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Globe-Trotting Geography



At Walford Nursery & Primary School we believe that a high-quality Geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Teaching should equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.  As children progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.  Geographical knowledge, understanding and skills provide the frameworks and approaches that explain how the Earth’s features, at different scales, are shaped, interconnected and change over time (National Curriculum 2014).


We believe that Geography can foster a sense of responsibility for our environment and children should be encouraged to think about the quality and vulnerability of our environment and the contribution they could make towards its sustainability.




At Walford Nursery & Primary School, children will:


  • demonstrate an excellent knowledge of where places are and what they are like;
  • understand how places are interdependent and how human and physical environments are interrelated;
  • show an extensive base of geographical knowledge and vocabulary enabling them to speak eloquently about people and places;
  • develop the ability to enquire geographically, applying questioning skills and using effective analytical and presentational skills;
  • provide clear conclusions and develop reasoned arguments to explain their findings;
  • apply geographical skills during fieldwork and show a real sense of curiosity about the world and the people who live there;
  • demonstrate excellent knowledge and understanding about current and contemporary issues in society and the environment.



This is the knowledge and understanding gained at each stage:


By the end of EYFS, pupils will:

  • have had an opportunity to make sense of their physical world and their community through opportunities to     explore, observe and find out about people, places and the environment.


By the end of Key Stage 1, pupils will:

  • begin to develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality;
  • understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography;
  • begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance their locational awareness.


By the end of Key Stage 2, pupils will:

  • extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the United Kingdom and Europe, North and South America;
  • learn about the location and characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features;
  • develop their use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance their locational and place knowledge.




What does our Geography Curriculum look like?


Please refer to:

  • our Long Term Plan, which demonstrates the progression of knowledge and skills within the whole school geography offer;
  • our Medium Term Plan for each year group, which maps teaching and learning, knowledge and skills through a topic;
  • our Curriculum Map, which details each year group / subject;
  • our Knowledge Organisers, which summarise the key knowledge and skills to be acquired and retained during a geography topic.


Teachers will:

  • plan exciting progressive lessons which build on prior knowledge based on teaching a mixture of geographical skills and knowledge;
  • create a learning environment that supports learning and that engages children’s interest in the topic being studied, e.g. role play areas, interactive displays;
  • conduct regular book scrutiny, pupil perceptions and planning audits; 
  • undertake regular whole school professional development.


Children will be supported by: 

  • differentiated work, where appropriate, to ensure all children are able to meet the learning objective;
  • small group or 1:1 adult support, when required;
  • the use of effective questioning;
  • the use  of teacher and self-assessment to quickly identify any child who requires additional support in specific areas (if required, pupils will receive additional support or resources to use);

  • the use of Knowledge Organisers to support learning;

  • the use of key vocabulary within lessons;

  • the use of retrieval activities, e.g. Flash Back 4. 



Children will be challenged by: 

  • differentiated lessons;
  • the use of effective questioning;
  • additional activities to stretch their learning within lessons. 


All children can access the curriculum by: 

  • pre-taught vocabulary sessions, when appropriate (SEND or EAL); 
  • seating children alongside good role models who can provide additional support; 
  • providing visual / practical prompts;
  • teaching lessons using a range of different techniques to appeal to different learning styles, e.g. videos, drama, artefacts, texts etc.



Our Geography curriculum facilitates sequential learning and long-term progression of knowledge and skills.  Teaching and learning methods provide regular opportunities to recap acquired knowledge through high quality questioning, discussion, modelling and explaining to aid retrieval at the beginning and end of a lesson or unit of work.  This will enable all children to alter their long-term memory and know more, remember more and be able to do more as geographers.



In Geography, you might typically see:


  • engaged learners;

  • children posing questions for research;

  • children focusing on a range of geographical locations;

  • children recognising the differences between man-made and natural features within the landscape;

  • children developing their map work, including understanding the purpose of the map key;

  • themed days which give children opportunities to learn about different countries in a meaningful context;

  • children sharing their learning with others through contributing to a display.



We know how well our pupils are doing through:

  • planned lessons based on geographical skills which are specific for each year group;

  • marking and feedback by teacher and peers;

  • photographic and video evidence;

  • EYFS floor books;

  • displays of work in classrooms;

  • assessments which are tracked at the end of each term;

  • book scrutiny, pupil perceptions and Subject Leader planning audits.


The impact of our teaching is seen through:

  • children who enjoy geography;

  • inquisitive learners;

  • reflective learners;

  • children who are able to demonstrate a variety of geographical skills;

  • children who are prepared to share what they’ve learnt in a variety of ways;

  • children who are able to gain an insight into the world in which they live.


Walford Nursery & Primary School Geography Policy

National Curriculum Document

Geography Learning Journey EYFS - Y6

Geographical Vocabulary by Year Group

Geography Knowledge Organisers

SMSC in Geography

Geography Websites

Globe- Trotting Geography in Class 4- Locating World rivers on globes and atlases

Globe-Trotting Geography Year 1 - UK

Globe-Trotting Geography in Year 5 - Locating the Countries of South America

Globe-Trotting Geography - North Pole, South Pole and Equator

Globe-Trotting Geography - Our local area on Google Earth

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 6- Respecting the Countryside Code & Earth Day 2021

Globe-Trotting Geography Class 3 - Local Sustainability Project with National Grid

Globe-Trotting Geography Y5 - Study of Greece

Globe-Trotting Geography Y5 - Local Sustainability Project with National Grid

Globe-Trotting Geography Class 2 - Maps

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 4- Map symbols

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 4- Locating cities across the world

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 4- Using an atlas to locate cities in the UK

Globe-Trotting Geography in the Early Years

Globe-Trotting Geography - Features of a town and City

Globe-Trotting Geography - Countries that make up the UK

Globe-Trotting Geography - Compass Points

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 6: Using Atlases

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 6-Map skills

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 6: WWF expert talk- Sustainable Futures and Protecting Our Planet!

Globe-Trotting Geography - Where we live Y1

Globe-Trotting Geography

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 6- OS Map Symbols

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 4-Exploring How to Minimise the Effects of Earthquakes:Earthquake Drill

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 4-Map Symbol Bingo

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 4- Sketch Maps

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 4-Tectonic Plates

Globe-Trotting Geography Home Learning in Class 4- Recapping Oceans and Continents

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 4-Exploring How Volcanic Eruptions Occur

Globe-Trotting Geography with Class 3 - Somewhere to settle

Globe-Trotting Geography in Class 3 - Identifying the effects of a tsunami
