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Year 4


Welcome to Year 4!



Welcome to Year 4!


 I hope you have had a wonderful break and that you are ready for an exciting and busy term in Class 4. This term we will be learning about ‘Rivers'. Below is a little bit of information about all the fantastic things we will be learning throughout the coming term. 



Empowering English


In English this term, we will be continuing to use The Write Stuff approach developed by Jane Considine to improve our writing. This term we will explore a range of quality texts - both fiction and non-fiction! Our first unit is a non-fiction unit writing a holiday brochure! After we have completed our work on this, we will look at a fiction text in the form of a narrative. 


Throughout the term, we will continue with our weekly ‘Big Write’ to practise the skills we have learnt.


 Our English targets this term will be:

  • I can carefully choose nouns and pronouns to avoid repetition
  • I can use adverbs e.g.  gently, mysteriously, yesterday, above
  • I can use prepositions e.g. behind, on, over, between
  • I can use inverted commas for direct speech
  • I can use expanded noun phrases


 Marvellous Maths


In Maths, we will be focussing on place value to 10,000 and developing our understanding of addition and subtraction. We will be learning about 4-digit numbers which will include recognising the value of each digit in a 4-digit number, finding 1000 more or less than a given number and ordering numbers beyond 1000. We will also learn to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000, count backwards through zero including negative numbers and read Roman numerals to 100.


We will then develop our understanding of perimeter and focus on learning how and applying our multiplication tables.


Our Maths targets this term will be:


  • I can find 1000 more or less than a given number
  • I can count backwards through to zero to include negative numbers
  • I can recognise the place value of each digit in a 4-digit number
  • I can order and compare numbers beyond 1000
  • I can estimate numbers using different representations
  • I can round any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
  • I can read Roman numerals to 100
  • I can add and subtract numbers with up 10 4 digits using formal written methods
  • I can estimate and use inverse operations to check calculations
  • I can solve addition and subtraction two step problems




We will also be completing daily times tables practise in class.



Sensational Science


In Science, we will be learning about ‘All living things and their habitats’. First, we will learn to recognise that living things can be grouped in different ways. We will explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment. We will also learn that environments can change and consider how this can pose danger to living things.


After half term, we will be learning about ‘Animals, including humans’. We will learn about the basic parts of the human digestive system and their functions. We will then learn about the different types of teeth humans have and their functions. We will also learn to construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.  



Hair-Raising History


This term we will study the Romans and place them on a timeline. We will learn how Britain changed from the Iron age and how the Romans helped to advance British society. We will learn about what life was like for children during the Roman period and the ‘Romanisation’ of Britain. We will also look at historic items and artefacts to help us understand what life was like in the Roman period.  We will study the Roman army and develop our understanding of its power.  We will also learn about famous Romans, including Boudica and Julius Caesar. We will use this knowledge to help us understand how this period has impacted the world and shaped our lives today.


Globe-Trotting Geography


In Geography, we will continue to develop our map skills and locational knowledge. We will learn the names and location of major rivers. We will use maps, atlases and google earth to help us explore these. When learning about rivers, we will explore the course of a river and the different features they may have. We will also learn about the water cycle and how a river is maintained. 


Pacey PE

Each week, Year 4 will have PE in addition to a weekly swimming session and we ask that children wear their PE kit to school for the day. 




Showbie is a program which allows children to upload, save and share their work in class and at home whilst also receiving interactive feedback from their teacher.  Everyone will be given a Showbie username and password and it is available on iPads, tablets and computers.  We will be using this regularly within lessons and for homework each week.


Showbie has proven to be a valuable communication tool during the enforced school closure in order for children, parents/carers and teachers to keep in touch.  The Showbie App includes a range of features which have been utilisied by all:

  • Messaging communication
  • Sharing / Uploading work
  • Instant feedback
  • Voice Notes
  • Video Uploads
  • Class Discussions (Key Stage 2)


From September, Walford will continue to use Showbie as a clear channel of communication between home and school.


I will continue to set and mark homework via the Showbie App on a weekly basis.  Extra (optional) learning activities will be provided where appropriate in order to consolidate learning in school.  Showbie will be used as the new home-school link for reading.  Every child will have a reading folder in their assignments where all reading and comments can be recorded on a nightly basis.


There will also be a general communication folder where any important messages can be shared with class teachers.  Class teachers will endeavour to respond to these messages as soon as possible.  It is important to remember that children will also be able to see this, so anything of a sensitive nature should be dealt with via telephone or email.


As a result of these changes, your child will no longer bring home a Home-School Diary (KS2).  


Helpful Homework

Homework is set on a Thursday and should be returned every Monday.  Homework will be linked to the work that we are covering in class.  Remember homework will be set and uploaded to Showbie.  Paper copies can be provided if required.  


Showbie will be used for you to record any learning that you complete at home, including:

  • Reading
  • Times table practise
  • Spelling practise
  • Education City
  • Times Tables Rock Stars
  • MyOn

As you move through KS2, you should be encouraged to become more and more independent at recording the work completed on Showbie each evening.  I will check Showbie every day to see what you have been doing.


Talk Homework will help you to prepare for your Big Write each week.  This can be found on Showbie too.  Please spend 5-10 minutes chatting with a family member at home in order to feel more confident about your written task the following day.



Other information

Remember to keep checking Twitter @WalfordPrimary for regular updates about what Class 4 have been up to.




Wednesday, 7th September 2022: Meet the Teacher (3:30pm). 



My door is always open so please feel free to arrange an appointment to come and see me if you wish to discuss anything about your child and their learning. 


Mrs Morgan!




Children in Need 2022

Rewarding Reading - World Book Day

Motivating Music - Learning how to use technology to create our own music

Pacey PE- Cricket coaching

Sensational Science - Measuring the speed of sound

Red Nose Day

Marvellous Maths- Is the remainder always less than the divisor?

Motivating Music - Violin with Mrs West

Sensational Science - Investigating how sound travels through a medium to the ear

Sensational Science- Sound walk

Marvellous Maths - Equal groups with remainders

Sensational Science - National Grid Zoom

Empowering English - Festival of Literature

Awesome Art- Oil pastel eyes

Marvellous Maths- Multiplication is commutative

Sensational Science- Constructing a circuit

Pacey PE- Reindeer Run

Sensational Science- Basic parts of the digestive system

Piecing Together PSHE - Anti-Bullying Week workshop with Danny Butler

Sensational Science - Investigating the effect different liquids can have on our teeth

Sensational Science- Identifying the different types of teeth and their functions

Sensational Science - How does melting ice cause sea levels to rise?

Globe- Trotting Geography - Locating capital cities

Sensational Science- WWF Zoom

Globe-Trotting Geography- Using atlases to find cities in the United Kingdom

Pacey PE- Yoga

Sensational Science- Using a Datalogger to Measure Sound

Connected Computing - Internet Safety Day

Sensational Science - Stardome Planetarium Visit

Rewarding Reading - National Storytelling Week

Rewarding Reading - The Children’s Bookshelf

Piecing Together PSHE - Martin Luther King Day

Motivating Music - Toots & Flutes

Globe-Trotting Geography-Exploring How Volcanic Eruptions Occur

Motivating Music - Drum Assembly

Dynamic D&T- Hedgehog Cakes

Empowering English - Writing Workshop with C.S. Clifford

Sensational Science - Zoolab Visit

Connected Computing - Green Screen/Touchcast

Globe-Trotting Geography - Sketch Maps and Map Symbol Bingo

Enriching Experiences - Christmas Party Day!

Motivating Music - Carol Singing at Morrisons

Enriching Experiences - Children in Need

Piecing Together PSHE - The Walford Election 2019

Rewarding Reading - Andy Seed Visiting Author

Dynamic D&T - Chris Champness Knitting/Finger Knitting Project

Awesome Art - Mary-Rose Inspired Pottery

Marvellous Maths - Negative Numbers

Empowering English

Topic Web- The Romans

Spelling List Year 3-4


Recommended Reading for 7-11 year olds

Here are some suggestions of great books to read in Year 4!


Ready, Steady, Read in Year 4:

  • Danny the Champion of the World- Roald Dahl
  • The Creakers- Tom Fletcher 
  • Flat Stanley – The Great Egyptian Grave Robbery by S Pennypacker and Jeff Brown
  • Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Murpurgo
  • Cliffhanger by Jacqueline Wilson
  • Spiderwick Chronicals by Tony Diterlizzi and Holly Black
  • How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell
  • Varjak Paw by SF Said
  • Elidor by Alan Garner
  • Charlotte’s Web by E B White


I have attached some links below for ideas of other great reads!
