seeing them.
For parents / carers supervising or delivering Fiver from Home, we have Top tips for Parents sheet that offers a few suggestions on how to keep your young people engaged and having fun throughout the project.
Think it!
Here’s a fiver, what business could you start?
Use the workbook to create an idea, name your business and use our Top Tips to create a logo.
Research it!
Use the Remote Market Research Template and example questions to find out what your customers think. This should be completed via telephone or email with people you know.
Plan it!
Use the third part of the workbook to create your business plan by answering the questions in the business plan section. Draw your product or create a poster for your service.
Pitch it!
In the final part of the workbook plan, write and then present a sales pitch to someone in your home.
There are plenty of tips on what to include and how to present the sales pitch in the workbook.
Once you have finished, share examples of your work on Showbie.
Complete the checklist and send it back on Showbie to receive a certificate.
Whole School Challenge
Here’s a song you can all learn together and then we can sing it together when we come back together at school. You could even have a go at creating a simple dance routine for the chorus.
Jimmy Cliff – I can see clearly now…
Lyrics are attached!
Learn a New Skill
How many new skills can you learn? Send photos of you practising your new talents…
Royalty Meets Wonderful Walford…
Baking Challenge - Royal Scones
Every year at Garden Parties across The Royal Residences, over 27,000 cups of tea, 20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 slices of cake are consumed!
The Royal Pastry Chefs are happy to share their recipe for fruit scones, which traditionally would be served at Buckingham Palace every summer.
Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and #royalbakes when you share your creations!
-500g Plain Flour
-28g Baking Powder
-94g Butter
-86g Sugar
-2 Whole Eggs
-140ml Butter Milk
-100g Sultanas (Cover in hot water and leave to soak for 30 minutes)
-Preheat oven to 180oC
-Mix the flour, baking powder, butter and sugar together in a bowl, until a crumb is formed
-In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and buttermilk together
-Add the liquid to the crumb mixture
-Continue to mix the dough, until it is smooth
-(Optional) Add the sultanas, and mix until evenly distributed
-Remove the dough from the bowl, flatten the dough and cover
-Leave to rest for approximately 30 minutes
-Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2.5 cm and cut to desired shape
-Rest the scones for another 20 minutes
-Gently egg was the top of the scones
-Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes until golden brown
-Cool before serving with jam and clotted cream
Creative Activity
University of Bristol
Art of Science Competition 2020
The University of Bristol School of Biochemistry are running their annual Art of Science Competition.
The theme for the Schools category is ‘Under the Sea’.
You can draw, paint, take a photograph of a sculpture you have made, or create a short video (2 min maximum) – the choice is yours! The main thing is that you have fun!
Don’t forget to give your artwork a title, so that it can be included with your work in their online exhibition.
There are two primary age categories (4-6 and 7-11), with the opportunity to win a prize for the school.
Send me your artwork and I will upload it.
Please send me your entries by Monday, 1st June so that I can make sure they are uploaded before the deadline.
Prize winners will be announced by Friday, 17th July 2020.
Physical Activity
Choose a different activity each day. How many can you complete before the end of the holiday? The document is attached below.
Choose a different activity each day. How many can you complete before the end of the holiday? The document is attached below – press on the blue titles for more information.
Take some time to visit the Health and Wellbeing section of the website where you will find a selection of stories to support children’s understanding as well as lots of wellbeing and mindfulness activities.
Fun Activities for the Outdoors
See how many activities you can complete…
Takes photos and send them on Showbie.
Rewarding Reading
See how many activities you can complete…
Document attached below!
Remember to do lots of reading too! READ, READ, READ! Audible and Amazon are now offering free books to download too!
David Walliams is also offering a free audio book each day at 11.00am – follow the link:
Send me some photos of your favourite location when reading at home.
Have a great week!
Best wishes
Friday 22nd May 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
Well done everyone for another fantastic day of home learning. I was blown away by all of your hard work yesterday. J
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 23
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Today we are going to do some work on our grammar, punctuation and spelling. Complete the attached SPaG mat and then see if you can spot the spelling mistakes in the sentences and rewrite them.
Click on the link to head to the BBC Bitesize page. Today they are discussing a book called ‘Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies’ by Pamela Butchart.
Follow this link to daily Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons for set 3 sounds at 10:30am and spellings at 10:45am.
Follow this link to BBC Bitesize to complete the Friday Challenges! I have also attached them for you.
You could spend some time playing on Sumdog, Numbots or Times Table Rock Stars!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit. Today is the 10 times table.
Creative Afternoon
Our last significant person of the week is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mozart was born in Austria and he was a talented musician and composer. He was so gifted that he began to play the keyboard at the age of 3 and started to write his own music at the age of 5! Mozart’s music is still listened to today, I wonder if you will recognise any of his music?
Find out more about him and listen to some of his music by clicking on the link below.
Now let’s create some music of our own!
Find a couple of teaspoons and enjoy this fantastic “Concerteenies” home concert by beatboxer James Lyons. Learn to beatbox and listen to lots of instruments. You can join in with your voices and your teaspoons!
You will love learning this brand-new song called ‘Wiggle Jiggle’ with the composer Emily Barden. Watch the video first and learn the body percussion and main parts of the song.
Here are the lyrics to help you with all the verses
Practice playing an instrument at home. Maybe you could write your own song!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Whatever you choose to do today, have fun and remember to send me some pictures on Showbie!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Thursday 21st May 2020
Good morning, Class 2!
It was so fantastic to see so many of you yesterday on Zoom! I hope you all managed to get outside to make the most of the sunshine!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 68
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Today we are going to have a go at writing some diary entries.
Follow the link to take you to the BBC Bitesize website.
Activity 2: Think about the different things that you have done over the past week. This could be things that you have seen, things that you have heard or even school work you have done.
Then, take a piece of paper and fold it into 4 sections. Label each section with a different day of the week – don’t forget your capital letter! Then in each section, write four things that you did that day. You could even try to circle the verbs that you have used.
Activity 3: Now using your plan, create a diary entry that outlines the things that you’ve done over the past week. If you can’t remember what you did, you can include things that you would have liked to do!
Follow this link to daily Read Write Inc. Phonics lessons for set 3 sounds at 10:30am and spellings at 10:45am.
Follow this link to BBC Bitesize. You can work through their online challenges and then complete the Mastery Task!
You could spend some time playing Hit the Button! Click on the link to take you to the website, choose ‘Times Tables’ and then select 5! Let me know your high score!
Lots of you enjoyed making the homophones fortune teller earlier on this week, why not try to make the 5 times table fortune teller!
Afternoon Wake Up, Shake Up
Don’t forget to follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your learning whilst keeping fit. Today is the 5 times table pooch!
Creative Afternoon
Our significant person that we are going to learn about today is Mary Anning. Mary made important discoveries about fossils. Click on the link to find out more!
Now have a go at one of the activities!
Using pasta, straws, cotton wool buds or thin strips of paper, create a dinosaur skeleton!
Using plain paper and pencil try sketching an ammonite. Look carefully at the patterns you can see and remember to press lightly whilst you sketch. To create darker tones, add some pressure to your pencil!
Make your own fossils by making some salt dough and pressing small objects into it to create an imprint. Then bake them in the oven. You could even paint them or colour them in to looking like real fossils!
Story Time
Remember to read, read, READ!
Enjoy a story from the eBooks available on Oxford Owl.
Have a fantastic day everyone!
Best wishes,
Miss Hale
Wednesday 20th May 2020
Zoom Day!
Good morning, Class 2!
Well done for being so creative yesterday! I had so many people send me pictures of their drawings, painting and crafts! They were all beautiful.
Today is our Zoom Day! I am looking forward to seeing you all at 2pm. I will send you the code for our Zoom chat on Showbie, and if you haven’t joined us before, remember ask an adult to send me permission!
Morning Wake Up, Shake Up
Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel at 9:00 for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised…
Or maybe try some Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high-energy work out!
Number of the Day: 39
Online Activities / Live Lessons
Today we are going to be looking at handwriting and using adjectives.
Click on the link to go to the BBC Bitesize page.
Activity 1: Handwriting –