Welcome to Class 3!
Welcome to Year 3! Below is a little bit about the things that we are going to learn in the Autumn Term.
Empowering English
In English this term, we will be using The Write Stuff approach developed by Jane Considine to improve our writing. This term we will explore a range of quality texts - both fiction and non-fiction! After we have completed our work on this , we will look at poetry.
Throughout the term, we will continue with our weekly ‘Big Write’ to practise the skills we have learnt. We will also be focusing on reading comprehension, spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Our English Targets will be:
Marvellous Maths
In Maths, we will focus on Addition and Subtraction, Times Tables and Fractions. We willl begin with a focus on column addition and subtraction. After this, we will learn the 2, 4 and 8 times table. Next, we will look at unit and non-unit fractions. Finally, we will learn about time.
Our Maths Targets will be:
I can add and subtract numbers with up to three-digits, using formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction
I can recall multiplication facts for the 2, 4 and 8 times table.
I can recognise, find and write fractions of a discrete set of objects: unit fractions and non- unit fractions with small denominators
I can add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole
I can compare and order unit fractions, and fractions with the same denominators
I can recognise and use fractions as numbers: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators
I can tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour clocks
Sensational Science
In Science, we will learn about Rocks. We will begin by looking at the different types of rock and how they are formed, whether they are natural or man-made. We will then investigate the process of fossilisation.
Hair-Raising History
In History, we will study Ancient Greece. Firstly, we will investigate the timeline and key events during this period and where Greece is. We will learn about the influence Greek Gods had on Ancient Greece. We will look at the Athenians and the Spartans and investigate their characteristics and the struggle they faced. Then, we will learn about the Greek Olympics and why they were so significant. At the end of our topic, we will reflect on what the Ancient Greeks gave to the world.
Globe-Trotting Geography
In Geography, our first area of focus is 'Place Knowledge'. We will compare the UK to a Mediterranean country (Greece) and learn to compare and contrast the two areas using maps, atlases and other research methods. After this, we will focus on our Geographical skills. This will include: compass points, OS maps and grid references.
Pacey PE
There will be plenty of opportunities for sport during the week. Year 3 will have P.E on Monday (Dance), Tuesday and Wednesday (Yoga) we ask that children wear their P.E kit to school for the day (white P.E t-shirt, black or navy shorts / jogging bottoms, trainers and their school jumper). PE will be outside where possible, so please wear warm clothes.
Showbie is a program which allows children to upload and share their work. Everyone will be given a Showbie username and password and it is available on iPads, tablets and computers. We will be using this regularly within lessons and for homework each week.
Showbie has proven to be a valuable communication tool during the enforced school closure in order for children, parents/carers and teachers to keep in touch. The Showbie App includes a range of features which have been utilised by all:
I will continue to set and mark homework via the Showbie App on a weekly basis. Extra (optional) learning activities will be provided where appropriate in order to consolidate learning in school. Showbie will be used as the new home-school link for reading. Every child will have a reading folder in their assignments where all reading and comments can be recorded on a nightly basis.
There will also be a general communication folder where any important messages can be shared with class teachers. Class teachers will endeavour to respond to these messages as soon as possible. It is important to remember that children will also be able to see this, so anything of a sensitive nature should be dealt with via telephone or email.
Showbie will be used for you to record any learning that you complete at home, including:
I will check Showbie every day to see what you have been doing. Our aim is to be paperless, therefore most written communication will be via Showbie or the school email system.
Helpful Homework
Homework is set on a Thursday and should be submitted by Monday. Homework will be linked to the work that we are covering in class. Remember homework will be set and uploaded to Showbie. Paper copies can also be provided if required.
Showbie will be used for you to record any learning that you complete at home, including:
For photographs of class and school activities, please see below or click on ‘CHILDREN’ and then ‘GALLERY’ or 'WALFORD TV'. Also, remember to keep checking Twitter: @WalfordSchool for regular updates too.
All letters and class reminders will be sent via emails. Please ensure that the school office have your preferred email address. Let us know if you think you are not receiving any updates.
My door is always open and I am happy to chat with parents about our topics and any work that we are covering in class. Please don’t hesitate to come and find me if you wish to discuss anything!
Many thanks,
Mrs Collier