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Class 4


Friday, 17th July 2020

Good Morning, Class 4! What a wonderful year we have shared... crazy, memorable and amazing! I wish we could have been together at school for longer, but am so incredibly proud of your home-learning completed! Keep sending through pictures of you working and just having fun- they do make me smile…Have a great day!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


English Activity:

Today, I would like you to write a letter to Mrs Hanham. Tell her about your favourite things to do, your family/pets, your favourite subjects in class, what you are looking forward to, who your friends are. What do you want her to know? Write it in your letter!


Maths Mission:

As it is our last Maths before summer… I thought we should have fun! Draw a grid (like you would for a treasure map) and add the features of your garden…e.g. draw on any flowers, trees, ponds, bird feeders etc. You do not need a massive garden to do this!


Once you have drawn your grid, mark on some coordinates and hide some treasures in the correct places… these could be stones or anything…


Then swap your coordinates with someone else (or leave it for a few hours till you can’t remember too well) … and let them find the treasure using your coordinates!

Have fun!


Creative Afternoon:


Algorithms, Programming and Debugging: Going Wild


In this activity, you will learn to create a short sequence of instructions (algorithms) to program your Bee to move. You may need to do some drawing if you don’t have a printer!


1) Place the Bee on the bottom left corner of the grid. Place the flower in a different square on the grid.


2) Choose the direction cards that would program the Bee to move to the flower. This is your algorithm.


3) Plan a simple program with just 3 or 4 steps in them to move the Bee to the flower square. Lay the cards out beside the grid or draw the direction shapes on a separate piece of paper.


More Ideas to try:


1) Make a grid outside with chalk so that you can add in other objects from the garden or home that have to be avoided or reached.


2) Add in more steps in the algorithm so the Bee has to go to more than one square. You can make your grid as big as you like!


3) Look at other creatures that live in the garden or outside and find out where they like to live and what they like to eat. Make a ‘fact file’ or booklet to share with others.


4) Explore robots as a theme: create a robot outfit for a favourite toy, build a robot out of small building bricks or junk modelling or watch a film such a WAL-E.


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic things that you produce today. Keep in touch, I love to see not only work but everything else you are getting up to!


Have a lovely day and a beautiful summer break!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Thursday, 16th July 2020


Good Morning, Class 4! Thrilling Thursday has arrived. It was lovely to see so many of you yesterday, what a crazy couple of hours! Keep sending through pictures of you working and just having fun- they do make me smile…Have a great day!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


English Activity:

E-Safety Board Game

Using the attached template, create your own E-Safety board game.

Safe / Unsafe Cards

As players move around the board, they might land on a 'Safe' or an 'Unsafe' square. At this point, they should pick up the relevant card and read the information on the back, following the instructions given.

When making your game, add appropriate information to the back of each card.

For 'Safe' cards, your might write "You asked an adult before using the Internet. Move forward two spaces" or "You use a safe search engine for children to find information online. Go forward three spaces".

For 'Unsafe' cards, you might write "You were unkind to a friend online. Go back three spaces" or "You gave away some personal information in an online form. Go back four spaces".

You might wish to add extra rules, such as 'If you roll a 6, you get an extra turn' or 'If your counter lands on the same space as another player, go back three spaces'.

Have fun playing your game with your family! Who will reach the centre of the board first?

Remember to send me pictures of you playing your finished games on Showbie or via email.

Maths Mission:

Today’s lesson is based on plotting coordinates. You may wish to look back at yesterday’s work and recap coordinates if you find it difficult!


Activity 1

Play the activity from KS2 Maths. Add each character and the treasure to the correct position.


Activity 2

Zoo coordinates

Try the worksheet attached. Print it out and find the animals on the map of the zoo, or draw your own zoo map on squared paper and add the animals.

Activity 3

Shapes and coordinates

Try the task…Print it out or draw the shapes onto squared paper - don't forget to draw the axis.


Creative Afternoon:


Algorithms, Logic and Debugging: 2D Shape Drawing


In this activity, you will follow an algorithm to draw pictures constructed from 2D shapes. The algorithms (instructions) you follow will include errors (mistakes) and you will use logical reasoning to detect and correct these.


1) Look at the algorithm on the left of the 2D Shape Drawing worksheet. This algorithm is made up of a sequence of instructions to create a picture of a house. On the right is how you would like the house to look. However, you suspect there might be some mistakes in the algorithm. Your task is to use logical reasoning to work through this algorithm to detect and correct any errors – to debug it.


2) To help detect and correct any errors, draw out each step of the algorithm. Read each step of the algorithm and draw it on a separate piece of paper.

3) Read the algorithm from the 2D shape Drawing Worksheet and follow the steps.


4) After drawing each step, check that what you have drawn from the algorithm matches the picture. If it does then move on to the next step; if it does not then debug the algorithm.


More ideas to try:


1) Can you create a simple drawing made from 2D shapes and then write the algorithm for this drawing? Purposefully include three mistakes in your algorithm for a member of your family to debug.


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic things that you produce today. Keep in touch, I love to see not only work but everything else you are getting up to!


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Wednesday, 15th July 2020

Good Morning, Class 4! Wonderful Wednesday is here- it is going to be truly wonderful to see lots of you today. Keep sending through pictures of you working and just having fun- they do make me smile…Have a great day!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission:


In today’s lesson you will Learn how to describe position on a coordinates grid.

This lesson includes:

  • one learning summary
  • three interactive activities




Coordinates are incredibly handy. They are used to help pinpoint locations on a map and pilots use them to know which airport to fly to.

Coordinates are plotted on a pair of axes and show the exact position of a point.


Follow the short videos and activities ready for the tasks:


Treasure map

Draw a picture of an island on squared paper. Add buried treasure, a tree, a boat, a bird and a shark.

Add an x-axis and a y-axis to the paper and write the coordinates for each of the things on your map.


Activity 2

Describing position

Try the worksheet… Print out the activity or write your answers on paper.



Activity 3

Coordinates challenge

Try the worksheet. Use squared paper to help you find the answers.


English Activity:


Internet Safety Reading Comprehension

Read the attached information about staying safe online and answer the comprehension questions.


Creative Afternoon -


Decomposition: Hand Jive Sequencing


In this activity, you will create hand clapping, hand tutting (see videos attached) or hand jive sequences of movements. You will break the sequence of actions down into parts and in so doing will be decomposing.


Basic Tutting moves

Simple tutting


Hand jive

Clapping patterns explained


1) Watch a sequence of hand movements; this could be a hand jive or tutting moves or clapping sequence (see videos for ideas).


2) Recreate the sequence without watching it again.


3) Can you break the sequence down into parts (decompose it) in order to teach it to someone effectively?


4) Use the attached Sequence Design sheet to record your sequence. It might be helpful to record each part, testing it out and debugging (fixing) it.


More ideas to try:


1) Photograph or record each part of your sequence and create a mini-tutorial.


2) Can you spot any repeated moves and how you could use a ‘repeat command’?


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic things that you produce today. Keep in touch, I love to see not only work but everything else you are getting up to!


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Tuesday, 14th July 2020

Good Morning, Class 4! Terrific Tuesday is upon us! Keep sending through pictures of you working and just having fun- they do make me smile…Have a great day!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


English Activity:
Internet Safety Rules


Amazing Fact

When 400 scientists, engineers, and academics were asked what was the greatest invention ever, there were three popular answers – the wheel, the printing press and the World Wide Web (the Internet). The overall winner was the World Wide Web.


We have to make sure we stay safe and sensible when we are online.


Use the attached sheet to write down five rules for staying safe online.

Use these rules to create a poster to encourage people to stay safe when using the Internet.


Remember to send me your finished posters via Showbie or email.

Maths Mission:


In this lesson you will learn how to complete shapes that have lines of symmetry which are vertical, horizontal or diagonal.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos
  • two interactive activities



In this lesson, you will build from the basic rules of reflective symmetry with horizontal and vertical lines. You will learn to reflect diagonal lines by thinking about how to reflect each end of the diagonal line.

Then you will learn how to reflect a shape or pattern in a diagonal mirror line.


Read through the information, and complete the short videos/activities to help you learn ready for the tasks.


Activity 1

This activity will help you practice completing symmetric shapes. In question 3, if you don’t have squared paper, don’t worry, you can use plain paper to test your ideas.


Activity 2

These questions will build your confidence in completing symmetric shapes. Do any of the shapes have more than one line of symmetry?

Print out the worksheet or write the answers on paper/straight onto Showbie,



Creative Afternoon


Algorithms and Decomposition: 3D Building Blocks


In this activity, you will create a simple model and then take photos to create instructions (an algorithm) for others to try and recreate your model. By removing one block at a time, you will be decomposing the problem into manageable steps.


1) Use ten random building blocks to create a model. You could use Lego, wooden blocks, books, cardboard boxes or anything else suitable that you find around your house (see the attached example sheet).


2) Once finished, photograph the completed model.


3) Take one brick off your model and re-photograph the model plus the removed brick next to it. Repeat the process until all of the bricks have been removed – each time you should just include the last removed block and clear away the rest.


4) Arrange your pictures in the reverse order that you took them in, so that they start with the photo of two blocks and end up with a completed model. Label the pictures in numerical order.


5) Give your algorithm to someone else to follow to recreate the model.


More ideas to try:


1) Try to write the instructions rather than just use photographs.


2) Can you break down the task of getting ready for school into smaller parts (having breakfast, having a wash, brushing teeth, getting dressed etc.)?


3) Create an algorithm to enable someone to recreate a simple drawing such as a house or smiley face.


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic things that you produce today. Keep in touch, I love to see not only work but everything else you are getting up to!


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Monday, 13th July 2020


Good Morning, Class 4! Our final week before the Summer holidays, what a year we have had… let’s make the most of this week and keep working hard- you have done so well! This week we are going to have a themed week with lots of activities based on Computing and Internet Safety- they have been a massive help to our home learning and keeping us in touch when we cannot be together! Keep sending through pictures of you working and just having fun- they do make me smile…Have a great day!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


English Activity:
Firstly, try this Internet and Phone Safety Multiple Choice Quiz…

Test your knowledge using this multiple-choice quiz. How many can you get right?


Your task today is to create your own quiz to test a friend’s Internet Safety knowledge?

Your quiz should have at least 8 questions and must have a range of questions that are open-ended (you answer with a sentence) or multiple-choice (you choose an answer from a selection).


Then try these activities as some extra fun…

Internet Safety Wordsearch

Complete the attached Internet Safety wordsearch. Can you find all of the words?


Internet Safety Crossword

Fill in the gaps in the sentences to help you to complete the attached Internet Safety crossword.

You will find everything in your Showbie-English folder…have fun!

Maths Mission:

Today, we are going to use our knowledge of shapes and symmetry and build on it! Follow the link to the website:

First of all, read through the information and complete any of the videos/interactive games…


Activity 1

Symmetrical letters

Write your name in block capitals. Which of the letters have lines of symmetry? Check with a mirror.

Now, repeat the activity with one of your friend's names. Does their name have more lines of symmetry than yours?

Can you think of any other letters with symmetry?


Activity 2

Label the shapes

Label the shapes with the correct number of lines of symmetry. This is an interactive activity on the website page…


Activity 3

Shape and space

Have a go at the worksheet attached to your Maths -Showbie or on this email/the class page… Print it out and fill it in or draw out the shapes and add the lines of symmetry. You could also complete straight onto Showbie.



Creative Afternoon


Abstraction and Algorithms: Shopping Lists


In this activity, you will learn to identify the ingredients you need to make a cake and create a shopping list. In doing so, you will develop your skills of abstraction and algorithms. You do not need to use any ingredients/equipment to complete this task...


1) Look through cookbooks, websites or magazines to find recipes. Choose between two or three recipes that look fun.


2) Alternatively, use the recipes on the attached worksheet.

Recipe 1: Challenging.

Recipe 2: More Challenging.


Looking at the method section of the recipe only, write a list of ingredients for your shopping list.


More ideas to try:


1) Discuss the quantities of ingredients needed and do an imaginary online shop:

  • How much money would you need?
  • How much change would you get form £10?


2) Try out your recipe with the help of an adult. Make sure that you weigh and measure the ingredients carefully.


3) Abstract the equipment needed rather than the ingredients and write a list of what you will need.


4) Investigate the science of baking with the help of an adult. Simply try mixing a teaspoon of baking powder into a cup of hot water to make a chemical reaction. When you add hot water to baking powder, the water reacts with the acid of the baking powder to produce carbon dioxide bubbles. As long as the baking powder is fresh, you will definitely produce bubbles!


5) Create your own “famous chef” instructional video on how to bake a cake.


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic things that you produce today. Keep in touch, I love to see not only work but everything else you are getting up to!


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Friday, 10th July 2020

Good morning, Class 4! Another week done and dusted…you are so amazing! I could not be more proud of how hard you are working each and every day. A HUGE well done! I hope you enjoy today’s activities, I look forward to hearing all about the fun you have today… keep sending me lots of pictures (both work and just you having fun)- it makes my day! J


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


English Activity:

On the sheet attached (or in English-Showbie) you will find a sheet with some spellings to practise! Choose 3 (or more) of the 6 different activities to help you practice each spelling… if you are writing the word out, make sure to repeat it at least 3 times to help you remember!


Your words are:

  • disappear
  • ordinary
  • remember
  • sentence
  • through
  • thought
  • possible
  • position


Have fun and send me lots of pictures! If you think of any other fun ways to practise your spellings, let me know as I love sharing fun ideas with others!

Maths Mission:


Today, we are going to explore quadrilaterals and how to classify them… Follow the link to today’s lesson:


First of all read through the information and complete the interactive games and videos to help you learn about quadrilaterals before you take on the tasks!


Activity 1

Finding quadrilaterals

Look around you. Can you see any quadrilaterals? Draw and label the types of quadrilaterals you can see.

Quadrilaterals have four sides. Can you draw a four-sided shape which is not a quadrilateral?


Activity 2

Which quadrilateral?

Play the game below from Whizz education. Can you name the different types of quadrilateral?


Activity 3

What am I?

Play the 'What am I?' game below from MyMaths, Oxford University Press.

Using the clues, can you work out which shape is being described?


Creative Afternoon:

Wild Art 2020


The RSPB are once again teaming up with the Cameron Bespolka Trust to bring you Wild Art 2020, and this year it’s even bigger! They are on the lookout for talented young artists to enter their exciting competition.


Your task is to create a piece of art inspired by nature – let your imagination run wild! There are two categories to choose from this year:

  • Real Life: entries using the more traditional approach of paints, pastels, acrylics, pens or pencil.
  • Go Wild: for those of you who want to ‘go wild’ in every sense of the word. To enter this category, experiment with textiles, sculpture, recycled and eco-friendly materials, collages – anything goes!


You can follow the link to the website to see some of last year’s winning entries:



For each category, the winner of each age group will receive an art gift voucher worth £100. There are also RSPB runner-up prizes for each category and age group too, so plenty of chances to WIN! The winning, runner-up and highly commended artwork will be displayed at The Society of Wildlife Artists Natural Eye exhibition from 28 October to 8 November 2020.


A special Richie Richardson award (and £100 book voucher) will be given for the most accurately drawn animal. The winning and runner-up artwork will also be printed in Wild Times, Wild Explorer or Wingbeat magazine.


Send a picture of your completed artwork to me via Showbie or email and I will enter it for you!


IMPORTANT: When taking a photo of your artwork, please make sure that you use natural lighting. Dark or unnatural lighting can result in distorted image colour/appearance.



Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic things that you produce today. Keep in touch, I love to see not only work but everything else you are getting up to!


Have a lovely weekend!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Thursday, 9th July 2020


Good morning, Class 4! Thrilling Thursday has landed! I hope you enjoy today’s activities, I look forward to hearing all about the fun you have today… keep sending me lots of pictures (both work and just you having fun)- it makes my day! 


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission:

Using your knowledge of triangles that you have learned about yesterday, complete the sorting activities. If you do not have a printer, do not worry! You could draw out the triangles on paper and cut them out (and the same with the sorting diagrams). You could also label each triangle (a, b, c, d) etc and write them into the correct place on Showbie or paper.


Activity 1: Sort the triangles into the correct category (scalene, isosceles or equilateral)


Activity 2: Sort the triangles into scalene or right-angled… the middle section is for if they are both!


Activity 3: Sort the triangles into isosceles or right-angled… the middle section is for if they are both!


Activity 4: Sort the triangles on the Carroll Diagram using the relevant characteristics to decide where they go…


I have added this into your Showbie-Maths and it also attached, or on the school website.


English Activity:


Today, your task is to complete the attached reading comprehension about David Walliams… you will need to read the information carefully, but some questions may require your own opinions and thoughts.


Remember to write in full sentences when answering (unless is states otherwise).


Creative Afternoon:


Sun Safety

The attached Sun Ready presentation will help you to learn more about keeping safe in the sun. Choose from the following activities:




At the end of the presentation, you will find a short quiz. Have fun testing your knowledge of sun safety!


Know Your Sun Cream (KS2)


Find out about the information displayed on a bottle of sun cream and what it means. Have a go at labelling the attached diagram.


Sun Safety Poster (KS1 & KS2)


Create a poster encouraging people to stay safe in the sun.


Use the attached planning sheet and think about including the following:

  • Why is it important to stay safe in the sun?
  • Which of the sun cream options are better?
  • Can you name the Five Top Tips for Sun Safety?


Remember to send me your completed posters on Showbie or via email.


Survival Kit Challenge (KS2)


Imagine that you are standing in the wild.

  • What does it look like?
  • What can you see?
  • What can you hear?
  • What can you smell?


Your challenge is to design a survival kit for the wild. Use the attached sheet to plan your survival kit.


Remember to send me your completed Survival Kits on Showbie or via email.


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic things that you produce today. Keep in touch, I love to see not only work but everything else you are getting up to!


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Thursday, 9th July 2020


Good morning, Class 4! Thrilling Thursday has landed! I hope you enjoy today’s activities, I look forward to hearing all about the fun you have today… keep sending me lots of pictures (both work and just you having fun)- it makes my day! J


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission:

Using your knowledge of triangles that you have learned about yesterday, complete the sorting activities. If you do not have a printer, do not worry! You could draw out the triangles on paper and cut them out (and the same with the sorting diagrams). You could also label each triangle (a, b, c, d) etc and write them into the correct place on Showbie or paper.


Activity 1: Sort the triangles into the correct category (scalene, isosceles or equilateral)


Activity 2: Sort the triangles into scalene or right-angled… the middle section is for if they are both!


Activity 3: Sort the triangles into isosceles or right-angled… the middle section is for if they are both!


Activity 4: Sort the triangles on the Carroll Diagram using the relevant characteristics to decide where they go…


I have added this into your Showbie-Maths and it also attached, or on the school website.


English Activity:


Today, your task is to complete the attached reading comprehension about David Walliams… you will need to read the information carefully, but some questions may require your own opinions and thoughts.


Remember to write in full sentences when answering (unless is states otherwise).


Creative Afternoon:


Sun Safety

The attached Sun Ready presentation will help you to learn more about keeping safe in the sun. Choose from the following activities:




At the end of the presentation, you will find a short quiz. Have fun testing your knowledge of sun safety!


Know Your Sun Cream (KS2)


Find out about the information displayed on a bottle of sun cream and what it means. Have a go at labelling the attached diagram.


Sun Safety Poster (KS1 & KS2)


Create a poster encouraging people to stay safe in the sun.


Use the attached planning sheet and think about including the following:

  • Why is it important to stay safe in the sun?
  • Which of the sun cream options are better?
  • Can you name the Five Top Tips for Sun Safety?


Remember to send me your completed posters on Showbie or via email.


Survival Kit Challenge (KS2)


Imagine that you are standing in the wild.

  • What does it look like?
  • What can you see?
  • What can you hear?
  • What can you smell?


Your challenge is to design a survival kit for the wild. Use the attached sheet to plan your survival kit.


Remember to send me your completed Survival Kits on Showbie or via email.


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic things that you produce today. Keep in touch, I love to see not only work but everything else you are getting up to!


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Wednesday, 8th July 2020


Today is our Zoom session at 1pm! Check your Zoom Information folder on Showbie for the access code.


Good morning, Class 4! Wonderful Wednesday is here! I hope you enjoy today’s activities, I look forward to hearing all about the fun you have today… keep sending me lots of pictures (both work and just you having fun)- it makes my day! 


Please can I have all the scores by the end of the day on Tuesday, 14th July


Get Ready…

Your FINAL Herefordshire Virtual Games Challenge is here!



Using a rolling pin (or similar) see how many times you can hit up a ball or a pair of socks in 30 seconds.  

Your number of hit ups is your score.


Watch: for a demonstration.

Send me your score before Tuesday, 14th July!


If you wish, send a video too!


There is an added twist this time – there are extra points for each person who takes part, including teachers and parents.  Let’s see how many people we can get involved.


Come on, Class 4, let’s see how many entries we can get!

Who is going to be the first to send me their video and score?


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


English Activity:

Following on from yesterday’s lesson, your task is to write a newspaper article. Pick something you are interested about- it could be a real event, or made up… e.g. an alien invasion, football match, day at the river, easing lockdown (getting less strict), lockdown events, other events that you have enjoyed…birthdays, family time etc.


I have attached a guide template and a blank template for you to help complete! Think about yesterday’s lesson about the features of newspapers and try and include as many as you can.


I look forward to seeing them!


Maths Mission:

Today you will be learning about the different types of triangles and their properties

This lesson includes:

  • one video
  • a learning summary
  • two interactive activities

Follow the link to today's lesson...


Triangles are a type of polygon (a 2D shape with straight lines).

There are four different types of triangles:

  • equilateral
  • isosceles
  • right-angled
  • scalene

Activity 1

Triangle machine

Try the activity on the website and label the types of triangle.


Activity 2

Label the triangles

Label the triangles on the worksheet attached. Either print it out or write the answers on paper.


Creative Afternoon


STEM Challenge – Perfect Playground Design

Article 31 of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child states that all children have the right to play.

Did you know, not all children have safe places to play? If you could design the perfect playground for children anywhere in the world, what would it look like?

What to do:

1. Think about your local playground or all of the exciting play equipment we have at school.


2. Discuss and make a list of the features of a ‘perfect’ playground. What should it look like? What should it have?


Think about the Key Questions on the attached sheet:



3. Use the attached sheet to draw a plan of what would feature in your perfect playground. You could draw the equipment or markings you would like or search for images on the Internet and stick them on to your plan. 


4. Now for the fun part! Select your materials from around your home/garden to build a model of your perfect playground. 


Remember to send me pictures of your playground models on Showbie or via email! I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic things that you produce today. Keep in touch, I love to see not only work but everything else you are getting up to!


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Tuesday, 7th July 2020


Good morning, Class 4! Terrific Tuesday is here! I hope you enjoy today’s activities, I look forward to hearing all about the fun you have today… keep sending me lots of pictures (both work and just you having fun)- it makes my day! J


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.



Maths Mission:


Following on from yesterday’s work… today, we are going to look at comparing and ordering angles. Follow the link to today’s lesson, you will find videos and guides to helping you through:


Once you have watched and completed the tasks on the link above, complete the tasks attached:


Activity 1

Sort the angles

This activity helps you practise comparing and ordering angles. In question 3, which angles will you look at in each shape?

Open the worksheet below and write your answers on paper or print the worksheet and fill it in (or complete straight onto Showbie).


Activity 2

Compare and order angles

These questions will help to build your confidence in identifying and comparing angles.

Read each question carefully. How is the question asking you to sort the angles? It isn’t always in ascending order. (ascending=getting bigger, descending=getting smaller).


English Activity:

Today, follow the link to the lesson…

You will revise the features of a newspaper report, ready for tomorrow!

There are two short video clips to watch, then 4 short activities:


Activity 1

Label the parts of the newspaper correctly. This is an interactive activity so you will need to find this on the linked page and click on the banner…


Activity 2

Newspaper reporters need to be able to tell fact from opinion so they can use them correctly in their articles.

Read the ‘Fact or Opinion’ activity sheet and decide which of the sentences are facts and which are opinions.

Either print the activity out (you could cut out the cards and arrange them into two piles or write ‘fact’ or ‘opinion’ on each one) or simply read through the activity and discuss or decide whether each is a fact or an opinion. You could mark on Showbie- Maths, with a F for Fact or an O for Opinion…


Top tip! 

A fact is true no matter what.

For example: Antarctica is surrounded by the Southern Ocean.

An opinion is something that someone believes. Someone else could think something different.

For example: Antarctica would be an amazing place to visit.


Activity 3

Read this Newsround report about Indian tigers.


Then answer the five questions below.

  1. What is the report about?
  2. Who is involved in the story?
  3. When did the events take place?
  4. Where did the events take place?
  5. Why is this happening?


Activity 4

Using the same Newsround report, find and copy out examples of the newspaper features below.

  • The headline (often found at the top of the page)
  • Two facts
  • quote showing someone’s opinion (Top tip! Look for inverted commas)
  • Three past tense verbs (Top tip! Look for verbs ending in -ed)
  • caption describing what is shown in a picture


Creative Afternoon




We know that lots of our families would like to say thank you to others who have helped over the last few months. From the postman who delivered cards that cheered us up, to a neighbour who has done some shopping, to a doctor or nurse, a friend who called for a chat etc.


PinYourThanks are inviting you to enter a competition to design a pin badge to say thank you to someone who has helped you (or your wider family) over the last few months.


The winning entry will be turned into a real pin badge and sold, alongside other badges designed by national treasures including Ringo Starr and Joe Lycett. Every pin badge sold raises money for NHS Charities Together and Volunteering Matters.


Use the attached template to design your badge.

Send me your completed designs on Showbie or via email by Friday, 10th July 2020 so that I can enter them for you!


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am looking forward to seeing the fantastic things that you produce today. Keep in touch, I love to see not only work but everything else you are getting up to!


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan


Monday, 6th July 2020


Good morning, Class 4! Another week of home learning is upon us, and you are doing SO well-keep it up! I hope you enjoy today’s activities, I look forward to hearing all about your weekends and today… keep sending me lots of pictures (both work and just you having fun)- it makes my day! J


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission

Today, we are going to learn about and identify the different kinds of angle! Follow the link to the BBC which will guide you right from the start… some of you might already remember them, but it is always helpful to have a refresh!


Activity 1

Identifying angles

This activity helps you practise identifying angles. In question 2, which numbers on a clock are at right angles to each other?

Open the worksheet and write your answers down on paper.


Activity 2

Comparing angles

These questions will help build your confidence in identifying angles.

Open the worksheet and write the answers on paper. In question 2, use a ruler to draw the angles.


You can find both tasks attached to my email or on Showbie-Maths. Remember, just do your best! Send me your completed work, or any questions if you need a little help.


English Activity:


Re-watch the short film… ‘Catch it’ to refresh your memory ahead of today’s task…


Imagine the vulture could have his say… Why did he behave the way he did? How did he feel about the meerkats working against him?


Your task today, is to write the vulture’s point of view about the chase.


Think about discussing not only what happened during the chase, but how the vulture was feeling throughout…


Remember you are writing as if you are the vulture so you need to use first person e.g. I, we.


Here are a couple of starting sentences, if you are struggling to get going…


I couldn’t quite believe my luck…the unique fruit that I have been longing for, for SO long was laying there before my very eyes! Those mischievous meerkats are fools for leaving it unguarded and people do say ‘finders keepers’ so…MINE!



Creative Afternoon:


Forest of Dean Forestry England Competition



Your task is to design a poster encouraging people to keep our forest clean. You should explain why littering is bad for the forest and why you #LoveYourForest


When designing your poster, remember the following:

  • Use A4 white paper
  • Use colourful pictures to grab attention
  • Include words, or even a poem
  • Do not attach craft materials


The winning design will be used around Forestry England sites to help spread the message.


I look forward to seeing your completed posters. Please send them to me on Showbie or via email by Thursday, 9th July 2020 so that I can enter them for you!


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see what you come up with today, you amaze me each and every day!


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Friday, 3rd July 2020

Good morning, Class 4. Another huge well done for the work completed yesterday and throughout the week, I am continually impressed with your hard work and effort every day! Keep it up. Have fun completing todays work, send me lots of pictures… I would love to see! Have a wonderful weekend too!

The Herefordshire Virtual School Games are hosting a DAILY challenge which is great news! Send me your scores as soon as you can each day so I can get them sent in on time and entered…


Can you complete today’s Stride Active Herefordshire Virtual School Games Challenge?

It is…the basketball challenge



English Task:

Today, I would like you to create your own sporting dictionary:


Write a definition for each of the words listed (attached).


Write the definitions as if they were for a dictionary.


Remember the words in a dictionary are always in alphabetical order.


Maths Mission:

Your task today involves a bit of sport… first using two fingers (your pointing finger and middle finger) measure your pulse… you can feel this on the under of your wrist or on your neck. I would like you to count how many beats per minute (60 seconds) …write this down. For accuracy, you may need to repeat this a few times. This little video shows you how you can do this and gives a short explanation!


Then, jog for a minute and then recount your pulse… write it down.


Sprint for a minute and then recount your pulse…write it down.


Finally, do 20 star jumps and recount your pulse.


I would love to see some pictures of this!


After you have collected your results, I would like you to…

  1. Calculate the difference between your lowest beats per minute and highest.
  2. Draw a graph to show the number of beats per minute for each activity.
  3. Write a couple of sentences to describe how your beats per minute changed for each and why.


Creative Afternoon:

Play this game of Connect 4 – How many can you complete? Your challenge is to try and make a 4 in a row of the physical activities described in the game attached (also in your Showbie-Creative Afternoon). Take lots of pictures of you completing the different activities… I would love to see! Let’s get moving!

Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see your sports day- limited home editions today and hear about the fun you continue having at home! I would love to see lots of pictures.


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Thursday, 2nd July 2020


Good morning, Class 4. It was lovely to catch up with some of you on Zoom! A massive well done for the work completed yesterday, I am continually impressed with your hard work and effort every day! Keep it up. Have fun completing todays work, send me lots of pictures… I would love to see your newest unusual reading spot!

The Herefordshire Virtual School Games are hosting a DAILY challenge which is great news! Send me your scores as soon as you can each day so I can get them sent in on time and entered…


Can you complete today’s Stride Active Herefordshire Virtual School Games Challenge?

It is…the cricket challenge!


  • Mark 4 paper targets on a wall. Mark each target with a score: 6, 4, 2 & 1.
  • Stand 3 metres away and using an underarm/ overarm throw you have 60 seconds to hit the targets.
  • Try to score as many points as possible.
  • If you hit a 6 take a step back, if you hit a 4 take half a step back.
  • Count the number of points in 60 seconds.



English Activity

Create your own A-Z of sports (attached).


Amazing Fact

The sport of Jai-Alai is commonly believed to be the fastest sport in the world – the ball can travel at speeds of up to 190mph.


Try to think of a sport or sports person for each letter of the alphabet.  You could use the Internet or Non-Fiction books to research lesser-known sports.


Unscramble the Sports Day words (attached).


Complete the Sports Day word search (attached).



Maths Mission

Your task today is to complete the Olympic word problems…Use your number knowledge and time-telling skills to help you out! You will need to read the questions carefully to work out what you must do to solve the question.


Then… write 3 of your own Olympic related word problems to try out on a friend!


You can find everything you need on your Showbie-Maths folder or attached.


Creative Afternoon:

As you try new sports and physical activities, think about the equipment you use.  How does it help you to play? How does it help you to improve?


Today’s challenge is to design a new piece of sporting equipment so you can think about what small changes help you to achieve your personal best.


Choose a sport that uses some equipment. You may choose one you play already, or you can find out about a new sport.


Think about the equipment:

How is it used? What size is it? What shape is it? Is the colour important? What materials is it made from?

Now think of how you could make small changes to improve the equipment so that it can be even better or more effective.


Make your new equipment and try it out! You could use recycled materials from around the house, make it on the iPad or draw a very detailed model if you would like!


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see your sports day- limited home editions today and hear about the fun you continue having at home! I would love to see lots of pictures.


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan


Wednesday, 1st July 2020


Good morning, Class 4! July is already upon us? Mad! A massive well done for the work completed yesterday, I am continually impressed with your hard work and effort every day! Keep it up. Have fun completing todays work, send me lots of pictures… I would love to see your newest unusual reading spot!


The Herefordshire Virtual School Games are hosting a DAILY challenge which is great news! Send me your scores as soon as you can each day so I can get them sent in on time and entered…


Can you complete today’s Stride Active Herefordshire Virtual School Games Challenge?

It is…the Rugby Challenge!


Send me a picture or video of you completing the challenge!


There is also a week long challenge alongside each daily one… We would like you to create a dance routine to tell the story of your lockdown experience. Have you used any of the School Games values? To remind you, the values are: Determination, team work, honesty, passion, respect and self-belief.


Record your video and send it to me… it should be between 1 and 2 minutes long and showcase the feelings and stories of lockdown!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission


Today, I have planned some Olympic themed maths challenges… complete the 2 challenges described below!



English Activity:

Choose your favourite Olympian and find our as much as you can about them.  Create a fact file / poster / presentation all about them.


Remember to include as much information as possible to tell me all about them!


You can choose anybody who competes in any sport, and use the fact file template attached or create one of your own using a device or on paper.


Creative Afternoon:

Home Sports Day


Spend the afternoon enjoying some traditional Sports Day Fun (most can be adapted for outdoors or indoors):


Hit the Spot

Dodge Buster

Stepping Stones

On Track

Shape Shifter


Set up some mini races in the garden with your family.


Can you design a new race?


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see your sports day- limited home editions today and hear about the fun you continue having at home! I would love to see lots of pictures.


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Tuesday, 30th June 2020


Good morning, Class 4! I was very impressed with your amazing sports creations and all of your entries for the School Games… I hope you enjoy today’s challenge just as much! Have fun completing todays work, send me lots of pictures… I would love to see your newest unusual reading spot!


The Herefordshire Virtual School Games are hosting a DAILY challenge which is great news! Send me your scores as soon as you can each day so I can get them sent in on time and entered…


Can you complete today’s Stride Active Herefordshire Virtual School Games Challenge?

It is…the athletics challenge!


Shuttle Runs…

Use 2 objects to mark out a distance of 5 metres.


How many shuttle runs between the markers can

you complete in 60 seconds?


You score 1 point for every shuttle run, i.e. if you ran

there and back you would score 2 points.


Send me a picture or video of you completing the challenge!


There is also a week long challenge alongside each daily one… We would like you to create a dance routine to tell the story of your lockdown experience. Have you used any of the School Games values? To remind you, the values are: Determination, team work, honesty, passion, respect and self-belief.


Record your video and send it to me… it should be between 1 and 2 minutes long and showcase the feelings and stories of lockdown!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission


-collect some information about your family or friends… you could choose to ask their favourite chocolate bar, favourite fruit, colour or animal (or anything else). Choose a selection of 4 or 5 options and then ask them to pick their favourite. Use a tally chart to record your data- try and get as many responses as possible (even if you have to choose on their behalf, if you can’t ask them- you might just know their favourite).


Now you have gathered your data, draw  a bar chart to show the data. You need to draw a scale on the one (y) axis (the vertical one) to represent the number of people who took part and then on the x axis (horizontal one), you write the choice of answers you gave…


Answer the questions for your chosen questionnaire…

-What was the most popular answer?

-What was the least popular answer?

-What was the difference between the most popular choice and the least?


English Activity


Today, you are going to be revising fiction and non-fiction writing… what is fiction? How is it different to non-fiction? Where might you find non-fiction writing? When you are completing your writing, please remember to use your beautiful joined handwriting!


Visit to find today’s activities...


Activity 1

Complete the two short interactive activities (you will need to view this on the website linked above).

First, put the book titles in the correct place on the shelf to show whether they are fiction or non-fiction.

Then read each sentence and decide whether the text is fiction or non-fiction.

Top tip!

Remember, the correct spelling of ‘non-fiction’ contains a hyphen…you may get the answer incorrect if you forget this part!


Activity 2

Watch the video about Britain in winter.

You are going to be writing about what happens in it, so watch carefully.


Your task is to write a paragraph (between five to eight sentences) about something you saw in the video as if it were in a non-fiction text.

Remember, non-fiction texts use facts so only use what you are told in the video. Don’t make anything up!

Top tip!

You could write about:

  • what animals do in winter
  • what people do in winter
  • the weather in winter
  • anything else you noticed

For example:

Winter in Britain is a very cold time. It is often icy and can even snow. When it snows, people like to make snowmen from the freshly fallen snow and go sledging down hills.


Activity 3

Now write a paragraph (between five and eight sentences) about something you saw in the video as it were in a fiction text.

Remember, fiction is made up like a story. Use the video to inspire you and let your imagination run wild!

You could:

  • Write a setting description.
  • Choose a person or animal and write a character description.
  • Write a short story or poem about anything else that you thought was interesting.


For example:

The snow-covered mountains shone like diamonds in the early morning sunshine. Slowly, the herd of deer woke up, quickly shaking off their snowy blankets. Icicles hung from the towering trees and rivers were frozen solid. Winter had arrived.

Top tip!

Fiction writing often includes:

  • adjectives and adverbs
  • lots of description
  • similes and metaphors


I look forward to seeing your fantastic writing!


Creative Afternoon:

The 2020 Olympics were due to take place in Tokyo in Japan.  They have been postponed until 2021.


Enjoy taking part in some traditional Japanese sport activities this afternoon.


Warm-up by taking part in Radio Taiso workout from the Japan Society.  Radio Taiso is an exercise routine first broadcast in 1928 and is still very popular today.


Can you create your own Radio Taiso routine and film your routines for the rest of to have a go at?


Complete the Tokyo Ten: Random Routines


Can you use the video to learn how to say how to say the numbers 1 – 5 in Japanese?  Show us what you have learnt by creating a poster or even a film to teacher others.


Try a traditional Japanese playground game – Kendama.  Use the activity guide attached to find out how to use and make your own Kendama set.


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you create today and hear about the fun you continue having at home.


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Monday, 29th June 2020


Good morning, Class 4! I hope you had a lovely weekend and had lots of fun… I look forward to hearing all about it… Have fun completing todays work, send me lots of pictures… I would love to see your newest unusual reading spot!


The Herefordshire Virtual School Games are hosting a DAILY challenge which is great news! Send me your scores as soon as you can each day (before 3pm) so I can get them sent in on time and entered…


Can you complete today’s Stride Active Herefordshire Virtual School Games Challenge?

It is…the tennis challenge!

Using a racket or something similar (bat/cereal box etc.), see how many hit-ups you can do in 60 seconds…You score 1 point for each hit up.


Send me a picture or video of you completing the challenge!


There is also a week long challenge alongside each daily one… We would like you to create a dance routine to tell the story of your lockdown experience. Have you used any of the School Games values? To remind you, the values are: Determination, team work, honesty, passion, respect and self-belief.


Record your video and send it to me… it should be between 1 and 2 minutes long and showcase the feelings and stories of lockdown!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission

Today, we are going to recap some symmetry!

Visit to refresh yourselves on what symmetry means and how we can identify and create symmetrical lines and shapes…


A 2D shape is symmetrical if a line can be drawn through it so that either side of the line looks exactly the same.

The line is called a line of symmetry.

This is sometimes called a 'mirror line' or 'mirror symmetry', because if you put a mirror on the line, the reflection would show the whole shape.

• An isosceles triangle has 1 line of symmetry.

• A square has 4 lines of symmetry.

• A circle has unlimited lines of symmetry!


Your first task is to complete the attached activity… there are two pages. Page 1 is challenging/more challenging, where there is only one line of symmetry… page 2 has up to two lines of symmetry. You could complete both if you fancy an extra bit of practise or challenge!


Then, draw your own symmetrical image… it could be a pattern, an object or just a picture. The only rule is that it must have at least one line of symmetry and be an identical mirror image on both sides.


I look forward to seeing your creations!


English Activity

Watch the following short film ‘Catch It’.

Imagine that the animals could talk. What would they say to each other during the clip?


First, recap your use of inverted commas (speech marks) using the following site…


Then, using paper or the attached template, think of some dialogue and write it down of the discussion between the different animals. (Remember to use the punctuation that you have just learned about).


Creative Afternoon


This week is a sports themed week.  Stride Active will be setting a daily challenge for us all. 


Watch the video to find out about the Olympic Torch Relay:


Some activities to have a go at:


1.    Make your own Olympic Torch – how creative can you be?

2.    Make your own Olympic medals – use clay, play dough, salt dough, bake a cake, biscuit or cookie – we can’t wait to see your creation!  Alternatively, use the template attached.

3.    Create your own Mascot (attached).

4.    Create your own quiz all about the Olympic Torch Relay to share with the rest of us.

5.    Use the information (attached) to find out about the Olympic Rings.

Design your own set of Olympic Rings – what would each one stand for?


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you create today and hear about the fun you continue having at home.


Have a lovely day!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Friday, 26th June 2020


Good morning, Class 4! I can’t quite believe how quick the weeks are passing by. I am missing each and every one of you SO much, but I am so glad that we can keep in touch via Zoom and Showbie. Keep in touch and send over some of your awesome work for today and if you get up to anything over the weekend! 


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


English Activity:

Today, I would like you to write some detailed instructions. You could guide me to do anything… brushing teeth, baking, building something, how to play a game…anything.


Remember to think about the different features of instruction texts, I have attached a word mat to help you think of some vocabulary that you may wish to use. Please be very detailed- imagine that I am an alien! You may wish to include some diagrams to support your instructions.

Things to include:

-Headings/sub-headings (what are you telling me to do).

-Introduction sentence

-List of things you will need- equipment, utensils etc.

-Steps in chronological order (in order of when they should be done).

-Imperative verbs (doing words).

-Bullet points/numbers to separate the steps… remember your adverbs (slowly, carefully, quickly… before, after that, next, soon, later).

-A conclusion sentence (e.g. You should now have a lovely chocolate cake, ready to be sliced and served.)


Maths Mission:

Your first task today is to complete the ‘Check your change’ task… you need to calculate the change you should receive from £10. Is it correct? If not, what should your change have been…


Then, have a go at the solar system code cracker and see if you can solve the secret words!


All of your tasks can be found inside your Showbie- Maths or attached, but you could complete everything either digitally or onto paper.


If you would like a challenge activity.... I challenge you to create your own code breaker!


Creative afternoon


‘The Goldfish’ 1925

Look at the picture.  What effect does the dark background have? There are lots of fish, how do you think the other fish feel about the goldfish? What makes the goldfish stand-out? What techniques you think Klee might have used to create the goldfish painting?


Read the following link with information about this picture


If you have them you could use wax crayons or oil pastels to cover the whole page in a mix of bright colours, then cover the page with black oil pastel so there’s no colour seen. Using a paperclip that has been unravelled, scratch at the page to make a shape and the colour will be revealed.  Remember to be safe when using this!


Or you could create a drawing with bright coloured wax crayon or oil pastels, where there are some white bits left. Using a black water colour, brush over the page to create the background – the oil should resist the paint and show up.


If you don’t have any of these, no problem, simply using colouring pencils, felt tips, paints, sharpies, whatever you have that can be used to create colour and away you go.  You could even have a go at creating a piece on the following free app on an ipad,   or on your computer if you have a program for art already on it.


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you create today and hear about the fun you continue having at home.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan


Thursday, 25th June 2020


Good morning, Class 4! It was lovely to catch up with so many of you on Zoom again this week. Keep in touch and keep sending over your AMAZING work! I love seeing it, it always makes me smile!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


English Activity:

Your English task today is a little different… I am missing each and everyone of you very much. Today, I would like you to write a letter to the whole class (Dear Class 4…).


In your letter, I would like you to discuss things such as…

  • what you have been up to
  • what you have enjoyed (or not enjoyed)
  • how you are feeling
  • what you are looking forward to

and anything else you may think of…


I am then hoping to put all of our letters together on a document that I can share with you all and we can keep as a memory of our crazy time in Year 4!


You can type or write this letter, I have included a little guide… (do not worry about putting the address). Remember to proof-read to check for any missing words, and look at your spelling and punctuation carefully to make sure it all makes sense!


Maths Mission:


Today, I would like you to get some items from around your home (or the garden) and give them all a price (around 10 items would be good)…

I would like all of your prices to include a decimal place (pounds and pennies) e.g. £1.32= apple.


Your tasks are to…

  1. Put the items in order from least expensive to most expensive.
  2. Work out the total cost of ALL items added together.
  3. Calculate how much change you would have if I gave you a budget of £50 (or how much more money you would need).
  4. Calculate the difference between the most expensive item and the least expensive item (you will need to use subtraction).
  5. Select 5 items and work out the total cost… then apply a half price deal and see how much your shopping would cost then.

I would love to see some pictures of you completing the activities! Have fun!


Creative afternoon


‘Castle and Sun’ 1928

Look at the picture.  Can you tell what the painting is? What might it look like to you?

What shapes can you see in the painting? How might Klee create art like this?

Klee used shapes to create the image of the castle and the sun. He also used colour – is that the colour of a real castle? Why would he use colours that aren’t real? 


Experiment with this trying to create this style and your own castle by drawing around lots of cut-out 2d shapes, first with pencil. Once you’ve created a pencil drawing with lots of shapes, you could use a crayon or pen to draw the lines. Then  use pastels or paints to colour in the shapes, if you have them… if not you could just colour them!


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you create today and hear about the fun you continue having at home.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Wednesday, 24th June 2020

Our Zoom will take place today at 1pm. Remember to check in your Showbie-Zoom Information folder to find the code to access. If you would like to join for the first time then send me a quick message or email with permission from your parents/carers and I look forward to seeing you!


Good morning, Class 4! I was so impressed with your art yesterday, well done on such a fabulous job! If you fancy getting stuck in, have a go at the Virtual School Games challenge and send me your results- who will be the next to take on the challenge? It is your FINAL DAY to take on this round of the Games!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


English Activity:


We are going to take part in the National Writing Day challenge!



You will need: a pen/pencil, paper and something to time yourself with- a timer/stopwatch/clock etc.


You are going to take part in a 24/7 challenge.

There are just three rules:

1. You are going to write a brilliant 24-word short story.

2. Your story must start with the words ‘One day’.

3. You will write it in just 7 minutes!

It’s a challenge, but don’t worry – this lesson will guide you step by step so you’re ready to make the most of those precious 7 minutes!


Follow the lesson via the page linked above as there are some very helpful videos that will give you lots of ideas and support. Below, I have outlined the tasks.


Activity 1: One day…

Make a list of all the times when something in your life changed for the better.

It could be anything: the day your brother or sister was born, the day your tooth fell out and you got a pound, the day you met your best friend… let your memory roam free!

Aim to write down at least three ideas.

Activity 2: Precious items

Look at the different precious items in the list below. Create a simile or metaphor for each item.

Remember: A simile uses the words like or as, whereas a metaphor says something is something else.

For example:

Simile: The crown glittered like a shining star.

Metaphor: The diamond ring was a disco ball reflecting light.

  • A king’s crown
  • An old photograph
  • A diamond ring
  • Your favourite toy
  • A family member, or best friend

Now come up with three of your own precious items and write a simile or metaphor for each one.


Activity 3: Get creative!

Have a go at writing some interesting sentences by combining your ‘One day…’ and ‘My precious items’ ideas.

For example:

One day my brother was born and his smile sparkled like a shining star.

One day my tooth fell out and the pound under my pillow glittered like a disco ball.

Write at least seven different sentences, all starting with 'One day'.

Top tip!

  • Don’t worry about making mistakes or not writing perfectly. Creative writing is all about having a go and having fun!

Activity 4: Challenge time!

Now you’re ready to take on the 24/7 challenge!

You’re going to use the ideas you came up with in Activity 3 to create your own brilliant poem!

For example:

One day my brother smiled like a shining star,
teeth glittering like a disco ball.
My friend and I giggled like gleaming gold coins.


  • Your poem should only be 24 words long.
  • It should start with the words ‘One day’.
  • It should be written in 7 minutes. Set yourself a timer!

Top tip!

  • The most important thing is to have fun! This is about trying something new and enjoying writing creatively. Don’t worry if you make mistakes, just have a go!

Remember to send me your creations! I look forward to seeing them.


Maths Mission:

Today we are going to look at estimating money. Estimating means having an ‘educated guess’- we often do this by rounding before completing the calculation… e.g. 1.47 +3.63= (estimated) 1.5 +3.6=­­__


Follow the link to today’s lesson…


First, watch the video to see an example of rounding to the nearest pound to estimate an amount of money.

Throughout the video, there are a number of questions for you to answer. You will need to pause the video at these points and work out the answer.


Activity 1

Estimating money


There are three questions to complete which involve rounding to the nearest pound in order to estimate money. Write your answers on paper or print out and fill in the spreadsheet. This is attached or in your Showbie-Maths folder.


Activity 2

Estimate money game


Answer the five questions in the interactive game and practise the skills you have learnt.



Creative afternoon

‘Cat and Bird’ 1928


Watch the Cat and Bird book video link below written based on the drawings of Paul Klee.  What do you notice about the illustrations in particular?  What shapes are used?  What colours are used?  Is there are moral to the story?


Have a go at creating your own now!  You could draw and then colour or paint it, or you could create one similar to the cut out image below.   Make sure the bird’s image is engraved in the cat’s memory, completely, forever.



Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you create today and hear about the fun you continue having at home.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan


Tuesday, 23rd June 2020


Good morning, Class 4! I was so impressed with your research yesterday, well done on such a fabulous start to you art week! If you fancy getting stuck in, have a go at the Virtual School Games challenge and send me your results- who will be the next to take on the challenge?

Wake Up, Shake Up

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.



English Activity:

Follow the link to today's lesson... a different kind of 'reading lesson' about authors and enjoying reading.

Activity 1

Complete the ‘What does an author do’ quiz.

Can you get all four questions right?


Activity 2

Watch this video of Paralympic Basketball player and sports presenter Ade Adepitan reading from Tom's Midnight Garden by Philippa Pearce.

Listen carefully. Ade reads some extracts and explains how Philippa Pearce’s writing really captured his imagination when he was younger.


You can write your answers down on paper, or discuss them instead.


  1. Why did Ade enjoy about reading Tom's Midnight Garden when he was young? Give two reasons.


  1. What does Ade like so much about how Philippa Pearce described the garden? (Top tip: Go to 2 minutes and 42 seconds in the video.)


  1. Do you think you would like reading Tom’s Midnight Garden? Why?



Activity 3

Now think about a book you’ve enjoyed reading or listening to. You're going to review that book and the author - just like Ade did in the video.

Fill in the book review activity sheet explaining what you like about that book and the way the author writes.

Look at the questions in each box to help you.

Either print off the sheet and fill it in, or copy out the subheadings onto a piece of paper.

If you have not recently read a whole book, perhaps you could think about a magazine or newspaper you have recently looked at… or login to your MyOn and read a short book to review…

Remember…not all reviews are good reviews. It is okay for someone else to LOVE a book and you to find it boring (and the other way around). Be honest with your review!


Maths Mission:

Today, your Maths Mission is to follow on from yesterday. Use your currency knowledge to compare and order amounts of money:


Activity 1

Ordering money

Have a look at the worksheet attached or in your Showbie-Maths folder. There are three questions to complete which involve ordering different amounts of money. Write your answers on paper or print out the worksheet and fill it in.


Activity 2

Money ordering game

Answer the five questions in the interactive game and practise the skills you have learnt to order different amounts of money using comparison symbols.


I would love to see some pictures of you having a go at the game!


Creative afternoon


Take the pencil for a walk!  The ‘Senecio’ (1922) challenge


Fancy a challenge? Time yourself to do a continuous line drawing of a face for 30 seconds only. Only rule, you cannot take your pencil off the paper! You can go back over lines you have drawn or create new lines, but no lifting that pencil up!  How far did you get? Then have a go for 45 seconds, then a minute, and so on.   Remember it is not about finishing it quickly but have all the detail.  Then colour the picture using a colour palette, like Paul Klee, warm, cold or neutral.  


Want to go further now, you have had a go at slightly abstract pictures the use his ‘Senecio’ picture below and create your own version and then colour it in or paint it.

Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you create today and hear about the fun you continue having at home.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Monday, 22nd June 2020


Good morning, Class 4! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and had lots of fun. Welcome to a new week of home learning- keep sharing what you get up to (learning or fun) and keep in touch with me, it keeps me smiling every day! Well done for those of you who have entered the Virtual Games below. If you fancy getting stuck in, have a go and send me your results!

Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


English Activity:

Today, we are going to focus on some spelling and grammar. Use the SPaG mat to revise some of the things we have learned over the year… under each ‘mini task’ is a helpful clue that will help you complete the question, even if you can’t quite remember!


I have attached a spelling list of the words we have been practicing during Year 3 and 4. This might help you on the last question (unscrambling letters).


Once you have completed this, have a go at the spellings word search to see how many you can find!


All of these can be found attached, on our website page, or on Showbie-English. I look forward to seeing how you get on!


Maths Mission:

This week, we are going to be using our work on decimal places to help us with money! Follow the link to today’s lesson about making amounts of money:


Money is used by people on a daily basis to buy things or pay bills.


Making amounts of money is very important because you need to be able to have the correct number of notes and coins in order to buy something.


The United Kingdom uses pounds and pence as currency.

100p = £1.00


You write an amount of money using decimals if it is over £1.00. You always need two decimal places when talking about money.


For example, if you had a one pound coin and a 20p coin in your pocket, you would write the total as £1.20.


The number before the decimal point shows how many whole pounds you have, while the numbers after the decimal point shows how many pennies there are.


Read through the information on the page to learn more about how we use money!

Activity 1

Coins worksheet

Have a go at the worksheet- Money task 1. You can write your answers on paper or complete on Showbie.


Activity 2

Making different amounts

Make the amounts of money in the Money task 2. Draw out the coins or use real or toy money to find the answer. Take some pictures as you go!


I have attached the activities described on the page, and have also added them to your Showbie-Maths folder.


Creative afternoon

This week we are going to use our afternoons to focus on some art in the style of an artist called Paul Klee. Before we get started, it is important to do some research and find out some information to help us on our way!

Today, your task is to investigate Paul Klee.


Who was Paul Klee?  What was his art like?  What colours did he use? Where was he from?  How many pictures did he draw/paint?


Your challenge is to investigate the life of Paul Klee. Below are some links to support this.  Find out all about his life and his art, including his colour choices and styles of art.

Use the information you find to create a fact file, a poster, a video or PowerPoint to show what you have learned. Make sure you get lots of variety as you will be using this as the basis of your art for the next few weeks!


Here are some useful links:


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you create today and hear about the fun you continue having at home.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Friday, 19th June 2020

Good morning, Class 4! Another week of home learning complete to an amazing standard! Keep working hard, you are doing such a fantastic job!

Your NEXT Herefordshire Virtual Games Challenge is here!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission:

As it is Friday… it is our weekly Maths challenge day!


Follow the link to BBC Bitesize at and have a go at all of the challenges…. How many can you do this time?


Remember to read the challenges carefully and split them up into small parts to help you understand and answer the questions. I would love to see your workings out!


When you are finished, have a go on your Timestable Rockstars and practice your times tables!


English Activity:

Your English task is based on Water Safety today. Follow the attached presentation (also in your Showbie-English). If you are using Showbie to do this, you will need to scroll along through the presentation.


Task 1:

Spot the potential dangers/hazards that are in each picture and try and find one to go with every letter of the alphabet. See how many letters you can find one for!


Task 2:

Write a water safety poem. Your poem can be in any style you choose… rhyming, haiku, acrostic- anything! Try and include some of the poetic features we have learned about such as alliteration, rhyming, similes or onomatopoeia. In the presentation there is an example of a verse that I have written.


Creative Afternoon

Throughout the week, you will have learned a lot about the rainforests and why they are so important to our lives, animals and plants that live there and people all over the world! Today… your mission is to create a persuasive poster to inform people of how we can SAVE OUR RAINFORESTS! Watch this short clip to remind you of our wonderful rainforests and why we must protect them!


One of the big issues that is killing our rainforests is the increased rate of deforestation… there are many reasons that this happens!

-to create fields for farming cattle or growing crops

-to produce wood to make furniture

-to produce wood pulp to make paper

-to create space for housing


Here is a time lapse of a rainforest in Bolivia which shows just how destructive over-deforestation can be!


But what can we do?

-buy certified wood products

-use recycled paper- or use scrap paper

-cut down on printing

-buy soy products from sustainable sources


On your poster, you need to include…

-a catchy slogan- e.g. Rescue our Rainforests

-ways that we can save our rainforest.


-images to make it exciting (need to be relevant).


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:

BBC Bitesize Daily Book Club Reading Lessons,0,0,0,0


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.


I am excited to see the amazing things you create today and hear about the fun you continue having at home.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Thursday, 18th June 2020

Good morning, Class 4! It was lovely to catch up with some of you on Zoom yesterday. It is always great to keep in touch. Keep working hard, you are doing such a fantastic job!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission:

Today we are going to practise rounding decimals to the nearest whole number…. Remember if your number is 5 or above, you must round up. If the number is 4 or below, you must round down…

When rounding decimals you need to look at the number after the decimal point e.g. 4.3 would round down to the nearest whole number of 4.


Follow the link to the lesson

and complete the activities/tasks that are outlined throughout.


Activity 1

Use a receipt, for example from the supermarket, and round all the prices up or down to the nearest pound.

Add all the rounded prices together to find an approximate cost.

How does this compare to the actual total cost on the receipt?



Activity 2

Round the dice decimals

Take two dice, each of them with faces labelled from 1 to 6.

When the dice are rolled they can be combined in two different ways to make a number less than 10 with one decimal place.

For example, if I roll a 2 and a 3 I can combine them to make 2.3 or 3.2.

Now round each of these numbers to the nearest whole number: 2.3 rounds to 2 and 3.2 rounds to 3. Roll the dice again and repeat.

Do both of the numbers you make ever round to the same whole number?

Here are some interactive dice that you can use for this problem or you can use two dice from a board game.

From Nrich


Activity 3

Decimals worksheet

Answer the questions on the worksheet. Print it out or write your answers on paper (this is attached or in Showbie-Maths).


English Activity:

Today I would like you to write a rainforest description. Use your best similes, adjectives and vocabulary to describe a rainforest setting. There is a picture attached to help inspire you! Remember to include the 5 senses to help the reader feel like they are really in the rainforest!

I have attached this in your Showbie-English folder and to this email.


Creative Afternoon

Your task today, is to research a rainforest animal and produce a ‘talk’ like you would experience if you visited a professional.

Choose one or more talks about a rainforest animal to learn more! You may wish to make some notes as you go to help inform your talk!

Tree kangaroo


Sumatran tiger


Parson’s chameleon


Sulawesi macaques


Then create an animal talk, using the attached guide from Chester Zoo! (In your Creative Afternoon folder on Showbie). Once you have planned, record your animal talk- I wonder if our class will have the next David Attenborough! I can’t wait to see what you produce.


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you create today and hear about the fun you continue having at home.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Wednesday, 17th June 2020

Good morning, Class 4! Wonderful Wednesday is upon us. I was very impressed with the rainforest shelters that you designed yesterday… Keep working hard, you are doing such a fantastic job!

Your NEXT Herefordshire Virtual Games Challenge is here!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission:

Today, we are going to be using our decimal knowledge to order decimals. Visit to find the lesson.

Follow the videos, activities and tasks described on the page. I have attached the two task sheets and have added these into your Showbie- Maths folder.


English Activity

Your English task is to read through the ‘Rainforest Calling’ fiction text and answer the comprehension questions. Read both the text and the questions very carefully- you may find it useful to underline or highlight key parts to help.


Creative Afternoon

The trees and rainforest habitat are made up of different layers… today, we are going to explore this further! Use the attached PowerPoint (also in your Creative Afternoon-Showbie folder) to learn about the different layers…

Your task is to use what you have learned to produce either a model or a poster to explain the different layers of a rainforest. I have included some examples below. You could even use natural materials or plants in your garden to create a mini rainforest- e.g. the grass could be the forest floor layer, a daisy could be the understory layer etc…

I have even added a guide to create your own ‘Rainforest in a Box’ if you wanted to have a go!

Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you create today and hear about the fun you continue having at home.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan


Tuesday, 16th June 2020

Good morning, Class 4 and welcome to Tuesday! I was very impressed with your hard work yesterday… Keep working hard, you are doing such a fantastic job!


Get Ready…

Your NEXT Herefordshire Virtual Games Challenge is here!

Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission:

Today, we are going to use yesterday’s lesson to help us compare two decimals. Visit to see the lesson and complete the different videos and short tasks.

Activity 1: Complete the task attached- comparing decimals 1 (also in your Showbie- Maths).

Activity 2: Complete the task attached- comparing decimals 2 (also in your Showbie-Maths).

Activity 3

Guardians: Defenders of Mathematicia

Play the Forest of Fractions and Decimals level in Guardians: Defenders of Mathematicia to test your knowlege of decimals.


English Activity:

Today, your task is to create a fictitious (made-up) character- it could be an animal or human and make a wanted poster. Remember to include a detailed paragraph about the individual so that they could be identified by a stranger!


e.g. WANTED! Walford Primary School are in search of a 3ft 2 high, green ogre who was last seen by the pond in Forest School. The ogre is wanted for drinking all of the water in the pond and causing a drought in the local area! It is wearing a brown waistcoat, beige trousers and a pink top hat. He is friendly and funny, and goes by the name of ‘Waldorf’. Waldorf likes to stay near water and can often be found in the company of his friends… it is out of character for him to disappear before lunch time! Have you seen Waldorf?

I have included a Wanted poster template for you (attached or in Showbie-English) but you could do this straight onto paper if you would like.


Creative Afternoon

Rainforests experience an awful lot of rain! Another word for ‘rain’ is ‘precipitation’.

First, watch this short video created by professionals of Chester Zoo who have visited and explored several of the different rainforests around the world!

As you will have heard, in all types of rainforests… there is a LOT of heavy rain. Your task, is to build, draw or design a shelter that could protect you from the daily, heavy rain that would fall if you were living in a rainforest. If you do not have the materials you would choose- you could add labels to say what you would have used in real-life.

Think about waterproof materials… Is the material strong enough? Would animals be able to get in?

I look forward to seeing the fantastic shelters you come up with!






KS2 Home Learning Music Activities


HELLO MUSIC MAESTROS! Welcome to another fabulous week of MUSIC 😊

 This week, we are going to explore some other links between art and music.


When we listen to music, we often find ourselves with a picture in our head of what the music is representing or what story it is telling.  We might imagine what would be happening on a screen if the music was part of a film or television programme.


Sometimes, it’s good to think of music and art the other way around and to look at a piece of artwork and imagine the music that it might inspire.


This week, we are giving you the option to choose which way round you might like to do your lesson – to create a piece of art inspired by music or create a piece of music inspired by art…


We would love to see video clips and pictures of you taking part in any of this week’s activities!


KS2 Project Week


  • First of all, watch this video which will explain what we are going to do and how we are going to do it.
  • Next, look carefully at the artwork and have a listen to some of the pieces of music we suggest you use. Remember, you can use your own artwork or favourite pieces of music from home too.
  • Top tip: if you use a website like YouTube to listen to your music, minimise the screen so you can use your own amazing imagination instead of being influenced by the pictures you see.
  • We can’t wait to see and hear what you have created.



Suggestions for Artwork to Inspire Your Music


Starry Night by Van Gogh


The Fighting Temeraire  by Turner,_JMW_Turner,_National_Gallery.jpg


Gravitation by Kandinsky


This beautiful window (called Ascension) at Hereford Cathedral


Any of these pieces by local artist Stuart Roper


The abstract sculpture Moondog by Tony Smith


Sa Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk by Claude Monet


Suggestions for Music to Inspire Your Art


You may want to listen to play some of the shorter pieces several times while you create your art. The first three on the list are used in the introductory film.


Finale from Symphony 9 by Dvorak


The Girl with the Flaxen Hair by Debussey


The Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean


Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss


This fantastic mashup of Titanium and Faure’s Pavane by The Piano Guys


This spikey Fugue for Harpsichord by JS Bach.


The fantastic and fun piece Yakety Sax


A really fun version of Vivaldi’s Spring by local (and very talented) musician Matt Mann


Note to parents, carers and teaching colleagues:

We recommend that YouTube videos are reviewed before children access them as, occasionally, inappropriate comments may be posted after we’ve viewed them.


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you create today and hear about the fun you continue having at home.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Monday, 15th June 2020

Good morning, Class 4 and happy Monday! I hope you have enjoyed a relaxing and fun-filled weekend and I look forward to hearing all about it. Keep working hard, you are doing such a fantastic job and I am very proud of you all.


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission:

Today, we are going to recap writing numbers with a decimal point. Visit to find today’s lesson.

  1. Complete the interactive activity.
  2. Complete the writing decimals worksheet- attached and in your Showbie-Maths folder.
  3. Complete the second decimals task (attached or in Showbie-Maths).
  4. Guardians: Defenders of Mathematicia

Play the Palace of Place Value level in Guardians: Defenders of Mathematicia to test your knowlege of decimals and place value


English Activity:

Today, we are combining our English activity with History! Follow this BBC Bitesize lesson to find out why and how the Romans came to invade Scotland…


Your task is to create your own comic strip to explain the invasion… I would like you to add your own small captions below to explain what is happening in the scene. I have attached a comic strip template to your Showbie-English folder.


Alternatively, you could retell the story of the invasion in a few paragraphs to explain. Remember to include all the exciting parts, and the details to make it as informative as possible!


Creative Afternoon

Today we are going to see just how beneficial the rainforest is, even when we are so far away! We will learn about the different products that are available from the rainforests.

First, play the ‘Track it Back’ game and learn about the process undergone by coffee, chocolate and bananas from being harvested to your plate!

Below is a list of things that can be produced in a rainforest… does anything surprise you? We are very lucky that people have started to use our rainforests sustainably and support tropical farmers to grow, harvest and sell their produce at a fair price!


Your task is to go around your home/an area, and do a survey of how much you find that comes from (or could come from) a rainforest…take a picture of the items you find if you can- you could make a collage or just put a few things into one photo! If you cannot photo things, you could write these in a list.

It is quite surprising how far some products and materials travel! You may want to research some of the types of wood e.g. Mahogany or balsa to see if any furniture or doors you have are made from it! Look through your cupboards, I was amazed by just how much I have in my kitchen, mainly spices and fruits, that could have come from the rainforest! Remember, we have alternative areas that these things are produced so not all will have come from the rainforest, but all of it possibly could have!


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you create this week and hear about the fun you continue having at home.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Friday, 12th June 2020

Good morning, Class 4! Can you quite believe we are already at the end of another week?! Below are today's activities, have fun and share what you get up to (learning or fun!).


Maths Mission…

Today, create your very own piece of shape art in the style of Piet Mondrian.

Visit to learn more about his style.

He uses a lot of geometric shapes in his pieces of art. Make sure to colour in using bold and bright colours… you could even paint or collage this if you would like!


  • You MUST include at LEAST 6 different types of shape e.g. circle, square, rectangle, triangle.
  • Use a ruler to get any lines nice and neat.

English Activity…


Your English task today is to write your own ocean themed shape poem. Use the attached PowerPoint/guide to help you write it. I have added this to your Showbie-English folder. I have also added a variety of templates for a poem if you would like to use them… if you don’t want to print, you could draw your own ocean inspired outline and use this.


Creative Afternoon:

We have learnt lots this week about the importance of our ocean and the thing’s that live inside them. Throughout history, people have always wondered what was beyond the next mountain, ocean, river, or even planet. The oceans have led many explorers along the trail of going to new places.

Follow the link below to read about just some of the many ocean explores who have taken on the sea in order to achieve a new idea or take on a new challenge.

This afternoon, I would like you to create a fact file about one of these famous ocean explorers. You may need to use the internet to find out some more information about your chosen explorer. Remember to use your SMART internet safety rules when using the Internet and refine your search including words such as ‘facts for kids’ or ‘KS2’.

( - a useful link for information about James Cook)

You may choose to use the attached template for your fact file or you could present your research in your own way. Remember to share your work with me on Showbie or via email. I look forward to reading all the amazing facts that you find out about your chosen ocean explorer!


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you produce!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Thursday, 11th June 2020.

Good morning, Class 4! It has been fantastic to see what you have been creating throughout our ocean inspired week of learning… you are all absolute stars! Below are today's activities, have fun and share what you get up to (learning or fun!).


Maths Mission…

Your Maths mission today is to use what you know about times tables to complete some long multiplication… if you are not yet feeling very confident with your multiplication, follow lesson 1 (2-digit numbers) and complete activity 1.


If you fancy a challenge or are feeling confident, follow lesson 2 (3-digit numbers) and complete activity 2…


Watch the video for your chosen lesson-


And then complete the attached activity for your lesson. This is also in your Showbie-Maths folder.


English Activity…

Following on from yesterday, we are going to look at synonyms and antonyms… follow the link to the BBC lesson and complete the different activities.


Remember: Synonyms have the same meaning and antonyms have the opposite meaning.


Activity 1

Label the words as synonyms or antonyms.

Pay close attention to your spelling.


Activity 2

Complete this 'Synonyms and Antonyms' activity sheet. (Attached or in Showbie-English).

Top tip!

If any words are unfamiliar to you, use a dictionary or online dictionary to look them up.


Activity 3

Complete the synonym word search. This is an Online activity!

You need to find 10 words in total: each word on the list plus a synonym for each word.

Click 'done' to check your answers.


Creative Afternoon:

Yesterday, we learnt lots about the different layers of the world’s oceans. We know that there are lots of plants and animals that live in these layers of the ocean and they depend on one another in order to survive. This means many of the plants and animals will be part of a food chain.

Watch the video below to remind yourself of what a food chain is and what they represent:

Now I would like you to try and have a go at writing your own food chains for the plants and animals that live within the different layers of the ocean. You may want to use your research from yesterday to help you with this.

Here is an example:

When presenting your food chain, be as creative as you can be. You may want to create a sketch, draw a diagram, produce a short video or photograph objects from around the house to represent each part of the food chain.

Challenge: can you identify the producer (the part that produces their own food using energy from the sun) in your food chain? Are the animals within your food chain herbivores, omnivores or carnivores?

A herbivore is an animal that only eats plants

An omnivore eats plants and animals

A carnivore only eats animals



Mrs West has sent us some more wonderful musical activities to enjoy this afternoon. Send me some videos or pictures of you completing the activities, if you choose to have a go!



Listening – Happy - Vanilla Flute Ensemble

Have a listen to these four amazing flute players. A guaranteed foot-tapper!

Song – Happy - Pharrell Williams

Here’s the original song with some special guests joining in. Why not join in too?

Appraising – Happy - Pharrell Williams

Listen again to Happy by Pharrell Williams


  • Did the tempo stay the same all the way through the song?

  • How would you describe the dynamics in this song?


Answers at the end of these notes. No peeking until you’ve given your answer!


Improvising – Happy – Vanilla Flute Ensemble

Listen carefully to the Vanilla Flute Ensemble again. What do you notice about the background rhythms? How are the sounds made?


Body percussion can sound great! Have a go at making up some rhythms and perform along with the Vanilla Flute Ensemble. First, copy the rhythms you can hear. Then have a go at improvising (making up) some of your own.


Composing – Living Room Music

Go around your house and find objects that make interesting sounds - be sure to ask who ever looks after you first! Choose your best sounds - 1 for each person taking part. Play your body percussion ‘Happy’ rhythms on your objects. Try some new rhythms. Practice playing your music together, making sure you keep a steady beat. At first, it will help to count to 8 out loud to keep you together. Try playing it at different speeds. Put together your patterns to create a final piece. You can repeat patterns with or without everybody playing. Try experimenting with different objects. Have fun!


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you produce!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Wednesday, 10th June 2020


Good morning, Class 4! You have been working super hard this week and I am very impressed… how are we already half way through the week?! Below are todays activities, have fun and share what you get up to (learning or fun!) I love keeping in touch. It is the last day to get your entry in for the Herefordshire Virtual Games so share your throwing skills with me if you get a chance!


Wake Up, Shake Up


Welcome to the Herefordshire VIRTUAL School Games! ROUND 3

During the Summer Term, Stride Active (Twitter: @stride_active) have been setting fortnightly challenges for all schools in Herefordshire. All you need to do is complete the task below, score yourself and send a video on Showbie or Twitter and then Mrs Hanham will submit our results to Stride Active.

By entering the competition, as a school, we will receive a participation certificate and be able to work our way through the various levels for entering each different sport/activity, starting at Bronze and potentially finishing with Diamond by the end if we complete all of the challenges!

The next round of the Herefordshire Virtual Games is here! Your challenge is below… If you are up for the challenge, get your entries to me by the end of Wednesday!

Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and @stride_active if you upload it to Twitter!

COME ON WALFORD! Let’s get competing!


Maths Mission…

Today, complete the activity mat to practise all of your Maths skills… give it your best shot and see how many of the questions you manage to complete!

When you are finished, I have added a multiplication/division turtle colouring for you to give a go… you can complete this using the editing tools on Showbie, or print it and have a go.


If you don’t have a printer, you could even have a try at making your own multiplication colouring!


English Activity…

Today, we are going to practise using a thesaurus. Follow the BBC Bitesize link to the lesson and activities…


Activity 1

Show how well you understood the video above by completing this activity. You need to fill in the gaps in the sentences.


Activity 2

Watch the video about baby animals in spring and complete the activity.

Now write five sentences about what you saw in the video.

Try and include an adjective (describing word) or adverb (describes a verb) in each sentence.

For example: The delicate birds sang beautifully.


Activity 3

Look back at your five sentences from Activity 2. Underline an adjective or adverb in each sentence.

Now use a thesaurus to find a synonym for each of your underlined words. If you don't have a thesaurus at home, there are lots online - just search for one to help you.

Write the word in a different colour above or below your original word.

For example:

The delicate birds sang beautifully.

The delicate birds sang delightfully.

Top tip!

You may need to look for the root word when searching in a thesaurus.

For example: ‘Beautifully’ might not be there, but ‘beautiful’ will be. You can then change the synonyms you find into adverbs if you need to by adding -ly.


Activity 4

Complete this 'Using a Thesaurus' activity sheet.

You can either print out the activity sheet or write your answers on a separate piece of paper. I have added this to your Showbie-English folder.


Remember: If you do not have a thesaurus, you could use an online thesaurus instead.


Creative Afternoon:

Earth is referred to as ‘The Blue Planet’ because it looks blue from a distance. The Earth looks blue because 70% of its surface is covered by water. There are five oceans that cover the world.

Warm-up activity: complete to attached worksheet to identify and label the five oceans that cover the world.

Sunlight shines on the oceans just like on the land. However, light does not reach the deepest layers of the ocean. The depth of the oceans are split into layers and each layer has its own specific characteristics.

This afternoon, you are going to use the attached PowerPoint, the Internet or any non-fiction books that you may have at home to research the different zones of the world’s oceans.

You could record your findings on the diagram attached or present them as a poster or a short movie.

You might want to include:

  • the average temperature in each zone;
  • examples of things that might be living in the zone;
  • the effects pressure would have at that depth;
  • what exploration has been carried out in each zone.

The Mariana Trench is the deepest place on Earth. It is 11,000m deep. You can find out more about it and its inhabitants here in this short documentary:

Remember to share your learning with me on Showbie or send it to my email. I look forward to seeing how you present your facts about the different zones of the world’s oceans. 


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the wonderful things you produce!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Tuesday, 9th June 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I was so impressed with yesterday’s home learning- you are doing such a fantastic job. Below are todays activities, have fun and share what you get up to (learning or fun!) I love keeping in touch.


Wake Up, Shake Up


Welcome to the Herefordshire VIRTUAL School Games! ROUND 3

During the Summer Term, Stride Active (Twitter: @stride_active) have been setting fortnightly challenges for all schools in Herefordshire. All you need to do is complete the task below, score yourself and send a video on Showbie or Twitter and then Mrs Hanham will submit our results to Stride Active.

By entering the competition, as a school, we will receive a participation certificate and be able to work our way through the various levels for entering each different sport/activity, starting at Bronze and potentially finishing with Diamond by the end if we complete all of the challenges!

The next round of the Herefordshire Virtual Games is here! Your challenge is below… If you are up for the challenge, get your entries to me by the end of Wednesday!


Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and @stride_active if you upload it to Twitter!

COME ON WALFORD! Let’s get competing!


Maths Mission…

Using your knowledge of the 3,4 and 8 times tables, we are going to complete some word problems today…


You may find it useful to use our strategy that we have been using this year to help with word problems- RUCSAC:



-read the question very carefully and underline the key words…


-make sure you understand what you are being asked to do… is it all one step? Do you need to do more than one step?


-choose what operation to use- addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.


-solve the question- show your workings out…


-write your answer. Remember to include the unit of measure…


-double check your answer- do it again, or use the inverse to make sure you haven’t made any little errors.


 I have added the questions into your Maths- Showbie folder. Remember to write down your workings out.


If you would like an extra challenge, you could write a few of your own word problems that require you to use the 3,4 and 8 times table.


English Activity…

Today, I would like you to look at the image below… take a few minutes just to look closely and consider the 5 w’s- who, what, where, when and why.


Its pouring down and he is just stood there.  Who is he and who is he waiting for? Where is he standing and where is the water coming from? How may he feel?


I would like you to write a paragraph or two, explaining what is happening in the picture…I would like to see punctuation throughout (capital letters, full stops, commas) and double check any spellings that you sometimes muddle up.





Creative afternoon

Yesterday, we explored the problems we are facing with the growth of plastic waste entering our oceans and identified the importance of ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’.

Today, we are going to reuse plastic waste to create some art of our own. Watch the following video of international award-winning photographer Mandy Barker as she shares her work with marine plastic debris.


Now, chose one of the following activities to complete:

  1. Have a go at creating your own piece of micro plastic art by reusing and arranging some of your own old plastic waste to create a picture/ sculpture. I have included some pictures below of some examples, but there are lots of ideas that I am sure you will come up with yourselves!


  1. Follow the instructions on the attached document to create a Birdfeeder or a Snack Box from recycled materials.

I am looking forward to seeing all of the amazing artwork you create this afternoon! Please remember to share it with me on Showbie or send it to me via email.

Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you produce!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Monday, 8th June 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I hope that you have all had a wonderful weekend and are looking forward to getting back into some more fabulous home learning. You continue to amaze me with your learning and creativity week on week- keep it up!


Wake Up, Shake Up

Welcome to the Herefordshire VIRTUAL School Games! ROUND 3

During the Summer Term, Stride Active (Twitter: @stride_active) have been setting fortnightly challenges for all schools in Herefordshire. All you need to do is complete the task below, score yourself and send a video on Showbie or Twitter and then Mrs Hanham will submit our results to Stride Active.

By entering the competition, as a school, we will receive a participation certificate and be able to work our way through the various levels for entering each different sport/activity, starting at Bronze and potentially finishing with Diamond by the end if we complete all of the challenges!

The next round of the Herefordshire Virtual Games is here! Your challenge is below… If you are up for the challenge, get your entries to me by the end of Wednesday!

Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and @stride_active if you upload it to Twitter!

COME ON WALFORD! Let’s get competing!


Maths Mission…

Today, we are going to recap our 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables… Your first task is to complete the multiplication triangles by filling in the missing number. You can also find this in your Showbie- Maths folder. You may need to use your division skills if one of the bottom numbers is missing!


Once you have done this, I would like you to make your own set of at least 6 multiplication triangles to challenge someone else in either the 7, 9, 11 or 12 times tables. I would also like you to include an answer sheet so make sure you know the final answers to your questions! You could use a times tables grid to help you if necessary.


If you do not want to print this, you could either draw the triangles out onto plain paper and complete, or write straight onto the Showbie document.


English Activity…

We are going to focus on some reading today…


Your first mission is to complete the attached reading comprehension about World Ocean Day (also in your Showbie-English folder). Remember to read the information and questions very carefully, and use what you read to inform your answers!


Once you have completed this, I would love to hear you read- I am missing hearing your voices! Use the video or voice recording button to send me a short clip of you reading about 2 pages of a book, magazine, website or anything that you are reading at the moment (if you are stuck, you could even read me the first pages of the information about Ocean Day)! Remember to use some expression in your voice, and to look carefully for punctuation e.g. full stops, capital letters to guide the way you read.


Creative afternoon

Inspired by Ocean Day, during our Creative Afternoon’s this week, we are going to be completing activities that will help us to learn more about the oceans that surround us. The posters at the top link to some fantastic learning and Ocean related activities, if you would like to learn more!

Begin your learning by watching the following video which explains all about the problems we are facing with marine debris and how there has been a huge growth in plastic waste entering our oceans.

As you can see from the video, plastic waste is becoming a huge problem for our oceans and is having an effect on not only our economy, but the poor sea creatures that live in our oceans too. 

The scuba divers are doing all they can to collect and remove plastic waste from our oceans however, we on land can also do our bit to help stop the rise in marine debris.

This afternoon, I would like you to make a poster or video that will inform people about the problems with plastics in our oceans and help them to understand what we can do to make a change. We all need to pick up litter when we see it, reduce plastic waste, reuse plastics where we can and make sure that we recycle all plastics appropriately!

If you choose to create a poster, it should have:

  • A catchy title, for example, ‘DIVE AGAINST DEBRIS’
  • Some facts and figures about plastic waste
  • A clear message for change
  • Some pictures/ drawings to attract the reader

Please remember to share your informative posters with me on Showbie or send them to my email. I look forward to seeing all of your creative designs.


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you produce!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Friday, 5th June 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I can’t believe it is Friday already! Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun. It was lovely to catch up with you all on Zoom yesterday and hear about your half term fun!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission:

Today is challenge Friday…

Start off with a Number of the Day… 15,200

  • How many thousands, hundreds, tens and ones are in the number?
    Can you write it as a word?
  • How can you represent the number e.g. a bar model, using place value to separate?
  • Write an addition sum that has the answer of 15,200
  • Write a subtraction sum that has the answer of 15,200
  • Name 3 times tables that go into the number 15,200

Now… head to and complete the BBC challenges… See how many you can do! I look forward to seeing your best attempts! Remember to show your calculations as they are very important.


English Activity:

For your English task today… write a story that includes an animal as a character. It can be any plot, genre or animal that you wish. I have attached a story map (in English-Showbie) to help you plan your story before you write it. Remember to include all of the different writing features we have learned…capital letters, full stops, commas, fronted adverbials (followed by commas), adjectives, similes etc…


It would be amazing if you could include some illustrations to support your amazing stories! Maybe you could even draw a front cover to go along with your story/book!




Creative Afternoon


Your challenge today is to find a natural object and do a detailed sketch of it. Your object could be anything as long as it is natural, e.g. a flower, tree or leaf… However, whatever you choose must be fairly still!


Take some time to observe the detail, texture and colour. Then, try and include as much of this as you can in your sketch! Below are some examples…


Remember to send some photos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag  #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you produce!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Thursday, 4th June 2020

Good morning, Class 4! Well done for braving the weather and getting your wildlife maps done yesterday. Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun. I am very excited to catch up with all of you and hear what you have been up to!


Today is our Zoom day at 10am. Look out for the code in your Zoom information folder on Showbie and come and join the fun. We will catch up about our half terms and let everyone know about anything exciting that we have been doing!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission:

In your Showbie-Maths folder is todays task… you will need something to measure with e.g. a ruler, tape measure. If you don’t have anything then you could use hands or feet to measure… Complete the tasks outlined on the activity sheet.


English Activity:

Yesterday we looked at using apostrophes for contractions! Today, you will be revising the rules for apostrophes for possession and using them in your writing.

This lesson contains:

  • one video to help you revise how to use apostrophes to show possession
  • one video showing the first episode of Treasure Island
  • four activities


Here is the link to today's lesson!


Creative Afternoon


This afternoon, visit this page and have a look through the different species of animals and plants that we have in the United Kingdom. When you click on the images, it will take you to the page…


Choose a species that you find interesting and create a fact file about it…

You may like to consider…

  • Where does it live/ where is it found?
  • Does it live there all year round? For example, in autumn, swallows from the UK make their way back to Africa to spend the colder months there!
  • What kind of habitat does it like?
  • What does it eat? What does it need in order to survive?
  • Does it have any special features, like an extra big beak, that helps it eat?
  • Can it fly? How does it move/travel?
  • Does anything eat it- or is it top of the food chain?


You can present your facts in any way of your choice… a video, poster, booklet- anything!


Remember to send some photos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag  #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you produce and hear all about your half term adventures and fun!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Wednesday, 3rd June 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I have been so impressed with your fantastic work and your 30 Days Wild challenges! Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun.


The next round of the Herefordshire Virtual Games is here! Your challenge is below:



Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


English Activity:

Your English task today is to practise using apostrophes to contract (combine) words and use them in your writing.


This lesson includes:

  • one video to help you revise apostrophes for contraction
  • one video about the inspirational scientist Marie Curie
  • three activities

Complete the activities and let me know how you get on!


Maths Mission:

Today, your challenge is to continue your learning on area and perimeter using the Oak Academy lesson below:


Follow the link and work your way through the quiz, video and activities provided…


Creative Afternoon

Your task today is to map your local wildlife. You could do this anywhere- on a walk, in your garden or even looking out of your window.


On paper, draw a rough sketch map of the area you are going to explore, and map where you see the wildlife. Think about the key features of the area e.g. river, grass, bird feeder, bushes, trees, flowers, ponds and draw these on to your map first…


Below is an idea of what a sketch map might look like… you do not need to include street names in your map as it is likely to be a smaller area!

As you explore, note down the wildlife that you see and label it! For example, if I saw a dragonfly by the pond, I would mark the pond with an X and draw or write ‘dragonfly’.


Remember to send some photos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag  #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you produce and hear all about your half term adventures and fun!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Tuesday, 2nd June 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I was very impressed with your fantastic work yesterday! Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun. I am very excited to catch up with all of you and hear what you have been up to!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission:

Over the next few days, we are going to recap some area and perimeter…we have already done quite a bit so you may find it useful to look back if you need reminding. Use the Oak Academy lesson below and complete the activities as you go…


Remember, try your best, that is all I will ever ask for! I have attached the ‘Main task’ to your Maths folder in Showbie.



English Activity:

Your English task today is to write a recount about your half term fun! It was so fantastic to hear about some of the things you had been doing, that I would love to hear more. Remember to include the most exciting parts of your days and give a lot of detail to help paint the picture in my mind!



  • Introduction- answer -Who, What, Where, When and Why.
  • Write in first person (I, we, our etc).
  • Past tense (it has already happened).
  • Detail and description- make it exciting!
  • How you felt, why?
  • What you did?
  • Who with? Where?


Creative Afternoon


This afternoon, your challenge is to create a habitat for some local wildlife… you may want to create a minibeast hotel, a bird nest or even a hedgehog hide! I have included some pictures below, but there are lots of ideas that I am sure you will come up with yourselves!




Try and use as many loose natural materials as possible. You may want to collect materials on a walk or using things around your garden! When you are finished, you could put your habitat out in your garden or somewhere on a walk for the wildlife to enjoy.


Remember to send some photos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag  #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you produce and hear all about your half term adventures and fun!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Monday, 1st June 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I hope you have had a wonderful and relaxing half term, what beautiful weather we continue to have- keep enjoying it! Below are your home learning activities for today. Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun. I am very excited to catch up with all of you and hear what you have been up to!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission:

For Maths today, we are going to have a try at one of the Oak Academy lessons!

You may want to get some energy and into Maths mode with this Supermovers video about 2D shapes:


Follow the link below and complete the quizzes, videos and activities to recap and learn about shape, symmetry and angles…


English Activity:

Today, your task is to follow this BBC Bitesize guide of using the suffixes… -ous and -sion…

A suffix is a letter or a group of letters that can be added to the end of a word to change its meaning.


Here is a link to the lesson where you will find two short videos and the different tasks for todays activity:


Activity 1

Complete this activity sheet, I have added this to your Showbie-English folder. It focuses on words ending in the suffix -ous.

Remember: There are three spelling rules to follow when you use the suffix -ous. Think carefully about which rule is being used.


Activity 2

Follow the interactive activity by pressing on the image and complete the short tasks that are given…


Activity 3

Design a poster or short video clip that teaches children in the year below you about the suffixes -ous and -sion.

You will need to explain what they are and show some examples of when you would use them.

If you choose to make a poster, you could include:

  • A big, bright title
  • Bold, bright colours
  • What -ous and -sion mean
  • Word examples of -ous and -sion
  • Pictures


Creative Afternoon


During our Creative Afternoon’s, we are going to be taking part and doing lots of activities inspired by the 30 Days Wild Challenge… Send photos of your finished product, or the process with me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag  #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!


  1. Think of your top 3 favourite birds and what you love about them. If you’re not sure, you could look at some different UK birds using the following website:


  1. Create a new species of bird with the features from the favourite birds that you chose, for example, a bird with a robin’s red breast, a kingfisher’s long beak and a mallard’s big webbed toes! You could present it any way you choose- a model, a painting, a picture or even using technology!


  1. Give the bird a name. You might like to include some information about it also e.g. what it eats or where it is found.


Drop Everything and Read:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see the amazing things you produce and hear all about your half term adventures and fun!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan


Monday, 25th May 2020 – Friday, 29th May 2020

Hello, Class 4!

It is May Half-Term, but if you’d still like some activities, there is plenty to choose from!  Remember, you can do as much, or as little as you’d like.  Don’t forget to post on Showbie to keep making me smile.


Remember, you can also use your usernames and password for the following:

  • Times Tables Rock Stars / Numbots
    Numbots has been added to your TTRS account
  • MyOn
  • Read Theory
  • Education City
  • Classroom Secrets Kids
  • Sumdog (this is new and I have posted your account details on Showbie)

Enjoy choosing some of the activities below.  All documents are attached at the end.  Remember to share as many photos as you can on Showbie – I can’t wait to see them!



Go to the Homepage of the website (, look at the Twitter feed and read 'all tweets'.  Alternatively, ask your parents to help you by getting them to access school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool).


Browse all the AMAZING work being created and shared on Twitter by all the wonderful Walford children, can you spot yours?

Remember to 'like' anything that makes you smile by pressing the    button. 


Post some of your activities throughout the week!

Remember our E-Safety rules ... you do not need an account of your own!



Oak National Academy Activity Clubs

Welcome to Oak Activity Club. They have a range of activities on offer during half-term run by their brilliant partners, with activities like cook-a-longs, arts and debating clubs. Some activities are designed for certain year groups and some are for all.


Fiver from Home


The Fiver from Home project is a fun way for pupils (5-11) to imagine what business they could create with just a £5 note.


Fiver from Home helps children to develop key skills, including:

  • Creativity
  • Communication – written and verbal
  • Planning and organisation
  • Problem solving
  • Commercial awareness

Once they complete the workbook and activities, they even get a participation certificate to celebrate their achievement!


Work through the 4 parts of the Fiver from Home Workbook, completing the activities and using guiding documents.


The Wordguide offers explanations with relevant examples all of the terms in the workbook in case this is the first time seeing them.

For parents / carers supervising or delivering Fiver from Home, we have Top tips for Parents sheet that offers a few suggestions on how to keep your young people engaged and having fun throughout the project.


Think it!

Here’s a fiver, what business could you start?

Use the workbook to create an idea, name your business and use our Top Tips to create a logo.


Research it!

Use the Remote Market Research Template and example questions to find out what your customers think.  This should be completed via telephone or email with people you know.


Plan it!

Use the third part of the workbook to create your business plan by answering the questions in the business plan section.  Draw your product or create a poster for your service.


Pitch it!

In the final part of the workbook plan, write and then present a sales pitch to someone in your home.

There are plenty of tips on what to include and how to present the sales pitch in the workbook.

Once you have finished, share examples of your work on Showbie.

Complete the checklist and send it back on Showbie to receive a certificate.


Whole School Challenge

Here’s a song you can all learn together and then we can sing it together when we come back together at school.  You could even have a go at creating a simple dance routine for the chorus.

Jimmy Cliff – I can see clearly now…

Lyrics are attached!






Learn a New Skill

How many new skills can you learn?  Send photos of you practising your new talents…


Royalty Meets Wonderful Walford…

Baking Challenge - Royal Scones

Every year at Garden Parties across The Royal Residences, over 27,000 cups of tea, 20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 slices of cake are consumed!

The Royal Pastry Chefs are happy to share their recipe for fruit scones, which traditionally would be served at Buckingham Palace every summer.

Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and #royalbakes when you share your creations!

-500g Plain Flour
-28g Baking Powder
-94g Butter
-86g Sugar
-2 Whole Eggs
-140ml Butter Milk
-100g Sultanas (Cover in hot water and leave to soak for 30 minutes)

-Preheat oven to 180oC
-Mix the flour, baking powder, butter and sugar together in a bowl, until a crumb is formed
-In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and buttermilk together
-Add the liquid to the crumb mixture
-Continue to mix the dough, until it is smooth
-(Optional) Add the sultanas, and mix until evenly distributed
-Remove the dough from the bowl, flatten the dough and cover
-Leave to rest for approximately 30 minutes
-Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2.5 cm and cut to desired shape
-Rest the scones for another 20 minutes
-Gently egg was the top of the scones
-Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes until golden brown
-Cool before serving with jam and clotted cream



Physical Activity

Choose a different activity each day.  How many can you complete before the end of the holiday?  The document is attached below.



Choose a different activity each day.  How many can you complete before the end of the holiday?  The document is attached below – press on the blue titles for more information.


Take some time to visit the Health and Wellbeing section of the website where you will find a selection of stories to support children’s understanding as well as lots of wellbeing and mindfulness activities.


Corridor for Nature Project

Canal River Trust

Canals and rivers are often referred to as ‘Corridors for Nature’. They are home to hundreds of species of plants and animals. The areas around our canals and rivers provide six very different habitats.

We’d like you to think about how you could re-design an area of your garden or outside space to create a Corridor for Nature at your home. Your designs should be inspired by one or more of the canal and river habitats.

We'd love to see your final designs. Share them with us on the Explorers or Twitter pages. 

Visit to find out more.




Fun Activities for the Outdoors

See how many activities you can complete…

Takes photos and send them on Showbie.

Religious Education Ideas:


Rewarding Reading

See how many activities you can complete…


Document attached below!


Remember to do lots of reading too!  READ, READ, READ!  Log-in to MyOn and ReadTheory for lots of reading material.  Audible and Amazon are now offering free books to download too! 

David Walliams is also offering a free audio book each day at 11.00am – follow the link:

First News

First News are creating free access to their products for a limited period of time during school closures…

Send me some photos of your favourite location when reading at home.


I look forward to seeing what you produce!  Send me your creations on Showbie or via email!

Have a lovely break!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Friday, 22nd May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I hope you are all prepared for another day of home learning, in advance of the half term. You have done such a fantastic job of home learning, and your updates keep me smiling day on day! Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission…

Today, we are going to try the BBC Friday challenges!

Follow the link above and give it your best shot, read each challenge carefully and most importantly do your best- that is all you ever can do!


English Activity…

After our learning about the myth of Romulus and Remus this week… your final English task this week is to plan and write (or film) your very own myth…on the ‘making of Ross-on-Wye’ (unless you have a myth in mind about something else you are more inspired by).


I have attached a sheet to help you plan your myth- it is always good to plan, even if you are choosing to read your myth on a video or make it on a movie! (Showbie- English folder).


Creative Afternoon

This afternoon, have some fun, relax and unwind with an afternoon of music with Mrs West…


Listening – Brassed Off

Have a listen to this brass band. Brass bands are famous all over the world. They are as famous as Buckingham Palace and Fish and Chips! Brass bands date back to the early nineteenth century and England’s Industrial revolution. By 1860 there were over 750 bands in England. Funding was mainly from wealthy coal mine and cotton mill owners. Listen to the music and see if you can spot a very young Obi-wan-Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) from the Star Wars Films.


Which instruments can you name? Do any instruments seem out of place in a brass band?


Appraising – Brassed Off – William Tell Overture

Here’s another famous piece, played by a brass band. Do you recognise it?


How is this piece different to the first one - ‘Concierto d’Aranjuez’? Use these musical words to help you:


dynamics, tempo, rhythm, pitch, texture


Singing Game – Button Factory

You may have sung a different version of this song with your Wider Opportunities tutor.


Learn the song and actions and see how fast you can go!


Vocal warm-up 1 – Mosquito

Here’s fun vocal warm-up


Vocal warm-up 2 – The Do Re Mi So Challenge

This warm-up is a bit unusual.

Can you find out what do, re, mi and so mean? 


Song – Do Re Mi

Is this the most famous song using Dom Re Mi?


Remember to take deep breaths so you can sing the long notes in smooth phrases.



Drop Everything and Read!





Welcome to the 2020 programme for schools created especially for learning at home, bringing authors straight from their house to yours from 

Monday 18 – Friday 22 May.


Each day, from 8.00am onwards, you can see two primary (years 3-6) authors introduced by Konnie Huq introduced by Jenny Valentine. These events will be available to watch again on Hay Player.


Follow the link to find more information about the daily programme:



Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan



Thursday, 21st May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I hope you are all prepared for another day of home learning. You are doing an AMAZING job so far. Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun!


It is our Zoom day today, 10am. Those of you who I have had permission for, remember to check your Showbie-Zoom Information folder for the code!

If you would like to come along for the first time, please ask your parent/carer to send me a quick email or message with permission, then I can send you the code!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission…

Using the data collected about the tallest buildings in the world (also in Showbie-Maths) I would like you to draw a bar chart to show the heights of each building and compare…

-Show me the tallest building

-Show me the smallest building

-What is the difference in height between the tallest and smallest building on the list?

Remember to use a ruler to draw straight lines and make sure you are recording the data accurately.


English Activity…

Complete the attached reading comprehension about Romulus and Remus. Read the information very carefully, and use what you read to write your answers!

I have attached this in your Showbie- English folder, so you can complete it digitally if you would like. You could also just write the answers- do not worry about the questions as long as you have put the number next to it!


Creative Afternoon

This afternoon, I would like you to do some research about Boudica and her involvement during the time of Roman Britain.


Watch this short video, it is full of information and an interesting watch!


We know a little about the Iceni Queen from our learning so far, but these sites have a lot of information that will help you get to know Boudica in more detail:


Once you have completed your research, you could record your findings in a video, poster, fact file- anything. Be creative and have fun!


Drop Everything and Read!


Welcome to the 2020 programme for schools created especially for learning at home, bringing authors straight from their house to yours from 

Monday 18 – Friday 22 May.


Each day, from 8.00am onwards, you can see two primary (years 3-6) authors introduced by Konnie Huq introduced by Jenny Valentine. These events will be available to watch again on Hay Player.


Follow the link to find more information about the daily programme:



Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce, and am looking forward to catching up via Zoom!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan


Wednesday, 20th May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I hope you are all ready and raring for another day of home learning. You are doing a wonderful job so far. Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun! Remember it is the final day of the Virtual School Games (details below). I will need to send your scores by the end of the day, so if you would like to take part- today is the day!


Wake Up, Shake Up

Welcome to the Herefordshire VIRTUAL School Games! ROUND 2


During the Summer Term, Stride Active (Twitter: @stride_active) will be setting fortnightly challenges for all schools in Herefordshire. All you need to do is complete the task below, score yourself and send a video on Showbie or Twitter and then Mrs Hanham will submit our results to Stride Active.


By entering the competition, as a school, we will receive a participation certificate and be able to work our way through the various levels for entering each different sport/activity, starting at Bronze and potentially finishing with Diamond by the end if we complete all of the challenges!


The challenge for 11.5.2020 – 21.5.2020: Year 4: Ball Aim

-You need to kick a ball into a marked 1m x 1m area from 5m (ish) away.

-The score is how many times the ball finishes in the marked area during 60 seconds.

-To work out your score, multiply your total by 5. Follow this link for a demonstration of the activity:


Send a film or photo on Showbie sharing your activity.


Stride Active know that many of you may also like to complete the Secondary School challenge too, so go ahead and send me your score! Or even better… Tweet your own film of you completing the activities (with your parents’ permission and help).


Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and @stride_active.


COME ON WALFORD! Let’s get competing!


Maths Mission…

Today, I would like you to tackle these word problems… You will need to use your knowledge from yesterday with km’s to metres/metres to km’s, as well as other skills that you have learned… read each question carefully. You do not need to write down the questions, just the number and your working out!


  • The distance is 48km between Walford to Caerleon (one way). I have a bus that has 15 seats and so I need to do multiple trips for my 30 children. How far did I travel in metres? What about in kilometres?


  • The distance is 211km between Cardiff to London. How far do I travel if I do this journey 5 times a week (there and back)?


  • It is 5km from Walford to Ross-on-Wye. I run this route 3 times a week. How far have I ran if I do this 3 times a week for a month?


  • We travel 9.6km from Walford to Cinderford to go swimming. How far is it in km there and back? What about in metres?


  • It is 2014km from Walford to Rome. If I travel there and back, how far have I travelled in kilometres? What about metres?


English Activity…

The character who looked after Romulus and Remus was a wolf…Today, your task is to write a character description to describe the wolf. If you would like to draw a picture to go with the description that would be excellent! I have attached a picture to help inspire you…

-Remember to use adjectives (describing words).
-Capital letters

-Full stops

-Similes (like a… or as __ as a ____).


Some ideas…

What are its’ teeth like?

What does it sound like?
How does it move?
Does this creature make other creatures fearful?

What is its fur like?

What are its eyes like?


Creative Afternoon

University of Bristol

Art of Science Competition 2020


The University of Bristol School of Biochemistry are running their annual Art of Science Competition.


The theme for the Schools category is ‘Under the Sea’.


You can draw, paint, take a photograph of a sculpture you have made, or create a short video (2 min maximum) – the choice is yours! The main thing is that you have fun!


Don’t forget to give your artwork a title, so that it can be included with your work in their online exhibition.


There are two primary age categories (4-6 and 7-11), with the opportunity to win a prize for the school.


Send me your artwork and I will upload it.


Take your time- if you need longer than today to get it finished, let me know… that is completely fine! Please send me your entries by Friday 3rd July so that I can make sure they are uploaded before the deadline.


Prize winners will be announced by Friday, 17th July 2020.



Drop Everything and Read!


Welcome to the 2020 programme for schools created especially for learning at home, bringing authors straight from their house to yours from 

Monday 18 – Friday 22 May.


Each day, from 8.00am onwards, you can see two primary (years 3-6) authors introduced by Konnie Huq introduced by Jenny Valentine. These events will be available to watch again on Hay Player.


Follow the link to find more information about the daily programme:


Rewarding Reading:

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce, and am looking forward to catching up via Zoom tomorrow!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Tuesday 19th May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! Some more fantastic work yesterday, well done everybody! It is the last couple of days for our Herefordshire Virtual School Games, so if you would like to enter- please get your entries to me by the end of tomorrow! I have been very impressed with your skills so far…


Wake Up, Shake Up


Welcome to the Herefordshire VIRTUAL School Games! ROUND 2


During the Summer Term, Stride Active (Twitter: @stride_active) will be setting fortnightly challenges for all schools in Herefordshire. All you need to do is complete the task below, score yourself and send a video on Showbie or Twitter and then Mrs Hanham will submit our results to Stride Active.


By entering the competition, as a school, we will receive a participation certificate and be able to work our way through the various levels for entering each different sport/activity, starting at Bronze and potentially finishing with Diamond by the end if we complete all of the challenges!


The challenge for 11.5.2020 – 21.5.2020: Year 4: Ball Aim

-You need to kick a ball into a marked 1m x 1m area from 5m (ish) away.

-The score is how many times the ball finishes in the marked area during 60 seconds.

-To work out your score, multiply your total by 5. Follow this link for a demonstration of the activity:


Send a film or photo on Showbie sharing your activity.


Stride Active know that many of you may also like to complete the Secondary School challenge too, so go ahead and send me your score! Or even better… Tweet your own film of you completing the activities (with your parents’ permission and help).


Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and @stride_active.


COME ON WALFORD! Let’s get competing!



We have a new feature on Showbie, which is now active….

Today, at 11am, I will turn the Class Discussion feature on until 11:30am.

The Class Discussion feature will allow you to message any friends who are live on Showbie at the same time.

Come along to say, ‘Hi’ and ‘How are you?’ to me or one of your classmates.

Any messages put in the Class Discussion can be seen by everyone and I will be there to monitor it throughout the session!

Remember our E-Safety rules at all times!



Maths Mission…

I was very impressed with your great work on fractions yesterday, we will look some more at this when we are back at school! However, today we are going to go back and recap our converting metres to kilometres.


First, visit this page and watch the clips. There are a few interactive activities to have a go at!

Next, complete the task attached (Maths- Showbie) where you will need to use your multiplication skills and knowledge of conversion to answer the questions.



English Activity…

This week we are going to do some activities based on our learning of the famous myth about Romulus and Remus… I have attached the myth (in short form) to remind you…


Your task today is to create a comic strip, or short movie to retell the main events of the myth of the making of Rome.

-Remember to focus on key events- exciting/unmissable parts!

-Pictures need to be relevant, and supported with short captions/explanations.

-Make it exciting!


I have added a template of a comic strip for you, but you could also do this on paper or use your technology to make it.


Creative Afternoon

Your creative task this afternoon is to create your very own Roman chariot… I have attached a template that you could print, however, it would be great to see some chariots made of natural resources or recycled materials!

I will leave the brief for this quite blank as I know how amazingly creative you all are, and I don’t want to limit you- do whatever you would like to do.


Here are a couple of ideas:

Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce! Let’s have another amazing week.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Monday 18th May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I hope that you have all had a wonderful weekend in the sunshine and are looking forward to getting back into some more fabulous home learning. You continue to amaze me with your learning and creativity!


Wake Up, Shake Up

Welcome to the Herefordshire VIRTUAL School Games! ROUND 2


During the Summer Term, Stride Active (Twitter: @stride_active) will be setting fortnightly challenges for all schools in Herefordshire. All you need to do is complete the task below, score yourself and send a video on Showbie or Twitter and then Mrs Hanham will submit our results to Stride Active.


By entering the competition, as a school, we will receive a participation certificate and be able to work our way through the various levels for entering each different sport/activity, starting at Bronze and potentially finishing with Diamond by the end if we complete all of the challenges!


The challenge for 11.5.2020 – 21.5.2020: Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6: Ball Aim

-You need to kick a ball into a marked 1m x 1m area from 5m (ish) away.

-The score is how many times the ball finishes in the marked area during 60 seconds.

-To work out your score, multiply your total by 5. Follow this link for a demonstration of the activity:


Send a film or photo on Showbie sharing your activity.


Stride Active know that many of you may also like to complete the Secondary School challenge too, so go ahead and send me your score! Or even better… Tweet your own film of you completing the activities (with your parents’ permission and help).


Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and @stride_active.


COME ON WALFORD! Let’s get competing!


Maths Mission…

This week, we are going to recap some work on Fractions. You might remember this from last year (or before), but if you need to refresh your memory, BBC have some good explanations in the videos attached:


I will give you the choice today:

  1. Complete the attached task (in Showbie-Maths). You need to colour in the representation of the fractions OR write in the fraction that is represented.


  1. Watch the videos and complete the BBC activities on the page.


Top tip:

  • The numerator (top number) is the number of sections you should colour in.
  • The denominator (bottom number) is the total number of sections that make up the whole.


  1. Represent fractions using a visual method… I have attached some ideas of how you could do this. Be creative, you could use Lego, food, pens/pencils, sticks (anything!)  Here are the fractions I would like you to represent:
  • 1/2
  • 1/4
  • 3/5
  • 3/7
  • 4/10
  • 7/9
  • 1/6
  • 2/11

You could make your own to challenge yourself, if you would like a Superstar challenge!



English Activity…

Complete the up-levelling activity (also inside your Showbie-English folder).

-Remember to think carefully and purple polish your spellings, capital letters, full stops, commas after fronted adverbials etc.

Ideas to help:

The _________(adjectives) road ran beside the _________ (adjectives) field.


àIf you would prefer to write about something else, that is fine… write your basic sentence and then show me your up-levelling in the same format as the task given!


Creative Afternoon

When we were at school, we drew a sketch map of the school grounds…This afternoon, your challenge is to draw a sketch map of your local area! Normally, you could include street names to add detail. However, this time I would like to keep your homes a mystery location! Your map could feature buildings and features of the environment e.g. rivers, woods, ponds, houses, shops (but not specific names), churches…


Here is an example of how you could present it:

I have added a template onto Showbie-Other, but you can use a piece of normal paper. Superstar challenge- think about scale e.g. 1cm=10m.


Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce! Let’s have another amazing week.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Friday, 15th May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! How are we already at the end of another week of home learning?! Well done to everyone who has completed the Virtual Games challenge so far... keep the entries coming through! I look forward to seeing the fabulous things you get up to today!


Wake Up, Shake Up

Welcome to the Herefordshire VIRTUAL School Games! ROUND 2


During the Summer Term, Stride Active (Twitter: @stride_active) will be setting fortnightly challenges for all schools in Herefordshire. All you need to do is complete the task below, score yourself and send a video on Showbie or Twitter and then Mrs Hanham will submit our results to Stride Active.


By entering the competition, as a school, we will receive a participation certificate and be able to work our way through the various levels for entering each different sport/activity, starting at Bronze and potentially finishing with Diamond by the end if we complete all of the challenges!


The challenge for 11.5.2020 – 21.5.2020: Year 4: Ball Aim

-You need to kick a ball into a marked 1m x 1m area from 5m (ish) away.

-The score is how many times the ball finishes in the marked area during 60 seconds.

-To work out your score, multiply your total by 5. Follow this link for a demonstration of the activity:


Send a film or photo on Showbie sharing your activity.


Stride Active know that many of you may also like to complete the Secondary School challenge too, so go ahead and send me your score! Or even better… Tweet your own film of you completing the activities (with your parents’ permission and help).


Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and @stride_active.


COME ON WALFORD! Let’s get competing!


Maths Mission…

Today, on squared paper (if you don’t have squared paper, you could always draw some squares if you would like to). Write/draw your first name out like it has been done in the example (use a ruler to make sure your lines are straight)- if you have a short name, you can do your second name too! It would be fab if you decorate it too!


Now you have done this, count the squares to work out the area of each letter (or you could even calculate using measurements- length x width)…What is the total area?
Challenge: work out the perimeter too!


Tip: If you are counting squares to work out the area, do not count round the outside as the corners don’t count!



English Activity…

Divine Chocolate &

Christian Aid Poetry Competition!


Write a poem about cocoa and chocolate! It can be any kind of poem, so think carefully about what you would like to choose… Remember this is the Divine Poetry Competition - if you write about chocolate products, don't write about other chocolate companies!

(Divine Chocolate is a brand).


Submit your poem to our National Poetry Competition, now in its 18th year.


Where does the chocolate journey begin?


Ideas for the theme:


The theme is Where does the chocolate journey begin?


Watch this short film to find out more:


Cocoa grows on trees

The key ingredient in chocolate is cocoa. Most of the cocoa you eat comes from the rainforests of West Africa, where poor farmers tend their cocoa trees on small family farms. This is where the chocolate journey begins.


The journey through history

Among the Mayans and Aztecs of Central America where cocoa originated, cocoa beans were so important they were used as money. Nobles drank cocoa at royal feasts. In modern times, chocolate has come to symbolise romantic love and luxury.


From bean to bar

Cocoa comes from the seeds of cocoa pods, which grow on the cocoa tree. Farmers harvest the cocoa, ferment it and dry it out in the sun, and then send it to factories to be made into delicious chocolate.


Into the future

Changing weather patterns make it harder to grow cocoa, driving cocoa farmers to move and cut down the rainforest for new farms, which makes climate change worse. Through Fairtrade, we can support cocoa farmers to farm in a better way and protect the forest.


Are there prizes?

Yes! The winning pupil will get a film of their poem being read by this year's guest judge, Onjali Raúf, winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2019.

They will get book tokens. And they will get lots of delicious Divine Chocolate goodies!


Good luck!


I can’t wait to see your work…remember to email it or send it to me on Showbie!  I will then submit your entries!


Creative Afternoon


This afternoon, we are going to make some mindfulness art… find a quote that you relate to or that makes you feel happy, motivated or inspired! (You could even make your own!)


Here are some quotes that I love and you may want to use!

-Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
Maya Angelou

-If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.
Roald Dahl

-You’re braver than you believe and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
A.A. Milne

- Today is your day.
Your mountain is waiting so get on your way.
Dr. Seuss


-You always pass failure on the way to success.
Mickey Rooney


-Only surround yourself with people who will lift you higher.
Oprah Winfrey


Below are some ideas, you could draw, paint, make, chalk, mosaic! ANYTHING.




Don’t forget to share your fabulous creations with me, these will bring a big smile to lots of our faces!



Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


Have a lovely day and a gorgeous weekend- hopefully the sun stays shining for us all!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan


Thursday 14th May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I was very impressed (again) with your fantastic work yesterday! I look forward to hearing from everyone again today! Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun!


Wake Up, Shake-Up


Welcome to the Herefordshire VIRTUAL School Games! ROUND 2


During the Summer Term, Stride Active (Twitter: @stride_active) will be setting fortnightly challenges for all schools in Herefordshire. All you need to do is complete the task below, score yourself and send a video on Showbie or Twitter and then Mrs Hanham will submit our results to Stride Active.


By entering the competition, as a school, we will receive a participation certificate and be able to work our way through the various levels for entering each different sport/activity, starting at Bronze and potentially finishing with Diamond by the end if we complete all of the challenges!


The challenge for 11.5.2020 – 21.5.2020: Year 4: Ball Aim

-You need to kick a ball into a marked 1m x 1m area from 5m (ish) away.

-The score is how many times the ball finishes in the marked area during 60 seconds.

-To work out your score, multiply your total by 5. Follow this link for a demonstration of the activity:


Send a film or photo on Showbie sharing your activity.


Stride Active know that many of you may also like to complete the Secondary School challenge too, so go ahead and send me your score! Or even better… Tweet your own film of you completing the activities (with your parents’ permission and help).


Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and @stride_active.


COME ON WALFORD! Let’s get competing!


Maths Mission…

Today, follow the BBC Bitesize lesson and activities (there are 3...I have attached the third one to this email) learning about area by counting the squares! This will help you prepare for our Maths Mission tomorrow! You do not need to print anything, you can write any answers on paper.


English Activity…

Your task is to complete the reading comprehension about the human digestive system! This will help you this afternoon with your creative task! Bonus! I have attached this in Showbie-English and to this email (also on our website page).


Remember to read the text and questions very carefully, and use the text to write your answers… you shouldn’t need to ‘guess’ anything!


Creative Afternoon

As part of our new Science topic- Animals, including humans… we need to explore both the teeth and digestive system. We have had a look at teeth… so now we are going to explore the digestive system!


Follow the series of videos and information at There are 5 clips (all less than a minute long) that explain the digestive system and journey of the food that we eat!


Your task this afternoon, is to draw and label a body with the different parts of the digestive system. I have attached an example with lots of information, but I would like you to create your own presentation e.g. a poster, video, model, that explains this! Even if you just replicate the example, it will help you remember what you have learned about in the videos! 


I have added a template that you may use, but I would like you to try and explain the function of each part of the system!


Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce, and am looking forward to catching up via Zoom!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I was very impressed with your fantastic work again yesterday! I look forward to hearing from everyone again today! Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun!


Wake Up, Shake-Up

Welcome to the Herefordshire VIRTUAL School Games! ROUND 2


During the Summer Term, Stride Active (Twitter: @stride_active) will be setting fortnightly challenges for all schools in Herefordshire. All you need to do is complete the task below, score yourself and send a video on Showbie or Twitter and then Mrs. Hanham will submit our results to Stride Active.


By entering the competition, as a school, we will receive a participation certificate and be able to work our way through the various levels for entering each different sport/activity, starting at Bronze and potentially finishing with Diamond by the end if we complete all of the challenges!


The challenge for 11.5.2020 – 21.5.2020: Year 4: Ball Aim

-You need to kick a ball into a marked 1m x 1m area from 5m (ish) away.

-The score is how many times the ball finishes in the marked area during 60 seconds.

-To work out your score, multiply your total by 5. Follow this link for a demonstration of the activity:


Send a film or photo on Showbie sharing your activity.


Stride Active know that many of you may also like to complete the Secondary School challenge too, so go ahead and send me your score! Or even better… Tweet your own film of you completing the activities (with your parents’ permission and help).


Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and @stride_active.


COME ON WALFORD! Let’s get competing!


Maths Mission…

Today we are going to recap symmetry! I have attached a little recap in ‘Maths’ to remind you of some of the main things to remember.


Your task is to produce some symmetrical art- you could draw, paint, make or even use natural resources in your garden! See if you can challenge yourself to have 2 or more lines of symmetry! If you are finding it tricky… you could get some squared paper (or draw some squared) and make a symmetrical pattern.


Top Tip: Start with a cross shape, and work your way from the middle outwards.


Here are some examples:


You may like to visit this page and have a play… it creates a digital line of symmetry on a piece of artwork that you design! Let me see what you produce, if you choose to have a go!


English Activity…


Today, we are going to write a diary entry… I will give you the option of following the BBC lesson to complete a diary entry as Grace Darling (there are videos to explain all about who she is/what to include), or you may write one independently about your own day!

Complete the activities and tasks on the page.




Write your own diary entry… you may want to do this on paper so you can keep it. This time will be an interesting one that you will look back at in years to come and remember!


Here's a checklist of the key features to use when you write a diary entry.

  •        Start with 'Dear Diary’.
  •        Describe the places where the events happened.
  •        Write in the past tense.
  •        Use pronouns like I, my and me to show that the events happened to you.
  •        Talk about how you were feeling or what you were thinking when each event happened.
  •        Use interesting vocabulary.

Creative Afternoon

This afternoon, have some fun with music! Mrs. West has sent some more fun ideas for us to try… send me some videos and pictures of you enjoying them! Lotus (my dog) is not looking pleased at the idea of me singing to her… who knows why?!


-Remember as you are using YouTube links, be very careful with your e-safety rules and have a parent/carer around to supervise you and keep you safe.

Listening - Star Gazing!

There has been a lot in the news recently about the night sky. The Lyrid meteor showers most recently, displaying lots of shooting stars. You can listen to @tomkerss podcast about this at:

But Venus was also spoken of a lot, because Venus has been the brightest it has ever been in April this year. Gustav Holst composed some music called, ‘The Planets’. Have a listen on YouTube to the planet called, ‘Venus’. Once you have listened to it, try and describe what you think the planet Venus would be like. Are there any facts which you know about the planet Venus that you could add too?

Performing – Pet’s love music!

There’s a brilliant clip on Classic FM’s YouTube page of musicians playing their instruments to and with their pets!

Do you have a pet at home that you could play or sing to? If not, perhaps you could perform to your favourite cuddly toy (yes, we all have them, no matter how old we are!) If you don’t have an instrument, don’t worry, as the voice counts as a very important instrument too!

Composing – Thank you!

Lots of people have written songs and music to say thank you to the NHS and Key workers at the moment. I was listening to Matt Lucas and the BBC Concert Orchestra perform the Baked Potato song about how to keep safe. Watch and listen on YouTube if you haven’t seen it performed with the orchestra yet.

If you feel like creating your own piece of music or song to say ‘thank you’ or about how you feel at the moment, then do! Writing a poem or lyrics or composing a song is a wonderful to express yourself.

Good luck if you give it a go, and remember, it’s personal to you so there is no right or wrong way to try it!


Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audiobook on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce! Let’s have another fabulous day. Remember to send me your Herefordshire Virtual Games results so I can get them entered in time!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Tuesday 12th May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I was blown away with your fabulous work yesterday! What a wonderful start to our week, thank you to those of you who have sent me your AMAZING work- your Roman forts were absolutely fabulous! I look forward to hearing from everyone again today! Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun!


Wake Up, Shake Up

Welcome to the Herefordshire VIRTUAL School Games! ROUND 2


During the Summer Term, Stride Active (Twitter: @stride_active) will be setting fortnightly challenges for all schools in Herefordshire. All you need to do is complete the task below, score yourself and send a video on Showbie or Twitter and then Mrs Hanham will submit our results to Stride Active.


By entering the competition, as a school, we will receive a participation certificate and be able to work our way through the various levels for entering each different sport/activity, starting at Bronze and potentially finishing with Diamond by the end if we complete all of the challenges!


The challenge for 11.5.2020 – 21.5.2020: Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 / Year 6: Ball Aim

-You need to kick a ball into a marked 1m x 1m area from 5m (ish) away.

-The score is how many times the ball finishes in the marked area during 60 seconds.

-To work out your score, multiply your total by 5.


Follow this link for a demonstration of the activity:


Send a film or photo on Showbie sharing your activity.


Stride Active know that many of you may also like to complete the Secondary School challenge too, so go ahead and send me your score! Or even better… Tweet your own film of you completing the activities (with your parents’ permission and help).


Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and @stride_active.


COME ON WALFORD! Let’s get competing!


Maths Mission…

Yesterday, I was very impressed with your multiplication of 2 digit numbers with 1 digit numbers… today I have extended the challenge! There are a few 3 digit numbers and you may need to use your 12 and even 15 times tables!

-If you can’t remember your times-tables, for example, you don’t know your 12’s… you could always do the number x 10 and then x2 and add your totals together!

Or 15’s… x 10 and x5 and then add together!


Complete the code breaker on the attached sheet…you can also find this in your Showbie-Maths folder.


English Activity…

Write a story about this picture and give your story a name.


Remember that you need to have a beginning, a problem, a solution and an end (or a well planned structure).


You may want to include:

How do you feel?

How did you get here?
Where are you?
What do you hear, see or smell?

Do you get out?


Here is a story opener, if you need some help to get started…


I pressed my clammy hands against the thick sheet of glass that trapped me in this space. I had been here for 4 days now… 4 days that felt like years. I could feel the glass becoming weaker, I must get out! I have to go and…..


Creative Afternoon

International Nurses Day

KS2 Step into the NHS Competition

Watch the video:


Step into the NHS primary schools' competition animation - YouTube

This video supports the Step into the NHS primary schools resources and competition at KS2. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DEADLINE FOR THE COMPETITION ENTRIES HAS BEEN EXTENDED UNTIL FRIDAY 19 JUNE 2020 ...


Complete your entry and send it to me!

Points Note:  The Deadline has been extended until 19th June 2020

Your entries have to be submitted by me so send your final entry to me this afternoon.




Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce! Let’s have another amazing week.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Monday 11th May 2020


Good morning, Class 4! I hope you have all had a lovely bank holiday weekend, ready to get back to some fun home learning- keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun and learning new skills, it really makes me smile! It was lovely to see your VE Day celebrations- it looks like you definitely made the most of your stay at home parties!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission…

Your task today is to use your multiplication knowledge to solve the animal maze… Show me your calculations and workings out, it is great to see the different methods you use!


I have attached this and also added it to Showbie-Maths.


This video has a good explanation/ step by step guide if you need a little reminding of how to do multiplication using a written method!


English Activity…

Follow this link to a BBC lesson about writing recounts.

Read the information and follow the activities to help you get some ideas about what you might want to include and what might be in your success criteria.



You can either follow the activities that the BBC have included, or write your own recount about something you have done recently… you may want to write about our VE week and what you did, or maybe the bank holiday weekend!


Top tips!

Remember to:

  • Write in full sentences
  • Use punctuation (capital letters, full stops, commas).
  • write in first person
  • use the past tense
  • keep in chronological order (the order in which things really happened - adverbs of time help with this)
  • use descriptive words and expanded noun phrases
  • focus on the most exciting parts


Creative Afternoon

Design a Roman fort! See if you can use a realistic scale! E.g. 1 cm= 10m.


Watch this short video- it is packed full of interesting information! They look here at a fort in Vindolanda


Think about the variety of facilities/rooms you may need to include in your design, here are a few things you may like to consider:

-square shaped site.

-walls, towers and ditches (protection from invasion). 


-eating/dining area

-washing area

-prayer area.

-barracks (soldiers homes). The ones at Vindolanda had 2 floors and an attic on top!

-public toilets

-centurion (bosses) houses- remember they needed to keep an eye on the other barracks as they were in charge, so they need to be in eyesight!

I have attached some information about Roman forts that might help give you more ideas! (Also in Showbie-Other). Here are a few examples of what your design may look like, you do not need to draw it if you would like to make it in a different way. Remember to add labels so it is clear what each area is designed for!


Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce! Let’s have another amazing week.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Friday 8th May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I hope you are prepared for the grand finale of our fabulous VE Day celebrations and a beautiful day to start a bank holiday! As it is a bank holiday, I will not be in touch today… Below are some optional activities to keep you busy if you should wish to, however, remember to have a rest and enjoy yourselves! 


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


I will put all of these activities in Showbie-Other so you can do them digitally if you wish.



Choose from the range of ideas below!

  • Morse code- code breaker. Use the code page to help decode the messages!
  • Design your own VE Day board game- make your own game from scratch, or use the idea that I have attached to get started.
  • VE Day Maths Puzzle



Choose from the different ideas and activities below!

  • VE Day word search
  • Write your own VE Day poem- you could do an acrostic poem, or any way that you like to help remember what this special day is all about!
  • VE Day colouring sheets (attached)- you could always draw your own VE Day picture instead!



Creative Afternoon:


Today is the day for your ‘Stay at Home Street Party’.  Some more information can be found here:  At 3pm the nation is asked to remember our Heroes.


Do you have a message for our war Heroes, like Colonel Tom Moore? You could record a video message and Tweet it @WalfordSchool @VE75 or send it us via Showbie or email. 


Have a wonderful day and long weekend, send us some photos of your ‘stay at home street party’ on Showbie or email! 


I look forward to catching up with you next week and hearing all about this very special day! Have a lovely weekend!


Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Thursday 7th May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I hope you are prepared for another day of exciting activities. What a fantastic week we are having commemorating the 75th Anniversary VE Day celebrations! Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun and learning new skills, it really makes me smile!


It is our Zoom day today at 10am! Remember to check your Zoom information folder for the code!


Remember if you’d like to see some of the fantastic learning that has been going on at home, then ask your parents to help you access the school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool). Click ‘like’ if you see anything that makes you smile!


To find out more about VE day:

CBBC Newsround has some child-friendly articles and videos here:


There is lots more useful information at: or on the Royal Legion Powerpoint (attached)


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission…

After your fabulous work on clocks yesterday, I would like you to make your own today! It is your choice of how you make it, here are some ideas:


Once you have made your clock either get somebody to tell you different times and move the hands to represent this correctly OR create the following times:








Have fun!


English Activity…

Today we are going to follow the live lesson on BBC Bitesize:


Reading lesson: Dindy and the Elephant by Elizabeth Laird


Watch the video and then read the information and complete the activities. Remember, you do not need to print anything you can write things on paper and photograph, or even type it and send it!


Activity 1

Focus on this part of extract 1 and answer the question below.

Pog was crying.‘I told you we shouldn’t have come. I told you! I hate you, Dindy! We might have been bitten to death!’

Do you think Pog is fair to Dindy here?

Yes, no or unsure? Explain you choice using evidence from the text.

Use the following questions to help you make your decision.

  •        Is it Dindy’s fault?
  •        Should Pog say that he hates Dindy?

If you choose ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, you will need two pieces of evidence that support Yes or No.

If you choose ‘Unsure’, you will need one piece of evidence from ‘Yes’ and one from 'No ’.

You might want to organise your answer like this:

I chose...

First Piece Of Evidence

Second Piece Of Evidence

Evidence -

Evidence -


Activity 2:

Read the second extract and complete the following task…

Think about what new information you know now, what has the writer told you.

If a friend who hadn’t read this extract asked you what happened in it, what five things would you tell them?

Have a look back through the text and jot down some important information – it may be an event, a theme, a feeling.

Then number your five pieces of information 1-5 with number one being the most important.

I would love to see your ideas, send them through on Showbie! This is a lovely story, and I’m looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!


Creative Afternoon

Tomorrow is the ‘Stay at Home Street Party’ so today we are going to have a look at wartime recipes. Have a look at the recipe book attached! 


Can you find out about food and rations during the war?  This video from the Imperial War Museum will tell you about life in Britain and rationing…



Plan your party for tomorrow. Here are some ideas of things you could do…

  • Plan a menu for your party.
  • Make some decorations – see attached sheet for ideas.
  • Create up your own celebratory song!
  • Design a party hat or hair ribbon to wear for the celebration (see Bletchley Park instructions).
  • During WW2, people had to ‘make, do and mend’. You may have something that you might like to ‘upcycle’ or ‘mend’ to wear to your party like your own t-shirt.


Don’t forget to send some photos of your creations on Showbie today!


Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


First News (a children’s newspaper) has made their newspaper free for a digital download during the period of lockdown… If you are interested, you will need a parent to follow the link and fill in the details for the link to download a free issue.


I am excited for some more fantastic work! Keep working hard, you are doing SO well!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Wednesday 6th May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I hope you are prepared for another day of exciting activities. What a fantastic start we had to our week of commemorating the 75th Anniversary VE Day celebrations. I was SO impressed with your newspapers and Spitfires yesterday! Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun and learning new skills, it really makes me smile!


Remember if you’d like to see some of the fantastic learning that has been going on at home, then ask your parents to help you access the school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool). Click ‘like’ if you see anything that makes you smile!


To find out more about VE day:

CBBC Newsround has some child-friendly articles and videos here:


There is lots more useful information at: or on the Royal Legion Powerpoint (attached)


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission…

Your task today is to practise telling the time! I have attached two activities for you to have a go at!


One is to draw the hands on the clock to represent what time you do different activities during the day… the other is to complete a similar activity for the day of a footballer!


You can find both of these attached, on the website or in the Showbie-Maths folder…


I have also attached a time help card in case you need to remind yourselves of time! (also in your Showbie-Maths).


Then, have a go at this game, you can choose the difficulty to make it easier/harder by selecting 12 hour/24 hour clock and what times you are reading e.g. hour/half hour/nearest 5 minutes!

Let me know your best scores!



English Activity…

Today your task is to write your own paragraph (5 or more sentences) about VE day…I would like you to focus on your capital letters and full stops today!

This interactive quiz video may be handy at reminding you of how and why we need to use capital letters and full stops!


Some ideas of what you might want to include in your paragraph!

What is VE day?

When is VE day?

What do we do to celebrate VE day?

Why do you think VE day is important?


  • It would be fabulous if you could add some images/pictures to your paragraph to make it look exciting and entice the reader more!
  • Remember we are focusing on capital letters and full stops, so purple polish your work carefully!


Creative Afternoon

Create your own colourful bunting for your ‘Stay at Home Street Party’.

Some templates and instructions can be found here: Bletchley Park also have a no-sew instruction guide (see attached instructions). Be creative - it is up to you how you make your bunting and what design you choose to use!


Whilst having fun with your bunting creations why not listen to some war time music? There is a sing-along here with song sheets and videos of some VE day songs…


Don’t forget to send some photos on Showbie today!


Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


First News (a children’s newspaper) has made their newspaper free for a digital download during the period of lockdown… If you are interested, you will need a parent to follow the link and fill in the details for the link to download a free issue.


I am excited for some more fantastic work! Keep working hard, you are doing SO well!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I hope you are prepared for another day of exciting activities. What a fantastic start we had to our week of commemorating the 75th Anniversary VE Day celebrations. You will learn more about this as the week goes on! Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun and learning new skills, it really makes me smile!


Remember if you’d like to see some of the fantastic learning that has been going on at home, then ask your parents to help you access the school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool). Click ‘like’ if you see anything that makes you smile!


To find out more about VE day:

CBBC Newsround has some child-friendly articles and videos here:


There is lots more useful information at: or on the Royal Legion Powerpoint (attached)


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission…

Your task today is a VE related mission! You need to use the attached WW2 catalogue and WW2 order form to calculate the total cost of each person’s order… next to ‘total’ you need to write the total cost of their order.  I have also added these into your ‘Maths’ folder on Showbie.


Remember that decimal place is very important! It is the difference between £1.50 and £150! You may find using the column method the easiest, because you will be able to see the hundreds, tens, ones, tenths and hundredths column.


This is a big challenge, so do your best and let me know how you get on!


English Activity…

Your task is to create a fake newspaper front cover. It must have a punchy headline that hints that World War 2 is over. Remember to think about the picture- it must be relevant… You could draw a spitfire… a soldier... a famous person of the era! I have not attached a template, as I think these would look better if we do them all differently! Use a ruler to get bold, neat lines. 


-Come up with 4 headlines that you might use. A lot of newspapers like to use alliteration! (where a few of the words start with the same letter).


-Then select your favourite one! Check your spelling of each word carefully.


-Make your false newspaper front cover! 


Here are some ideas of what front covers may have looked like:


There is a big competition with lots of people doing activities like this across the UK… send me pictures of your fabulous work, and you may be in with a chance of featuring on a special VE day government website!


Creative Afternoon

On Colonel Tom Moore’s 100th Birthday he had a fly past by some Spitfire aircraft used during World War 2. You can re-watch it here:


Today’s task is to design your own aircraft. You could make it out of paper (your own design or using the spitfire template), recyclable materials or use any construction resources such as Connex or Lego that you have at home. It is up to you! Be creative. Can you fly your spitfire? How far will it go?


I have added the template to Showbie, but remember there are many other ways to make it!


Don’t forget to send some photos on Showbie today!


Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


First News (a children’s newspaper) has made their newspaper free for a digital download during the period of lockdown… If you are interested, you will need a parent to follow the link and fill in the details for the link to download a free issue.


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Monday 4th May 2020

Good morning, Class 4 and welcome to another week of home learning! I hope you are prepared for another week of exciting activities. This week we will be having a themed week to commemorate the 75th Anniversary VE Day celebrations. You will learn more about this as the week goes on! Keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun and learning new skills, it really makes me smile!


Firstly, you need to find out why we celebrate VE day.

CBBC Newsround has some child-friendly articles and videos here:


There is lots more useful information at: or on the Royal Legion Powerpoint (attached)


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.



There is another fabulous opportunity this morning that you may like to join in with … Join the UK Space Agency where Tim Peake will be talking live on You Tube about life in Space – find out about life on the Space Station, isolation and staying active.  

Follow this link for the live stream at 11.30am.


Maths Mission…

Your task today is to complete the addition activity sheet attached.  The first activity sheet is your challenging/more challenging and the second sheet is your superstar material…There is no exchange needed on these! J To check your answers, you could try using the inverse!


When you have finished, login to Sumdog and have a practise of your maths skills!


English Activity…

To commence our week, it is important for us to know exactly what VE day is and why we celebrate it!


I have attached a reading comprehension- you can also find this in Showbie- English. Read through the information and complete the answers. You can either type this or write the number next to your answer onto paper and send it to me!

Remember to read carefully and use the text to help you answer the questions!


Creative Afternoon

This afternoon choose one of these creative tasks to commemorate VE Day:

  • Design a war medal for a hero such as Colonel Tom Moore. You can make your medal out of anything you have at home for example, coloured card, paper or even salt dough. A simple salt dough recipe can be found here:
  • Design a tea cup for the VE Day Street Party.
  • Design a commemorative 50p coin. Some examples of coins designed by The Royal Mint in the past can be found here:


Don’t forget to send some photos of your commemorative item on Showbie today!


Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


First News (a children’s newspaper) has made their newspaper free for a digital download during the period of lockdown… If you are interested, you will need a parent to follow the link and fill in the details for the link to download a free issue.


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce! Let’s have another amazing week.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Friday 1st May 2020


Today is The Book Trust’s Pajamarama Day!


We are going to have a themed day to celebrate and have some fun! Share lots of your pictures with me… I think I am going to make myself a reading den to get cosy in!


They have a fantastic line up of events for you to enjoy, lots of activities to get stuck into and a few surprises too! All you need to do is follow this link and be ready to have lots of fun!


The Festival Line Up can be found at


Maths activities for the day:

  1. Measure the length, width and even depth of the books in your shelves. Which is the biggest? Which is the smallest?


  1. Estimate (make an educated guess), then count the number of words on the first page of the book that you’ve selected from the bookshelf.



English activities: Choose one (or a few) from the following


  1. Write your own short story and add some illustrations.


  1. Read your favourite book out loud, and send me a voice recording of you reading! Remember to use your expression and pause for full stops!


  1. Make a trailer/short video to tempt me to read your favourite book to me…think about the most exciting events and use these!



Creative Activities


Choose from the selection of activities and have a go at a few of them. Don’t forget to send me pictures of you reading and having fun on Showbie or via email!


1. Build a reading den and take a picture of you enjoying your favourite book!


2. Use the template to create your own pair of funky PJs – how colourful can you make them?


3. Use the clues to complete the crossword – can you solve them all?


4. See if you can find all the Pyjamarama words hidden in the grid. The wordsearch is attached (or on Showbie). 


5. Create a cover of your very own story or re-design the cover of your favourite book (see the example below). How creative can you be?


6. Star in your own comic strip and become a pyjama-wearing superhero!


7. Make a bookmark – cut out the bookmark and colour it in!


See the attached documents, I have also added all of these into the your Showbie- Other folder…

You can do all of these activities straight onto Showbie or onto plain paper, but if you would like to print them they are attached also!


I look forward to the exciting things that today brings! Have fun reading and keep sharing your wonderful creations with me!


Have a lovely day,

Mrs Morgan

Thursday 30th April 2020

Good morning, Class 4!


Thank you and well done to everyone for engaging so fantastically in so many of our home-learning missions- I have been absolutely blown away! Keep sending me pictures of what you are up to, and don’t forget it is our Zoom day today! (in optional fancy dress). Keep any eye out in your Zoom information folder for the details…



Wake Up, Shake Up


  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission…

Complete todays lesson on the following link recapping addition and subtraction problems…


This lesson includes:

  • two learning summary slideshows
  • two activity sheets

Follow the slideshows and then have a go at the activity sheets that can be found directly on the web link ( too. Remember, just do your best!


English Activity…

Today we are going to recap our use of inverted commas… complete the activities and videos that are on the web link. You do not need to print anything out, writing things down on paper is absolutely perfect too!


Creative Afternoon

The wonderful Mrs West has provided me with some more fun activities for you to try this week! This is your creative task!


Listening Adiemus (This is one of my most favourite pieces of music!)

Have a piece of paper by you and some colouring pencils. Listen to this beautiful piece of music and draw what this music makes you think about.  What colours do you see? What shapes do you see?


Share your picture with me via Showbie, explain what you have drawn. How did the music influence your choice of colour/shapes and pictures.


Song John Kanakanaka


First, listen carefully and think about the melody, become familiar with repetitive parts so that when you sing, you will have a good idea of pitching. Next have a go, sing along, listen to yourself, are you tuning in? Does it sound correct?


Once you are happy with your beautiful singing, have a go at sign language. Just like Adiemus, this is another form of language we can learn.


Try and get the rhythm right in the chorus: John Kanakanaka tooleeay

Can you clap and tap the correct rhythm, in time? Now is the perfect time to include the whole family!


Activity -

This is a really fun musical activity session. Why not get your family to join in and have some fun together!



Today is Captain Tom Moore’s 100th Birthday… not only is reaching the amazing age of 100 absolutely incredible, but so is this man. You may have heard how he has undertaken a challenge to complete 100 laps of his garden to raise money for the NHS… well, he certainly raised some money!


I have attached some more information about this hero if you would like to take a look… however, if you would like- make a card or draw a picture to celebrate Captain Tom Moore’s 100th Birthday and send me it via Showbie. I can then Tweet this out and hopefully he will see our appreciation of his hard work!


Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan


Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning, Class 4!


Thank you and well done to everyone for engaging so fantastically in so many of our home-learning missions- I have been absolutely blown away! I hope you are prepared for another day of fun home learning- keep sending me pictures!



Wake Up, Shake Up


  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission…

Today, your task is to complete the colour by multiplication. I have attached this to the email, website and also on our Showbie-Maths folder. You will need to use your knowledge of times tables to colour in each section correctly.  You can do this straight onto Showbie using the edit option if you would like to!


Once you have finished, have a go on Sumdog or Times Tables Rock Stars to finish your maths session off!


English Activity…

Your mission today is to practise spell these words, using objects…. You could use lego, pencils/pens, stones, or cards… anything you can think of!


  • Accident
  • Build
  • Disappear
  • Answer
  • Particular
  • Peculiar
  • Thought
  • Special

Here is a picture to help explain:

When you have done this... Write 4 sentences using some of the words you have been practising today! Can you get all of the words in 4 sentences?


Creative Afternoon

This afternoon, your task is to have a go at some volcano art… I have added some ideas below, but you are free to do this however you choose. Get creative with whatever you have at home to use… and most importantly have fun!



Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce!


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Tuesday 28th April 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I hope you are prepared for another day of fun home learning- keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun and learning new skills, it really makes me smile! I have enjoyed hearing all about your 2.6 challenges- well done for getting involved! 


Get involved with this week’s Stride Active (Twitter: @stride_active) challenge and earn points for our school. All you need to do is complete the task below and score yourself!


Challenge 1:

Year 4 task: Standing Long Jump


You need to stand on a line and jump as far forward as you can.  Measure the distance you jump in centimetres for your score.

Follow this link for a demonstration…

Remember to send a video and your score on Showbie or Twitter and then Mrs Hanham can submit our results to Stride Active.


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission…

Today, you will need to find some measuring equipment. You could use a ruler, a tape measure or any other measuring equipment that you may have at home! If you don’t have anything, then you could use an informal unit of measure such as the number of feet lengths or number of hands.


Your task is to measure at least 4 different things in your home and calculate the perimeter of each item.

Some ideas: your table, a desk, a bathtub, garden, and a microwave.



English Activity…

We have all been doing lots of reading during this time of home learning! Your task is to write a book review of the best book that you have read during lockdown. It could be a MyOn book, or a book you have been reading from home!


I have attached a book review template (also in your Showbie- English folder).



Creative Afternoon

Last week we began to explore our new Science topic- teeth. Your task today is to compare the teeth of carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. You can present your findings in any way you would like to…


This website has some useful information that may help you!


You need to include:

What are herbivores, omnivores and carnivores?

What do they eat?

What are 3 examples of each category?

What do their teeth look like? Why do they look like that?



Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce! Don't forget to get your NHS mug entries to me by the 30th April, to give me time to get them all entered.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan

Monday 27th April 2020

Good morning, Class 4! I hope you are prepared for another week of exciting home learning- keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun and learning new skills, it really makes me smile!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission…

Today, you are going to become landscape designers. I would like you to design a garden- you can do this on paper or straight onto Showbie (find a template in the Maths folder). After you have planned what your garden is going to look like- I need you to measure the perimeter of all of your sheds, patios and benches.


Remember, to calculate the perimeter, you need to add the lengths of all sides together!

If you need to refresh your memory of perimeter or would like some more practise, follow this link:


English Activity…

In English we are going to make some synonym rolls!  Choose 4 of the words in the following list:  said, hot, walked, cold, sad, scared, happy, angry.

Draw 4 synonym rolls (like the example). Then, add the four words you have chosen to the middle of each roll… You then need to come up with at least 5 different words that you could use instead of using the word in the middle. If you have a thesaurus, you could use this to help you!

Creative Afternoon

Religion, Gods and Goddesses were very important to the Romans. If you would like to refresh your memory, visit this page where there is a lot of information:


Your task is to design your very own ‘Roman God or Goddess’… I have attached a template (also in the ‘Other’ folder on Showbie), which can give you some ideas of what you may need to think about. You can complete this in any way that you would like to!


*A ‘Key Attribute’ is something that makes your god/goddess particularly special- a part of their personality or a unique skill perhaps. Maybe it is that they are forgiving or charitable for example.


Drop Everything and Read!

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link:


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce! Let’s have another amazing week.


Have a lovely day!

Best wishes

Mrs Morgan


Friday 24th April 2020 


Good morning, Class 4! We have reached Friday already! I hope you are ready for some more fun home learning- keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun and learning new skills, it really makes me smile!  


Wake Up, Shake Up  

  • PE with Joe 

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.  

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out! 

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle. 


Maths Mission… 

Today, have a go at the challenges with the BBC! 

Challenge 1 and 2 will warm you up, for the real challenges of 3-5! Give it your best go and share your answers with me. I wonder who can solve all of them! 


English Activity… 

Visit for today’s lesson. 


This lesson includes: 

  • two videos of Strictly Come Dancing's Oti Mabuse reading poems by Allan Ahlberg 

  • three activities. 

Follow the videos and activities... read through and select one of the activities to have a go at! I think my favourite to try would be Activity 3 (writing another verse for one of the poems).  


Creative Afternoon 

Lots of you have made fantastic Rainbows and sunshine pictures to go in your windows and brighten people’s walks! This week’s theme is flowers: 


Using materials around your home, your task is to colour, paint, print, collage or even use natural materials to make a picture with the theme of flowers? 

Here are some ideas to help inspire you: 


An optional challenge for you to have a go at on Sunday! 


The Virgin Money London Marathon alone, which should have taken place on Sunday 26 April, is the world’s biggest one-day fundraising event.  You don’t have to run a full marathon to be a hero fundraiser.   


On Sunday 26th April 2020, take on a challenge of your choosing based around the numbers 2.6 or 26, and fundraise or donate to support the Big Night In.  Charities need our support now more than ever. So, if you can make a donation (big or small), it would mean the world to them. Please remember there is no pressure to donate, it’s completely up to you!   


You could walk, run or cycle 2.6 miles, juggle for 2.6 minutes, climb your stairs 26 times, or bake 26 cupcakes. The options are endless.   

Just be sure to follow Government guidelines on exercise and social distancing.  


Here are a few ideas to get you thinking: 

Running challenge - Walk, run or jog 2.6 miles  

Yoga challenge - Stretch out and relax by completing 26 minutes of yoga 

Dog walk challenge - Take your dog out for a 26 minute walk and get some fresh air  

Fitness challenge - Get moving and feel stronger by completing 26 push ups, squats or lunges 

Virtual quiz - Host a virtual quiz with 26 questions to stay connected with friends and family  


Visit the following link for more information and ideas: 

If you do choose to take part- take lots of photographs to share with me, I would love to see!  


Drop Everything and Read! 

Remember to keep reading every day! You can use your Read Theory or MyOn ( if you would like to do some reading online. I’m sure you also have some amazing books, magazines, comics (and more) waiting at home to dive into! Audible and Amazon books are also free at the moment. David Walliams has also started releasing a daily audio book on this link: 


I am excited to see more of the amazing things you produce today! It is so wonderful to see the fun that you are all having at home.  


Have a lovely day! 

Best wishes 

Mrs Morgan  


Thursday 23rd April 2020


Good morning, Class 4! I hope you are prepared for some more fun home learning- keep sending me pictures of your work, and some of you just having fun and learning new skills, it really makes me smile!


Our Zoom session is today at 10am! Those of you who I have received permission for will be sent the code inside your Zoom information folder on Showbie. Please send me a message or email with permission from your parents/carers if you would like to join for the first time!

-You will need a pencil/pen and a piece of paper!


Wake Up, Shake Up

  • PE with Joe

Visit Joe Wicks’ YouTube channel for a daily PE lesson to get you moving, and feeling energised.

  • Cosmic Kids Yoga- a relaxing yoga/mindfulness session can be a great way to unwind and stretch if you are not feeling a high energy work out!

  • If you fancy something different: for some excellent dance, mindfulness, yoga and all sorts of activities, visit Go Noodle.


Maths Mission…

Today, I thought we should have some more fun with our Maths and a bit of a challenge. I had great fun trying to solve this for my own name- I have 2 middle names! Your task is to complete the ‘My Name in Numbers’ Task… I have put this in your Maths folder and also attached it as a file!


English Activity…


Today, your task is to write a postcard… you can either do this on Showbie, or make your own postcard by drawing lines/boxes onto paper. I have also attached an example of one that I have written, to give you some ideas/guidance! Remember you can decorate the other side of your postcard with anything… but it should be relevant to the post card that you are sending e.g. a picture of the woods would be ideal for mine. Your postcard could be written to anybody you like.


Remember to discuss things such as…

  • What the weather has been like
  • What you have been doing
  • What you are looking forward to doing.
  • A question to persuade them to reply

You can make up an address for the person you are sending it to… or use this example:

87 Comet Road,

Jupiter Gate


JG87 4UQ1


Creative Afternoon:


Royal Crown Derby’s

‘Make a Mug, Make a Difference’ campaign.




A competition is now open for young people to design a mug that celebrates the NHS.  The winning mugs will then be produced by Royal Crown Derby who aim to make and sell 26,299 mugs, representing and celebrating every day that the NHS has been making our lives better since its formation on 5 July 1948 to its 72nd anniversary in 2020. 


Royal Crown Derby are donating all profits to NHS Charities Together COVID-19 Urgent appeal.  The mugs are available to order now and personalised gift messaging is complimentary. 


In addition, they hope that this campaign will give young people an engaging challenge, showcase creativity and encourage education about the NHS.


There will be two prize winners who will:

•       Visit the Royal Crown Derby factory to see the mugs being made and receive the very first mug off the production line.

•       Have a tour of the Palace of Westminster and will be presented with the first mug off the production line together with their framed artwork. 

•       Visit the V&A Museum in London where their mugs will be exhibited.