What do we do?
All schools are overseen by a volunteer Governing Body who, alongside the Headteacher, set the vision for the school. Together they ensure that the school works effectively and efficiently to achieve its vision by:
Building a thorough knowledge of the school and its community;
Supporting and constructively challenging the school;
Ensuring accountability - judging the school's performance openly; and,
Compliance - ensuring the school meets all its legal obligations, for example safeguarding children and managing finances.
The Governing Body works in close partnership with the Headteacher, staff and the local authority. In practice, the Headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school. However, the governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance. They ensure the school functions well and set the direction and policies for the school, to provide ongoing support and advice and to monitor the outcome.
The Governing Body meets six times each year. Much of the work of the Governing Body is done by committees which meet at least every term (three times in the year). At Walford, we have the following committees:
Standards, Teaching and Curriculum: The main purpose is to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s work around pupil attainment and progress, and ensuring that the school’s curriculum is broad and balanced and meets statutory requirements.
Pupils, Personnel and Community: The main purpose of the committee is to discuss and monitor all aspects of the school’s pastoral work which includes areas such as attendance, behaviour, safeguarding, health and spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) provision.
An important role of the committee is to ensure all Child Protection policies are fully understood and correctly implemented by all staff and to monitor how the government PE grant is being spent to improve provision.
School Business Committee: This committee’s main purpose is to ensure that the school spending remains within budget and that all funds are spent wisely to best meet the needs of the pupils.
Who are the Governors?
Walford Nursery & Primary School’s Governing Body consists of:
the headteacher
one elected staff governor
one appointed local authority governor
five co-opted governors
one parent governor
one associate governor
The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The chair and vice-chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year.
For further information on the Governing Board at Walford, please apply to the Clerk to the Governors, through the School Office.
The Governing Body of Walford is currently:
Paul Deneen OBE JP DL | Local Authority Governor | Chair of Governors Chair of Pupils, Personnel and Community Committee |
Emma Parkes | Co-opted Governor | Vice Chair of Governors Chair of Standards, Teaching and Learning Committee, Vice Chair of Pupils, Personnel and Community Committee, Governor for Safeguarding & GDPR. |
Louise George | Headteacher / Staff Governor | |
Emma Hanham | Staff Governor | |
Charles Lawson | Co-opted Governor | Chair of School Business Committee |
George Smith | Co-opted Governor | |
Emily Crewe | Co-opted Governor | Vice Chair of School Business Committee |
Kate Mead | Parent Governor | Governor for SEND |
Eve Bound | Parent Governor | |
Gwyneth Gill | Clerk to the Governors |
How is the Board of Governors Organised?
Details of the Agendas for the Full Governing Body meeting/main Committees can be found on the Governors website. Each Governor is a member of at least one of the main Committees. A list of membership of the Committees can be found on the website.
The school has a wonderful story to tell. The pupils are excellent ambassadors and are a great credit to you as parents / guardians.
There is a vibrant and hugely positive atmosphere at Walford! The Governors are most grateful to you for your continued support - which is greatly appreciated.
Should anyone require any information about the Governing Body and its work, please would they contact the School office.
Tel: 01989 562209
Email: admin@walford.hereford.sch.uk
Very best wishes,
School Business Committee
Mr Lawson (Chair) Ms George (HT) Mr Smith Mrs Crewe (VC)
Premises: Mrs Bound Health and Safety:
Website: Mrs Hanham |
Standards, Teaching & Learning Committee More Able & Talented
Mrs Parkes (Chair) Mrs Hanham Ms George (HT) Mrs Mead (SEND)
SEND: Mrs Mead
| Pupils, Personnel & Community Committee
Ms George (HT) Mrs Parkes (VC) Mrs Hanham Mrs Bound
Safeguarding: Mrs Parkes |
Grievance (Staff), Discipline (Staff/Pupils) and Redundancy:
Panel 1 3 Governors from the following: | Panel 2 3 Governors from the following: |
Mr Lawson Mrs Crewe Mrs Mead |
Mrs Parkes Mr Smith Mrs Bound
Appeal Panel 3 Governors from the following: |
Mrs Parkes Mrs Crewe Mrs Bound
Mr Smith Mrs Mead
Joyce Thomas MBE DL
1931 ~ 2023
We were all saddened to hear the news about the death of Mrs Joyce Thomas MBS DL,
the longest serving governor at Walford Nursery & Primary School and affectionately known as ‘The Queen of Walford’ by many pupils and staff, past and present.
Joyce was a much-loved member of the community of Ross-on-Wye and her sterling work in setting up several local groups is just one of her legacies to the town.
Serving as the first lady mayor in the 1970s, she established a
park and playground at the Deanhill site and set up the successful
Ross-on-Wye Pre-School Playgroup, of which she remained its Life President.
Passionate about helping young people, Joyce devoted much of her time
in support of local schools, serving as Chair of Governors at both John Kyrle High School
and Walford Nursery & Primary School for many years.
As trustee of the Minett and Skyrme Trust and Walford’s Pashley Trust,
Joyce continued to actively support the lives of children and young people in Ross.
As patron of Walford Nursery & Primary School, her positive influence,
dedication and contribution to our school was immeasurable.
Joyce was incredibly popular, well respected and will be very sadly missed by all.
A Celebration Service of Joyce’s life will be held at
St Mary’s Church, Ross-on-Wye on Saturday, 13th May 2023 at 1.00pm.
All will be welcome to join together in remembrance of the remarkable lady,
Mrs Joyce Thomas MBE DL.
Any cards, donations or cheques (made payable to Mr Paul Deneen) can be sent to
Joyce Thomas MBE DL Memorial Fund
c/o 4 Goodrich Close, Lincoln Green, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 5UX.
Mr Paul Deneen, as an independent person, has kindly agreed
to liaise with the family regarding the Memorial Fund.