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Class 3

Friday 16th July 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Fabulous Friday!


I can’t quite believe that we have reached our final day of home-learning. What a year it has been for us all! I am sure you would agree that it has been lovely to engage in so many different and exciting activities during our Summer Term of remote home-learning. I have most defiantly loved sharing this experience with you and seeing all of the incredible things that you have achieved at home along the way. Thank you for this!


I hope you are up and ready to complete your final few activities of the year!


Wake Up, Shake Up

Joe Wicks will not be running a live PE lesson today however, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today is Long-Word-Friday and your Word of the Day is… unsatisfactory 

  • Can you use a dictionary to find the definition?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you spell the word using a pyramid?
  • How many other words can you make from the letters in this word?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


For today’s English learning, I thought we could take the time to reflect upon the year we have shared together.

A-Z of Class 3

Use the attached worksheet to create an A-Z of Class 3. Think about all the things you have learnt and the memories you have that remind you of your time in Class 3. Can you think of something for every letter of the alphabet?


My Favourite Memories from This Year

Use the attached worksheet to document your memories of Class 3. Think about the friends you’ve made, the memories you will treasure and your favourite activity.  


I am looking forward to reading all of the wonderful memories you have and reflecting upon such a crazy but magical year!



We have learnt lots over the past few weeks about measurement. Today, I would like you to apply the things that you have learnt and complete some of the following activities:

  1. Use your Classroom Secrets Kids login details to play the following interactive games… or
  2. Follow this link to Education City… Login and complete the activities in the ‘Measurement’ folder.
  3. Complete some of the challenges from the ‘Measurement Challenge Cards’ attached – use the answer sheet to self-assess your work.




You could have a go at the BBC Bitesize Big Quiz! Follow the link below to access the Maths quiz and remember to send your scores to me on Showbie or via email.


Creative Afternoon:

Algorithms, Programming and Debugging: Going Wild


In this activity, you will learn to create a short sequence of instructions (algorithms) to program your Bee to move.


1) Place the Bee on the bottom left corner of the grid. Place the flower in a different square on the grid.


2) Choose the direction cards that would program the Bee to move to the flower. This is your algorithm.


3) Plan a simple program with just 3 or 4 steps in them to move the Bee to the flower square. Lay the cards out beside the grid or draw the direction shapes on a separate piece of paper.


More Ideas to try:

1) Make a grid outside with chalk so that you can add in other objects from the garden or home that have to be avoided or reached.


2) Add in more steps in the algorithm so the Bee has to go to more than one square. You can make your grid as big as you like!


3) Look at other creatures that live in the garden or outside and find out where they like to live and what they like to eat. Make a ‘fact file’ or booklet to share with others.


4) Explore robots as a theme: create a robot outfit for a favourite toy, build a robot out of small building bricks or junk modelling or watch a film such a WAL-E.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Once again, I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Thursday 16th July 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Thrill Seeking Thursday!


I hope that you are all well and that you are looking forward to completing some more exciting home learning tasks today!


I just wanted to say another huge thank you to everyone that joined us in school yesterday. It was truly wonderful to see you all and I hope you has as much fun as I did! I was also very grateful for your generosity and kind wishes!


Wake Up, Shake Up

Joe Wicks will not be running a live PE lesson today however, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s Number of the Day is… 310

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


For your English task today, you could have a go at writing your letter to Miss Higgins, telling her all about you and the things you are looking forward to in Class 4!


If you would like to send your letters to me on Showbie or via email, I will make sure I pass them onto her.




E-Safety Board Game

Using the attached template, create your own E-Safety board game.


Safe / Unsafe Cards

As players move around the board, they might land on a 'Safe' or an 'Unsafe' square. At this point, they should pick up the relevant card and read the information on the back, following the instructions given.


When making your game, add appropriate information to the back of each card.


For 'Safe' cards, your might write "You asked an adult before using the Internet. Move forward two spaces" or "You use a safe search engine for children to find information online. Go forward three spaces".


For 'Unsafe' cards, you might write "You were unkind to a friend online. Go back three spaces" or "You gave away some personal information in an online form. Go back four spaces".


You might wish to add extra rules, such as 'If you roll a 6, you get an extra turn' or 'If your counter lands on the same space as another player, go back three spaces'.


Have fun playing your game with your family! Who will reach the centre of the board first?


Remember to send me pictures of you playing your finished games on Showbie or via email.




Today, we are going to explore the use of bar charts. Begin your learning by following the link below and watching the helpful video…

Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing the White Rose Maths worksheet attached.




You could click onto the link below to head to BBC Bitesize where you can also explore some helpful resources for reading and using bar charts. Read through the information carefully and then have a go at the independent tasks!


Please continue to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I am looking forward to seeing how you get on with your learning today.


Creative Afternoon:

Algorithms, Logic and Debugging: 2D Shape Drawing


In this activity, you will follow an algorithm to draw pictures constructed from 2D shapes. The algorithms (instructions) you follow will include errors (mistakes) and you will use logical reasoning to detect and correct these.


1) Look at the algorithm on the left of the 2D Shape Drawing worksheet. This algorithm is made up of a sequence of instructions to create a picture of a house. On the right is how you would like the house to look. However, you suspect there might be some mistakes in the algorithm. Your task is to use logical reasoning to work through this algorithm to detect and correct any errors – to debug it.

2) To help detect and correct any errors, draw out each step of the algorithm. Read each step of the algorithm and draw it on a separate piece of paper.

3) Read the algorithm from the 2D shape Drawing Worksheet and follow the steps.

4) After drawing each step, check that what you have drawn from the algorithm matches the picture. If it does then move on to the next step; if it does not then debug the algorithm.


More ideas to try:

1) Can you create a simple drawing made from 2D shapes and then write the algorithm for this drawing? Purposefully include three mistakes in your algorithm for a member of your family to debug.


Drop Everything and READ!!


Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Wednesday 15th July 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!


Well done once again to everyone for engaging in so many of our home-learning tasks every day! I am really enjoying seeing all of your computing and E-safety learning this week. I hope you are ready to engage with some of today’s exciting learning activities.


I am I am very much looking forward to seeing you all this morning at 9:00am and I know that Miss Higgins is also very excited to meet you all. All you will need to bring into school is a plastic bag to take all of your books home and a snack if you feel you will need one. Please also remember to wear your school uniform.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you are enjoying your PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here is this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Remember, he will only be with us for his live PE lessons on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Saturday’s at 9am…


Alternatively, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today is Adverbday and your Word of the Day is… carelessly

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you make any other words from the letters in this word?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


For today’s English lesson, we are going to write a set of instructions about how to make our own 'marvellous medicine'.

Follow the link below to watch a video and read some useful information all about how to write clear instructions:


After watching the video, you will need to complete the following three activities to write your instructions.

Activity 1 - read the instructions on the worksheet (attached) about how to wash an elephant then answer the questions below. Either write your answers down on paper, think about them or discuss them with someone at home.

1. What is the title and where can you find it?

2. What information is in the grey box?

3. How do you know what order to carry out the instructions in?

4. What type of word does each instruction start with?


Activity 2 - watch the clip in which presenters Dick and Dom read from George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. Listen carefully to the ingredients George uses to make his grandma’s medicine.

Now imagine you’re making your own medicine for a horrible grandma.

Make a list of five ingredients that you would use and explain what effect each one would have on grandma.

Top tip!

Don’t forget to say how much to use.

For example:

A tablespoon of strawberry jam to make her cheeks more rosy.

A whole bottle of perfume to make her smell like flowers.


Activity 3 - now write a set of instructions telling other people how they could make your medicine.

Remember to include:

  • A title. You could start with ‘How to…’
  • A list of ingredients and how much you need of each one.
  • Numbered steps and time conjunctions to show what order the ingredients should be added in.
  • An explanation of why each ingredient should be added.

For example:

How to improve a horrible grandma

1. First of all, sprinkle two teaspoons of coffee into the pot to give grandma some energy.

Top tip!

Don't forget to use command verbs such as mix, stir, add, pour and chop.

Please remember to share your instructions with me on Showbie or send it to my email address!



Today, we are going to be exploring pictograms. Begin your learning by following the link below and watching the helpful video…

Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing the White Rose Maths worksheet attached.




You could click onto the link below to head to BBC Bitesize where you can also explore some helpful resources to help you understand pictograms. Read through the information carefully and then have a go at the independent tasks!


Please continue to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I am looking forward to seeing how you get on with your learning today.


Creative Afternoon:

STEM Challenge – Build a Cereal Box Marble Run


Have you ever wondered what to do with those empty cereal boxes? Follow the simple instructions on the attached sheet to make a cereal box marble run. If you don’t have a spare cereal box, another cardboard box will work just as well!




Can you make a marble roller coaster, which brings a marble down from a starting height of 1 metre without any drops of longer than 5cm?


You could make it a competition with your family – whose marble takes the longest to successfully descend 1 metre?


Remember to send me any pictures or videos of your marble runs and roller coasters on Showbie or via email. I look forward to seeing what you produce!


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Tuesday 14th July 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Terrific Tuesday!


Well done to everyone for another fantastic start to a new week of home-learning yesterday! If you’d like to see some of the Connected Computing activities and that have already been completed this week, then ask your parents to help you access the school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool). Remember to click ‘like’ if you see anything that makes you smile.  


I hope you are up and ready to engage with today’s exciting activities.


Wake Up, Shake Up

Joe Wicks will not be running a live PE lesson today however, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s Number of the Day is… 1000!

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Internet Safety Reading Comprehension

Read the attached information about staying safe online and answer the comprehension questions.


Fill in the gaps in the sentences to help you to complete the attached Internet Safety crossword.


Remember to send your answers to me on Showbie or via email. I am looking forward to reading them all.



Today, we are going to use our knowledge of measuring to add and subtract capacity. Begin your learning by following the link below and watching the helpful video…

Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing the White Rose Maths worksheet attached.




You could click onto the link below to head to BBC Bitesize where you can also explore some helpful resources for adding and subtracting capacity. Read through the slideshows of information carefully and then have a go at the independent tasks!


Please continue to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I am looking forward to seeing how you get on with your learning today.

Creative Afternoon:

Algorithms and Decomposition: 3D Building Blocks


In this activity, you will create a simple model and then take photos to create instructions (an algorithm) for others to try and recreate your model. By removing one block at a time, you will be decomposing the problem into manageable steps.


1) Use ten random building blocks to create a model. You could use Lego, wooden blocks, books, cardboard boxes or anything else suitable that you find around your house (see the attached example sheet).


2) Once finished, photograph the completed model.


3) Take one brick off your model and re-photograph the model plus the removed brick next to it. Repeat the process until all of the bricks have been removed – each time you should just include the last removed block and clear away the rest.


4) Arrange your pictures in the reverse order that you took them in, so that they start with the photo of two blocks and end up with a completed model. Label the pictures in numerical order.


5) Give your algorithm to someone else to follow to recreate the model.


More ideas to try:


1) Try to write the instructions rather than just use photographs.


2) Can you break down the task of getting ready for school into smaller parts (having breakfast, having a wash, brushing teeth, getting dressed etc.)?


3) Create an algorithm to enable someone to recreate a simple drawing such as a house or smiley face.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


I look forward to seeing all the hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Monday 13th July 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and Happy Monday!


I hope you have all had another lovely weekend and that you are looking forward to another week of fun home-learning. We are now in our last week of the Summer Term!


This week’s home-learning will follow a Connected Computing theme. There will be many English and Creative activities for you to complete based upon how we stay safe online and to develop our computing skills and ideas.  


Please remember to complete the final Stride Active Challenge and send over your score if you have not done so already. The theme is… ROUNDERS

Using a rolling pin (or similar) see how many times you can hit up a ball or a pair of socks in 30 seconds.  Your number of hit ups is your score.

Watch: for a demonstration.

Send me your score before Tuesday, 14th July! If you wish, send a video too!


There is an added twist this time – there are extra points for each person who takes part, including teachers and parents.  Let’s see how many people we can get involved.


Come on, Class 3, let’s see how many entries we can get before the deadline on Tuesday!


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you are enjoying your PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here is this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Remember, he will only be with us for his live PE lessons on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Saturday’s at 9am…


Alternatively, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today is Nounsday and your Word of the Day is… environment 

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you use this word in a perfect sentence?
  • Spell-round: write the word ten times forwards. Now, without looking at the word, can you spell it backwards out loud?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Internet Safety Rules


Amazing Fact

When 400 scientists, engineers, and academics were asked what was the greatest invention ever, there were three popular answers – the wheel, the printing press and the World Wide Web (the Internet). The overall winner was the World Wide Web.


We have to make sure we stay safe and sensible when we are online.


Use the attached sheet to write down five rules for staying safe online.


 Use these rules to create a poster or information text to encourage people to stay safe when using the Internet.


Please remember to share your finished posters or information texts with me on Showbie or via email. I look forward to seeing them all!



Today, we are going to use our knowledge of measuring to compare different amounts of capacity. Begin your learning by following the link below and watching the helpful video…


Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing the White Rose Maths worksheet attached.




You could click onto the link below to head to BBC Bitesize where you can also explore some helpful resources for comparing capacity. Read through the slideshow of information carefully and then have a go at the independent tasks!


Please continue to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I am looking forward to seeing your understanding of comparing capacity.  


Creative Afternoon:

Abstraction and Algorithms: Shopping Lists


In this activity, you will learn to identify the ingredients you need to make a cake and create a shopping list. In doing so, you will develop your skills of abstraction and algorithms.


1) Look through cookbooks, websites or magazines to find recipes. Choose between two or three recipes that look fun.


2) Alternatively, use the recipes on the attached worksheet.

Recipe 1: Challenging.

Recipe 2: More Challenging.


Looking at the method section of the recipe only, write a list of ingredients for your shopping list.


More ideas to try:


1) Discuss the quantities of ingredients needed and do an imaginary online shop:

  • How much money would you need?
  • How much change would you get form £10?


2) Try out your recipe with the help of an adult. Make sure that you weigh and measure the ingredients carefully.


3) Abstract the equipment needed rather than the ingredients and write a list of what you will need.


4) Investigate the science of baking with the help of an adult. Simply try mixing a teaspoon of baking powder into a cup of hot water to make a chemical reaction. When you add hot water to baking powder, the water reacts with the acid of the baking powder to produce carbon dioxide bubbles. As long as the baking powder is fresh, you will definitely produce bubbles!


5) Create your own “famous chef” instructional video on how to bake a cake.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning! I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Friday 10th July 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Fabulous Friday!


We have reached the end of another week of home-learning. You have all continued to be awesome with your work, completing not only the set activities but also sharing some of your own imaginative learning ideas. I hope you are up and ready to engage with the final day of this week’s exciting activities.


Freya we all want to wish you a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We hope you enjoy your special day.


Joe Wicks will not be running a live PE lesson today however, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s Number of the Day is… 155

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today is writing day! It is time to bring together all that we have learnt throughout the week on newspaper reports and write one of our own.


All you will need to write your newspaper report is a pencil, piece of paper (or the newspaper report template attached) and a calm space to work free from distractions.


Your newspaper report could be based on an animal like the one we have been looking at this week or it could be based on any other topic that you are interested in - it could be a real event, or made up… e.g. an alien invasion, football match, day at the river, lockdown events, other events that you have enjoyed…birthdays, family time etc.


Try your best to set it out as a newspaper report (the attached template and guidance  sheet will help you) and include as many of the features in the attached success criteria, especially inverted commas for quotes.


You could use the success criteria to mark your work when it is complete. Please share your newspaper reports with me on Showbie or via email. I am very excited to read them all and see just how much we have learnt this week!   



For the final Maths lesson of the week, we are going to have a go at this week’s BBC Bitesize challenges!


You have all been doing a great job when using your problem-solving skills throughout our Maths lessons so I know you will enjoy these challenges. Click on the link below to find out what your challenges are for today…


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how many of the challenges you manage to tackle!


Creative Afternoon:


Wild Art 2020


The RSPB are once again teaming up with the Cameron Bespolka Trust to bring you Wild Art 2020, and this year it’s even bigger! They are on the lookout for talented young artists to enter their exciting competition.


Your task is to create a piece of art inspired by nature – let your imagination run wild! There are two categories to choose from this year:

  • Real Life: entries using the more traditional approach of paints, pastels, acrylics, pens or pencil.
  • Go Wild: for those of you who want to ‘go wild’ in every sense of the word. To enter this category, experiment with textiles, sculpture, recycled and eco-friendly materials, collages – anything goes!


You can follow the link to the website to see some of last year’s winning entries:



For each category, the winner of each age group will receive an art gift voucher worth £100. There are also RSPB runner-up prizes for each category and age group too, so plenty of chances to WIN! The winning, runner-up and highly commended artwork will be displayed at The Society of Wildlife Artists Natural Eye exhibition from 28 October to 8 November 2020.


A special Richie Richardson award (and £100 book voucher) will be given for the most accurately drawn animal. The winning and runner-up artwork will also be printed in Wild Times, Wild Explorer or Wingbeat magazine.


Send a picture of your completed artwork to me via Showbie or email and I will enter it for you!


IMPORTANT: When taking a photo of your artwork, please make sure that you use natural lighting. Dark or unnatural lighting can result in distorted image colour/appearance.



Drop Everything and READ!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning!


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Thursday 9th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Thrill Seeking Thursday!


I hope that you are all well. It was lovely to see you all enjoy your Music activities yesterday. It was also really nice to see some more artistic talent from those who researched and created a pop art masterpiece. I hope that you are looking forward to completing some more exciting home learning tasks today!


Wake Up, Shake Up

Joe Wicks will not be running a live PE lesson today however, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s is Word of the Day is… ornate

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms or antonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you learn to spell this word by writing it as a spelling pyramid?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today, we are going to explore how we use inverted commas accurately. This will be very helpful for when we come to writing out newspaper report tomorrow!


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


All you will need to complete your learning is a pencil, piece of paper and a calm space to work free from distractions.


You can begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ today to recap the things that you learnt in yesterday’s lesson. Once you have done that, move onto the video where Mr Mac will be back to take you through a structured SPaG lesson.


He will begin by sharing a word of the day with you and then our example piece of work. Mr Mac will then carry out an inverted commas guided practice where you will have the opportunity to answer some onscreen questions.


Mr Mac will then set you an independent task where you will need to answer five questions about the use of inverted commas. To access the independent task, you will need to close the video and click ‘next’. Then, move between the different slides, making a note of your answers.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the independent task to go through the answers. The video ends with an optional short spelling task. Don’t forget to complete your learning with the short ‘Exit Quiz’ and be proud of all the marvellous work that you have achieved today.


Remember to send your answers for the independent task to me on Showbie or via email. I look forward to seeing how you get on with your grammar task.



Now that we have a good understanding of measuring mass, we are going to move onto measuring capacity. Begin your learning by following the link below and watching the helpful video…


Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing the White Rose Maths worksheet attached.

Then, head over to BBC Bitesize using this link…


You will be able to watch another helpful video about measuring capacity and complete some fun capacity practise activities at home.


Please continue to share your learning with me. I would love to see some pictures of you trying out some of the capacity activities. Remember to send them to me on Showbie or via email. 


Creative Afternoon:


Sun Safety

The attached Sun Ready presentation will help you to learn more about keeping safe in the sun. Choose from the following activities:




At the end of the presentation, you will find a short quiz. Have fun testing your knowledge of sun safety!


Know Your Sun Cream (KS2)


Find out about the information displayed on a bottle of sun cream and what it means. Have a go at labelling the attached diagram.


Sun Safety Poster (KS1 & KS2)


Create a poster encouraging people to stay safe in the sun.


Use the attached planning sheet and think about including the following:

  • Why is it important to stay safe in the sun?
  • Which of the sun cream options are better?
  • Can you name the Five Top Tips for Sun Safety?


Remember to send me your completed posters on Showbie or via email.


Survival Kit Challenge (KS2)


Imagine that you are standing in the wild.

  • What does it look like?
  • What can you see?
  • What can you hear?
  • What can you smell?


Your challenge is to design a survival kit for the wild. Use the attached sheet to plan your survival kit.


Remember to send me your completed Survival Kits on Showbie or via email.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Wednesday 8th July 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!


Well done once again to everyone for engaging in so many of our home-learning tasks every day! I have really enjoyed seeing everyone’s entries for the Forest of Dean Forestry England Competition and the #PinYourThanks Pin Badge Competition this week. There is still a few more days for anyone that would still like to enter either of these competitions, you just need to send your entries over to me!


I hope you are ready to engage with today’s exciting activities.


Get Ready…

Your FINAL Herefordshire Virtual Games Challenge is here!



Using a rolling pin (or similar) see how many times you can hit up a ball or a pair of socks in 30 seconds.  

Your number of hit ups is your score.

Watch: for a demonstration.


Send me your score before Tuesday, 14th July! If you wish, send a video too!


There is an added twist this time – there are extra points for each person who takes part, including teachers and parents.  Let’s see how many people we can get involved.


Come on, Class 3, let’s see how many entries we can get! Who is going to be the first to send me their score?


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you are enjoying your PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here is this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Remember, he will only be with us for his live PE lessons on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Saturday’s at 9am…


Alternatively, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s Number of the Day is… 999

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Our third English lesson of the week will allow us to explore the features of a newspaper report. Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


All you will need to complete your learning is a pencil, piece of paper and a calm space to work free from distractions.


You can begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ today to recap the things that you learnt in yesterday’s lesson. Once you have done that, move onto the video where Mr Philips will take you through a structured lesson.


He will begin by sharing a word of the day with you and then our example piece of work. Mr Philips will then carry out a text features guided practice where you will have the opportunity to answer some onscreen questions.


Mr Philips will set you an independent task where you will need to answer four questions about the key features of a newspaper report. To access the independent task, you will need to close the video and click ‘next’. Then, move between the different slides, making a note of your answers.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the independent task to go through the answers. The video ends with an optional short spelling task. Don’t forget to complete your learning with the short ‘Exit Quiz’ and be proud of all the marvellous work that you have achieved today.


Remember to send your answers for the independent task to me on Showbie or via email. I look forward to seeing how many features of a newspaper report you can identify.  



For today’s Maths lesson, we will be applying the knowledge that we have revisited this week to add and subtract mass. Begin your learning by following the link below and watching the helpful video…

Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing the White Rose Maths worksheet attached.




You could click onto the link below to head to BBC Bitesize where you can also view the useful video about adding and subtracting mass. You could also complete the BBC Bitesize independent tasks!


Please continue to share your learning with me on Showbie or via email. 


Creative Afternoon:

Mrs West has sent over some very exciting activities for you to complete this afternoon to wake up your Music Minds and make you smile.


Listening - There’s something very special about singing in a choir. Have a listen to the PS22 Chorus. The children are Year 6s from a primary school in Staten Island, New York.   



Appraising – How do the children make their performance ‘come alive’? Why do you think the children love being in the PS22 Chorus so much?


  • What style is this song?
  • How does the song make you feel as you listen?
  • What do you hear in the music that makes you feel that way? Think about two elements of music to help you in your answer. Pick from melody, rhythm, tempo, dynamics, texture, timbre.


Song – Now it’s your turn! Remember, ‘It doesn’t matter how you sound, just sing to everyone one around’. 



Composing - Melody is the musical term for a tune. Every song you'll have sung has a melody. Have a go at making a tune of your own using a tool called Melody Maker from Chrome Labs. You’ll soon work out how it works!





You could have a go at creating some pop art this afternoon. Follow the link bellow to learn the basics of pop art and the printing techniques used by Andy Warhol (a famous pop artist.)

Now that you have learnt something new, why not have a go at creating your own pop art masterpiece. The attached document might help you to get started. 


I would love to see some videos of you completing your music activities or even some pictures of your pop art masterpieces. Please send them to me on Showbie or via email.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊


Tuesday 7th July 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Terrific Tuesday!


Well done to everyone for your continued enthusiasm yesterday! If you’d like to see some of the fantastic learning that has been going on at home, then ask your parents to help you access the school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool) and remember to click ‘like’ if you see anything that makes you smile.  


I hope you are up and ready to continue the fun learning today!


Wake Up, Shake Up

Joe Wicks will not be running a live PE lesson today however, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s is Word of the Day is… majestic

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms or antonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you learn to spell this word by writing it as a spelling pyramid?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


We are ready to move onto our second lesson on Newspaper Reports. Today, we are going to be using our reading comprehension skills again but this time we will be retrieving information using a newspaper report. Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


All you will need to complete your learning is a pencil, piece of paper and a calm space to work free from distractions.


You can begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ today to recap the things that you learnt in yesterday’s lesson. Once you have done that, move onto the video where Miss Cleasby will take you through a structured lesson.


She will begin by sharing an example piece of work with you and a word of the day. Miss Cleasby will then carry out a fact retrieval guided practice where you will have the opportunity to answer some onscreen questions.


Miss Cleasby will set you an independent task where you will need to answer five questions by retrieving some information from a piece of text. To access the independent task, you will need to close the video and click ‘next’. Then, move between the different slides, making a note of your answers.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the independent task to go through the answers. The video ends with an optional short spelling task. Don’t forget to complete your learning with the short ‘Exit Quiz’ and be proud of all the hard work you have achieved today.


Remember to send your answers for the independent task to me on Showbie or via email. I look forward to seeing how you get on with your fact retrieval questions.  



Today, we are going to recap our understanding of comparing mass. Begin your learning by following the link below and watching the helpful video…


Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing the White Rose Maths worksheet attached.




You could click onto the link below to head to BBC Bitesize where you can also remind yourself about how we compare mass. Read the information carefully and then have a go at the independent tasks!


Please continue to share your learning with me on Showbie or via email. 


Creative Afternoon:




We know that lots of our families would like to say thank you to others who have helped over the last few months. From the postman who delivered cards that cheered us up, to a neighbour who has done some shopping, to a doctor or nurse, a friend who called for a chat etc.


PinYourThanks are inviting you to enter a competition to design a pin badge to say thank you to someone who has helped you (or your wider family) over the last few months.


The winning entry will be turned into a real pin badge and sold, alongside other badges designed by national treasures including Ringo Starr and Joe Lycett. Every pin badge sold raises money for NHS Charities Together and Volunteering Matters.


Use the attached template to design your badge.

Send me your completed designs on Showbie or via email by Friday, 10th July 2020 so that I can enter them for you!

Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning!


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Monday 6th July 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and Happy Monday!


I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend of rest and that you are ready for another week of home-learning. We have many competitions to enter this week and lots of learning to revise.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you are enjoying your PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here is this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Remember, he will only be with us for his live PE lessons on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Saturday’s at 9am…

Alternatively, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s Number of the Day is… 750

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


This week, we are going to be following an English unit of work with the National Oak Academy. The focus will be on Newspaper Reports.


For our first lesson of the week we are going to explore the structure and word meaning of questions in a newspaper report. Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


All you will need to complete your learning is a pencil, piece of paper and a calm space to work free from distractions.


You can move past the ‘Introductory Quiz’ today as we are starting a new unit. Move onto the video where Mr Mac will take you through a structured lesson.


He will begin by sharing an example piece of work with you and a word of the day. Mr Mac will then carry out a structured guided reading practice where you will have the opportunity to answer some onscreen questions.


Mr Mac will set you an independent task where you will need to answer four questions about the structure of a news report. To access the independent task, you will need to close the video and click ‘next’. Then, move between the five different slides, making a note of your answers.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the independent task to go through the answers. The video ends with an optional short spelling task. Don’t forget to complete your learning with the short ‘Exit Quiz’ and be proud of all the hard work you have achieved today.


I hope you enjoyed the structure of this lesson. Remember to send your answers for the independent task to me on Showbie or via email. I look forward to hearing how you get on today.



For our Maths learning this week, we are going to revisit the learning we did on Measurement, recapping our understanding of mass and extending our knowledge with the help of White Rose Maths.  


Begin your learning by following the link below and watching the helpful video all about measuring mass…


Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing the White Rose Maths worksheet attached.




You could click onto the link below to head to BBC Bitesize where you can also remind yourself about how we measure mass in grams and kilograms. Read the information carefully and then have a go at the independent tasks!


Please continue to share your learning with me on Showbie or via email. 


Creative Afternoon:

Forest of Dean Forestry England Competition



Your task is to design a poster encouraging people to keep our forest clean. You should explain why littering is bad for the forest and why you #LoveYourForest


When designing your poster, remember the following:

  • Use A4 white paper
  • Use colourful pictures to grab attention
  • Include words, or even a poem
  • Do not attach craft materials


The winning design will be used around Forestry England sites to help spread the message.


I look forward to seeing your completed posters. Please send them to me on Showbie or via email by Thursday, 9th July 2020 so that I can enter them for you!


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning! I look forward to catching up on all the hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Resources to Support Learning - Monday 6th July 2020

Friday 3rd July 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Fabulous Friday!


I can’t quite believe that it is Friday all over again! I am sure you would agree that it has been lovely to engage in so many different physical sporting activities this week. Physical activity is so important to keep our minds and bodies feeling healthy. Please keep sending through your pictures and submitting all your superb work to me on Showbie or via email.


Wake Up, Shake Up

Joe Wicks will not be running a live PE lesson today however, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today is Long-Word-Friday and your Word of the Day is… resplendent

  • Can you use a dictionary to find the definition?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you spell the word using a pyramid?
  • How many other words can you make from the letters in this word?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


For today’s English learning, I would like you to read that attached information all about Great British Paralympians. Once you have read the information, have a go at writing an acrostic poem using the words PARALYMPICS. You may want to use the template attached at the end of the reading document.



You could create your own sporting dictionary. Write a definition for each of the words in the attached list. You will need to write the definitions as if they were for a dictionary.

Remember: the words in a dictionary are always in alphabetical order.

You may like to present your dictionary as a list of words or you could put them into a small book.


Please upload your completed poem or dictionary to Showbie or send it to me via email. I look forward to seeing your writing today.



We have learnt lots this week about telling the time ‘past’ and ‘to’ the hour using 5-minute and 1-minute intervals.


Today, I would like you to apply the things that you have learnt this week to complete some of the following activities:

  1. Play the 5-minute intervals board game (attached) with somebody at home. Can you read aloud the time shown on each of the analogue clocks that you land on?
  2. Complete the ‘Grandfather Clocks’ or the ‘Timmy Tempo’ activity sheet.
  3. Use your Classroom Secrets Kids login details to play the following interactive game…
  4. Follow this link to Education City… Login and complete the activities in the ‘Telling the Time’ folder.


You could have a go at completing ‘The Mystery of the Missing Sacks on Sports Day’ mission (attached.) You will need to use all your mathematical knowledge and skills to figure out the five clues before using the table to find out who the sack thief was. 


Creative Afternoon:

Begin your afternoon with today’s Stride Active daily challenge. The theme is… Basketball.

  Please can you send your results to me before 3pm as our Class total will need to be submitted at the end of each day!


Below are some pictures of the previous Olympic stadiums that have been built for the Olympic games. As you can see, these structures are huge and the designs require a lot of thought and detail.

Your task is to design your own Olympic stadium that could hold the future Olympic games. Your stadium should have; a large capacity, an innovative/ iconic building design, be fit for purpose, secure, comfortable, have changing rooms, running tracks ect.


Remember when drawing your design, you will need to add detail by including colour and labels.


Extension: You may even choose to create a small model of your Olympic stadium.


I am looking forward to seeing all of your creative designs. Please share them with me on Showbie or send them to my email.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Once again, I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Thursday 2nd July 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Thrill Seeking Thursday!


I hope that you are all well and that you are looking forward to completing some more exciting home learning tasks today! We have all put in some superb efforts with our sporting activities already this week.


Wake Up, Shake Up

Joe Wicks will not be running a live PE lesson today however, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s Number of the Day is… 250

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today’s BBC Bitesize lessons focuses on the appropriate use of bullet points.


Follow the link below to today’s BBC Bitesize lesson where you’ll be able to watch some useful clips and complete three practise activities…




You could have a go at create your own A-Z of sports using the attached document.

Amazing Fact

The sport of Jai-Alai is commonly believed to be the fastest sport in the world – the ball can travel at speeds of up to 190mph.


Try to think of a sport or sports person for each letter of the alphabet.  You could use the Internet or Non-Fiction books to research lesser-known sports.


I can’t wait to see which task you choose to complete today! Please remember to email over your learning or send it to me on Showbie! 



In today’s Maths lesson, we will be continue to learn that an analogue clock has 1-minute intervals. We are going to familiarise ourselves with each interval on the clock before telling the time to the nearest minute with increasing accuracy.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Just like yesterday, you will need a pencil, a piece of paper and your circular object to draw around to complete today’s learning.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along.


Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into three parts with an additional challenge. I have also attached these tasks as a worksheet for anybody that would like to write on to them.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.




Instead of completing the main activity, you could complete the other worksheet that I have attached which will also allow you to practice telling the time to 1-minute intervals (to the hour.)


Please continue to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I am looking forward to seeing how you get on with your learning today.


Creative Afternoon:

Begin your afternoon with today’s Stride Active daily challenge. The theme is… Cricket. 

Please can you send your results to me before 3pm as our Class total will need to be submitted at the end of each day!


As you try new sports and physical activities this week, think about the equipment you use.  How does it help you to play? How does it help you to improve?


Today’s challenge is to design a new piece of sporting equipment so you can think about what small changes help you to achieve your personal best.


Choose a sport that uses some equipment. You may choose one you play already, or you can find out about a new sport.


Think about the equipment:

How is it used? What size is it? What shape is it? Is the colour important? What materials is it made from?


Now think of how you could make small changes to improve the equipment even more.


Finally, make your new equipment and try it out! Don’t forget to send over some pictures of your designs or even some videos of you trying out your new piece of equipment.


Drop Everything and READ!!


Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Wednesday 1st July 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!


Well done once again to everyone for engaging in so many of our home-learning tasks every day! I am really enjoyed seeing all of your sporting activities this week. I hope you are ready to engage with some of today’s exciting learning activities.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you are enjoying your PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here is this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Remember, he will only be with us for his live PE lessons on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Saturday’s at 9am…


Alternatively, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today is Adverbday and your Word of the Day is… eagerly

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you make any other words from the letters in this word?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


For today’s English lesson, you are going to write a letter to me to summarise some of the things that you have been doing and learning at home. This might include some of the home-learning tasks that we have completed together or some of your own activities, adventures or achievements.


Follow the link below for some supportive materials that will help you to write your letter using paragraphs and questions:


After watching the two videos, you will need to complete the following three activities to write your letter.

Activity 1 - write down five questions you want to ask me in your letter. For example: What have you enjoyed the most while you’ve been at home? Remember to use a question mark at the end of your questions.


Activity 2 - complete the 'Planning a Letter' sheet by answering the questions in each box. Either print off the planning sheet, or copy out the subheadings and write notes under each one.

Remember: When you are planning you do not need to write in full sentences. You can just write notes.


Activity 3 - now write your letter to your teacher.



  • Write three paragraphs following the structure of your planning sheet. Between each paragraph leave a line.
  • Each paragraph should be between four and seven sentences long and include lots of detail.
  • Ask me at least three questions.


Please remember to share your letters with me on Showbie or send it to my email address. I will try by best to answer as many of your questions as I can!



This week, you are all working hard to tell the time accurately. In today’s Maths lesson, we will be learning that an analogue clock has 1-minute intervals. We are going to familiarise ourselves with each interval on the clock before telling the time to the nearest minute with increasing accuracy.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Just like yesterday, you will need a pencil, a piece of paper and your circular object to draw around to complete today’s learning.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along.


Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into three parts with an additional challenge. I have also attached these tasks as a worksheet for anybody that would like to write on to them.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.




Instead of completing the main activity, you could complete the other worksheet that I have attached which will also allow you to practice telling the time to 1-minute intervals (past the hour.)


Please continue to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I am looking forward to seeing how you get on with your learning today.


Creative Afternoon:

Begin your afternoon with today’s Stride Active daily challenge. The theme is… Rugby. 


Please can you send your results to me before 3pm as our Class total will need to be submitted at the end of each day!


Home Sports Day

Spend the afternoon enjoying some traditional Sports Day Fun (most can be adapted for outdoors or indoors):

·      Hit the Spot

·      Dodge Buster

·      Stepping Stones

·      On Track

·      Shape Shifter


Set up some mini races in the garden with your family.


Can you design a new race?


I have also attached a fun Physical Activity Bingo. How many physical activities can you tick off this afternoon?


Please share some pictures and videos of your Home Sports Day with me on Showbie or send them to my email. I can’t wait to see all of the fun that you have!


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Tuesday 30th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Terrific Tuesday!


Well done to everyone for another fantastic start to a new week of home-learning! If you’d like to see some of the sporting activities and challenges that have already been completed this week, then ask your parents to help you access the school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool). Remember to click ‘like’ if you see anything that makes you smile.  


I hope you are up and ready to engage with today’s exciting activities.


Wake Up, Shake Up

Joe Wicks will not be running a live PE lesson today however, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s Number of the Day is… 612

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Use the attached PowerPoint to find out about the country of Japan, the next hosts of the Olympics. Once you have learnt some new facts about Japan, you could create a fact file/ tour brochure to tell people all about the country.


You might like to choose your favourite Olympian and use the internet to safely find out as much as you can about them.  Then, create a fact file / poster / presentation all about them.

Please remember to share either of your completed activities with me on Showbie or send them to my email. I look forward to seeing what you produce today.



In today’s Maths lesson, we will explore telling the time to 5-minute intervals. We will start to look at a procedure to read the minute hand accurately. Following on, we will learn about the concept of accurately reading the hour hand.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


All you will need today is a pencil, piece of paper and your circular object that you could use to draw a clock face.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along.


Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into three parts with an additional challenge. I have also attached these tasks as a worksheet for anybody that would like to write on to them.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Instead of completing the main activity, you could complete the other worksheet that I have attached which will also allow you to practice telling the time to 5-minute intervals.


Please continue to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I am looking forward to seeing how you get on with your learning today.


Creative Afternoon:

Begin your afternoon with today’s Stride Active daily challenge. The theme is… Athletics. 

Please can you send your results to me before 3pm as our Class total will need to be submitted at the end of each day!


The 2020 Olympics were due to take place in Tokyo in Japan.  They have been postponed until 2021.

Enjoy taking part in some traditional Japanese sport activities this afternoon.


Warm-up by taking part in Radio Taiso workout from the Japan Society.  Radio Taiso is an exercise routine first broadcast in 1928 and is still very popular today.

Can you create your own Radio Taiso routine and film your routines for the rest of us to have a go at?


Complete the Tokyo Ten: Random Routines

Can you use the video to learn how to say the numbers 1 – 5 in Japanese?  Show us what you have learnt by creating a poster or even a film to teach others.


Try a traditional Japanese playground game – Kendama.  Use the activity guide attached to find out how to use and make your own Kendama set.


Enjoy these Japanese themes activities and remember to share your pictures and videos with me on Showbie or send them to my email.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊



Monday 29th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and Happy Monday!


I hope you have all had another lovely weekend and that you are looking forward to another week of fun home-learning.


This week we are to have a sports themed week!

Stride Active will be setting a daily challenge for us all. We will also have some fun creative tasks to complete in the afternoons all about sport as well as a few sports related English tasks along the way. I am sure that you will all enjoy the things that this week is going to bring!


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you are enjoying your PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here is this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Remember, he will only be with us for his live PE lessons on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Saturday’s at 9am…


Alternatively, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today is Nounsday and your Word of the Day is… panorama 

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you use this word in a perfect sentence?
  • Spell-round: write the word ten times forwards. Now, without looking at the word, can you spell it backwards out loud?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today’s English learning will help us to demonstrate an understanding of the prefixes mis-, dis-, un- and in-.

Follow this link to an outline of today’s learning…


Prefixes are groups of letters that are added to the start of words to change their meaning. Watch this clip (on BBC Bitesize) to learn more about prefixes.


There are spelling rules to follow when you add prefixes to words. Watch the second clip to learn more about these rules and see some examples.


Remember: 'Root words' are the basic words that are used to form other words. Root words haven't had any prefixes or suffixes added to them yet. Not all prefixes can be added to all root words. You have to choose the correct one. For example: un- can be added to 'happy' to make 'unhappy', but dis- or mis- couldn't.


Adding in- can be particularly tricky. There are three rules to remember.

1. When the root word begins with an l, the prefix in- changes to il-. For example: il + legal = illegal

2. When the root word begins with an r, the prefix in- changes to ir-. For example: ir + regular = irregular

3. When the root word begins with an m or a p, the prefix in- changes to im-. For example: im + possible = impossible


Once you have explored the learning and rules of adding prefixes to a given word, have a go at completing some of the following practise activities:

Activity 1 - complete the prefixes quiz. Can you get all five answers correct?


Activity 2 - complete this ‘Prefix Sort’ activity sheet (attached) by matching the root words in the table to the correct prefix. When you’ve finished, see if you can add one extra word of your own to each column.


Activity 3 - add the correct spelling of the in- prefix to the following words:










Now choose three words from the list and use each of them in a full sentence. For example: I was very inactive because I had hurt my ankle.


Extension: If you fancy doing a little extra sports themed challenge today, you could unscramble the Sports Day words (attached) or complete the Sports Day word search (attached).


Please remember to share your learning with me on Showbie or via email. I look forward to seeing how you get on with today’s activities.



This week we are going to use Oak National Academy to help us to read and understand the time on an analogue clock.


Today, we are going to develop our understanding of clocks. We will explore the different sides of a clock and start to look at how the minutes and hours work simultaneously. The main part of the lesson is to explore the ‘hour hand’ and ensure that we are accurate when reading or representing the hours.


Click on the following link to take you today’s lesson:


To complete your learning, you will need a pencil, piece of paper and a circular object that you could use to draw a clock face.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into three parts with an additional challenge. I have also attached these tasks as a worksheet for anybody that would like to write on to them.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the question in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please continue to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I am looking forward to seeing your understanding on analogue clocks today.


Creative Afternoon:

This week is a sports themed week.  Begin your afternoon with today’s Stride Active daily challenge. The theme is… Tennis. 

Please can you send your results to me before 3pm as our Class total will need to be submitted at the end of each day!


Watch the video to find out about the Olympic Torch Relay:


Some activities to have a go at:

1.    Make your own Olympic Torch – how creative can you be?

2.    Make your own Olympic medals – use clay, play dough, salt dough, bake a cake, biscuit or cookie – we can’t wait to see your creation!  Alternatively, use the template attached.

3.    Create your own Mascot (attached).

4.    Create your own quiz all about the Olympic Torch Relay to share with the rest of us.

5.    Use the information (attached) to find out about the Olympic Rings. Design your own set of Olympic Rings – what would each one stand for?


Do not forget to send some pictures of any of the activities that you complete this afternoon. I am looking forward to seeing what you get up to for Day 1 of our sporting week!


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning! I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Friday 26th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Fabulous Friday!


Can you believe Friday is here already? You have all been superstars this week! In English this week, you have shown some superb skills while extending your reading and creative writing knowledge. I hope you are up and ready to engage with today’s exciting activities.


Wake Up, Shake Up

Joe Wicks will not be running a live PE lesson today however, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s Number of the Day is… 888

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today, we are going to be using all of the grammar skills that we have been revising over the past few weeks to write a persuasive text. 


Imagine that you have just woke up and walked into your kitchen to find this.


Your first task is to write a persuasive paragraph to try to persuade the octopus to leave. Then, write a second persuasive paragraph to try to persuade it to stay.



  • How did the octopus get here?
  • Why is it wearing a hat?
  • Is it speaking your language? Do you understand what it’s saying?
  • Where did the plants come from?


When writing persuasively, remember to:

  • Add reasons, facts and evidence to support your point of view
  • Use powerful adjectives
  • Persuasive devices: Agreement (obviously, without a doubt)
  • Connective to link ideas (however, therefore, furthermore)
  • Add a conclusion to summarise your ideas and state your opinion


You may like to use the attached word mat for some useful words and phrases.


Reflection: Which paragraph was the easiest to write? Is it easier to persuade the octopus to stay or to leave? Why?


Please share your persuasive writing with me on Showbie or via email. I am very excited to read them all.   


For the final Maths lesson of the week, we will be applying our knowledge of scales and mass from earlier this week and using the correct symbols to explain whether masses are greater, smaller or equal to each other.

Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


All you will need today is a pencil and a piece of paper.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and the follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the independent activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into three parts. I have attached pictures of these activities just for those of you who like to write onto the worksheets.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on with your Maths learning today!  


Creative Afternoon:

You have two choices for this afternoons creative task.


Option 1: ‘Arrival of the Bridegroom’ (1933)


What do you notice about this picture?  Why do you think those colours are used?  What do you think about it and why?


Your challenge today is to take your pencil for a walk to create your own interpretation of this picture.  Below is a link, which breaks down the picture drawing into sections for you.


Remember, it’s your interpretation, so you can use different colours and patterns.




Option 2: ‘The Goldfish’ (1925)

Look at the picture below.  What effect does the dark background have? There are lots of fish, how do you think the other fish feel about the goldfish? What makes the goldfish stand-out? What techniques you think Klee might have used to create the goldfish painting?

Read the following link full of information about this picture


If you have them you could use wax crayons or oil pastels to cover the whole page in a mix of bright colours, then cover the page with black oil pastel so there’s no colour seen. Using a paperclip that has been unravelled, scratch at the page to make a shape and the colour will be revealed.  Remember to be safe when using this!


Or you could create a drawing with bright coloured wax crayon or oil pastels, where there are some white bits left. Using a black water colour, brush over the page to create the background – the oil should resist the paint and show up.


If you don’t have any of these, no problem, simply using colouring pencils, felt tips, paints, sharpies, whatever you have that can be used to create colour and away you go.  You could even have a go at creating a piece on the following free app on an iPad, or on your computer if you have a program for art already on it.


Reflection: We have been creating different types of art using Klee’s styles. Pick your favourite piece and tell me why your prefer it?   Which was the easiest to create and why? Which ha the nicest effect and what makes it good?


Please continue to share your artwork with me on Showbie or via email. I look forward to seeing all of the different interpretations.


Drop Everything and READ!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning!


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Thursday 25th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Thrill Seeking Thursday!


I hope that you are all well. It was lovely to see all of the different stories that you wrote for National Writing Day yesterday! It was also really nice to see such a variety of ’Cat and Bird’ creations from the Creative Afternoon task. I hope that you are looking forward to completing some more exciting home learning tasks today!


Wake Up, Shake Up

Joe Wicks will not be running a live PE lesson today however, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today is Verbsday and your Word of the Day is… restore

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you write a list of adverbs which could compliment this verb?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today, we are going to explore how characters are created and write a character description of our own. This is a skill that we have used lots within our story writing. 


Click on the following link to head over to the BBC Bitesize website where you can watch a helpful video.


Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing some of the following practise activities:

Activity 1 – Play the second clip, on the BBC Bitesize website, to hear ex-England player Eniola Aluko read an extract from Matilda by Roald Dahl. Listen carefully to the conversation between Matilda and Miss Trunchbull and think about what each character is like.

Copy and complete the table below. You need to think of two more adjectives (describing words) for each of the characters. Think about what the characters say and do.


Miss Trunchable

  1. Brave
  1. Mean




Choose three of the adjectives and explain how you know that by referring to what happened in the story. Use the word ‘because’. (For example: I know that Matilda is brave because she stands up to Miss Trunchbull.)


Activity 2 – Imagine you are writing a story set in a school, like in Matilda. You’re going to create a character that would be in that story. It could be anyone - the head teacher, a teacher, a student, a coach, a caretaker.

Complete the attached ‘Character Profile’ activity sheet. You need to draw your character in the centre of the page and then fill in the surrounding boxes with information about them.


Please remember to share your learning with me on Showbie or send it to me via email.  I am looking forward to seeing all of your creative characters.



For today’s Maths lesson, we will be applying our knowledge of scales and of multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 to accurately read mass on different scales.

Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Today, you will need a pencil, a piece paper to complete your learning.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the independent activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into three parts with an additional challenge. I have attached pictures of these activities just for those of you who like to write onto the worksheets.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the independent activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on with your Maths learning today!  


Creative Afternoon:

Today’s Paul Klee task is going to be based upon his piece of artwork titled: ‘Castle and Sun’ (1928)


Look at the picture. Can you tell what the painting is? What might it look like to you?

What shapes can you see in the painting? How might Klee create art like this?

Klee used shapes to create the image of the castle and the sun. He also used colour – is that the colour of a real castle? Why would he use colours that aren’t real? 


This afternoon, I would like you to experiment with this idea, trying to create this style and your own castle by drawing around lots of cut-out 2D shapes, first with pencil.


Once you’ve created a pencil drawing with lots of shapes, you could use a crayon or pen to draw the lines. Then use pastels or paints to colour in the shapes.


Don’t forget to send your creations to me on Showbie or via email. I am looking forward to seeing them all!


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Wednesday 24th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!


Well done once again to everyone for engaging in so many of our home-learning tasks every day! I really enjoyed seeing all the amazing art that you created yesterday afternoon.  I hope you are ready to engage with today’s exciting activities.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here’s this week’s link to his YouTube channel. He will be reducing his PE lessons from this week but he’ll still be with us on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Saturday’s at 9am…


Alternatively, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s Number of the Day is… 465

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today is National Writing Day!


We are going to practise our creative writing skills by taking part in the National Writing Day 24/7 writing challenge!

There are just three rules for the 24/7 National Writing Day Challenge:

1. You are going to write a brilliant 24-word short story.

2. Your story must start with the words ‘One day’.

3. You will write it in just 7 minutes!


It’s a challenge, but don’t worry – this lesson will guide you step by step so you’re ready to make the most of those precious 7 minutes!


You are going to use similes and metaphors in your story. So, before you begin, watch the clip (using the link above) to quickly revise what these are.


Then, before you get started, watch the video and listen to the advice from childrens' author Frank Cottrell-Boyce.


You will then need to complete the following 4 activities in order to build your 24/7 story:

Activity 1: One day…

Make a list of all the times when something in your life changed for the better. It could be anything: the day your brother or sister was born, the day your tooth fell out and you got a pound, the day you met your best friend… let your memory roam free! Aim to write down at least three ideas.


Activity 2: Precious items

Look at the different precious items in the list below. Create a simile or metaphor for each item.

For example - Simile: The crown glittered like a shining star. Metaphor - The diamond ring was a disco ball reflecting light.

  • A king’s crown
  • An old photograph
  • A diamond ring
  • Your favourite toy
  • A family member, or best friend

Now come up with two of your own precious items and write a simile or metaphor for each one.


Activity 3: Get creative!

Have a go at writing some interesting sentences by combining your ‘One day…’ and ‘My precious items’ ideas.

For example: One day my brother was born and his smile sparkled like a shining star.

Write at least five different sentences, all starting with 'One day'.

Remember: This is only a plan so don’t worry about making mistakes or not writing perfectly. Creative writing is all about having a go and having fun!


Activity 4: Challenge time!

Now you’re ready to take on the 24/7 challenge! You’re going to use the ideas you came up with in Activity 3 to create your own brilliant short story!

For example:

One day my brother smiled like a shining star,

teeth glittering like a disco ball.

My friend and I giggled like gleaming gold coins.


Remember your rules:

  • Your story should only be 24 words long.
  • It should start with the words ‘One day’.
  • It should be written in 7 minutes. Set yourself a timer!


Please remember to read over your work and check your spellings before sending it to me on Showbie or via email. I can not wait to read all of your creative 24/7 stories.



We are now ready to begin our learning on Measurement. For today’s Maths lesson, we will be applying our knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, and 1000 to read different scales. We will be using number lines to work out different intervals.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


All you will need today is a pencil and a piece paper.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and the follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the independent activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into two parts. I have attached pictures of these activities just for those of you who like to write onto the worksheets.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the independent task in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on with your Maths learning today!  


Creative Afternoon:

‘Cat and Bird’ 1928

Watch the Cat and Bird book video link below. The story was written based on the drawings of Paul Klee. 


Think: What do you notice about the illustrations in particular?  What shapes are used?  What colours are used?  Is there are moral to the story?


Now, have a go at creating your own now Cat and Bird piece of artwork!  You could draw and then colour or paint it, or you could create one similar to the cut-out in the image below. Make sure the bird’s image is engraved in the cat’s memory, completely, forever.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊


Tuesday 23rd June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Terrific Tuesday!


Well done to everyone for your continued enthusiasm yesterday! If you’d like to see some of the fantastic learning that has been going on at home, then ask your parents to help you access the school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool) and remember to click ‘like’ if you see anything that makes you smile.  


I hope you are up and ready to continue the fun learning today!


Thank you to everyone who has already completed the Stride Active Throw and Catch Challenge for the Herefordshire Virtual School Games. This is your final call for anyone who would still like to do the challenge, please send me your scores by the end of the day.


Wake Up, Shake Up

Joe Wicks will not be running a live PE lesson today however, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s is Adjectiveday and your Word of the Day is… changeable

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this adjective?
  • Can you learn to spell this word by writing it as a spelling pyramid?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Click on the link below to head over to the BBC Bitesize Page for today’s English. We are going to be learning to understand what authors do and review a book you’ve recently enjoyed.


Watch the short clips to help you understand the role of an author Then, have a go at completing some of the following practise activities:

Activity 1 - complete the ‘What does an author do’ quiz on the BBC Bitesize website.


Activity 2 - Watch the video of actor Aimee Kelly reading from My Naughty Little Sister by the author Dorothy Edwards. Listen carefully. Aimee reads some extracts and explains what she loved so much about Dorothy Edward’s writing when she was younger.

Once you have watched the video, think about the following questions:

1. Why does Aimee like the stories in My Naughty Little Sister so much?

2. Do you think Aimee is similar to any of the characters in My Naughty Little Sister?

3. Do you think you would like reading My Naughty Little Sister too? Why?


Activity 3 - now think about a book you’ve enjoyed reading or listening to. You're going to review that book and the author - just like Aimee did in the video. Fill in the book review activity sheet (attached) explaining what you like about that book and the way the author writes. Look at the questions in each box to help you.


Please remember to share your work with me on Showbie or send it to me via email. I look forward to hearing about the books that you have recently enjoyed reading!  



To help us with our work on measurement, which we will begin tomorrow, we are going to spend today’s Maths lesson using our place value knowledge to recap how we multiply and divide numbers by 1000.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Just like yesterday, you will need a pencil, a piece paper, some small counting objects (cubes, counter, Lego pieces, bottle tops) and a Place Value Grid. You could print and use the one I have attached or draw one of your own.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and the follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the independent activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into three parts. I have attached pictures of these activities just for those of you who like to write onto the worksheets.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the independent task in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on with your Maths learning today!  


Creative afternoon

Yesterday, we spent some time researching and investigating the work of artist Paul Klee. Today, we are going to take the pencil for a walk!


Fancy a challenge? Time yourself to do a continuous line drawing of a face for 30 seconds only. There is only one rule… you cannot take your pencil off the paper! You can go back over lines you have drawn or create new lines, but no lifting that pencil up!  How far did you get?


Then have a go for 45 seconds, then a minute, and so on.   Remember it is not about finishing it quickly but more about having all the detail.  Then colour the picture using a colour palette, like Paul Klee did in his piece of work titled ‘Senecio’ - warm, cold or neutral.  


Want to go further? Now you have had a go at slightly abstract pictures, use Paul Klee’s ‘Senecio’ picture below to inspire and create your own version of a portrait. Then, colour it in or paint it.

I am looking forward to seeing the amazing artwork you create this afternoon! Please remember to share it with me on Showbie or send it to me via email.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning!


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Monday 22nd June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and Happy Monday!


I hope that you have all had a restful and enjoyable weekend. This week promises to bring some more beautiful weather so be sure to complete your home-learning tasks and make time to enjoy the outside world! This week’s Creative Afternoon task will allow us to explore the artist Paul Klee.


Tyler we all want to wish you a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We hope you enjoy your special day.


There is still time for you to complete the next round of the Herefordshire Virtual Games!

Don’t forget to send a video of you completing your challenge along with your score to me on Showbie or via email before the 11th June.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here’s this week’s link to his YouTube channel. He will be reducing his PE lessons from this week but he’ll still be with us on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Saturday’s at 9am…


Alternatively, you could use any of the following links to get active and feeling energised before you begin your day of home-learning:


Today’s Number of the Day is… 500

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


This week’s English lessons will focus upon the importance of reading. Today, we will learn how to show understanding of a text by answering comprehension questions. This is a skill that we have practised lots.


Follow this link to watch a short video which explains how you link together facts and clues to properly comprehend (understand) what’s happening in a text:


Now use your comprehension skills to complete the following activities:

Activity 1 - complete the short comprehension task by following this link: You need to read the short extract and highlight all the words that tell you how the character is feeling.


Activity 2 - watch the video of The Prince Who Thinks He Is A Rooster (on the BBC Bitesize website.) It is a story from Israel that teaches us a lesson about being an individual and making your own decisions.

Once you have watched the video, you will need to answer the following six questions about it. Read the questions before watching the video so that you know what to look out for.

1. Why were the king and queen worried about the prince?

2. What three things did the king and queen try to do to change the prince’s behaviour?

3. How many days did it take for the prince to start wearing clothes?

4. Why did the prince start eating ‘people’s food’?

5. How did the wise man convince the prince to sit at the table?

6. What was the lesson the wise man taught the prince?


Activity 3 – you could now read the 'Hindu Gods' text (attached) and answer the comprehension questions that follow.

Extension: write three of your own comprehension questions that you could ask someone else to check they have understood the text too. (For example: What did Lord Brahma create?


I am looking forward to seeing your answers and how you use your comprehension skills to complete these activities. You can send your learning to me on Showbie or via email.



This week’s Maths focus will be on Measurement. We will begin the week by recapping how we multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 as this will help us when it comes to exploring measurement. 

In today’s lesson, we will use our place value knowledge to multiply and divide numbers by 10 and 100.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


All you will need for this lesson is a pencil, a piece paper, some small counting objects (cubes, counter, Lego pieces, bottle tops) and a Place Value Grid. You could print and use the one I have attached or draw one of your own.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and the follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the independent activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into three parts. I have attached pictures of these activities just for those of you who like to write onto the worksheets.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the independent task in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on with your Maths learning today!  


Creative afternoon

This week we are going to be explore that artist Paul Klee!


We need to begin by investigating the life of Paul Klee:

  • Who was Paul Klee? 
  • What was his art like? 
  • What colours did he use?
  • Where was he from? 
  • How many pictures did he draw/paint?


Below are some links that will help you to find the answers to some of these questions:


Find out all about his life and his art, including his colour choices and styles of art then use the information to create a fact file, a poster, a video or any other format you think best displays the information. 


Make sure you collect as much information as you can because you will be using this as the basis of your art throughout this week’s Creative Afternoon tasks.


Please remember to share your research with me on Showbie or send them to my email. I look forward to seeing all of the wonderful things that you find out about Paul Klee.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day!


BBC Bitesize have collated all of their Book Club Reading lessons into one place to make it easier for you to find them. There is a great selection of books for Year 1-6 accompanied by a range of activities.,0,0,0,0


You can also use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning! I look forward to catching up on all the hard work that you produce at the end of the day today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Animals That Live in the Rainforest

Still image for this video

Friday 19th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Fabulous Friday!


I can’t quite believe that it is Friday all over again! I am sure you would agree that it has been lovely to learn so much about poetry and rainforests this week. Please keep sending through your pictures and submitting all your superb work to Showbie or via email.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here is this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Don’t forget to tune in at 9am to get moving and feeling energised…


Alternatively, you could try some of the active and mindful games and videos that Go Noodle have got on offer this week…


Today is Long-Word-Friday and your Word of the Day is… picturesque

  • Can you use a dictionary to find the definition?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you spell the word using a pyramid?
  • How many other words can you make from the letters in this word?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


For today’s English learning, I would like you to read the attached reading comprehension ‘Rainforests’. You will already know lots of the information written within this reading comprehension from the research you have carried out during your Creative Afternoon tasks this week.


Activity 1 – have a go at answering the questions attached to the reading comprehension. Remember to use the information from the text to answer the questions and copy your answers carefully.


Activity 2 – you could now create an information text of your own all about rainforests. Use the information form the reading comprehension and all of the knowledge you have gained throughout the week. You could present your information text as a poster or use the attached template to create a fact file.

You might include information about…

  • the layers of a rainforest
  • the animals that live there
  • the type of shelter you would need to survive
  • the kind of things that are sourced, grown and produced in the rainforest.


Your information text will help you with today’s Creative Afternoon task!


Please upload your completed activities to Showbie or send them to me via email. I look forward to seeing them all!



In today’s Maths lesson, we will be revising all of the new learning from this week. This will include describing 2D and 3D shapes, lines of symmetry and all of the new vocabulary we have encountered.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Today, you will only need a pencil and a piece of paper.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into two parts. I have also attached a picture of these tasks for anybody that would like to write on the worksheet.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please continue to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email. I am enjoying seeing how well you are getting on with your angles and shapes learning this week!


Creative Afternoon:

Throughout the week, you will have learned a lot about the rainforests and why they are so important to our lives, animals and plants that live there and people all over the world! Today… your mission is to create a persuasive poster or message to inform people of how we can SAVE OUR RAINFORESTS! Watch this short clip to remind you of our wonderful rainforests and why we must protect them!


One of the big issues that is killing our rainforests is the increased rate of deforestation… there are many reasons that this happens!

-to create fields for farming cattle or growing crops

-to produce wood to make furniture

-to produce wood pulp to make paper

-to create space for housing


Here is a time lapse of a rainforest in Bolivia which shows just how destructive over-deforestation can be!


But what can we do?

-buy certified wood products

-use recycled paper- or use scrap paper

-cut down on printing

-buy soy products from sustainable sources


On your poster/ in your message, you need to include…

-a catchy title- e.g. Rescue our Rainforests

-ways that we can save our rainforest.

-relevant images to make it exciting and attractive.


I am looking forward to seeing all of your persuasive posters today so please remember to send them to me via email or post them on to your Showbie.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Once again, I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self :) 

Thursday 18th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Thrill Seeking Thursday!


I hope that you are all well. I am very impressed with the work that you sent me yesterday – all your rainforests were so creative! I hope that you are looking forward to completing some more exciting home learning tasks today!


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here is this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Don’t forget to tune in at 9am to get moving and feeling energised…


Alternatively, you could try some of the active and mindful games and videos that Go Noodle have got on offer this week… 


Today’s Number of the Day is… 388

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?

Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Our final day of poetry writing for this week is going to be about understanding what alliteration is and using it to create a poem.


Follow the link below to today’s BBC Bitesize lesson…


Alliteration is when words close together start with the same sound. For example: Sammy the slippery snake went sliding by. Watch the first short clip to hear more examples of alliteration.


Alliteration is used in both written and spoken English. You can find examples in poetry, advertising and events commentary. It is often used in newspaper headlines to grab the reader's attention.


Watch the second clip to hear poet Joseph Coelho talk about using alliteration in poetry. (You can start watching at 1 minute and 18 seconds and finish at around 3 minutes and 17 seconds.)


Now have a go at completing some of the following practise activities:

Activity 1 - Complete the interactive alliteration activity, on the BBC Bitesize website, using the words provided.


Activity 2 - You are going to write your own tongue twister using alliteration. First, choose a letter. This should be a consonant (any letter except a, e, i, o, u).

Now write down as many words as you can that start with that letter. The more similar sounding the better.

For example: B = Barry, berry, banana, butter, bitter, brave, broom, battery, buttery, beagle, bagel…


Activity 3 - Write your own tongue twister using the words from your list (created in activity 2.) Remember: You can still use some words that don’t start with the same letter so that your sentences make sense.


Try to make your tongue twister four lines long just like the example below:

Barry bought a berry bagel

Before buttering his brilliant banana bread.

But Betty brought a better berry bagel

So Barry bit Betty’s bagel instead.


I can’t wait to see your tongue twisting poetry today! Please remember to email it or send it to me on Showbie! 



In today’s Maths lesson, we will be looking in detail at the definition of symmetry and how to recognise this in familiar 2D shapes. This will build on our work on the properties of 2D shapes.

Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Just like yesterday, you will only need a pencil and a piece of paper to complete your learning.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into two parts. I have also attached a picture of these tasks for anybody that would like to write on the worksheet.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email. I am enjoying seeing how well you are getting on with your angles and shapes learning this week!


Creative Afternoon:

Your task today, is to research a rainforest animal and produce a ‘talk’ like you would experience if you visited a professional.


Choose one or more talks about a rainforest animal to learn more! You may wish to make some notes as you go to help inform your talk!


Tree kangaroo


Sumatran tiger


Parson’s chameleon


Sulawesi macaques


Then create an animal talk, using the attached guide from Chester Zoo! (In your Creative Afternoon folder on Showbie). Once you have planned, record your animal talk- I wonder if our class will have the next David Attenborough! I can’t wait to see what you produce.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Wednesday 17th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!


Well done once again to everyone for engaging in so many of our home-learning tasks every day! I really enjoyed seeing all of your waterproof shelters yesterday. I hope you are ready to engage with some of today’s exciting learning activities.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here is this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Don’t forget to tune in at 9am to get moving and feeling energised…


Alternatively, you could try some of the active and mindful games and videos that Go Noodle have got on offer this week…


Today is Adverbday and your Word of the Day is… rarely

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you make any other words from the letters in this word?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


For today’s poetry activity, we are going to explore nonsense poetry.

Nonsense poetry does not always make sense. Poets will use made-up words alongside real words, and talk about made-up things like imaginary creatures. It’s lots of fun to read and is usually very silly!


Follow the link below to watch today’s short learning clips:


When watching the second clip of the poet Spike Milligan performing his famous nonsense poem called ‘On the Ning Nang Nong’, listen carefully and see if you can spot all the nonsense words he uses.


Now have a go at some of the following practise activities:

Activity 1 - now you have watched Spike Milligan read his nonsense poem, have a go at reading it again yourself. Pay close attention to any silly or unexpected words.

When you've finished reading, write a list of all the nonsense words that Spike Milligan used in this poem. Which nonsense word is your favourite and why?


Here is a copy of the poem:

On The Ning Nang Nong

On the Ning Nang Nong

Where the Cows go Bong!

and the monkeys all say BOO!

There's a Nong Nang Ning

Where the trees go Ping!

And the tea pots jibber jabber joo.

On the Nong Ning Nang

All the mice go Clang

And you just can't catch 'em when they do!

So its Ning Nang Nong

Cows go Bong!

Nong Nang Ning

Trees go Ping

Nong Ning Nang

The mice go Clang

What a noisy place to belong

is the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nong!!


Activity 2 - you are going to write your own nonsense poem but first you need to create some of your own nonsense words and phrases. Complete page 2 of the attached ‘Imaginary words’ activity sheet. You can write your own definitions for question 3 if you don’t have anyone to swap with.


Activity 3 - now write your nonsense poem using some of the nonsense words you created in Activity 2. You do not need to use them all. Choose your favourite ones and the ones that sound the best together.

You could use ‘On the Ning Nang Nong’ as inspiration.


Try starting your lines with similar phrases, such as:

On the...

Where the...

And the...

All the...


Please remember to share today’s poetry writing with me on Showbie or send it to my email address.



This week, you are all continuing to work hard on your learning of angles and shapes. In today’s Maths lesson, we will be looking in detail at the properties of 3D shapes and identifying these. This will build on our work on angles and 2D shapes.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Just like yesterday, you will need a pencil and a piece of paper to complete today’s learning.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into two parts. I have also attached a picture of these tasks for anybody that would like to write on the worksheet.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


I would love to see how you get on with today’s Maths task. Feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.


Creative Afternoon:

The trees and rainforest habitat are made up of different layers. Today, we are going to explore this further! Use the attached PowerPoint (also in your Creative Afternoon-Showbie folder) to learn about the different layers…


Your task is to use what you have learned to produce either a model or a poster to explain the different layers of a rainforest. I have included some examples below. You could even use natural materials or plants in your garden to create a mini rainforest- e.g. the grass could be the forest floor layer, a daisy could be the understory layer etc…


I have even added a guide to create your own ‘Rainforest in a Box’ if you wanted to have a go!

I am looking forward to seeing all of your creative pieces of work today!


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Tuesday 16th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Terrific Tuesday!


Well done to everyone for another fantastic start to a new week of home-learning! If you’d like to see some of the superb work that has been produced so far this week, then ask your parents to help you access the school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool). Remember to click ‘like’ if you see anything that makes you smile.  



Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here is this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Don’t forget to tune in at 9am to get moving and feeling energised…


Alternatively, you could try some of the active and mindful games and videos that Go Noodle have got on offer this week… 


Today’s Number of the Day is… 136

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Throughout the week, we are going to continue to explore different forms of poetry within our English lessons. Today’s focus is to understand what onomatopoeia is and use it to create a sound poem.


Follow this link to access the BBC Bitesize lesson…


When a word sounds like the noise it is describing, it is called onomatopoeia. ’Thud’, ‘crash’, ‘bang’, and ’buzz’ are all examples of onomatopoeia. Watch the first short clip to see some more examples.


Onomatopoeia can help to bring a story or poem to life for the reader. It is often used to add humour as well because the words usually sound quite strange or are fun to say. Watch the second clip in which poet Joseph Coelho talks about onomatopoeia and how you could use it in a poem (You only need to watch up to 1 minute and 23 seconds.)


Now have a go at completing some of the following practise activities:

Activity 1 - complete the interactive task by matching the onomatopoeia (sound words) with the scenes you would hear them in.


Activity 2 - Imagine you are visiting a zoo, like Joseph Coelho was in the previous video. Write down a list of all the onomatopoeia words you might hear in a zoo and what is making those noises. Aim to write at least five noises in your list.

For example:

Roar = an angry tiger

Plop = a penguin jumping into the water

Rustle = branches in the insect house

The attached onomatopoeia word mat might help you come up with some ideas.


Activity 3 - Now write your own onomatopoeia poem using the ideas you came up with in Activity 2. You could use Joseph Coelho’s sound poem from the video as inspiration.

In your poem you need to:

  • Write in sentences.
  • Write at least five lines.
  • Use a different onomatopoeia word in each line.

You could also:

  • Use rhyme (words that end with a similar sound)
  • Use alliteration (words that start with the same first sounds)
  • Add some illustrations to your poem showing pictures of the things that are making the sounds in the zoo.


Please remember to share today’s poetry with me on Showbie or send them to my email. I look forward to seeing what you produce.



In today’s Maths lesson, we will be applying 2-D shape vocabulary to accurately describe and draw them.

Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


All you will need today is a pencil and a piece of paper.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into three parts. I have also attached a picture of these tasks for anybody that would like to write on the worksheet.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on with the next step of your angles and shapes learning!  


Creative Afternoon:

Today, we are going to continue extended our knowledge of rainforests. We know that in the rainforest, they experience an awful lot of rain! Another word for ‘rain’ is ‘precipitation’.


First, watch this short video created by professionals of Chester Zoo who have visited and explored several of the different rainforests around the world!


As you will have heard, in all types of rainforests… there is a LOT of heavy rain. Your task, is to build, draw or design a shelter that could protect you from the daily, heavy rain that would fall if you were living in a rainforest. If you do not have the materials you would choose- you could add labels to say what you would have used in real-life.


Think about waterproof materials… Is the material strong enough? Would animals be able to get in?


I look forward to seeing the fantastic shelters you come up with!


Some Additional Music Activities:

HELLO MUSIC MAESTROS! Welcome to another fabulous week of MUSIC 😊

This week, we are going to explore some other links between art and music.


When we listen to music, we often find ourselves with a picture in our head of what the music is representing or what story it is telling.  We might imagine what would be happening on a screen if the music was part of a film or television programme.


Sometimes, it’s good to think of music and art the other way around and to look at a piece of artwork and imagine the music that it might inspire.


This week, we are giving you the option to choose which way round you might like to do your lesson – to create a piece of art inspired by music or create a piece of music inspired by art…

We would love to see video clips and pictures of you taking part in any of this week’s activities!


KS2 Project Week

First of all, watch this video which will explain what we are going to do and how we are going to do it.


Next, look carefully at the artwork and have a listen to some of the pieces of music we suggest you use. Remember, you can use your own artwork or favourite pieces of music from home too.


Top tip: if you use a website like YouTube to listen to your music, minimise the screen so you can use your own amazing imagination instead of being influenced by the pictures you see.


We can’t wait to see and hear what you have created.


Suggestions for Artwork to Inspire Your Music

Starry Night by Van Gogh

The Fighting Temeraire  by Turner,_JMW_Turner,_National_Gallery.jpg

Gravitation by Kandinsky

This beautiful window (called Ascension) at Hereford Cathedral

Any of these pieces by local artist Stuart Roper

The abstract sculpture Moondog by Tony Smith

Sa Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk by Claude Monet


Suggestions for Music to Inspire Your Art

You may want to listen to play some of the shorter pieces several times while you create your art. The first three on the list are used in the introductory film.

Finale from Symphony 9 by Dvorak

The Girl with the Flaxen Hair by Debussey

The Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean

Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss

This fantastic mashup of Titanium and Faure’s Pavane by The Piano Guys

This spikey Fugue for Harpsichord by JS Bach.

The fantastic and fun piece Yakety Sax

A really fun version of Vivaldi’s Spring by local (and very talented) musician Matt Mann



Drop Everything and READ!!

It is so important that we continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!

If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.

I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.

Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Monday 15th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and Happy Monday!


I hope you have all had another lovely weekend and that you are looking forward to another week of fun home-learning! 


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here is this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Don’t forget to tune in at 9am to get moving and feeling energised…


Alternatively, you could try some of the active and mindful games and videos that Go Noodle have got on offer this week…


Today is Nounsday and your Word of the Day is… portrait

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you use this word in a perfect sentence?
  • Spell-round: write the word ten times forwards. Now, without looking at the word, can you spell it backwards out loud?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


During our time of home-learning, we have had a go at writing some different poems. Today we are going to use the BBC Bitesize website to explore how different types of poems are written.

Follow this link to today’s short video…


All poems are made up of words. Poems can tell a story or be about a thought or a feeling. They can be serious or silly, but they always have to use words.

Poems often have a rhythm, which is like a beat in music. The rhythm is quick or slow depending on the words the poet chooses.

Poems can use rhyme, which means that certain words have similar end sounds.

Poems can also use alliteration, which is when more than one word starts with the same first letter or sound.


Once you have explored the short video explaining the key ingredients to include in a poem, have a go at completing some of the following practise activities:

Activity 1 - Complete the ‘How to write a poem’ quiz. Can you get all four right?


Activity 2 - Complete the activity sheet attached. You need to read the poem 'Silver' by Walter de la Mare and answer the questions that follow.


Activity 3 - Imagine you are standing in your garden, or looking out of the window, in the middle of the night. Write six descriptive sentences about what you can see, hear and feel around you. Try to use interesting adjectives, verbs and alliteration.


Activity 4 - Now use your descriptive sentences to write your own poem about the night. Remember, poems can rhyme, but they don’t have to. Aim to write four lines. You could start by using the same words as Walter de la Mare: ‘Slowly, silently…’

For example:

Slowly, silently, the stars sparkle in the sky.

The street lamps are big balls of fire glowing brightly.

A stray cat screeches like a baby’s cry

And the moon watches over the world with a smile.


Please remember to share your poetry with me on Showbie or via email. I look forward to reading them all!  



This week is our final week of learning all about Angles and Shapes with Oak National Academy.

Today we will recap what the various properties of 2-D shapes are and begin to identify them within 2-D shapes. We will think about how to work efficiently and systematically.


Click on the following link to take you today’s lesson:


All you will need for the lesson is a pencil, paper and a home-made angle detector which you can make using just 2 strips of card and a split pin (if you have one.)


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and then follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into three parts. I have also attached a picture of these tasks for anybody that would like to write on the worksheet.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the question in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on!  


Creative Afternoon:

Today we are going to see just how beneficial the rainforest is in provide us with products and food that some of us consume every day!


Follow the link below to play the ‘Track it Back’ game and learn about the process undergone by coffee, chocolate and bananas from being harvested to your plate!


We are very lucky that people have started to use our rainforests sustainably and support tropical farmers to grow, harvest and sell their produce at a fair price!


Your task is to choose one of the products from the game (or another product that is produced in the rainforest) and demonstrate its journey from being grown to harvested and finally onto your plate.


You could represent this as a poster, diagram or a short video. Use the items you have at home to display each step in the process, try to be as creative as you can!


Remember, there are alternative areas that these things can be produced so not all will have come from the rainforest, but some of them possibly could have!


Please remember to share your creative posters or diagrams with me on Showbie or send them to me via email. I look forward to seeing how you choose to represent the journey of coffee, chocolate or bananas.


Drop Everything and READ!!

It is some important that we continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning! I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Friday 12th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Fabulous Friday!


Can you believe Friday is here already? You have all been superstars this week! You have shown such a superb understanding of perpendicular and parallel lines with your Maths learning and your awareness of the need to care for our oceans is simply amazing! I hope you are up and ready to engage with today’s exciting activities.


Dion we all want to wish you a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We hope you enjoy your special day.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, you could follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your English and Maths skills whilst keeping fit…


Today’s Number of the Day is… 700

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today you are going to be using all of the grammar skills that we have been revising over the past few weeks to write an exciting story titled ‘The Day It All Went Wrong’

Below is a picture that might inspire your writing:

Think: What could happen to the character or characters in your story? Will they only face one problem or will there be many things that they have to deal with?


You will need to plan your story before writing.  Use the story mountain attached to help you and remember to consider: Who are your characters? Where is the story set? What is the problem or dilemma and how will it be solved? How will your story end?


Remember to:

  • Write in full sentences.
  • Organise your ideas into paragraphs.
  • Choose your words carefully to excite the reader (can you include an expanded noun phrase or some fronted adverbials?)
  • Take care with your spelling and punctuation.
  • Check your story makes sense and that you have purple polished your writing carefully. You could use a dictionary to check your spellings or a thesaurus to up-level your writing even further!


Please share your stories with me on Showbie or via email. I am very excited to read about all of the problems that occur within your stories. 


For the final Maths lesson of the week, we will be looking in detail at the properties of rectangles and identifying these. This will build on our work on angles, particularly right angles.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


All you will need today is a pencil, a piece paper and your right-angle checker.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and the follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the independent activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into two parts. I have attached pictures of these activities just for those of you who like to write onto the worksheets.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on with your Maths learning today!  


Creative Afternoon:

We have learnt lots this week about the importance of our ocean and the thing’s that live inside them. Throughout history people have always wondered what was beyond the next mountain, ocean, river, or even planet. The oceans have led many explorers along the trail of going to new places.


Follow the link below to read about just some of the many ocean explores who have taken on the sea in order to achieve a new idea or take on a new challenge.


This afternoon, I would like you to create a fact file about one of these famous ocean explores. You may need to use the internet to find out some more information about your chosen explorer. Remember to use your SMART internet safety rules when using the Internet and refine your search including words such as ‘facts for kids’ or ‘KS2’.


( - a useful link for information about James Cook)


You my chose to use the attached template for your fact file or you could present your research in your own way. Remember to share your work with me on Showie or via email. I look forward to reading all the amazing facts that you find out about your chosen ocean explorer!


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Thursday 11th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Thrill Seeking Thursday!


I hope that you are all well. It was lovely to catch up with some of you on Zoom yesterday. It was also really nice to receive everybody’s diagrams explaining the layers within our oceans. I hope that you are looking forward to completing some more exciting home learning tasks today!


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, you could follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your English and Maths skills whilst keeping fit…


Today is Verbsday and your Word of the Day is… assist

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you write a list of adverbs which could compliment this verb?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Yesterday, we used a thesaurus to find synonyms for lots of different words. Today, we are going to be exploring synonyms and antonyms even more. Click on the following link to head over to the BBC Bitesize website where you can watch a helpful video.


Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing some of the following practise activities:

Activity 1 – Label the words as synonyms or antonyms in the interactive activity.


Activity 2 – Complete the 'Synonyms and antonyms' activity sheet attached. Either print out the activity sheet or write your answers on a separate piece of paper.


Activity 3 – Synonyms can really help to improve your vocabulary. They are especially useful when you're writing lots of speech. Instead of saying 'said' over and over, you can use synonyms like 'whispered' or 'shouted'. This paints a better picture for your reader about how the character is speaking. Complete the ‘Finding Alternatives to Said’ activity sheet attached. You will need to read the whole sentence and think about how the character would say each of those sentences.


Please remember to share your learning with me on Showbie or send it to me via email.  I am looking forward to seeing all of your hard work.



For today’s Maths lesson, we will be revisiting pairs of parallel and perpendicular lines. We will look at how they differ and what they have in common, as well as where they occur in 2D shapes.

Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Today, you will need a pencil, a piece paper and your home-made right-angle checker again. Your right-angle checker can be made from either a corner of a piece of paper or even a corner of a book.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and the follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the independent activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into two parts. I have attached pictures of these activities just for those of you who like to write onto the worksheets.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.

Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on with your Maths learning today!  


Creative Afternoon:

Yesterday, we learnt lots about the different layers of the world’s oceans. We know that there are lots of plants and animals that live in these layers of the ocean and they depend on one another in order to survive. This means many of the plants and animals will be part of a food chain.


Watch the video below to remind yourself of what a food chain is and what they represent:


Now I would like you to try and have a go at writing your own food chains for the plants and animals that live within the different layers of the ocean. You may want to use your research from yesterday to help you with this.


Here is an example:


When presenting your food chain, be as creative as you can be. You may want to create a sketch, draw a diagram, produce a short video or photograph objects from around the house to represent each part of the food chain.


Challenge: can you identify the producer (the part that produces their own food using energy from the sun) in your food chain? Are the animals within your food chain herbivores, omnivores or carnivores?

A herbivore is an animal that only eats plants

An omnivore eats plants and animals

A carnivore only eats animals


Remember to share your learning with me on Showbie or send it to me via email. I look forward to seeing how all the different food chains that you come up with.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Wednesday 10th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!


Well done once again to everyone for engaging in so many of our home-learning tasks every day! I really enjoyed seeing all the amazing micro plastic art that you created yesterday afternoon.  I hope you are ready to engage with today’s exciting activities.


Edward we all want to wish you a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We hope you enjoy your special day.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, you could follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your English and Maths skills whilst keeping fit…


Today’s Number of the Day is… 444

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


For yesterday’s English task, we looked at how we can use a dictionary to help us spell and define unusual words. Today, we are going to look at how we can use a thesaurus to find a different way of saying something. This is known as a list of synonyms. Follow the link below to the BBC Bitesize website for your learning resources:


Once you have watched the video, have a go at some of the practise activities.

Activity 1 – Show how well you understood the video on the BBC Bitesize website by completing the interactive activity. You need to fill in the gaps in the sentences.


Activity 2 – Watch the video about baby animals in spring and complete the activity below. Write the sentences about the video down, adding a word into the missing gap so the sentence makes sense.

  • The lambs run .................... .
  • The bird found the ................... hole for a nest.
  • Some birds are ................... and steal twigs from other birds’ nests.
  • The birds keep the eggs ................... using the heat from their tummies.
  • Eider duck mums do not eat for four weeks to keep their eggs safe and are ................... after all that time.
  • Baby Blue Tits ................... eating caterpillars.

Now use a thesaurus to find a synonym for each of your underlined words. If you don't have a thesaurus at home, there are lots online - just search for one to help you. Write the word in a different colour above or below your original word.


Activity 3 - Complete the ‘Using a Thesaurus’ activity sheet that I have attached.



For today’s Maths lesson, we will be building on our knowledge of lines and angles to identify pairs of parallel lines. We will identify these individually and within 2D shapes, as well as looking in detail at their meaning.

Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


All you will need today is a pencil and a piece paper.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and the follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the independent activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into three parts. I have attached pictures of these activities just for those of you who like to write onto the worksheets.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on with your Maths learning today!  


Creative Afternoon:

Earth is referred to as ‘The Blue Planet’ because it looks blue from afar. The Earth looks blue because 70% of its surface is covered by water. There are five oceans that cover the world.


Warm-up activity: complete to attached worksheet to identify and label the five oceans that cover the world.


Sunlight shines on the oceans just like on the land. However, light does not reach the deepest layers of the ocean. The depth of the oceans are split into layers and each layer has its own specific characteristics.

This afternoon, you are going to use the attached powerpoint, the Internet or any non-fiction books that you may have at home to research the different zones of the world’s oceans.

You could record your findings on the diagram attached or present them as a poster or a short movie.


You might want to include:

  • the average temperature in each zone;
  • examples of things that might be living in the zone;
  • the effects pressure would have at that depth;
  • what exploration has been carried out in each zone.


The Mariana Trench is the deepest place on Earth. It is 11,000m deep. You can find out more about it and its inhabitants here in this short documentary:


Remember to share your learning with me on Showbie or send it to my email. I look forward to seeing how you present your facts about the different zones of the world’s oceans. 


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Tuesday 9th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Terrific Tuesday!


Well done to everyone for your continued enthusiasm yesterday! If you’d like to see some of the fantastic learning that has been going on at home, then ask your parents to help you access the school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool) and remember to click ‘like’ if you see anything that makes you smile.


I hope you are up and ready to continue the fun learning today!


Thank you to everyone who has already completed the Stride Active Throw and Catch Challenge for the Herefordshire Virtual School Games. This is your final call for anyone who would still like to do the challenge, please send me your scores by the end of the day.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…

Alternatively, you could follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can practise your English and Maths skills whilst keeping fit…


Today’s is Adjectiveday and your Word of the Day is… quirky

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this adjective?
  • Can you learn to spell this word by writing it as a spelling pyramid?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Click on the link below to head over to the BBC Bitesize Page for today’s English. We are going to be learning all about how we can use a dictionary to find the definition or spelling of a word.


Watch the short clips to help you understand how the dictionary is used and organised. Then, have a go at some of the following practise activities:

Activity 1 - Complete the two short interactive activities on the BBC Bitesize website. For the first one you will need to drag the words so they are in alphabetical order. Then, fill in the gaps in the sentences about dictionaries.


Activity 2 - Complete the ‘Order, order …’ activity sheet (attached). You will need paper and a pen to write down your answers.


Activity 3 - Look at the list of words below. Write down each word then look up what they mean using a dictionary or online dictionary. Copy out the definition.

  • Century
  • Consider
  • Occasion
  • Possess
  • Reign
  • Various

Now choose three of the words and use each one correctly in a sentence.


Please remember to share your work with me on Showbie or send it to me via email. I look forward to seeing how you get on with your dictionary skills!  



For the next part of our angles and shapes learning, we are going to be looking in detail at horizontal and vertical lines and how these relate to perpendicular pairs of lines. We will then identify where we find these in the real-world and begin to draw them.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Just like yesterday, you will need a pencil, a piece paper and your home-made right-angle checker in order to complete this lesson. Your right-angle checker can be made from either a corner of a piece of paper or even a corner of a book.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and the follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the independent activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into three parts. I have attached pictures of these activities just for those of you who like to write onto the worksheets.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on with your Maths learning today!  


Creative afternoon

Yesterday, we explored the problems we are facing with the growth of plastic waste entering our oceans and identified the importance of ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’.


Today, we are going to reuse plastic waste to create some art of our own. Watch the following video of international award-winning photographer Mandy Barker as she shares her work with marine plastic debris.


Now, chose one of the following activities to complete:

1. Have a go at creating your own piece of micro plastic art by reusing and arranging some of your own old plastic waste to create a picture/ sculpture. I have included some pictures below of some examples, but there are lots of ideas that I am sure you will come up with yourselves!


2. Follow the instructions on the attached document to create a Bird feeder or a Snack Box from recycled materials.


I am looking forward to seeing all of the amazing artwork you create this afternoon! Please remember to share it with me on Showbie or send it to me via email.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You can use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


Remember, First News are also offering free access to their weekly newspaper. Follow this link for more information…


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning!

Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Monday 8th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and Happy Monday!


I hope that you have all had a restful and enjoyable weekend despite the slightly wet weather. I hope you are looking forward to completing some exciting home learning tasks today. Please remember that my response time will be changing this week due to the schools wider re-start opening for priority year groups.

Today is World Ocean Day!

Follow this link to join in with some of the World Ocean Day Festival fun…

Here is an outline of some of the things that will be happening throughout the day:


There is still time for you to complete the next round of the Herefordshire Virtual Games!

The theme for this round is… Netball!

Primary Years 3 & 4 - Throw and Catch

You will need to stand 2m away from the wall with any ball. Throw the ball against the wall and catch as it bounces off the wall. The score is how many throw and catches in 60 seconds.


Don’t forget to send a video of you completing your challenge along with your score to me on Showbie or via email before the 11th June.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here’s this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Don’t forget to tune in at 9am to get moving and feeling energised…


Alternatively, you could have a go at the Ocean Flow PE with Richie Norton at 9am as part of today’s World Ocean Day Festival…


Today’s Number of the Day is… 276

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today, we are going to be writing an acrostic poem all about World Ocean Day. Begin by watching the following animation titled ‘All the Way to the Ocean’


Using the Key Messages in the animation, you are now going to create your own poem. Remember that each line needs to start with the letters on the attached writing template. 


You may also want to complete the optional World Ocean Day word search that I have attached.


I am looking forward to reading your poetry today. You can send it to me on Showbie or via email.



As last week was such a success, I thought we would continue with our learning of shapes and angles with the Oak National Academy.


In today’s lesson, we will be building on our work on angles (in particular right angles) to identify perpendicular lines. We will look at these individually and within 2D shapes, as well as having a chance to find these yourselves.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


All you will need for this lesson is a pencil, a piece paper and your home-made right-angle checker from last week. This can be made from either a corner of a piece of paper or even a corner of a book.


Begin with the ‘Introductory Quiz’ and the follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the independent activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into two parts. I have attached pictures of these activities just for those of you who like to write onto the worksheets.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on with your Maths learning today!  


Creative afternoon

Today is World Ocean Day!

During our Creative Afternoon’s this week, we are going to be completing activities that will help us to learn more about the oceans that surround us.


Begin your learning by watching the following video which explains all about the problems we are facing with marine debris and how there has been a huge growth in plastic waste entering our oceans.


As you can see from the video, plastic waste is becoming a huge problem for our oceans and is having an effect on not only our economy, but the poor sea creatures that live in our oceans too. 


The scuba divers are doing all they can to collect and remove plastic waste from our oceans however, we on land can also do our bit to help stop the rise in marine debris.


This afternoon, I would like you to make a poster that will inform people about the problems with plastics in our oceans and help them to understand what we can do to make a change. We all need to pick up litter when we see it, reduce plastic waste, reuse plastics where we can and make sure that we recycle all plastics appropriately!


Your poster should have:

  • A catchy title, for example, ‘DIVE AGAINST DEBRIS’
  • Some facts and figures about plastic waste
  • A clear message for change
  • Some pictures/ drawings to attract the reader


Please remember to share your informative posters with me on Showbie or send them to my email. I look forward to seeing all of your creative designs.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You can use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


Remember, First News are also offering free access to their weekly newspaper. Follow this link for more information…


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning! I look forward to catching up on all the hard work that you produce at the end of the day today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Friday 5th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Fabulous Friday!


We’ve reached the end of our first week back of home-learning! I am sure you would agree that it has been lovely to focus on nature and take part in lots of activities inspired by the 30 Days Wild Challenge this week. Please keep sending through your pictures and submitting all your super work to Showbie or via email.


TODAY IS CLASS 3’s ZOOM DAY! This morning, I will be joining Mrs Hanham for Class 5’s Zoom session so enjoy completing your English and Maths activities. I will be sending out the meeting details for our Zoom session shortly and I am very much looking forward to hearing all about your week online at 2:00pm


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, you could try some Cosmic Kids Yoga, a great way to relax, unwind and stretch before a day full of learning…


Today is Long-Word-Friday and your Word of the Day is… inquisitively

  • Can you use a dictionary to find the definition?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you spell the word using a pyramid?
  • How many other words can you make from the letters in this word?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


For today’s English learning we are going to be learning to understand what inference means and use it to answer questions about a story.


When we read stories, watch films or TV shows, look at pictures or play video games, we use lots of different skills to work out what is happening. One of these skills is called inference.


Inferring is a bit like being a detective. You have to find the clues to work out the hidden information.


Watch the short clip on the BBC Bitesize website to see an example…


In the video, custard pies were stolen. The housekeeper looked nervous and her apron had a yellow stain. From this we can infer that the housekeeper stole the pies.


You have to do the same thing when you’re reading.


Imagine the main character in a story skips into a room, smiling brightly and waving to their friends. You could infer that the character is happy. The text hasn’t told you the character is happy, but you can work it out from the clues given.


Now, you could have a go at using your skills to complete some of the following activities:


Activity 1 - to answer inference questions, you have to examine the whole scene. Look at the ‘Inference Picture Cards’ that I have attached and choose three to focus on. Read the questions and look carefully at the whole picture to infer the answers. You will need to write your answers down on a piece of paper.


Activity 2 - when answering inference questions, your answer needs to be clear and backed up with evidence. Watch the video of part one of Tiddalik the Frog (on the BBC Bitesize website.) Think carefully about the characters that are introduced, then have a go at answering the questions below the video. You may also like to have a go at the Challenge!


Activity 3 - create a poster showing what Tiddalik is like in this part of the story. Decorate your poster with all the inferences you’ve made about Tiddalik and use lots of adjectives (describing words) to describe his character. Make sure you include some evidence to back up your ideas too.

Your poster could include:

  • A title
  • A picture of Tiddalik
  • Big bold writing
  • Bright colours
  • Text boxes or bubbles
  • Evidence from the story

I have attached an example of a character description poster for Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk which you could use for some inspiration.


Please upload any of your completed tasks to Showbie or send them to me via email. I look forward to seeing them!



In today’s Maths lesson, we will be revisiting our angles learning from this week. We will revise what is meant by right, acute and obtuse angles. We will then have an opportunity to identify these angles and draw them.

Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Today, you will need a pencil, a piece of paper and your right-angle checker (this can be made from either a corner of a piece of paper or even a corner of a book.)


Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into two parts.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please continue to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email. I am enjoying seeing how well you are getting on with your angles and shapes learning this week!


Creative Afternoon:

Your challenge today is to find a natural object and do a detailed sketch of it. Your object could be anything as long as it is natural, e.g. a flower, tree or leaf… However, whatever you choose must be fairly still!


Take some time to observe the detail, texture and colour. Then, try and include as much of this as you can in your sketch! Below are some examples…





Remember to send some photos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Once again, I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Thursday 4th June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Thrill Seeking Thursday!


I hope that you are all well. I am very impressed with the work that you sent me yesterday – all your maps of the local wildlife were so creative! It was also lovely to catch up with those of you who joined our live class discussion yesterday too. I hope that you are looking forward to completing some more exciting home learning tasks today!


Jack we all want to wish you a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We hope you enjoy your special day.


Remember... The next round of the Herefordshire Virtual Games is here!

The theme for this round is… Netball!


Primary Years 3 & 4 - Throw and Catch

You will need to stand 2m away from the wall with any ball. Throw the ball against the wall and catch as it bounces off the wall. The score is how many throw and catches in 60 seconds.


Don’t forget to send a video of you completing your challenge along with your score to me on Showbie or via email before the 11th June.


Cheltenham Science Festival at Home

This week is the Cheltenham Science festival. They have put together lots of videos and challenges for you to complete at home.


Dr Maggie will be going live at 9:00am this morning to take you through a Grand Tour of the Solar System. It you fancy joining Dr Maggie, follow the link below to access the video on the Cheltenham Festival YouTube channel.


I would love to hear about the things you learn from Dr Maggie’s Grand Tour of the Solar System! You could share them with me on Showbie or via my email.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, you could try some Cosmic Kids Yoga, a great way to relax, unwind and stretch before a day full of learning…


Today’s Number of the Day is… 601

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Well done to everyone who completed the activities yesterday and to practised using apostrophes for contracted words. Today you are going to revise the use of possessive apostrophes.

Follow this link to watch a video that will help you with your learning.


Now, have a go at completing some of the following practise activities:

Activity 1 - complete the apostrophe for possession quiz, on the BBC Bitesize website, to see how much you remember from the video.


Activity 2 - watch the video showing the first episode of Treasure Island, then re-write the sentences below to make them flow better. You need to change the words in bold to words that use an apostrophe for possession:

  • The mother that belonged to Jim was exhausted.
  • The pony tail that belonged to the man hung low on his back.
  • The chest that belonged to the captain was very heavy.
  • The missing fingers that belonged to Black Dog made him very memorable.

These sentences use plural nouns so think carefully about where the apostrophe should go.

  • The boat that belonged to the pirates pulled up by the inn.
  • The shouts that belonged to the raiders could be heard inside the inn.


Activity 3 - Now write five of your own sentences that include an apostrophe for possession. They could be inspired by the events in Treasure Island, or about your favourite story instead.


Activity 4 - If you want to challenge yourself and get even more practice using possessive apostrophes, complete this ‘Possessive Apostrophes’ activity sheet that I have attached.


I can’t wait to see your work today! Please remember to email it or send it to me on Showbie! 



We are going to continue with our learning about angles and shapes today! In today’s Maths lesson, we will be building on our angle knowledge by introducing the terms acute and obtuse for those angles which are smaller (acute) and greater (obtuse) than right-angles. We will have time to look at these angles separately and within different shapes.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Just like yesterday, you will need a pencil, a piece of paper and your right-angle checker (this can be made from either a corner of a piece of paper or even a corner of a book.)


Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into two parts.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email. I am enjoying seeing how well you are getting on with your angles and shapes learning this week!


Creative Afternoon:

This afternoon, visit this page and have a look through the different species of animals and plants that we have in the United Kingdom. When you click on the images, it will take you to the page…


Choose a species that you find interesting and create a fact file about it…

You may like to consider…

  • Where does it live/ where is it found?
  • Does it live there all year round? For example, in autumn, swallows from the UK make their way back to Africa to spend the colder months there!
  • What kind of habitat does it like?
  • What does it eat? What does it need in order to survive?
  • Does it have any special features, like an extra big beak, that helps it eat?
  • Can it fly? How does it move/travel?
  • Does anything eat it- or is it top of the food chain?


You can present your facts in any way of your choice… a video, poster, booklet- anything!


Remember to send some photos to me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Resources to Support Learning - Thursday 4th June 2020

Wednesday 3rd June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!


Well done once again to everyone for engaging in so many of our home-learning tasks every day! I really enjoyed seeing all of your wildlife habitats yesterday. I hope you are ready to engage with some of today’s exciting learning activities.



As so many of you enjoyed using the Class Discussion feature before the Half Term, I thought it would be nice for you to have the opportunity to message any friends who are live on Showbie at the same time again.

Today, at 1pm, I will turn the Class Discussion feature on until 1:30pm.


Come along to say, ‘Hi,’ and, ‘How are you?’ All messages posted in the Class Discussion can be seen by everyone and I will be there to monitor it throughout the session.

Please remember our E-Safety rules at all times!


The next round of the Herefordshire Virtual Games is here!


The theme for this round is… Netball!


Primary Years 3 & 4 - Throw and Catch

You will need to stand 2m away from the wall with any ball. Throw the ball against the wall and catch as it bounces off the wall. The score is how many throw and catches in 60 seconds.


Don’t forget to send a video of you completing your challenge along with your score to me on Showbie or via email before the 11th June.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, you could try some Cosmic Kids Yoga, a great way to relax, unwind and stretch before a day full of learning…


Today is Adverbday and your Word of the Day is… frantically

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you make any other words from the letters in this word?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today, we are going to revise how to use apostrophes to combine (contract) two words. Follow the link bellow to the BBC Bitesize website where you will be able to watch a video that will support your learning.


Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing some of the following practise activities:

Activity 1 - see how much you remember from the video by completing the quick interactive activity on the BBC Bitesize website. You will need to highlight the three pairs of words that could be contracted.


Activity 2 - now watch the video about the scientist Marie Curie. Once you have watched the video, read the sentences below and then write them out, contracting the words in bold using an apostrophe.

Think: the apostrophe shows where the letters have been taken out.

  • People thought that women could not be scientists.
  • Luckily this is not the case today!
  • Girls were not allowed to go to university so Marie’s parents sent her in secret.
  • She would later receive two Nobel prizes for her work in physics and chemistry.
  • She will be remembered for being an inspiration and showing girls they can do anything.


Activity 3 - have a go at writing five of your own sentences inspired by the story of Marie Curie. Use at least one contraction in each sentence. You could use the ‘My Contractions Word Mat’ (attached) to check your spelling or help you to use some different contractions.


Please remember to share your work with me on Showbie or via email. I am looking forward to reading your sentences!



This week, you are all continuing to work hard on your learning of angles and shapes. In today’s Maths lesson, we will be building on our knowledge of angles in order to explore right-angles. We will be looking at these on their own and within different shapes and you will even have the chance to find some right-angles of your own!

Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Just like yesterday, you will need a pencil and a piece of paper. You will also need a right-angle checker. This can be made from either a corner of a piece of paper or even a corner of a book.


Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into two parts.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


I would love to see how you get on with today’s Maths task. Feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.


Creative Afternoon:

Your task today is to map your local wildlife. You could do this anywhere- on a walk, in your garden or even looking out of your window.


On paper, draw a rough sketch map of the area you are going to explore, and map where you see the wildlife. Think about the key features of the area e.g. river, grass, bird feeder, bushes, trees, flowers, ponds and draw these on to your map first…


Below is an idea of what a sketch map might look like… you do not need to include street names in your map as it is likely to be a smaller area!


As you explore, note down the wildlife that you see and label it! For example, if I saw a dragonfly by the pond, I would mark the pond with an X and draw or write ‘dragonfly’.


Remember to share some photos to me on Showbie or send them to me via my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Resources to Support Learning: Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Tuesday 2nd June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Terrific Tuesday!

Well done to everyone for another fantastic start to the second half of our Summer Term! If you’d like to see some of the superb poems and birds that have been produced so far this week, then ask your parents to help you access the school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool). Remember to click ‘like’ if you see anything that makes you smile.  

Wake Up, Shake Up 
PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am… 

Alternatively, you could try some Cosmic Kids Yoga, a great way to relax, unwind and stretch before a day full of learning…

Today’s Number of the Day is… 100
•    How many ways can you make and represent this number?
•    Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
•    Can this number be shared equally into two groups? 


Daily Activities / Live Lessons

A cloud maker and his apprentice grandson are busy making clouds but everything doesn't happen as it should. As things don't go according to plan, the pair of them learn that good ideas come from happy accidents.

Follow the link below to see what happened when they try to make clouds:

I would now like you to pretend you are a news reporter watching the cloud maker and his apprentice grandson from a distance. You are going to write a report about what you have seen happening in the sky. 

Things to consider when writing your report:

  • Your article will need a bold headline, a date and the reports name
  • It will need an introductory paragraphing stating what, where, when, who and why
  • Some information about the main events presented in chronological order 
  • A picture with a caption 
  • It will need to be written in the past tense (the events have already happened) 
  • A conclusion paragraph stating what may happen next 


You could choose to use the attached template for your news report or write it using your own layout. Please remember to share your final articles with me on Showbie or send them to my email. I look forward to seeing what you produce. 



Yesterday we began our week of learning all about angles and 2D shapes. In today’s Maths lesson, we will begin by reviewing what an angle is. We will then move onto exploring various angles that are found inside 2-D shapes before noticing patterns between the number of sides and the number of angles.


Follow the link below to access a video of today’s lesson:


Just like yesterday, you will need a pencil, paper, ruler and your home-made angle detector (this can be made using just 2 strips of card and a split pin if you have one.)


Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into two parts. 


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the questions in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’. 


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on with the next step of your angles and shapes learning!  


Creative Afternoon:

This afternoon, your challenge is to create a habitat for some local wildlife… you may want to create a minibeast hotel, a birds nest or even a hedgehog hide! I have included some pictures below, but there are lots of ideas that I am sure you will come up with yourselves!



Try and use as many loose natural materials as possible. You may want to collect materials on a walk or use things from around your garden! When you are finished, you could put your habitat out in your garden or somewhere on a walk for the wildlife to enjoy.

Remember to send some photos to me on Showbie or via email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too!


Drop Everything and READ!!

It is so important that we continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download! 


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Resources to Support Learning: Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Monday 1st June 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and Happy Monday!


Welcome back to our final Summer Term! I hope you have all had a lovely Half Term break, the weather was truly beautiful. Thank you to those of you who completed some of the optional activities and shared your fun with me on Showbie. I hope you are looking forward to completing some more exciting home learning tasks this week.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here is this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Don’t forget to tune in at 9am to get moving and feeling energised…


Alternatively, you could try some Cosmic Kids Yoga, a great way to relax, unwind and stretch before a day full of learning…


Today is Nounsday and your Word of the Day is… arboretum

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you use this word in a perfect sentence?
  • Spell-round: write the word ten times forwards. Now, without looking at the word, can you spell it backwards out loud?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


You have worked hard to revise your knowledge on similes and metaphors during the period of home-learning. Today, you are going to practise using them creatively in your own poetry writing task. Here is a little reminder of what these words means:

  • Simile – describes something by comparing it to something else using the words like or as. For example: She’s as feeble as a mouse.
  • Metaphor - a word or a phrase used to describe something as if it were something else. For example: Jess is dynamite. (Jess isn't made of dynamite, but it's a good way to explain how exciting she is.)


Lots of poets use similes and metaphors in their poetry. Here's an example of a poem about a tiger, written entirely using similes and metaphors.


Claws as sharp as daggers,

A mouth of deadly pearls.

Orange fur like fire,

Sneaking silently, a ninja.


Now, I would like you to write your own poem about an animal using only similes and metaphors. It could be about a crab, lion, fox, pig, fish or an animal of your own choice. Your poem may have more than one verse in it. Make sure you also draw a picture to illustrate your poem.


Please share your creative poetry writing with me on Showbie or via email. I look forward to reading them all!  



This week we are going to be using the interactive lessons from the National Oak Academy to explore angles in different 2D shapes.


Today we will start to understand what the word ‘angle’ means. We will begin to identify angles within objects and shapes before we start to compare the size of angles.


Click on the following link to take you today’s lesson: (You may chose to skip past the introductory quiz as begin with the ‘Warm up’ activity.)


All you will need for the lesson is a pencil, paper and a home-made angle detector which you can make using just 2 strips of card and a split pin (if you have one.)


As you watch the video, follow the on-screen instructions and complete the small tasks as you go along. Once you reach the main activity, click on the ‘Next Activity’ button which will take you to some question that are split into two parts.


You may choose to return to the video when you have answered the question in the main activity in order to go through the answers. Then, complete your learning with a short ‘Exit Quiz’.


Please feel free to share your answers with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on!  


Creative Afternoon:

During our Creative Afternoon’s, we are going to be taking part and doing lots of activities inspired by the 30 Days Wild Challenge… Be sure to share some photos of your finished product, or the process with me via Showbie or my email! Or even better, with the help of your parents and your e-safety knowledge, share your creations on Twitter with the hashtag  #30DaysWild. Don’t forget to tag us @WalfordSchool so that we can see your amazing work too! Begin your week by completing some of the following activities:

1. Think of your top 3 favourite birds and what you love about them. If you’re not sure, you could look at some different UK birds using the following website:


2. Create a new species of bird with the features from the favourite birds that you chose, for example, a bird with a robin’s red breast, a kingfisher’s long beak and a mallard’s big webbed toes! You could present it any way you choose- a model, a painting, a picture or even using technology!


3. Give the bird a name. You might like to include some information about it also e.g. what it eats or where it is found.


Drop Everything and READ!!

What have you enjoyed reading over the Half Term?


It is some important that we continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!

If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning! I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊


Monday, 25th May 2020 – Friday, 29th May 2020


Hello, Class 3!


It is May Half-Term, but if you’d still like some activities, there is plenty to choose from!  Remember, you can do as much, or as little as you’d like.  Don’t forget to post on Showbie to keep making me smile.


Remember, you can also use your usernames and password for the following:

  • Times Tables Rock Stars / Numbots
    Numbots has been added to your TTRS account
  • MyOn
  • Read Theory
  • Education City
  • Classroom Secrets Kids
  • Sumdog

Enjoy choosing some of the activities below.  All documents are attached at the end.  Remember to share as many photos as you can on Showbie – I can’t wait to see them!



Go to the Homepage of the website (, look at the Twitter feed and read 'all tweets'.  Alternatively, ask your parents to help you by getting them to access school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool).


Browse all the AMAZING work being created and shared on Twitter by all the wonderful Walford children, can you spot yours?

Remember to 'like' anything that makes you smile by pressing the 'love' button. 


Post some of your activities throughout the week!

Remember our E-Safety rules ... you do not need an account of your own!



Oak National Academy Activity Clubs

Welcome to Oak Activity Club. They have a range of activities on offer during half-term run by their brilliant partners, with activities like cook-a-longs, arts and debating clubs. Some activities are designed for certain year groups and some are for all.


Family Digital Prayer Adventure

Download the TKC Map AR App for Augmented reality games and videos.


Fiver from Home

The Fiver from Home project is a fun way for pupils (5-11) to imagine what business they could create with just a £5 note.


Fiver from Home helps children to develop key skills, including:

  • Creativity
  • Communication – written and verbal
  • Planning and organisation
  • Problem solving
  • Commercial awareness

Once they complete the workbook and activities, they even get a participation certificate to celebrate their achievement!


Work through the 4 parts of the Fiver from Home Workbook, completing the activities and using guiding documents.


The Wordguide offers explanations with relevant examples all of the terms in the workbook in case this is the first time seeing them.

For parents / carers supervising or delivering Fiver from Home, we have Top tips for Parents sheet that offers a few suggestions on how to keep your young people engaged and having fun throughout the project.

Think it!

Here’s a fiver, what business could you start?

Use the workbook to create an idea, name your business and use our Top Tips to create a logo.

Research it!

Use the Remote Market Research Template and example questions to find out what your customers think.  This should be completed via telephone or email with people you know.

Plan it!

Use the third part of the workbook to create your business plan by answering the questions in the business plan section.  Draw your product or create a poster for your service.

Pitch it!

In the final part of the workbook plan, write and then present a sales pitch to someone in your home.

There are plenty of tips on what to include and how to present the sales pitch in the workbook.



Whole School Challenge

Here’s a song you can all learn together and then we can sing it together when we come back together at school.  You could even have a go at creating a simple dance routine for the chorus.

Jimmy Cliff – I can see clearly now…

Lyrics are attached!



Learn a New Skill

How many new skills can you learn?  Send photos of you practising your new talents…



Royalty Meets Wonderful Walford…

Baking Challenge - Royal Scones

Every year at Garden Parties across The Royal Residences, over 27,000 cups of tea, 20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 slices of cake are consumed!

The Royal Pastry Chefs are happy to share their recipe for fruit scones, which traditionally would be served at Buckingham Palace every summer.

Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and #royalbakes when you share your creations!

-500g Plain Flour
-28g Baking Powder
-94g Butter
-86g Sugar
-2 Whole Eggs
-140ml Butter Milk
-100g Sultanas (Cover in hot water and leave to soak for 30 minutes)

-Preheat oven to 180oC
-Mix the flour, baking powder, butter and sugar together in a bowl, until a crumb is formed
-In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and buttermilk together
-Add the liquid to the crumb mixture
-Continue to mix the dough, until it is smooth
-(Optional) Add the sultanas, and mix until evenly distributed
-Remove the dough from the bowl, flatten the dough and cover
-Leave to rest for approximately 30 minutes
-Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2.5 cm and cut to desired shape
-Rest the scones for another 20 minutes
-Gently egg was the top of the scones
-Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes until golden brown
-Cool before serving with jam and clotted cream



Creative Activity

There is still time for those who want to enter this competition!


University of Bristol

Art of Science Competition 2020

The University of Bristol School of Biochemistry are running their annual Art of Science Competition.


The theme for the Schools category is ‘Under the Sea’.

You can draw, paint, take a photograph of a sculpture you have made, or create a short video (2 min maximum) – the choice is yours! The main thing is that you have fun!


Don’t forget to give your artwork a title, so that it can be included with your work in their online exhibition.


There are two primary age categories (4-6 and 7-11), with the opportunity to win a prize for the school.


Please send me your entries by Monday, 1st June so that I can make sure they are uploaded before the deadline.

Prize winners will be announced by Friday, 17th July 2020.



Physical Activity

Choose a different activity each day.  How many can you complete before the end of the holiday?  The document is attached below.




Choose a different activity each day.  How many can you complete before the end of the holiday?  The document is attached below – press on the blue titles for more information.


Take some time to visit the Health and Wellbeing section of the website where you will find a selection of stories to support children’s understanding as well as lots of wellbeing and mindfulness activities.



Fun Activities for the Outdoors

See how many activities you can complete…



Takes photos and send them on Showbie.


Rewarding Reading

See how many activities you can complete…

Document attached below!


Remember to do lots of reading too!  READ, READ, READ!  Log-in to MyOn and ReadTheory for lots of reading material.  Audible and Amazon are now offering free books to download too! 

David Walliams is also offering a free audio book each day at 11.00am – follow the link:


First News

First News are creating free access to their products for a limited period of time during school closures…

Send me some photos of your favourite location when reading at home.


BookTrust HomeTime


Looking for something fun as a family? Enjoy storytime with our free online books and videos, play games, win prizes, test your knowledge in our book-themed quizzes, or even learn how to draw some of your favourite characters...


For quizzes, go to:


Have a great week and remember to stay safe!  I look forward to hearing all about your Half Term adventures when we catch up the following week!


Best wishes

Miss Self :) 

Friday 22nd May 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Fabulous Friday!


We’ve reached the end of ANOTHER week of home-learning! Each week you continue to make me feel so unbelievably proud of all the outstanding work that you manage to achieve at home. 


TODAY IS CLASS 3’s ZOOM DAY! I will be heading into school and I will also be joining Mrs Hanham for Class 5’s Zoom session so enjoy completing the English, Maths and Creative challenges.  I will look forward to seeing them all this evening.  I will be sending out the meeting details for our Zoom session shortly and I am very much looking forward to hearing all about your week online at 2:00pm


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, if you fancy getting active with the BBC Super Movers then follow this link to recap your 4 times tables with The 4 Times Table Bop…


Today’s Number of the Day is… 555

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


The Grand Canyon

You have won first prize in a competition! You have won a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon! I would like you to describe your feelings about this.

You could divide your writing into three different sections, thinking about how you felt the night before the journey, the morning of the journey and after the flight.


Challenge - Use a thesaurus to look up these words:

  • High
  • Low
  • Beautiful

You could include some of the synonyms that you find for these words in your paragraphs about the helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon.


Please remember to share your writing with me on Showbie or send it to me via email.  You may also like to bring it along to our Zoom session this afternoon and read it to your friends.



Each Friday, BBC Bitesize are setting some fantastic Maths challenges to test your problem-solving skills. Follow this link for today’s challenges and see how many you and your family can do together…


You’ll certainly be challenged with some of these money and shape word problems! Remember to share your answers and ideas with me on Showbie or via email.


Creative Afternoon:

I thought it would be nice to finish our week with some creative music fun.  Below is a selection of listening, singing and action performance activities for you to choose from:


1. Listening – Brassed Off - Concierto d'Aranjuez

Have a listen to this brass band. Brass bands are famous all over the world. They are as famous as Buckingham Palace and Fish and Chips! Brass bands date back to the early nineteenth century and England’s Industrial revolution. By 1860 there were over 750 bands in England. Funding was mainly from wealthy coal mine and cotton mill owners. Listen to the music and see if you can spot a very young Obi-wan-Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) from the Star Wars Films.

THINK: Which instruments can you name? Do any instruments seem out of place in a brass band?


2. Appraising – Brassed Off – William Tell Overture

Here’s another famous piece, played by a brass band. Do you recognise it?

THINK: How is this piece different to the first one - ‘Concierto d’Aranjuez’? Can you think of three ways?


3. Action Song – You Can Do it Too – Row Row Row Your Boat

Feeling a bit sleepy? This singing and action song will be sure to wake you up!


4. Now its time for some singing. Begin with one of the vocal warmups below:

Vocal warm-up 1 – Mosquito

Vocal warm-up 2 – The Do Re Mi So Challenge


5. Song – Do Re Mi

Follow the link and sing along! Remember to take deep breaths and aim for clear words.

THINK: what does do, re, mi and so mean? 


Please share your pictures and videos, with me on Showbie, of you having a go at some of these musical activities. I look forward to seeing how much fun you have!


Drop Everything and READ!!


Welcome to the 2020 programme for schools created especially for learning at home, bringing authors straight from their house to yours from Monday 18 – Friday 22 May.

Each day, from 8.00am onwards, you can see two primary (years 3-6) authors introduced by Konnie Huq and two secondary (years 7-10) authors introduced by Jenny Valentine. These events will be available to watch again on Hay Player.

Follow the link to find more information about the daily programme:

This digital programme for schools has been kindly funded by Welsh Government.


Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊​​​​​​​

Thursday 21st May 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Thrill Seeking Thursday!


I hope that you are all well. I was very impressed with the work that you sent me yesterday – your information leaflets on saving the beautiful island of Cozumel were amazing as were your Under the Sea creations.  Don’t forget there is still time to enter the Art of Science Competition.  I hope that you are looking forward to completing some more exciting home learning tasks today!


Yesterday’s class discussion was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who came along and contributed.  I will let you know when we are going to do it again.


PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, you might choose to begin your day with some Cosmic Kids Yoga to help focus your body and mind…


Today is Verbsday and your Word of the Day is… express

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you write a list of adverbs which could compliment this verb?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today, you are going to be writing a formal report all about badgers.  Click on the following link to head over to the BBC Bitesize website where you can watch a short clip and learn about what makes a clear and informative report.

Report rules

  • All the information must be about the same topic.
  • You should provide the audience with lots of facts and evidence rather than personal opinions.
  • Reports must be set out clearly with a title, introduction, paragraphs, subheadings and images. (Subheadings are little titles for each paragraph, or group of paragraphs, to explain what they are about.)
  • They should be written in a formal tone (like how you would speak to your head teacher).
  • They should be written in the present tense (as if the actions are happening now).


Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing some of the following practice activities:

Activity 1 - read this formal report about sharks then answer the following questions.

  1. What does the report have at the very beginning?
  2. What does each paragraph have?

For questions three to five, see if you can find an example to support your answer.

  1. Is it written in the present tense?
  2. Is it written with a formal tone (like how you would speak to your head teacher)?
  3. Does it use facts?


Activity 2 – watch the short clip explaining how badgers live underground and fill in the planning sheet for your report.


Activity 3 – begin writing your report. As you write your report, remember the following:

  • Keep looking back at your plan as this shows you everything you want to include.
  • Refer back to the Report rules at the start of the lesson. If you include all of these your writing will be very impressive!
  • Make sure you write in full sentences and in paragraphs. Aim for each paragraph to be between four and six sentences long.


Activity 4 – read over your report and ensure it meets the success criteria. Then, write two things that you really like about your report and one thing that you would like to improve next time you write a report.


Please remember to share your reports with me on Showbie or send them via email.  I am looking forward to seeing what you produce.



Today’s Maths lesson is going to be about Tenths.  Click on the link below to access the video to support your learning.


Once you have watched the video, have a go at completing some of the following activities:

Activity 1 – Complete the attached worksheet using the tenths provided. You could create your own representations using counters or other objects to show how much of the fraction is shaded.


Activity 2 – There are four questions to answer on this interactive animation. You will need to identify the fractions of a pizza that the robots Hop and Boop have created…


Please remember to share your learning with me on Showbie via email.  I am looking forward to seeing how you get on with these fraction activities.


Creative Afternoon:

Canada is the largest country in North America and is made up of mainly lakes and forests. There are more than 30,000 lakes in Canada! The lakes help Canada to be a beautiful place, but they also provide food, sports and transport, including helping the country to make money. 


The Great Bear Lake is Canada’s largest lake. It is also the fourth-largest in North America, and the eighth-largest in the world.


For this afternoon’s task, you are going to imagine you have visited Great Bear Lake and you are sending a postcard home, telling your family or friends all about your trip.  You can either use the template attached or create your own.


You will need to design the front of your postcard, including a picture of Great Bear Lake. Here are some photos to help you see what the lake looks like:

You will then need to write a message on the back of your postcard.  Consider the following points when writing:

  • How did you get there?
  • What did you get up to while you were there? (e.g. sports, how you ate).
  • What is the scenery like?
  • Think about the name. What else might be there?

Please send some pictures of your postcard to me on Showbie or via email, I look forward to seeing them all!


Drop Everything and READ!!


Welcome to the 2020 programme for schools created especially for learning at home, bringing authors straight from their house to yours from Monday 18 – Friday 22 May.

Each day, from 8.00am onwards, you can see two primary (years 3-6) authors introduced by Konnie Huq and two secondary (years 7-10) authors introduced by Jenny Valentine. These events will be available to watch again on Hay Player.

Follow the link to find more information about the daily programme:

This digital programme for schools has been kindly funded by Welsh Government.


Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊



Wednesday 20th May 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!


Well done once again to everyone for engaging in so many of our home-learning tasks every day! I really enjoyed seeing all the amazing sculptures and sketches of The Statue of Liberty that were created yesterday afternoon.  I hope you are ready to engage with today’s exciting activities.



Some of you may be aware that we have a new feature on Showbie, which is now active…

Today, at 11am, I will turn the Class Discussion feature on until 11:30am.


The Class Discussion feature will allow you to message any friends who are live on Showbie at the same time. Come along to say, ‘Hi,’ and, ‘How are you?’ All messages posted in the Class Discussion can be seen by everyone and I will be there to monitor it throughout the session.


Please remember our E-Safety rules at all times!


PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternately, you could follow this link to the BBC Super Movers website where you can recap your 3 times tables while getting active and feeling energised…


Today’s Number of the Day is… 400

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Cozumel is an island off the coast of Mexico (in North America). It is found in the Caribbean Sea and is famous because it has a beautiful coral reef.

Animals on the island include:

  • The Great Curassow – a large bird which is highly endangered
  • The Thrasher – a bird from the mockingbird family, which is nearly, if not already, extinct
  • The Cozumel Fox - which is nearly, if not already, extinct
  • The Island Coati – which is endangered
  • The Island Raccoon – which is seriously endangered

Cozumel island is a very important place for protecting endangered animals and the fragile coral reefs. The biggest threat to Cozumel’s wildlife is the tourists.  


Today, I would like you to design an information leaflet for people travelling to Mexico, who want to visit the wildlife at Cozumel. Your leaflet will need to persuade visitors NOT to visit the island.


It will need a front cover to attract the reader and will need to inform them:

  • What wildlife lives on Cozumel island?
  • Why it is important that the stay away from the area and protect the endangered animals? 
  • What could they do in Mexico instead of visiting Cozumel island?

You could use the attached template for your information leaflet or just simply fold a piece of paper in half to create a leaflet design of your own.  I can’t wait to see all the amazing information leaflets that you create today. Please share them with me on Showbie or via email.



Today’s Maths lesson is all about recapping how we identify and write unit and non-unit fractions. BBC Bitesize have put together some useful reading to remind you of the differences between unit and non-unit fractions.


Once you have read the information, have a go at completing the three different interactive activities. Then, answer as many questions as you can from the worksheet attached.


Don’t forget to use your Classroom Secrets Kids logins to explore more games and fun on this website…


Creative Afternoon:

University of Bristol

Art of Science Competition 2020


The University of Bristol School of Biochemistry are running their annual Art of Science Competition.

The theme for the Schools category is ‘Under the Sea’.


You can draw, paint, take a photograph of a sculpture you have made, or create a short video (2 minutes maximum) – the choice is yours! The main thing is that you have fun!


Don’t forget to give your artwork a title, so that it can be included with your work in their online exhibition.


There are two primary age categories (4-6 and 7-11), with the opportunity to win a prize for the school.


Please send me your entries by Friday 3rd July so that I can make sure they are uploaded before the deadline.


Prize winners will be announced by Friday, 17th July 2020.


Drop Everything and READ!!


Welcome to the 2020 programme for schools created especially for learning at home, bringing authors straight from their house to yours from Monday 18 – Friday 22 May.

Each day, from 8.00am onwards, you can see two primary (years 3-6) authors introduced by Konnie Huq and two secondary (years 7-10) authors introduced by Jenny Valentine. These events will be available to watch again on Hay Player.

Follow the link to find more information about the daily programme:

This digital programme for schools has been kindly funded by Welsh Government.


Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self :) 

Resource to Support Learning: Wednesday 20th May 2020

Tuesday 19th May 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Terrific Tuesday!


Well done to everyone for your continued enthusiasm yesterday! If you’d like to see some of the fantastic learning that has been going on at home, then ask your parents to help you access the school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool) and remember to click ‘like’ if you see anything that makes you smile.  I hope you are up and ready to continue the fun learning today!


Thank you to everyone who has already completed the Stride Active Ball Aim for the Herefordshire Virtual School Games. This is your final call for anyone who would still like to do the challenge, please send me your scores by the end of the day.


PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, you could try some Cosmic Kids Yoga, a great way to relax, unwind and stretch before a day full of learning…


Today’s is Adjectiveday and your Word of the Day is… feeble

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this Adjective?
  • Can you learn to spell this word by writing it as a spelling pyramid?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


As many of you found out through your research yesterday afternoon, one of the three largest countries in North America is the United States.  We know that the USA has a wide range of environments and climates due to it being so big!


Today, I would like you to look at the 3 photographs below. They are all taken in the USA. Write 5-7 sentences that you can say about the USA, using the photos to help you.  Remember to use adjectives to describe the different locations.

Now have a think about what one, out of these three locations in the USA, would you prefer to visit? Why? You could draw a picture of the location to go with your sentence.


Please remember to share your writing with me on Showbie or send it to me via email. I look forward to reading it!



Follow the link below for today’s Maths lesson. You will be revisiting shaded fraction, as well as unit and non-unit fractions.


Once you have watched the video from Classroom Secrets, have a go at completing some of the practice activities.


Activity 1 - complete the worksheet attached using the shapes provided. Can you match the shapes to the fractions?


Activity 2 - demonstrate your knowledge of fractions by identifying the fractions shaded, making comparisons and working out how much more needs to be added to make a whole…


Don’t forget to share your learning with me on Showbie or via email.


Creative Afternoon:

To continue our journey through North America, I would like you to create a sketch, sculpture or model of The Statue of Liberty.  You could use pencils, modelling equipment, cardboard boxes or even LEGO. Be as creative as you can be!

Watch this video to help you understand the importance of the famous landmark, The Statue of Liberty…


Here are some craft ideas to get you started:

Don’t forget to send some photos of your creations to me on Showbie or via email. I am looking forward to seeing what you produce today!


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You can use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


Remember, First News are also offering free access to their weekly newspaper. Follow this link for more information…


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning!


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Resources to Support Learning: Tuesday 19th May 2020

Monday 18th May 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and Happy Monday!


I hope that you have all had a wonderful weekend relaxing and that you’ve manage to get back outside and enjoy some sunshine. Thank you to everyone who joined our Zoom meeting on Friday, it was so much fun!  I hope you are looking forward to completing some exciting home learning tasks today. 


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here’s this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Don’t forget to tune in at 9am to get moving and feeling energised…


Alternatively, you could try some Cosmic Kids Yoga, a great way to relax, unwind and stretch before a day full of learning…


Today’s Number of the Day is… 321

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Click on the link below to head over to the BBC Bitesize Page for today’s English. Today is all about learning to understand the difference between fact and opinion!


Facts can be supported by evidence whereas opinions are based on thoughts and feelings.  The short clip will help you to understand the differences between the two in more detail.


After viewing the first clip, move on and watch the fun Super Movers video to learn more about facts and opinions.

See how well you followed the super Movers video by answering the following questions:

  • What is a fact? Give an example from the video.
  • What is an opinion? Give an example from the video.
  • What does a fact need to be supported by?


Now have a go at putting your knowledge of facts and opinions into practice by completing some of the following activities.


Activity 1 – complete the interactive game on the BBC Bitesize website to show your understanding of facts and opinions.


Activity 2 - decide which of the following statements are facts and which are opinions.

  • Pandas are cuter than meerkats.
  • The Houses of Parliament are in London.
  • Apples grow on trees.
  • My cat is the best cat in the world!
  • Ice cream is horrible.
  • Water will become ice if the temperature is cold enough.


Activity 3 - complete the ‘Fact or Opinion?’ activity sheet attached. You will need to write one fact and one opinion for each topic on the sheet.

I am looking forward to seeing your learning today. You can send it to me on Showbie of via email.



During Maths this week, we are going to be recapping the work we have done on Fractions. Begin the week by clicking on the link below and reminding yourself of how we write and identify Fractions:


Watch the two different clips and read all about what a fraction is and how they are might be used in everyday life.


Then, have a go at the following activities:

Activity 1 - have a go at this quiz on the BBC Bitesize website to test your knowledge of fractions!

Activity 2 – have a go at completing the questions on the attached worksheet, from Collins, involving fractions.

Activity 3 – follow this link to have a go at some fraction matching activities


Please remember to share your Marvellous Maths with me on Showbie or via email. I look forward to seeing how you get on with recapping your fractions!  


Creative Afternoon:

During the afternoons this week, we are going to be taking a journey through North America! This means that many of our Creative afternoon tasks will be linked to finding out more about the continent, North America.


To start our week off, I would like you to do some research about North America. Find out about the countries, climate and famous landmarks within the continent as well as the animals, population and cultures. You could use some of the useful links below or search for your own information on the internet.

Remember to stay safe when researching online! You can add the words ‘Kids’ or ‘KS2’ after your search to make sure the information you find is appropriate.


Once you have collected your research, you may choose to present what you found out about North America by creating a poster, leaflet, short iMovie or fact file.  Will your information include FACTS, OPINIONS or both?


Please remember to share your work with me on Showbie or send it via email. I am looking forward to seeing all of the wonderful things that you find out about North America.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You can use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


Remember, First News are also offering free access to their weekly newspaper that aims to get kids talking about the news in an easy to understand and non-threatening way. Follow this link for more information…


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning! I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Resources to Support Learning: Monday 18th May 2020

Friday 15th May 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Fabulous Friday!


We’ve reached the end of ANOTHER week of home-learning! I am sure you would agree that these weeks are flying by because you are all continuing to show just how much fun you can have while learning! Please keep sending through your pictures and submitting all your super work to Showbie or via email.


TODAY IS CLASS 3’s ZOOM DAY! This morning, I will be joining Mrs Hanham for Class 5’s Zoom session so enjoy completing the Reading and Maths challenges.  I will be sending out the meeting details for our Zoom session shortly and I am very much looking forward to hearing all about your week online at 2:00pm


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, if you fancy getting active with the BBC Super Movers then follow this link to recap your 4 times tables with The 4 Times Table Bop…


Today is Long-Word-Friday and your Word of the Day is… individuality

  • Can you use a dictionary to find the definition?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you spell the word using a pyramid?
  • How many other words can you make from the letters in this word?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Using the book Charlie Changes Into a Chicken, you are going to explore how we can summarise information and write creatively.


Begin your learning by watching presenter Mehreen Baig read an extract from the story…

As you listen, think about the following questions:

  • Do you think Charlie is in pain?
  • What do you think he is changing into?


Now watch Mehreen read another extract from Charlie Changes Into a Chicken and think about the following:

  • What do you think the phrases a well-known fact and a less-known fact actually mean?
  • What does predicament mean?
  • What does Charlie count?
  • Do you think spiders really have eight bums?


Once you have listened to the extracts from the story, have a go at one of the following activities:

1. Using extract 1, retell what happens when Charlie begins to change in 5 simple steps. Try to write the      events in your own words.

2. Read some of the examples from the second extract in the table below and explain how they help you      to visualise and imagine what is happening.

3. The author of the story, Sam Copeland, chooses language that aims to make his readers laugh. See if      you can do the same.

  • Read both extracts again and think about how small Charlie is now as a spider.
  • Imagine that you have changed into something small. It may be an animal, a bird, something in the water or whatever you want to be.

What would you do if you were small?

Think about the benefits of being really tiny. What could you do?

  • Write a list of five advantages of being really small.

Call the list ‘The Top 5 benefits of being a .....................................’.


Please upload any of your responses to Charlie Changes Into a Chicken onto Showbie or send them to me via email. I look forward to reading them!



Each Friday, BBC Bitesize are setting some fantastic Maths challenges to test your problem-solving skills.


Follow this link for today’s challenges and see how many you and your family can do together…


You’ll certainly be challenged with some of these word problems! Remember to share your answers and ideas with me on Showbie or via email.


Creative Afternoon:

Following on from our Ancient Greece research, I would like you to design a Greek vase of your own this afternoon.  Look closely at the pictures below to see how detailed the vases were and what sort of patterns and colours they would have been decorated with.

You could use one of the templates attached to help you form the outline shape of your vase or, even better, have a go at drawing your own.  To add detail to your Greek patterns, you could use different coloured pencils or crayons.  Get stuck in and be creative!


I look forward to seeing all of your Greek designs.  Please remember to share your artwork with me on Showbie or via email.  


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Once again, I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Thursday 14th May 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Thrill Seeking Thursday!


I hope that you are all well. I am very impressed with the work that you sent me yesterday – all your superb stories really made me smile! I hope that you are looking forward to completing some more exciting home learning tasks today!


Don’t forget there is still time to complete this week’s Stride Active challenge for the Herefordshire Virtual School Games. See our class page for more details.


PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, you could sing, dance, and clap along to the syllables in this catchy song…


Today’s Number of the Day is… 900

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Divine Chocolate & Christian Aid Poetry Competition!

Write a poem about cocoa and chocolate! Submit your poem to our National Poetry Competition, now in its 18th year.


The theme is... Where does the chocolate journey begin?


Watch this short film to find out more:


Cocoa grows on trees

The key ingredient in chocolate is cocoa. Most of the cocoa you eat comes from the rainforests of West Africa, where poor farmers tend their cocoa trees on small family farms. This is where the chocolate journey begins.

The journey through history

Among the Mayans and Aztecs of Central America where cocoa originated, cocoa beans were so important they were used as money. Nobles drank cocoa at royal feasts. In modern times, chocolate has come to symbolise romantic love and luxury.

From bean to bar

Cocoa comes from the seeds of cocoa pods, which grow on the cocoa tree. Farmers harvest the cocoa, ferment it and dry it out in the sun, and then send it to factories to be made into delicious chocolate.

Into the future

Changing weather patterns make it harder to grow cocoa, driving cocoa farmers to move and cut down the rainforest for new farms, which makes climate change worse. Through Fairtrade, we can support cocoa farmers to farm in a better way and protect the forest.

Remember this is the Divine Poetry Competition - if you write about chocolate products, don't write about other chocolate companies!


Are there prizes?

Yes! The winning pupil will get a film of their poem being read by this year's guest judge, Onjali Raúf, winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize 2019.  They will get book tokens. And they will get lots of delicious Divine Chocolate goodies!

Good luck!

I can’t wait to see your work…remember to email it or send it to me on Showbie!  I will then submit your entries!



Here is a Maths challenge for you to think about today:

On the planet, Vuv there are two sorts of creatures.  The Zios have 3 legs and the Zepts have 7 legs.

The great planetary explorer Nico, who first discovered the planet, saw a crowd of Zios and Zepts.  He managed to see that there was more than one of each kind of creature before they saw him.  Suddenly they all rolled over onto their backs and put their legs in the air.

He counted 52 legs.


Challenge: How many Zios and how many Zepts were there?


More Challenging: Do you think there are any different answers?


Please share your answers with me on Showbie or via email, I look forward to seeing the results!  Also, don’t forget to logon and play Sumdog.  If you need a reminder of your login details, then do let me know! 


Creative Afternoon:

Animals can be classified as either vertebrates or invertebrates.  Follow this link and watch the two short films to remind yourself of what a vertebrate and an invertebrate is…


  • Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone inside their body.  The major groups include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
  • Invertebrates are animals that don't have a backbone.  Some have soft bodies, like worms, slugs and jellyfish.


Use your science knowledge to complete some of the following activities:

  1. Have a go at sorting the animals into invertebrates and vertebrates using the interactive game (following the link above.)
  2. Now take the quiz and answer some questions about vertebrates and invertebrates (also following the link above.)
  3. Go on a spider safari at home and learn more about invertebrates and vertebrates. Follow this link or read the attached document for more information…


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Resources to Support Learning: Thursday 14th May 2020

Wednesday 13th May 2020 


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!


Well done once again to everyone for engaging in so many of our home-learning tasks every day! I really enjoyed seeing all of the posters and research about Florence Nightingale yesterday. I hope you are ready to engage with some of today’s exciting learning activities.


Here is a reminder of the Stride Active challenge that you could complete at home for the SECOND ROUND of the Herefordshire Virtual School Games:

Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternately, you could listen along to a story with Cosmic Kids and join in with some of the different yoga positions…  


Today is Adverbday and your Word of the Day is… fashionably

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you make any other words from the letters in this word?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today you are going to be using all of the grammar skills that you have recapped over the past few weeks to write an exciting story titled ‘Through the Doorway’

Think: Where is the doorway? What type of door is it? Perhaps your character will find something on the other side of the door? Is the door locked?


You will need to plan your story before writing.  Use the story mountain attached to help you and remember to consider: Who are your characters? Where is the story set? What is the problem or dilemma and how will it be solved? How will your story end?


Remember to:

  • Write in full sentences.
  • Organise your ideas into paragraphs.
  • Choose your words carefully to excite the reader (can you include an expanded noun phrase, simile, metaphor or fronted adverbial?)
  • Take care with your spelling and punctuation.
  • Check your story makes sense and that you have purple polished your writing carefully.


Please share your stories with me on Showbie or via email. I am very excited to read about all the possibilities that may happen ‘Through the Doorway’!



Here is a fun Maths game for you to play at home called Multiplication Bingo!

What you need to play:

  • Some paper and a pencil to write your numbers onto (preferably split into 5 sections)
  • Some willing bingo players!


How to play:

  1. In this mathematical version of bingo, all players write down 5 numbers, which are multiples of a given times table. For example: if they were doing the 3 times table, they might write 3, 9, 18, 24 and 30.
  2. A third person can lead the game and call out multiplication questions from the chosen times table, or they can be written on cards, jumbled up in a pile for players to take turns picking and reading out.
  3. If the player has an answer to the question on their bingo board, they can cross it out. First person to cross out all their numbers is the winner.

You could play another round but this time using the 4 or 8 times tables. 


Extension: Why not login to your Times Table Rock Stars and practice your times tables or you could have a go at playing this game:


I would love to see some pictures of you playing Multiplication Bingo at home! Feel free to share them with me on Showbie or via email.


Creative Afternoon:

This term we have begun learning about Ancient Greece. Many of you have already done some of your own research about Ancient Greece and created some fantastic posters and timelines.


Today we are going to look more closely at the map of Ancient Greece (attached below) and explore some of the different aspects that Ancient Greece is known for.  I would like you to find out an interesting fact about each aspect that is highlighted on the map (Athens, Olympia Sparta, Crete, Mount Olympus, Troy and Macedonia). 


You could add your interesting facts to the sheet attached or choose to display your information in a different way such as a poster, leaflet, video, fact file etc.


Enjoy researching the well-known aspect of Ancient Greece! I am looking forward to seeing all the amazing things that you find out.  Remember to share them with me on Showbie or via email.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Resources to Support Learning: Wednesday 13th May 2020

Tuesday 12th May 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Terrific Tuesday!


Well done to everyone for such a fantastic start to the week yesterday! If you’d like to see some of the fantastic hand sequences created at home yesterday, then ask your parents to help you access the school Twitter feed (@WalfordSchool). Remember to click ‘like’ if you see anything that makes you smile.  


It is time for ROUND 2 of the Herefordshire Virtual School Games!

This weeks Stride Active challenge is Ball Aim! You need to kick a ball into a marked 1m x 1m area from 5m (ish) away.  The score is how many times the ball finishes in the marked area during 60 seconds.  To work out your score, multiply your total by 5.

Follow this link for a demonstration of the activity:

Send a film or photo aong with your score on Showbie sharing your activity.  Stride Active know that many of you may also like to complete the Secondary School challenge too, so go ahead and send me your score!

 Or even better…

 Tweet your own film of you completing the activities (with your parents’ permission and help).   Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and @stride_active.


Wake Up, Shake Up

PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, you might like to follow this link to a new video where you’ll be able to exercise your WHOLE body and increase your heart rate with Coach Terry and Ryan Kerrigan…


Today’s Number of the Day is… 200

  • How many ways can you make and represent this number?
  • Can you use addition, subtraction or multiplication to make this number?
  • Can this number be shared equally into two groups?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


International Nurses Day

A day observed around the world, on the 12th of May every year, International Nurses Day is an event that celebrates the contributions that nurses make to society.


This day has been celebrated since 1965, the International Council of Nurses were the pioneers of the event.  It is also celebrated on the 12th of May as it commemorates Florence Nightingale's birthday, the founder of modern, day to day, nursing.  It is even more special this year as it would have been Florence Nightingale’s 200th Birthday!


Usually in the United Kingdom, a service is held in Westminster Abbey, London.  A symbolic lamp is passed from one nurse to another, signifying the giving of knowledge.  This year, people are being encouraged to ‘shine a light’ in their windows at 8.30pm this evening.


Use the fact sheet and Powerpoint (attached) to find out about Florence Nightingale.  Use the Internet to find out some more about her.


Create a poster, e-book, Powerpoint, film, biography, leaflet to share everything you have learnt about the life of Florence Nightingale.


Please remember to share your learning with me on Showbie or via email.  I am looking forward to seeing what you learn about Florence Nightingale!



Warm-up your Maths minds today by recapping your 4 times table facts…


Today’s Maths focus is to explore how we multiply a two-digit number by a one-digit number. When multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number you can use both mental and written methods.


Watch the following video to explore how we could solve a multiplication problem in our head by breaking down the sum. Before you press play on the video, have a think about how you would work out 19 x 5?


Follow the next link to an interactive guide on how to multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number using a written method…


Now have a go at practicing some of these skills by completing the following activities:

Activity 1 – how many of the questions can you complete on the attached activity sheet. Think carefully about the method you will use when multiplying.

Activity 2 – have some multiplication fun with this activity from Twinkl.


Creative Afternoon:

International Nurses Day - KS2 Step into the NHS Competition

Watch the video:

Complete your entry and send it to me!

Please note: The Deadline has been extended until 19th June 2020


Your entries have to be submitted by me so send your final entry to me this afternoon.


Alternatively, create a thank you card for the NHS or a nurse you know.  You can use one of the attached designs or create your own.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Monday 11th May 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and Happy Monday!


Welcome to week 4 of the Summer Term.  I hope that you have all had a lovely VE Day Bank holiday weekend, the weather was truly beautiful for our garden parties!  I hope you are looking forward to completing some exciting home learning tasks today.


Wake Up, Shake Up


PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks’ then here’s this week’s link to his YouTube channel. Don’t forget to tune in at 9am to get moving and feeling energised…


Alternatively, you could follow this link to the BBC Super Movers where you’ll be able to recap the things you have learnt about expanded noun phrases while getting active…


Today is Nounsday and your Word of the Day is… exhaustion

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you use this word in a perfect sentence?
  • Spell-round: write the word ten times forwards. Now, without looking at the word, can you spell it backwards out loud?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


You have all been writing some superb pieces of extended writing during our period of home-learning.  Today we are going to look at how we can up-level our writing even more by including similes and metaphor.


Begin your learning by following this link and watching the short clip explaining what similes and metaphors are…

  • A metaphor is a word or a phrase used to describe something as if it were something else. For example: A wave of terror washed over him. The terror isn't actually a wave, but a wave is a good way to describe the feeling.
  • A simile describes something by comparing it to something else, using the words like or as. For example: The snake moved like a ripple on a pond. It was as slippery as an eel.


Now watch the second clip of a man describing his encounter with the Loch Ness monster.  See if you can spot any similes or metaphors.


Think: Did you prefer listening to the man's version of the story or the policeman's version? Can you explain why?


Once you have understood the use of similes and metaphors in writing, have a go at some of the following activities:

Activity 1 – check how well you understood the videos by playing the interactive game (below the final video). You will need to say whether each sentence is a simile or a metaphor.

Activity 2 – Complete this 'Simile or Metaphor?' activity sheet attached.  You need to read the phrase inside each cloud and decide whether it is a simile or a metaphor.  You can either print the activity sheet and colour the similes blue and the metaphors yellow, or copy the phrases out into two lists: similes and metaphors.

Activity 3 - Some similes are used a lot, like 'as cool as a cucumber' or 'as busy as a bee'.  Complete the 'Inventing New Similes' activity sheet attached below by rewriting the well-known similes and updating them with your own ideas.


Please share your newly invented similes and metaphors with me on Showbie or via email and remember to use them in your next piece of extended writing.  



Today’s we are going to recap our 8 times tables.  Begin by singing along to the 8 times tables with Filbert Fox…


Then, follow this link to an interact slideshow where you will need to solve some pirate problems involving multiplying and dividing by eight…


Now, have a go at completing some of the pirate themed activity sheets attached using your 8 times tables knowledge.  You can choose from the *Challenging **More Challenging or ***Superstar Material activities.


Extension: I have also attached a fun space race game that you may like to print out and play with someone at home.  This will help you get quicker at recalling your 8 times tables.  


Please remember to share some pictures of your fabulous Maths with me on Showbie or via email.  I look forward to seeing how you get on!  


Creative Afternoon:

Today I would like you to have a go at creating a hand clapping, hand tutting or hand jive sequence of movements.  Begin by following the links below to watch some different hand movements.  Be sure to only watch them once

Basic Tutting moves:

Simple tutting:


Hand jive:

Can you now demonstrate any of the sequences you have just watched?  Can you think of an effective way to learn them?


It is hard to learn something new unless it has been broken down into small parts.  This is called decomposition (the process of breaking down a task into smaller, more-manageable parts.)


I would like you to use the ‘Sequence Design Sheet’ attached to break down one of the hand movements you have watched (you may now go back and watch the videos again) or a sequence of hand movements of your own.  You will need to draw each step and explain the type of movement using arrows/ a word.  Look at the example attached for support.


Here is a useful link which explains the clapping patterns in small chunks:


Challenge: Can a member of your family demonstrate your sequence of movements by following your decomposition.


Please remember to upload your work to Showbie or alternatively, send it to me via email.  I would love to see a video of you demonstrating your sequence of hand movements.


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


Finally, remember to stay positive and enjoy your learning! I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Friday 8th May 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Fabulous Friday!


We’ve nearly reached the end of yet another fabulous week of home-learning!  I hope everyone is ready for the VE DAY STAY AT HOME PARTY today!


I just want to remind everyone that our Class 3 Zoom meeting has been moved to the morning today so that you can all enjoy your party this afternoon.  Due to the two-minute silence happening for VE Day at 11:00am, I will open the meeting at 11:05am.  Please don’t feel pressured to race to your devices, we will allow a few minutes for everyone to join 😊 Feel free to bring along some nibbles and a party hat to share with the class on zoom this morning.


Today is all about having fun and spending time with your families at home.  Below are some optional activities and some events that are happening throughout the day that you may like to take part in but remember to relax and have fun at the same time!  



PE with Joe – You might like to still begin the day with your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks at 9am…



Choose from the selection of activities below:

  1. Reflect upon this week’s learning by completing the ‘VE Day Thoughts’ reflection – have you learnt something new about VE Day this week?
  2. Complete your week with some further reading about VE Day and then have a go at answering some of the questions attached to the reading comprehension.
  3. How many words can you find in the VE Day word search?
  4. Finish decorating your home for VE Day with the themed colouring sheets attached.



Choose from the selection of activities below:

  1. Morse Code – Morse code is a way of sending messages without using words.  The code has its own alphabet made up of short and long sounds or flashes of light. Use the Morse code alphabet to translate the messages on the attached sheet.
  2. Rationing – During the war, there was a shortage of food.  As a result of this, British citizens were issued with a ration book. This limited and capped the amount of food they could purchase.  Complete the shopping list activities based on rationing in the war time. 
  3. Why not make your own VE Day Maths board-game to play at the party this afternoon (use the attached template to help you.)


Please see the attached documents to complete these activities!


Creative Afternoon:

It’s party time!  I hope you all have lots of fun celebrating the 75th Anniversary of VE Day.  When enjoying the party, be sure to take a moment to remember why today is so important to us all!


Enjoy your day and extra-long weekend!  Please feel free to share some pictures of your parties with me on Showbie or via email.  I am looking forward to catching up with you on Monday to hear all about the celebrations!


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Thursday 7th May 2020


Good morning, Class 3 and welcome to Thrill Seeking Thursday!


I hope that you are all well. I am very impressed with the work that you sent me yesterday – your bunting is looking amazing and will be a great addition to your party of Friday! I hope that you are looking forward to completing some more exciting home learning tasks today!


PE with Joe – If you’re enjoying your routine PE lesson with Joe Wicks each morning then here’s the link once again for you to follow at 9am…


Alternatively, you might choose to begin your day with some Cosmic Yoga to help focus your body and mind…


Today is Verbsday and your Word of the Day is… protect 

  • Can you write a definition?
  • Can you think of some synonyms?
  • Can you write a sentence including this word?
  • Can you write a list of adverbs which could compliment this verb?


Daily Activities / Live Lessons


Today, we are going to be using the novel ‘Dindy and the Elephant’ to recap our skills of summarising information and explaining our opinion about a character.


Follow this link to watch TV presenter Ed Petrie read an extract from ‘Dindy and the Elephant’…

As you listen to the story, think about the following questions:

  • Do you know what a cobra snake is and what it looks like?
  • How do you think Pog is feeling in this extract?
  • Do you think that they will go home now?


Now watch Ed read another extract from the same story but this time think about the following questions:

  • Are you surprised about the description of the elephants?
  • Is it always rude to shout?
  • Can we shout sometimes?


Complete the 2 activities below the videos. Activity 1 is based on the first extract that you heard while Activity 2 is based on the second.  You may need to reread the extracts to support you with the activities.


Activity 1 - The writer gives you lots of information about Pog in this extract.  As you reread the extract, highlight everything that is related to Pog.  Think about how the writer tells you about Pog, using description and dialogue (what Pog says and how he reacts). Now complete the table below, explain the things that we know about Pog from this extract.

Examples from the description of what Pog does (actions)

Examples from dialogue – What Pog says (speech)









Activity 2 - The writer also tells you lots of information about the elephants.  How did you feel when you read this section about the elephants? Did it match your expectation?

Write a short paragraph about how you feel about this description of the elephants.


Here are some suggested sentence starters:

I felt ...................... when I read the description because…

It made me feel ...................... because…

This part of the text ...................... made me feel……………………

I liked the part when ...................... because…

I did not like the part when...................... because…

I was surprised because I thought…


Have a go with these activities and see how far you can get.  The story is a lovely read and I know you will enjoy it.  Please remember to share any of your responses to the story with me on Showbie or via email.   



You’ve worked really hard this week to understand how we add, subtract and convert money from ponds to pence.  Today’s Maths learning is going to be about using your 3-times tables to multiply and divide by 3.


Begin by recapping your 3 times tables by watching the video of Martin and having a go at answering some of the questions in the video...


Then, move onto the next two videos with Aaron and watch as he investigates sharing and dividing by three.


Now have a go at some of the following activities:

Activity 1 – How many of the questions can you answer about the 3 times tables on the worksheet attached?

Activity 2 – Now follow this link for some interactive fun where you’ll be able to use your knowledge of multiplying and dividing by three to win the game…


Creative Afternoon:

Tomorrow is the ‘Stay at Home Street Party’ so today we are going to have a look at wartime recipes.

Can you find out about food and rations during the war?  This video from the Imperial War Museum will tell you about life in Britain and rationing…


Have a look at the wartime recipe book (attached)… you might like to have a go at preparing something for the party tomorrow. You could make a World War 2 cake or how about some scones?


Plan your party for tomorrow. Here are some ideas of things you could do…

  • Plan a menu for your party.
  • Make some decorations – see attached sheet for ideas.
  • Create your own celebratory song!
  • Design a party hat or hair ribbon to wear for the celebration (see Bletchley Park instructions).
  • During WW2, people had to ‘make, do and mend’. You may have something that you might like to ‘upcycle’ or ‘mend’ to wear to your party like your own t-shirt.


Enjoy your party preparations and don’t forget to send some photos of your creations to me on Showbie or via email today!


Drop Everything and READ!!

Please continue to read every day! You could select a book from home to read or use your personal logins for Read Theory and MyOn to access different texts each day. Another great way to enjoy a story could be through Audible, who are still currently offering free audio books to download!


If you would like to write a review about any of the exciting books you’ve enjoyed at home, then I’d love to hear about them.


I look forward to seeing all your hard work that you produce today.


Best wishes

Miss Self 😊

Resources to Support Learning: Thursday 7th May 2020