Friday 17th July
Good morning Nursery
I cannot believe it is the end of the school year. What an eventful one it has been!
I wish to thank you all for your support and wish you a very happy summer. I have attached some Summer holiday online educational resources for you to use if you wish.
Today’s ABC Does activity
If you are unable to do this activity today, I am sure it won’t be long before we get a rainy day or two!
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Down in the Jungle’. You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we have been focusing on the letter sound ‘l’.
Draw or paint a picture of all the things you have found that start with the sound ‘l’.
Marvellous Maths
This week will be focusing on number four.
Today watch Numberblocks Series 1: ‘four’
This episode can be found on iplayer;
In our story this week we have met lots of animals and insects. Discuss the fact that butterflies have 4 wings – 2 on each side. Draw or paint a picture of a butterfly. Can you use 4 different colours to decorate the wings?
This week’s story is ‘How Many Legs’ by Kes Gray and Jim Field.
You can listen to the story being read to you by following the link;
The White Rose Lesson PowerPoint can be accessed using the following link and the activity sheet is attached below.
Today you can go on a leggy mission to find the different combinations of legs!
You can also have a go at making your own dragonfly!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Thursday 16th July
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to Thrilling Thursday!
Don’t forget you can keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Down in the Jungle’. You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focusing on the letter sound ‘l’.
If you follow the link you will find an ‘l’ is for lion craft
Marvellous Maths
This week will be focusing on number four.
Today watch Numberblocks Series 1: ‘four’
This episode can be found on iplayer;
In the episode, four is delighted to find out that he is a square! Use this as an opportunity to discuss the fact that squares and rectangles are shapes that have 4 straight sides. Ask your child to draw a picture of a robot using 4 squares and 4 rectangles? They could draw squares for the head, body and eyes, and rectangles for the arms and legs.
You could extend work on shape by setting some outdoor challenges! Please see the attachment below.
This week’s story is ‘How Many Legs’ by Kes Gray and Jim Field.
You can listen to the story being read to you by following the link;
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Wednesday 15th July
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!
Don’t forget you can keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Down in the Jungle’. You can listen to it by following the link and I have attached a song sheet.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focusing on the letter sound ‘l’ for leg.
If your child wants to write the letter sound we say ‘Down the long leg’. I have attached the sound sheet for you to use if you wish.
However, please remember, letter formation can take place anywhere, in sand, water, mud, flour or even shaving foam!
Marvellous Maths
This week will be focusing on number four.
Today re-watch Numberblocks Series 1: ‘four’ together.
This episode can be found on iplayer;
In this episode four appears in lots of contexts, such as four legs on a table. Encourage your child to become aware of this and become ‘four detectives’.
This week’s story is ‘How Many Legs’ by Kes Gray and Jim Field.
You can listen to the story being read to you by following the link;
In the story, an octopus comes to tea. Have a go at this octopus counting craft.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Tuesday 14th July
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to Tuesday!
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Down in the Jungle’. You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focusing on the letter sound ‘l’ for leg.
Today, why not go on a sound hunt to find things that start with the letter sound ‘l’.
Marvellous Maths
This week will be focusing on number four
Re-watch together, Numberblocks Series 1: ‘four’.
This episode can be found on iplayer;
This week’s story focuses on counting legs! Look at the story together and discuss your favourite. How many legs does it have? Draw a picture of your favourite four-legged animal. Can you number its legs?
This week’s story is ‘How Many Legs’ by Kes Gray and Jim Field.
You can listen to the story being read to you by following the link;
Today’s White Rose maths activity can be accessed using the following link and the activity sheet is attached below.
Today you can have a go at counting all the legs!
Additional Activity
Make your own bubble wand!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Monday 13th July
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to another week of fun home learning ideas.
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Down in the Jungle’. You can listen to it by following the link and I have attached a song sheet.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are going to focus on the letter sound ‘l’.
It is very important that the sounds we use are ‘pure’. To help explain what this means, you can access a parent video and a sound pronouncement guide by following the link.
Marvellous Maths
This week will be focusing on number four.
Today watch Numberblocks Series 1: ‘four’
This episode can be found on iplayer;
This week’s story is ‘How Many Legs’ by Kes Gray and Jim Field.
You can listen to the story being read to you by following the link;
In the story, the first person to come to tea is a polar bear! Follow the link to find out more about these amazing creatures.
Why not try having a go at ice fishing!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Friday 10th July
Good morning Nursery
It is the end of another week of fun home learning!
Don’t forget you can keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we have been learning the song ‘Busy Farmer Ben’. You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we have been focusing on the letter sound ‘b’.
Draw or paint a picture of all the things you have found that start with the sound ‘b’.
Marvellous Maths
This week we have been focusing on numbers, one, two and three.
Re-watch together, Numberblocks Series 1, episode five: ‘One, two, three’.
This episode can be found on iplayer;
Follow the link to make a dinosaur counting game that you can play together.
This week’s story is based on the stories ‘The dinosaur that pooped a planet’ and ‘The dinosaur that pooped the past’.
You can listen to the story being read to you by following the link;
The Lesson PowerPoint can be accessed using the following link and the activity sheet is attached below.
Today you can;
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Thursday 9th July
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to Thrilling Thursday!
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Busy Farmer Ben’. You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focusing on the letter sound ‘b’.
If you follow the link you will find some ‘b’ craft activities. However, please just stick to the lower case ‘b’ to avoid confusion!
Marvellous Maths
This week will be focusing on numbers, one, two and three.
Re-watch together, Numberblocks Series 1, episode five: ‘One, two, three’.
This episode can be found on iplayer;
Counting and number recognition are skills that young children will learn through games, activities and play. The more you talk about numbers and point them out in real life, the more inquisitive they will be. Just like exposure to reading and books is so important, the same applies to numbers. Try playing ‘number detectives’ and look for numbers when you are out and about. Try to count whenever you get the chance (walking up steps, counting crackers for lunch, counting how many shoes etc). They key to counting is learning one to one correspondence (pointing to each item and allocating it a number).
This week’s story is based on the stories ‘The dinosaur that pooped a planet’ and ‘The dinosaur that pooped the past’.
You can listen to the story being read to you by following the link;
Today we are going to make a volcano ready for tomorrow when we are going to make it explode!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Wednesday 8th July
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!
Don’t forget you can keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Busy Farmer Ben’. You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focusing on the letter sound ‘b’ for boot.
If your child wants to write the letter sound we say ‘Down the laces to the heel, round the toe’. I have attached the sound sheet for you to use if you wish.
However, please remember, letter formation can take place anywhere, in sand, water, mud, flour or even shaving foam!
Marvellous Maths
This week will be focusing on numbers, one, two and three.
Re-watch together, Numberblocks Series 1, episode five: ‘One, two, three’.
You could create a ‘magic maths’ area for your child to explore and create their own games with buckets or cups with the numbers on. Provide something that can be hidden under or inside them.
This episode can be found on iplayer;
This week’s story is based on the stories ‘The dinosaur that pooped a planet’ and ‘The dinosaur that pooped the past’.
You can listen to the story being read to you by following the link;
Today, have a go at making your own marbled planets!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Tuesday 7th July
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to Tuesday!
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Busy Farmer Ben’. You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focusing on the letter sound ‘b’ for boot.
Today, why not go on a sound hunt to find things that start with the letter sound ‘b’.
Marvellous Maths
This week will be focusing on numbers, one, two and three.
Re-watch together, Numberblocks Series 1, episode five: ‘One, two, three’.
Whilst watching the episode, talk about the relative size of each of the Numberblocks using mathematical language such as; ‘bigger than’, ‘smaller than’, ‘taller than’, ‘shorter than’.
This episode can be found on iplayer;
Exploring patterns.
Basic math skills in preschool set the foundation for learning more advanced math concepts later on. Patterning is one of those important early skills. Thankfully, patterns are easy and fun to teach!
How do we teach patterns? We can notice them, hear them, and physically make them. Here’s a simple progression you might want to use when you teach patterns:
Today’s White Rose ‘starting with a story’ activity also explores patterns.
Today’s activity is based on the story ‘The dinosaur that pooped the past’ by Tom Fletcher and Dougie Poynter.
You can listen to the story being read to you by following the link;
The Lesson PowerPoint can be accessed using the following link and the activity sheet is attached below.
Today you can;
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Monday 6th July
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to another week of fun home learning ideas.
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Busy Farmer Ben’. You can listen to it by following the link and I have attached a song sheet.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are going to focus on the letter sound ‘b’.
It is very important that the sounds we use are ‘pure’. To help explain what this means, you can access a parent video and a sound pronouncement guide by following the link.
Marvellous Maths
This week will be focusing on numbers, one, two and three.
Today why not watch Numberblocks Series 1, episode five: ‘One, two, three’
In this episode, three does magic tricks with apples to show the others who goes first, who's biggest and how to surprise your number friends.
This episode can be found on iplayer;
This week’s story is based on the stories ‘The dinosaur that pooped a planet’ and ‘The dinosaur that pooped the past’.
You can listen to the story being read to you by following the link;
Today we are going to make a rocket to help Danny and Dinosaur get into space.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Friday 3rd July
Good morning Nursery
It is the end of another week of fun home learning!
Don’t forget you can keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
I would love to hear how you have got on singing this week’s vegetable song.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we have been focusing on the letter sound ‘c’.
Draw or paint a picture of all the things you have found that start with the sound ‘c’.
Marvellous Maths
This week we have been learning about the number three.
Together re-watch Numberblocks Series 1: “Three”
This episode can be found on iplayer;
Today have a go at making a milkshake or fruit salad, just like Oliver. Can you add 3 different types of fruit? Try making a yummy milkshake/smoothie using strawberries, banana and mango or a fruit salad of apples, grapes and pears.
Today’s story is Oliver’s Milkshake.
You can listen to the story by following the link;
Make a paper plate cow
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Thursday 2nd July
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to Thrilling Thursday!
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning ‘the vegetable song’. You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focusing on the letter sound ‘c’.
Have a go at cloud writing!
Make a ‘cloud’ out of shaving foam and then practice forming you letters in it.
Marvellous Maths
This week our number focus is three.
Together re-watch Numberblocks Series 1: “Three”
This episode can be found on iplayer;
Follow the link to sing the song ‘When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears’, which describes the relative sizes of each of the three things. You could provide a box full of sets of three objects that could be ordered using your child’s own ideas.
Today’s story is Oliver’s Fruit Salad by Vivian French
You can listen to it being read to you by following the link;
Why not have a go at making some Paper Mache fruit bowls
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Wednesday 1st July
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!
Don’t forget you can keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning ‘the vegetable song’. You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focusing on the letter sound ‘c’ for caterpillar.
If your child wants to write the letter sound we say ‘Curl around the caterpillar’. I have attached the sound sheet for you to use if you wish.
However, please remember, letter formation can take place anywhere, in sand, water, mud, flour or even shaving foam!
Marvellous Maths
This week our number focus is three.
Together re-watch Numberblocks Series 1: “Three”
This episode can be found on iplayer;
Each time you watch the episode together, encourage your child to talk about and count what they see.
Triangles are shapes that have 3 straight sides. Can you cut some triangle shapes out of paper? What pictures can you make using the shapes? Can you make a fish picture using 3 triangles? Use a big triangle for the body, a smaller triangle for the tail and an even smaller triangle for the fin.
Today’s story is Oliver’s Vegetables by Vivian French.
You can listen to it being read to you by following the link;
Why not try growing your own vegetables, just like Oliver’s grandad. You can find lots of ideas on what to plant by following the link.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Tuesday 30th June
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to Tuesday!
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning ‘the vegetable song’. You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focusing on the letter sound ‘C’ for Caterpillar.
Today, why not go on a sound hunt to find things that start with the letter sound ‘C’. I wonder how many vegetables start with this week’s sound.
Marvellous Maths
This week our number focus is three.
Together re-watch Numberblocks Series 1: “Three”
This episode uses the counting sequence “one, two, three” to 3 objects and characters from well-known children’s stories.
There are lots of traditional stories have sets of 3 characters in them, such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and the Three Little Pigs. You could read some of these stories together and then help your child draw a picture of their favourite.
This week’s story is based on the series ‘Oliver’s vegetables’ by Vivian French
You can listen to ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ being read to you by following the link;
The Lesson PowerPoint can be accessed using the following link and the activity sheet is attached below.
Today you can;
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Monday 29th June
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to another week of fun home learning ideas.
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Put a wash on!
This activity provides lots of opportunities to develop language and mathematical skills.
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning ‘the vegetable song’. You can listen to it by following the link. There is no song sheet this week, but I think you will soon be singing along!
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are going to focus on the letter sound ‘C’ for caterpillar.
It is very important that the sounds we use are ‘pure’. To help explain what this means, you can access a parent video and a sound pronouncement guide by following the link.
Marvellous Maths
This week our number focus is three.
Today why not watch Numberblocks Series 1 “Three”
In this episode Three arrives with a bang and a song-and-dance about her favourite number - 1, 2, 3, Everybody Look at Me!
Learn all about the number three with Numberblock Three
This episode can be found on iplayer;
Exploring patterns.
Basic math skills in preschool set the foundation for learning more advanced math concepts later on. Patterning is one of those important early skills. Thankfully, patterns are easy and fun to teach!
How do we teach patterns? We can notice them, hear them, and physically make them. Here’s a simple progression you might want to use when you teach patterns:
Today’s White Rose ‘starting with a story’ activity also explores patterns.
This week’s story is based on the series ‘Oliver’s vegetables’ by Vivian French
You can listen to ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ being read to you by following the link;
The Lesson PowerPoint can be accessed using the following link and the activity sheet is attached below.
Today you can;
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Friday 26th June
Good morning Nursery
It is the end of another week of fun home learning!
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
I would love to hear how you have got on singing and performing this week’s song ‘Dinosaur!’
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we have been focusing on the letter sound ‘d’.
Draw or paint a picture of all the things you have found that start with the sound ‘d’.
Marvellous Maths
This week we have been learning about the number two.
Together re-watch Numberblocks Series 1, Episode 3: “Two”
This episode can be found on iplayer;
I have attached an ‘All about number two’ activity sheet for you to use if you wish.
Today’s activities are based on the story ‘Zog and the flying doctors’ by Julia Donaldson
You can listen to the story by following the link;
The Lesson PowerPoint can be accessed using the following link and the activity sheet is attached below.
Flying practice
Zog makes various attempts to fly and always remembers to practice just like his teacher tells him to. It’s time to be dragons! Can you time your flights?
Flying doctor biscuits
Lots of us have been doing baking recently. We know how helpful the flying doctors were to everyone in the story. Use your skills in weighing and measuring to make flying doctor biscuits.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Thursday 25th June
Good morning Nursery
welcome to Thrilling Thursday!
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity – No paper painting!
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Dinosaur!’ You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focusing on the letter sound ‘d’ for dinosaur and ‘d’ for dragon, just like zog!
Have a go at turning your ‘d’ into a dragon!
Marvellous Maths
This week our number focus is two.
Together re-watch Numberblocks Series 1, Episode 3: “Two”
This episode can be found on iplayer;
Each time you watch the episode together, encourage your child to talk about and count what they see.
Use some empty packaging to make a model dragon, bird or aeroplane. Make sure your model has 2 wings – one on each side.
Listen to the story ‘Zog and the Flying Doctors’ by following the link;
Join Zog at flying school!
Make your own set of wings and fly like Zog. I have attached the activity sheet below.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Wednesday 24th June
Good morning Nursery
Today at 9am is our zoom session with Reception Class. The ID and password will be sent to you via email at 8am!
I can’t wait to see you all!
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Dinosaur!’ You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focusing on the letter sound ‘d’ for dinosaur!
If your child wants to write the letter sound we say ‘Round his bottom, up his tall neck, down to his feet’. I have attached the sound sheet for you to use if you wish.
However, please remember, letter formation can take place anywhere, in sand, water, mud, flour or even shaving foam!
Marvellous Maths
This week our number focus is two.
Together re-watch Numberblocks Series 1, Episode 3: “Two”
This episode can be found on iplayer;
Each time you watch the episode together, encourage your child to talk about and count what they see.
Cut some food into halves. Try cutting a small cake in half, right down the middle. How many pieces are there? Try this with some other food too; make 1 cut across the food and then see how many pieces you have. You could try this with an apple, a cookie, a pizza or a baked potato.
This week’s story is ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson
You can watch the film by following the link;
Zog and his friends are dragons. Today have a go at making your own dragon egg!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Tuesday 23rd June
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to Tuesday!
Tomorrow is our zoom session at 9am and we will be holding a joint session with Reception Class. The ID and password will be sent to you via email by 8am Wednesday 24th June
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Crayon Rubbing
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Dinosaur!’ You can listen to it by following the link.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are going to focus on the letter sound ‘d’ for dinosaur.
Today, why not go on a sound hunt to find things that start with the letter sound ‘d’. I wonder how many things you will find!
Marvellous Maths
This week our number focus is two.
Together re-watch Numberblocks Series 1, Episode 3: “Two”
This episode provides examples of things that happen or come in ones and twos. There are lots of examples of twos e.g. dancing together, riding a tandem, riding piggy back, singing a duet and setting the table for two.
Have fun doing things together as a two!
Exploring shapes.
In our ‘starting with a story’ activity we are going to make a star rosette like Zogs!
You could also talk about the different shapes you can see around you and make different shaped rosettes!
This week’s story is ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson
You can listen to it being read to you by following the link;
Make your own rosette reward.
Zog’s star is a special one with a backing like a rosette! He really is best in show. Make your own for yourself or something special for your family.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Monday 22nd June
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to another week of fun home learning ideas.
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Dino Bones!
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘Dinosaur!’ You can listen to it by following the link and I have attached below the song sheet.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are going to focus on the letter sound ‘d’ for dinosaur!
It is very important that the sounds we use are ‘pure’. To help explain what this means, you can access a parent video and a sound pronouncement guide by following the link.
Marvellous Maths
This week our number focus is two.
Today why not watch Numberblocks Series 1, Episode 3: “Two”
In this episode ‘one’ finds one sock and then one shoe, and wonders what is missing. She runs off in search of Numberblock Two. ‘One’ gives ‘Two’ her sock and shoe so that ‘Two’ can complete the pairs. He discovers that the shoes are magic dancing shoes!
This episode can be found on iplayer;
Exploring patterns.
Basic math skills in preschool set the foundation for learning more advanced math concepts later on. Patterning is one of those important early skills. Thankfully, patterns are easy and fun to teach!
How do we teach patterns? We can notice them, hear them, and physically make them. Here’s a simple progression you might want to use when you teach patterns:
Today’s White Rose ‘starting with a story’ activity also explores patterns.
This week’s story is ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson
You can listen to it being read to you by following the link;
The Lesson PowerPoint can be accessed using the following link and the activity sheet is attached below.
Today is all about Zog the flying doctor!
The prince and princess prefer to be doctors than royalty and Zog becomes their transport. You can;
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Friday 19th June
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to another day of home learning.
If you haven’t done so already, please click on the link below to see what a wonderful first week back at Walford Nursery the children have had!
Today’s ABC Does activity – Make a scraps picture!
Wake-up, shake-up song
This is the last day of learning our song ‘The magic porridge pot’.
I would love to hear how you have got on singing and dancing along!
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we have been focussing on the letter sound ‘p’. Today why not make a paper plate pig!
Marvellous Maths
This week we have been exploring the concept of ‘one’ and ‘another one’.
Today, use the link to watch the episode ‘another one’ again.
Draw or paint a picture of a sunny day. Can you draw or paint 1 sun and 1 cloud in the sky? Can you also draw or paint 1 house and 1 tree? Now draw or paint another sun, cloud, house and tree!
This week’s story is ‘Princess Mirror-Belle and the Dragon Pox’ by Julia Donaldson
You can listen to it being read to you by following the link;
In the story, Princess Mirror-Belle tells Ellen that she was captured by a dragon and that is how she caught dragon pox!
Follow the link to make your own fire breathing dragon!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Thursday 18th June
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to another day of home learning.
If you haven’t done so already, please click on the link below to see what a wonderful first week back at Walford Nursery the children have had!
Today’s ABC Does activity – Make a table top town
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘The magic porridge pot’.
Now that your child is more familiar with the song, they can practice turning it into a ‘porridge dance’. As they sing, they act the part of the bubbles in the porridge – swaying and moving arms for ‘bubble bubble’ and jumping in time to the ‘split splat splot’, and so on.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focussing on the letter sound ‘p’. If your child wants to write the letter sound we say ‘down the plait and over the pirates face. Please remember, letter formation can take place anywhere, in sand, water, mud, flour or even shaving foam!
I have attached the sound sheet for you to use if you wish
You could also try painting a purple picture!
Marvellous Maths
This week we will continue to explore number one and will also introduce another one.
Today, use the link to watch the episode ‘another one’ again.
This week’s story is ‘Princess Mirror-Belle and the Dragon Pox’ by Julia Donaldson
You can listen to it being read to you by following the link;
In the story, Princess Mirror-Belle tells Ellen that she was captured by a dragon and that is how she caught dragon pox!
Follow the link to make your own paper plate dragon!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Wednesday 17th June
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to another day of home learning.
If you haven’t done so already, please click on the link below to see what a wonderful first week back at Walford Nursery the children have had!
Today’s ABC Does activity – Make a calm jar!
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘The magic porridge pot’.
As your child becomes more familiar with the song, turn it into a ‘porridge dance’. As they sing, they act the part of the bubbles in the porridge – swaying and moving arms for ‘bubble bubble’ and jumping in time to the ‘split splat splot’, and so on.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are focussing on the letter sound ‘p’.
Why not make some purple playdough together. I have attached a recipe I use and if you use blackcurrant jelly powder the smell and colour is amazing!
Marvellous Maths
This week we will continue to explore number one and will also introduce another one.
Today, use the link to watch the episode ‘another one’ again.
After watching the episode together, reinforce the language ‘one’ and ‘another one’ is ‘two’. This can be done whilst playing with toys (one car and another car is two cars). Alternatively, you could ask your child to help you sort socks into pairs!!
This week’s story is ‘Princess Mirror-Belle and the Dragon Pox’ by Julia Donaldson
You can listen to it being read to you by following the link;
In the story, Princess Mirror-Belle tells Ellen that she was captured by a dragon and that is how she caught dragon pox!
Today you could make your own dragon pox cure!
Talk about the seven things that Mirror-Belle used for her cure and then think of your own ideas, these could be from the bathroom, kitchen or even the garden!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Tuesday 16th June
Good morning Nursery
A warm welcome to Tuesday.
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Make your own cup phone!
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘The magic porridge pot’.
Repetition is so important in the early years and so keep singing along so that your child can commit the song to memory.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are going to focus on the letter sound ‘p’.
Why not go on a sound hunt and see how many things you can find that start with ‘p’.
Marvellous Maths
This week we will continue to explore number one and will also introduce another one.
Today, introduce the concept of ‘another one’.
Series 1, Episode 2: “Another One”
Numberblocks episodes can be found on iplayer.
We will also be exploring shapes.
Shapes are everywhere and they are one of the first things children learn. Why are they important? Simply put, they help us make sense of the world around us.
Why not try going on a shape hunt. Look around the house/room for shapes that are like a circle, square, rectangle or triangle. You could play Air Shapes – draw the shape in the air and see if you child can guess what it is. An alternative could be to draw the shapes in sand, mud or shaving foam!
This week’s story is ‘Princess Mirror-Belle and the Dragon Pox’ by Julia Donaldson
You can listen to it being read to you by following the link;
In the story, Princess Mirror-Belle talks about her castle. I have attached a PowerPoint about castles that you can look at together. Talk about the shapes that you can see. Follow the link to make your own 3D shape castle.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Monday 15th June
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to another week of fun home learning ideas.
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Shaving foam paint
Wake-up, shake-up song
This week we are learning the song ‘The magic porridge pot’. You can listen to it by following the link and I have attached below the song sheet.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
This week we are going to focus on the letter sound ‘p’ for pirate.
It is very important that the sounds we use are ‘pure’. To help explain what this means, I have attached below a parent video and a sound pronouncement guide.
Marvellous Maths
This week we will continue to explore number one and will also introduce another one.
Today watch Series 1, Episode 1: “One”
In this episode a little block falls out of the sky, meets her numberling and discovers one wonderful world, singing and counting to one.
This episode can be found on iplayer;
We will also be exploring patterns.
Why pattern awareness important.
Spotting underlying patterns is important for identifying many different kinds of mathematical relationships. It underpins memorization of the counting sequence and understanding number operations, for instance recognizing that if you add numbers in a different order their total stays the same.
The activity Pattern Making (attached below) focuses on repeating patterns and suggests some engaging ways of developing pattern awareness, with prompts for considering children’s responses. Children can make ‘trains’ with assorted toys, make patterns with twigs and leaves outside or create printing and sticking patterns in design activities.
This week’s story is ‘Princess Mirror-Belle and the Dragon Pox’ by Julia Donaldson
You can listen to it being read to you by following the link;
In the story, Ellen gets a big shock when her reflection climbs out of the mirror!
Why not have a go at making your own magic mirror? Can you make a repeating pattern with the jewels?
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Friday 12th June
Good morning Nursery
I can’t believe it is the end of another week of fun home learning.
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity – What’s in the phonics bag?
Wake-up, shake-up song -
This week we are learning the song; ‘wash your dirty hands!’
This week’s story is ‘The Princess and the Wizard’ by Julia Donaldson
You can listen to it being read to you by following the link;
Maths inspired creative ideas can be found by following the link below. I have also attached an activity sheet.
Today you can;
Read, Write Inc Phonics
Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they only remain on the site for 24hours.
Marvellous Maths
Count whenever you can – remember practise makes perfect! Count how many stairs there are, or how many toy crayons or toy cars they have. Don’t worry if children remember the answer – they can count to check!
Ask young children to help you sort the cutlery or the laundry – counting as you sort.
Try following a recipe together, talking about the numbers in the recipe and counting ingredients: ‘We need 2 scoops of flour. We need 1 cherry for each cake.'
I have attached a fruit muffin recipe for you to practice measuring with children if you would like to!
This week we are focusing on the number one
Why not watch the numberblocks series 1: One. Repartition is so important and it doesn’t matter jhow many times your child watches the same episode – SORRY!!
Rhyme Time
This week we are learning ‘Three little frogs sitting on a well’.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Thursday 11th June
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to another day of fun home learning.
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Make a smelly potion
Wake-up, shake-up song -
This week we are learning the song; ‘wash your dirty hands!’
This week’s story is ‘The Princess and the Wizard’ by Julia Donaldson
You can listen to it being read to you by following the link;
Maths inspired creative ideas can be found by following the link below. I have also attached an activity sheet.
Today is Today is all about spells!
Read, Write Inc Phonics
Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they only remain on the site for 24hours.
Marvellous Maths
Beginning to explore numbers
It’s never too early to explore numbers with your child. Real life often provides the best opportunities to develop early maths skills like counting and recognising numbers. Each day we will provide you with ideas that will help your child to explore numbers, giving them a great start to developing early maths skills and concepts.
Talk about numbers around you
Numbers are all around us, from calendars to the remote control, the telephone to car registration plates. Try pointing out numbers when you’re out and about – on front doors, signs, the front of buses and train platforms. Talking about numbers around you early and often will show your child that numbers are part of everyday life. Choose a 'Number of the Week' and see how many times you can spot this number, around the house, out in the street or in the supermarket.
This week’s number is number one
Why not watch the numberblocks series 1: One
Rhyme Time
This week we are learning ‘Three little frogs sitting on a well’.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Wednesday 10th June
Good morning Nursery
Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday!
Today it is our zoom session at 9am and we will be holding a joint session with Reception Classs. The ID and password will be sent to you via email by 8am!
Don’t forget you can also keep in touch with your friends by following our school Twitter feed; remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Pebble letters
This is fantastic for number and letter recognition. However, please only use capital letters for the beginning of your child’s name!
Wake-up, shake-up song -
This week we are learning the song; ‘wash your dirty hands!’
This week’s story is ‘The Princess and the Wizard’ by Julia Donaldson
You can listen to it being read to you by following the link;
Maths inspired creative ideas can be found by following the link below. I have also attached an activity sheet.
Today is about counting! You can;
Read, Write Inc Phonics
Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they only remain on the site for 24hours.
Marvellous Maths
Beginning to explore numbers
It’s never too early to explore numbers with your child. Real life often provides the best opportunities to develop early maths skills like counting and recognising numbers. Each day we will provide you with ideas that will help your child to explore numbers, giving them a great start to developing early maths skills and concepts.
1. Listen to and sing songs and rhymes
Sing – even if it isn’t your strong point! Singing songs is a good way for children to become familiar with counting. Don't worry if they choose the same songs again and again!
This week we are learning ‘Three little frogs sitting on a well’. The rhyme is attached below.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Tuesday 9th June
Good morning Nursery
I am so sorry about the problems regarding yesterday’s zoom session!
Zoom Sessions will now take place with Reception class every Wednesday morning at 9am.
If you would like to take part in this week’s session please let me know via email, I am looking forward to seeing you all.
This week’s story is ‘The Princess and the Wizard’ by Julia Donaldson
Maths inspired creative ideas can be found by following the link below. I have also attached an activity sheet.
Today is all about the days of the week. You can;
Pre-school Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they only remain on the site for 24hours.
Marvellous Maths – Join the singing walrus and learn to count to 10.
Today’s ABC Does activity – This activity helps develop communication skills and helps to develop mathematical language.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Monday 8th June
Good Morning Nursery,
I will be reading a story in our Zoom session this week. If you’d like to join please let me know via email.
Story of the Week
The Princess and the Wizard by Julia Donaldson.
Creative Ideas
Choose from the many activities from the website below, al activities are linked to the story of the week.
Make your own Fairy Godmother wand
Pre-school Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Maths Songs – Count to 10 – Jack Hartman – move around as much as possible!
Over the Irish Sea
Bury a number of small animals/shells/dinosaurs etc. in the sand or in a bowl of bubbles. Place a number card visibly on the sand tray / in the bowl.
Challenge children to find that number of objects.
Today’s ABC Does activity –
Have fun!
Warm wishes,
Sally and the EYFS Team
Friday 5th June
Good Morning Nursery,
Well we made it to Friday! I hope you’ve enjoyed the home learning this week. Enjoy today and have a super weekend everyone!
Story of the Week
Spend some time chatting about the story. Explore some new language and take turns in discussing your ideas. A simple conversation will give them a chance to recall and retell the story.
How do whales talk under water to each other?
Can you find any other stories about snails or whales?
Can you make up your own story about snails or whales?
Can you retell the story you’ve been learning about this week?
Creative Ideas
You can choose from the many activities from White Rose linked to The Snail and the Whale.
Pre-school Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Five Little Monkeys Maths Song
Number bonds are also referred to as “number pairs” and are basically just pairs of numbers that add up to a given number, such as 10. For example, 5 + 5, 6 + 4 and 7 + 3 are all number bonds that make 10. Children learn these to help them understand the relationships between numbers.
Activities for number bonds:
1: Pennyland Shop
Try setting up a pretend shop where everything costs a penny. Give your child 10 pennies to spend and make sure you (the shopkeeper) have 10 items they can buy. If your child wants to buy 3 things, ask them how many pennies will be left afterwards. As the shopkeeper, ask your child if they think they would have enough pennies to buy another thing, or maybe even another item after that?
2: Tower of Ten
Start with a specific number of building blocks, say two, and ask your child how many more blocks they would need to make a tower of ten.
We hope you have a super weekend!
Warm wishes,
Sally and the EYFS Team
Thursday 4th June
Good Morning Nursery,
Story of the Week
Here is Julia Donaldson herself singing The Snail and Whale Song
This version has moving parts to watch whilst listening.
The children may now be ready to join in parts of the story. You could pause the video and see if the children can finish the end of the sentences.
You may want to pack a rucksack and pretend it’s your shell and go on a journey around the world! You could draw a picture of a shell and stick it or pin it to the rucksack – use your imaginations – what will the children see as they go on their travels?
Creative Ideas
You can choose from the many activities from White Rose linked to The Snail and the Whale.
Make your own snails in whichever way you like
Pre-school Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Maths Counting Songs
Marvellous Maths – Shapes
Shapes are everywhere and they are one of the first things children learn. Why are they important? Simply put, they help us make sense of the world around us.
Activities for shapes:
1: Shape hunt Look around the house/room for shapes that are like a circle, square, rectangle or triangle. You could play Air Shapes – draw the shape in the air and see if you child can guess what it is. An alternative could be to draw the shapes in the sand at the beach, or in the mud at the park…
2: Build a house
As your child grasps the basic shapes, introduce them to more complex ones such as 3D shapes and shape names. You could build a house with building blocks, felt or in a drawing while talking about the different shapes you would need to make the roof, the house, the windows, the chimney, and so on.
Today’s ABC Does activity –
I hope you have fun today trying out some of these ideas. Please show us the things you try by uploading photos via email or famly.
Warm wishes,
Sally and the EYFS Team
Wednesday 3rd June
Good Morning Nursery,
Remember to keep checking Twitter. When you spot your friends give them a Like!
Story of the Week – The Snail and The Whale
Here is another version of the book being read aloud. The children may enjoy listening to the sound effects in this one.
The children may like to choose their favourite story and make some sound effects up for it. They could use their voices or toys which make noises or you could use your imaginations and make the sounds from splashing water and musical instruments.
Creative Ideas
You can choose from the many activities from White Rose linked to The Snail and the Whale.
Make your own flowerpot whale
You could also add a little snail to your whale’s tail.
You could improvise and use yoghurt pots, paper cups, rolled up paper for the water and make the eyes from paper if you don’t have the exact resources.
Pre-school Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Marvellous Maths – Estimating and learning about quantities
Estimating and learning about quantities are both important skills for enabling children to come to judgements about numbers, and to understand the idea of what might be “too little” or “too much”. Children love guessing games and so they naturally learn how to estimate.
To understand quantities, children need to understand what an amount really means (this is useful when they come to do simple addition and subtraction) so that they can recognise that seven items in a group also means seven items in terms of quantity.
Activities for estimating and quantity:
1: Guessing games
Ask your child if they can guess how many toys are in a bag, or biscuits are in a jar, then ask them to count them up to see whether they are right.
2: Numtums games
Fun games to play with your child to help them learn numbers 1-10.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Paint Car Rolling
Chat about marks and trails you see in nature. You can adapt this idea by sticking snail pictures either side of a car as if it was a Snail leaving it’s trail.
I hope you have fun today trying out some of these ideas.
Remember having adventures outside, role playing, cuddling up with a real book and chatting about everyday chores are also wonderful ways to enrich imagination and language.
Warm wishes,
Sally and the EYFS Team
Tuesday 2nd June
Good Morning Nursery,
We loved seeing some of you at Zoom yesterday. For those who did I did not see this week I hope everyone is well and happy – remember we are here if you need to get in touch at any time.
Story of the Week – The Snail and the Whale
This week we are learning from the book The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. It’s such a super story and lends itself beautifully to water play, role-playing, discussions about weather and travelling around the world.
Follow this link to hear the story again. This is a lovely version where the reader is using different voices and having fun with the rhythm of the text.
Creative Ideas
You can choose from the many activities from White Rose linked to The Snail and the Whale.
The children could find some snails in the garden or looks at pictures of real snails on the computer and recreate their own colourful snail picture.
You can use corks or fingers to create a snail pattern.
Pre-school Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
A Maths Song
Marvellous Maths –
Learning about “one more” and “one less” than a given number is important for estimating and being able to assess quantity, and leads on to simple addition and subtraction.
Activities for one more, one less:
1: Sticky notes numbers
Write the numbers one to ten on sticky notes, stick them in a row, then ask your child to pick a number and quiz them on which numbers come before and after the one they have chosen.
2: Secret number
Think of a number, then ask your child to guess your secret number. Tell them that, for example, your secret number is “one more than 6” or “one less than eight”. Ask your child to come up with their own secret number too and try to find out what it is. You could play this sitting on a bus or a train and look for numbers on the bus or in the carriage – a bit like I Spy! – to start the game off.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Kitchen Lid Treasure Box
I hope you enjoy trying some of these things out. Have fun!
Warm wishes,
Sally and the EYFS Team
Monday 1st June
Good Morning Nursery,
We hope you have had a wonderful half term week.
On Monday 1st June at 10am we will restart our Zoom sessions.
Please let us know via email if you would like to attend.
Please note the change of email address to reply.
Story of the Week
This week in our Zoom session we will be reading Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. You may have a copy at home, which your child might like to bring with them to look at the pictures whilst we read.
You can also watch the beautiful animation by following this link
Five Story Telling Tips
Creative Ideas
You can choose from the many activities from White Rose linked to The Snail and the Whale.
Create your own Snail and the Whale water tray. Act out the story together whilst playing in the water.
Pre-school Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
I have really loved hearing that a lot of the children have been enjoying the online phonics lessons. They have loved going to Mrs. Hyde’s classroom before the lockdown to learn the Set One Speed Sounds and I’m so pleased to hear that some of you are continuing with this at home. If you are not don’t worry they will be covered when they begin school but if you’d like to start then you can follow these links to get started.
Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Five Little Boats Song
Marvellous Maths – Number recognition
Recognising numbers is one of the most important early steps for maths. You can begin by pointing out lots of different numbers to your child, such as the numbers on front doors, on the front of buses, on T-shirts, on television. After a while your child will recognise that the word “two” can also be written as a number “2”.
Activities for number recognition:
1: Number spotting
Can be done anywhere! Talk about the numbers on buses, front doors, price tags or even on the back of footballers’ shirts.
2: Numbers Hunt
Hide some cut-out numbers from 1-10 around the house and see if you child can find them – ask them to shout the number out loud when they find it.
3: Tower of cups
Building a tower of ten cups and counting them up as you build will help your child understand that numbers have a value.
What next?
Once you think that your child has “got it” try moving them on to the next stage. Pretend to get the answer wrong by asking them “is this one number 4?” and see if you child corrects you. Telling them that they’re better at this than you are will boost their confidence: nursery aged children really respond well to this.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Kim’s Game
I hope you have fun today trying out some of these ideas. Please show us the things you try by uploading photos via email or famly.
Warm wishes,
Sally and the EYFS Team
Monday, 25th May 2020 – Friday, 29th May 2020
Hello, Nursery!
It is May Half-Term, but if you’d still like some activity ideas, there is plenty to choose from! Remember, you can do as much, or as little as you’d like. Don’t forget to post on Famly to keep making us smile.
Whole School Challenge
Here’s a song you can all learn together and then we can sing it together when we come back together at school. You could even have a go at creating a simple dance routine for the chorus.
Jimmy Cliff – I can see clearly now…
Lyrics are attached!
Learn a New Skill
How many new skills can you learn? Send photos of you practising your new talents…
Royalty Meets Wonderful Walford…
Baking Challenge - Royal Scones
Every year at Garden Parties across The Royal Residences, over 27,000 cups of tea, 20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 slices of cake are consumed!
The Royal Pastry Chefs are happy to share their recipe for fruit scones, which traditionally would be served at Buckingham Palace every summer.
Remember to tag @WalfordSchool and #royalbakes when you share your creations!
-500g Plain Flour
-28g Baking Powder
-94g Butter
-86g Sugar
-2 Whole Eggs
-140ml Butter Milk
-100g Sultanas (Cover in hot water and leave to soak for 30 minutes)
-Preheat oven to 180oC
-Mix the flour, baking powder, butter and sugar together in a bowl, until a crumb is formed
-In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and buttermilk together
-Add the liquid to the crumb mixture
-Continue to mix the dough, until it is smooth
-(Optional) Add the sultanas, and mix until evenly distributed
-Remove the dough from the bowl, flatten the dough and cover
-Leave to rest for approximately 30 minutes
-Roll out the dough to a thickness of 2.5 cm and cut to desired shape
-Rest the scones for another 20 minutes
-Gently egg was the top of the scones
-Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes until golden brown
-Cool before serving with jam and clotted cream
Physical Activity
Choose a different activity each day. How many can you complete before the end of the holiday? The document is attached below.
Choose a different activity each day. How many can you complete before the end of the holiday? The document is attached below – press on the blue titles for more information.
Take some time to visit the Health and Wellbeing section of the website where you will find a selection of stories to support children’s understanding as well as lots of wellbeing and mindfulness activities.
Fun Activities for the Outdoors
See how many activities you can complete…
Hungry Little Minds provide simple, fun activities for kids, from newborn to five.
BBC Tiny Happy People tips, ideas and activities to develop communication skills.
National Literacy Trust lots of fun things to make and do.
Enjoy the holidays!
Best wishes
The EYFS Team
Friday 22nd May
Good morning Nursery
Wow! The last day of another week of home-learning, thank you for your continued support.
Supporting Behaviour – Running off and biting!
Please find below the last two short videos on behaviour support form Pacey (Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years).
Sharing a story - Superworm
You can listen to the story again by following this link:
Activities based on the story – Make a wormery!
For more information, please follow the link:
Pre-School Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
In school we follow the RWInc phonics programme to teach children to read and write. Information and resources about starting to learn the Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Jack Hartman count to 10 – Pretend to be different characters as you count to 10!
Marvellous Maths – Grouping and Sorting
Grouping simply means sorting objects into sets of things with similar characteristics, and is important for beginning to understand what things share in common. It is a very simple concept for children to pick up – and you can encourage them at home in all sorts of ways!
Activities for grouping and sorting:
1: Blocks or bricks
Ask your child to sort these into groups of different colours or shapes.
2: Fruit bowl
You could ask your child to arrange all the apples from the fruit bowl into a group, then arrange all the oranges into a separate group – then ask how many there are in each group.
What next?
When they’ve got their groups sorted, ask them to think about which group has more things in it – then count to see if they were right.
For a guide on grouping and sorting, please follow the link;
Today’s ABC Does activity – Things that smell!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Thursday 21st May
Good morning Nursery
I hope you are ready for another day of home-learning fun!
Supporting Behaviour – Frustration!
Please find below the fourth short video on behaviour support form Pacey (Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years).
Sharing a story - Superworm
You can listen to the story again by following this link:
Activities based on the story – Wiggly growing worms!
Follow the link to find out more!
Pre-School Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
In school we follow the RWInc phonics program to teach children to read and write. Information and resources about starting to learn the Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Jack Hartman count to 10 – Pretend to be different characters as you count to 10!
Marvellous Maths – Matching
You may also hear this referred to as “1 to 1 correspondence”: basically, this means that an object corresponds to another object, or an object is matched to a number. This skill helps young children when they come to simple addition and subtraction, because they can already recognise that ‘”4” means 4 things or objects – and that they have to count to 4.
Activities for matching:
1: Count out toys
For a very simple game that helps with teaching children about 1 to 1 correspondence, ask your child to give you a certain number of toys, for example “can you give me four marbles?”
2: Dominoes
Matching the dots on one domino to those on another domino is great for developing matching skills and really helps children to get the idea of what “four” looks like.
For a guide on matching please follow the link;
Today’s ABC Does activity – Coin Roll!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Wednesday 20th May
Good morning Nursery
I hope you are ready for another day of home-learning fun!
Supporting Behaviour – Not listening!
Please find below the third short video on behaviour support form Pacey (Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years).
Sharing a story - Superworm
You can listen to the story again by following this link:
Activities based on the story – Sock worms!
You can use old socks or tights and stuff them with crunched up paper or cotton wool!
Add some eyes and elastic bands if you wish. Use the worms to talk about and compare the differences in size and length.
Why not make a whole family of worms!
Pre-School Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
In school we follow the RWInc phonics programme to teach children to read and write. Information and resources about starting to learn the Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Jack Hartman count to 10 – Pretend to be different characters as you count to 10!
Marvellous Maths – Ordering numbers
When your child’s getting confident with counting they’re ready to start trying to order numbers – i.e. put them in the right order. Take any opportunity you get to jumble up numbers and ask your child to put them back in the right order. Start with 1-5 then move on to 1-10 when you feel they’ve grasped it.
Activities for ordering numbers:
1: Toy car park Stick some labels on ten toy cars and number them 1-10. Draw ten parking spaces in a line on some paper/card and see if your child can park the cars in the right order.
2: Number fish
For this game, get your child to pretend to be a fisherman and try to catch the “number fish” in the correct order from the pretend lake – for this you can cut out paper fish and write a number from 1-10 on them.
What next?
For both games, once your child has parked the cars or caught the fish in the right order, jumble them up and see if they can re-order them.
Watch the Numberblocks episode ‘How to count’
I have also attached a ‘ordering numbers’ cut and stick activity.
Today’s ABC Does activity – In the basket!
A fun activity the helps to develop hand / eye coordination.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Tuesday 19th May
Good morning Nursery
I apologise for the technical problems during yesterday’s zoom session, but I do hope you were able to listen to the story ‘Yucky Worms’ that Miss Sally read to you all..
I hope you are ready for another day of home-learning fun!
Supporting Behaviour – Tantrums!
Please find below the second short video on behaviour support form Pacey (Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years).
Sharing a story - Superworm
You can listen to the story by following this link:
Activities based on the story – Make a playdough superworm!
This is another activity that helps to improve fine muscle control. However, your finished ‘superworm’ can also be used alongside the story. For details can be found by following the link!
Pre-School Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
In school we follow the RWInc phonics program to teach children to read and write. Information and resources about starting to learn the Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Jack Hartman count to 10 – Pretend to be different characters as you count to 10!
Marvellous Maths – Number Recognition
Recognising numbers is one of the most important early steps for maths. You can begin by pointing out lots of different numbers to your child, such as the numbers on front doors, on the front of buses, on T-shirts, on television. After a while your child will recognise that the word “two” can also be written as a number “2”.
Activities for number recognition:
1: Number spotting
This can be done anywhere! Talk about the numbers on buses, front doors, price tags or even on the back of footballers’ shirts.
2: Numbers Hunt
Hide some cut-out numbers from 1-10 around the house and see if you child can find them – ask them to shout the number out loud when they find it.
3: Tower of cups
Build a tower of ten cups and count them as you build, this will help your child understand that numbers have a value.
What next?
Once you think that your child has “got it” try moving them on to the next stage. Pretend to get the answer wrong by asking them “is this one number 4?” and see if you child corrects you. Telling them that they’re better at this than you are will boost their confidence: nursery aged children really respond well to this.
Follow the link to watch a parent guide about number recognition:
Today’s ABC Does activity – Chalk paint!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Monday 18th May
Good morning Nursery
I hope you have all had an enjoyable weekend and are ready for another week of home-learning!
Children are learning all the time. All of the things you do with them - from chatting as you change their nappies to counting out apples in the supermarket and debating whether to cut sandwiches into squares or triangles for lunch - their brains are taking it all in. However, two-year-olds (and older!) can be challenging. Their developmental stage means that they can be very determined, but also impulsive. This will change as they develop language but in this "in between" stage they can be become very frustrated as they struggle to communicate their feelings. Pacey (Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years) have provided a short series of videos that might make this phase a little easier.
Video 1 - Not saying much
Zoom Session at 10am
Please let me know via email if you would like to join today’s session.
Meeting details will be sent out 9.15am this morning
Today we will be reading the story ‘Superworm’ by Julia Donaldson
Superworm activities based on the story – Digging for worms!
This is a sensory activity where children dig for spaghetti worms!
Pre-School Ideas
Dough Disco - A fun activity which combines the use of play dough with a series of hand and finger exercises designed to improve fine muscle control. The movements develop children's fine and gross motor dexterity, hand-eye coordination and self-esteem.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
In school we follow the RWInc phonics programme to teach children to read and write. Information and resources about starting to learn the Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Marvellous Maths – Pattern making
Being able to recognise, copy and make a repeating pattern is an important mathematical skill. I have attached an activity sheet for you to explore this concept.
An article on developing pattern awareness can be viewed here
Today’s ABC Does activity – Make a natural bubble wand!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Friday 15th May
Good morning Nursery
Thank you all for your lovely photos that you have sent in, we really do love seeing them.
Don’t forget to keep looking at the Twitter feed, which of your friends can you spot? Remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Small things 5 of 5
The last of the ‘Small things make a big difference’ videos.
Today’s videos can be viewed below.
Today’s activities based on the story ‘Spinderella’ by Julia Donaldson
You can follow the link to listen to the story.
Now you could try making a giant spider web!
This spider web fine motor activity is so much fun! It is an excellent way to develop fine motor skills.
Count to 10 and Exercise
Pre-School Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
In school we follow the RWInc phonics program to teach children to read and write. Information and resources about starting to learn the Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Marvellous Maths
Is your little one Numberblocks-obsessed? If they're loving the adventures of One, Two, Three and friends, there's a lot you can do together to make the most of their interest and give them even more of a head start with numbers. Follow the link for activity ideas.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Salad spinner art!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Thursday 14th May
Good morning Nursery
Thank you all for your lovely photos that you have sent in, we really do love seeing them.
Don’t forget to keep looking at the Twitter feed, which of your friends can you spot? Remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Small things 4 of 5
I hope you are enjoying the ‘Small things make a big difference’ videos.
Today’s videos can be viewed below.
Today’s activities based on the story ‘Spinderella’ by Julia Donaldson
You can follow the link to listen to the story.
Now you could try turning your colander into a spider’s web!
A simple activity that is supports hand/eye coordination and fine motor control.
Count to 10 and Exercise
Pre-School Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
In school we follow the RWInc phonics program to teach children to read and write. Information and resources about starting to learn the Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Marvellous Maths – Spinderella by Julia Donaldson
This is a lovely story all about a spider who wants to learn about counting and numbers.
Here are some ideas of how you can continue counting at home;
Today’s ABC Does activity – Pick-up sticks
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Wednesday 13th May
Good morning Nursery
Thank you all for your lovely photos that you have sent in, we really do love seeing them.
Don’t forget to keep looking at the Twitter feed, which of your friends can you spot? Remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Small things 3 of 5
I hope you are enjoying the ‘Small things make a big difference’ videos.
Today’s videos can be viewed below.
Today’s activities based on the nursery rhyme ‘Incy Wincy Spider’
You can join in with the song by following this link,
Now you could try making a spider puppet!
Dough Disco – Join in with an Incy Wincy dough disco!
Pre-School Ideas
Read, Write Inc Phonics
In school we follow the RWInc phonics program to teach children to read and write. Information and resources about starting to learn the Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Marvellous Maths - Walter’s Wonderful Web by Tim Hopgood
Repartition is very important in the early years so I would suggest listening to the story again.
Shapes are everywhere and they are one of the first things children learn. Why are they important? Simply put, they help us make sense of the world around us.
Follow the link for a video guide about shapes
Activities for shapes:
1: Shape hunt
Look around the house/room for shapes that are like a circle, square, rectangle or triangle. You could play Air Shapes – draw the shape in the air and see if you child can guess what it is. An alternative could be to draw the shapes in sand or in the mud!
2: Build a house
As your child grasps the basic shapes, introduce them to more complex ones such as 3D shapes and shape names. You could build a house with building blocks, felt or in a drawing while talking about the different shapes you would need to make the roof, the house, the windows, the chimney, and so on.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Balloon Keepy Uppy!
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Tuesday 12th May
Good morning Nursery
It was lovely seeing so many of you at yesterday’s zoom session and I loved hearing all our budding storytellers!
Don’t forget to keep looking at the Twitter feed, which of your friends can you spot? Remember you can 'like' it by pressing the button.
Small things 2 of 5
I hope you enjoyed the ‘Small things make a big difference’ videos yesterday.
Today’s videos can be viewed below.
More Spider activities based on the story – ‘Walter’s Wonderful Web’ by Tim Hopgood.
The following website gives lots of ideas on how to make your own spider.
I can’t wait to see what your spider looks like!
What do you know about spiders? If you would like to find out more, I have attached a PowerPoint for you to look at.
Pre-School Ideas
Dough Disco - A fun activity which combines the use of play dough with a series of hand and finger exercises designed to improve fine muscle control. The movements develop children's fine and gross motor dexterity, hand-eye coordination and self-esteem.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
In school we follow the RWInc phonics programme to teach children to read and write. Information and resources about starting to learn the Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Marvellous Maths - Walter’s Wonderful Web by Tim Hopgood
If you would like to listen to the story again you can follow the link
I have attached another NRICH activity idea based on both 2D ‘flat’ shapes and 3D ‘solid’ shapes.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Family I can’t me
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team
Monday 11th May
Good morning Nursery
These continue to be such challenging times for us all, being at home together day in, day out, whilst juggling working from home and home-education can be very stressful!
Please do not worry!
You can help your child to learn through the little things you do with them. Every day I will post some ideas you might like to try but please remember you know your child best, so please be guided by them!
Small things
Small things make a big difference to a child's learning. Watch the videos below for ideas and hints to help explore ways of learning at home.
Zoom Session at 10am
Please let me know via email if you would like to join today’s session.
Meeting details will be sent out 9.15am this morning
Today we will be reading the story ‘Walter’s Wonderful Web’ by Tim Hopgood
Spider activities based on the story – Make a paper plate spider’s web!
Pre-School Ideas
Dough Disco - A fun activity which combines the use of play dough with a series of hand and finger exercises designed to improve fine muscle control. The movements develop children's fine and gross motor dexterity, hand-eye coordination and self-esteem.
Read, Write Inc Phonics
In school we follow the RWInc phonics program to teach children to read and write. Information and resources about starting to learn the Set One Speed Sounds can be accessed via the Oxford Owl website
Daily Speed Sound Lesson are also shown live each day at 9.30 am. However, they remain on the site for 24hours.
Marvellous Maths - Walter’s Wonderful Web by Tim Hopgood
This story shares about Walter the spider’s journey towards spinning a sturdy web that can withstand the blowing wind. While attempting to do so he explores the spinning of web in various shapes such as square and diamond before he figured out that special shape that is the best Apart from introducing the concept of shapes, this story also portrays Walter’s persistence and determination in overcoming challenges.
Attached below are some activity ideas from NRICH on exploring 2D shapes.
Today’s ABC Does activity – Paper towel marker magic!
Another activity that helps develop fine motor control.
I can’t wait to see what you have done today so please remember to upload them on family or send them to me via email!
Best wishes,
Mrs Hyde and the EYFS Team