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School Uniform

School Uniform

Our school uniform can be purchased from the following providers:


Local retailers and supermarkets


Black Mountain, Ross-on-Wye


Clubsport, Hereford


School Trends Ltd


Winter Uniform

Trousers - grey for boys and girls
Skirt – grey or tartan

Pinafore - grey or tartan
Polo or T-shirt - white or bottle green
Jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan - bottle green 


Summer Uniform         

As above, or:
Grey shorts
Green gingham dresses may also be worn.



Black and below ankle height.  They should be as flat and low heeled as possible.  Children should be able to run safely in their school shoes!  

We do not allow children to wear trainers, other than on PE days. 


Hats / Suncream 

Summer hats are encouraged to be worn outside during periods of warmer weather. 

Sun cream should be applied at home by parents / carers before leaving for school.  Older children can apply their own sun cream during the day, but must be warned not to share it with others.  School staff cannot apply sun cream to children in their care.



PE Kit



Black shorts 
White t-shirt
Black/ navy tracksuit or jogging bottoms for colder weather.


With regards to school uniform, unfortunately we cannot be responsible for the clothing of every child in school.  We try to encourage our children to be as independent as possible, taking responsibility for themselves and their possessions.  


In order that we can return lost items of clothing, PLEASE ensure that you have clearly labelled all items of your child’s uniform.


Each class has a 'Jumper Dumper' box where misplaced items are stored.  Parents / carers are welcome to look through class 'Jumper Dumper' boxes, as and when required.  


Policy for School Uniform
